A digital course will forever change how you work & earn a living…

But starting feels SUPER overwhelming.

👉 You don’t have the time.

👉 You can’t make heads-or-tails of what to tackle first. (Or you’ve tried and thrown in the towel.)

👉 Or you just need someone to hold you to it.

the solution the solution

A LIVE Course Creation Bootcamp


Email support@amyporterfield.com

provides high-touch accountability and industry-leading guidance to help you nail down your digital course topic, type, price, and audience growth plan in a matter of days.

And Includes:

  1. LIVE course creation trainings (with limited-time replays)

  2. Step-by-step training workbooks so you don't have to wonder what comes next

  3. A private community with think-tank-style feedback, resource sharing, and inspiration

  4. Mindset trainings to overcome procrastination, the fear of putting your big ideas out there, and more

  5. Accountability coworking sessions so you’re guaranteed to follow through

  6. PLUS: AI tips & tricks to leverage AI as your digital course creation assistant and create your course faster

All to create ONE thing…

A Digital Course you can sell over and over again.

Also seen in:

“After 14 years of digital course creation, over 85 million in revenue, and more than 50,000 students

I’m teaching you the 5 first steps I take to create a course that will sell just as well today as it will years from now.”

Super valuable Amy! You are a God sent with all this phenomenal information. My vision is so much clearer now.

A digital course is the #1 way to

serve more people and earn more income

without tying yourself to endless client meetings or 1-1 deliverables.

Like Kevin Torres.

Who went from working in the school system and leading workouts on the weekends…

To earning $40,000 in one month with a digital course.

Kevin Torres
Kevin Torres
Fitness Instructor

Or Aida Gooden.

A clinical psychologist who took her 1-1 methods to WAY more people (and had WAY more impact)…

And earned $26,048 with her first launch.

Aida Gooden
Aida Gooden
Clinical Psychologist

Or Chef Edna Cochez.

Who grew her cooking classes beyond just those who could fit in her house…

And earned $29,000 with her first launch!

Edna Cochez Headshot
Edna Cochez

Whether You're:

  1. A coach, chiropractor, consultant, stay-at-home parent, cake decorator, swim teacher… you name it… who wants to build a profitable business online

  2. A 9-5 hustler who’s under appreciated (and underpaid) and ready to leverage your talents to build impact and legacy of your own

  3. An online business owner eager to see your reach and revenue go WAY up (without spending more hours at your desk)

  4. A bummed out course creator who’s launched to lackluster results and needs help troubleshooting (and finding the motivation to start again)

  5. At a place where profits have plateaued and you need a dependable way to secure recurring revenue, month in and month out

You’ll Walk Away From
course confident logo

  1. 1

    A digital course topic

    that aligns your interests, your experience, and your audience’s needs

  2. 2

    Your course type

    – that perfectly suits your topic and your bandwidth

  3. 3

    A perfect course price

    based on industry standards and your course topic, promise, and type

  4. 4

    A course-focused lead magnet

    to grow your email list full of “ready to enroll” students, no matter your list size today

  5. 5

    A start-to-finish plan

    including what *actually* takes to get a course created and get it into the hands of students who need it

  6. 6

Here's How It Works


Enroll In Course Confident

By Clicking Here 📍


Join The Private Community


Attend The Step-By-Step Trainings


Get More Done In Days Than You Have In Months

Here’s How To Plan

September 2023

This Month

Calendar of Events

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S Sun

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Course Creators Like You Who Got Their Start Inside

course confident logo

When You Enroll In Course Confident, You Get All Of These BONUSES, Too!

Bonus 01

$197 Value

Exclusive Access To Our Private Facebook Group

Surround yourself with the most serious course creators in the game.

Join me, Team Porterfield, and a community of online entrepreneurs at every stage of business and course creation for accountability, networking, and next-level support.

Whether you’re making it all happen before the sun comes up or after the kids go down, you’ll be able to get your questions answered, access support, and build like-minded relationships 24-hours a day.

Google could never.

Bonus 02
amy porterfield course confident bootcamp replay on laptop

$47 Value

Replay Extension

This one’s for my side hustlers, homemakers, and full-time 9-to-5ers.

You’ll have until September 26th – to watch the replays and lean into the community support inside the Bootcamp as you implement.


Bonus 03
course confident training workbooks

$47 Value

Step-By-Step Training Workbooks

Building digital course foundations doesn’t have to be complicated… but it takes work. It requires putting one foot in front of the other, over and over again.

So I put together a training workbook for each lesson to keep you out of the weeds and make nailing down a course that supports your business and your life as simple as possible.

Never wonder what you should be doing next.

Cross actions items off the list – one at a time – until you have the makings of a beautiful digital course to show for it.

Bonus 04
mindset trainings with amy porterfield

$47 Value

Mindset Trainings With Yours Truly

If you've ever tried something — ANYTHING — new, you know that mindset matters.

That beautiful brain of yours can either drive you forward, keep you present, and serve as a bonafide hype-machine…

Or it can cave to self doubt, convince you that your your big dreams are “too hard”, and waltz your sweet behind back to a corporate desk.

So I'll be going LIVE throughout Course Confident for heart-to-heart style mindset chats where I'll share what's worked best for me and entrepreneurs I admire most when it comes to reigning in your mind and making it your greatest asset as an entrepreneur.

Join Course Confident Risk-Free

We 100% guarantee you will love this bootcamp.

If after the end of Training Day 1 you feel like you haven’t gotten wayyyy more value than you invested, we will happily refund you in full.

All you have to do is email support@amyporterfield.com by 11:59pm PT on September 14th for a full refund.

You definitely won’t want to.

But know that you can. :)

money back guarantee symbol

“But, Amy, I’m Not Sure I Know Enough To Teach A Digital Course…”

Here’s a little secret.

Not a single course creator in history started out thinking they’ve got this thing in the bag. 🤷‍♀️ It’s natural for your brain to start thinking about all the ways this won’t work.

But those “won’t work” thoughts are just as much your imagination as the “will work” thoughts. 💭

So how do you get out of imagination and ground into reality? 👇

Inside Course Confident, I’m going to lay out what works. (Digital course creation and selling is all I’ve done for 14 years… I KNOW what works!)

And I can’t think of a better (or more low-risk) way to hold your ideas against the light to see if they’re solid. 💪

At the very least?

👍 For $47, you’ll use facts and feedback to decide if your knowledge is enough… or if it needs to develop a bit.

But at the very best?

🥳 For $47, you’ll have total confidence (backed by data) that your knowledge is 100% enough AND you’ll have the bones of your digital course completed after just a few days.

But I get it. Either way, you’re edging yourself waaay outside your comfort zone. 😅🚩 Even the willingness to explore an idea requires courage.

So my team and I will meet you inside every day to remind you that your dreams of an online business… of a different way of spending your days… of earning a living by serving others and sharing what you love… are worth exploring.

Deal? 🤝


amy porterfield creator of course confident

Still Have Questions?

Here’s What Others Have Asked:

Course Confident is right for any online business owner that needs clarity and data-driven coaching regarding their digital course topic, price, and audience growth strategy. It’s also for any course creator or business owner who needs help to build confidence to show up online.

Regardless of whether you’ve been in business for 10 years or you’re starting from scratch. Regardless of your audience size. In Course Confident, you’ll develop a big-picture vision for your profitable digital course, then we’ll get into action with a community available 24/7 to ask questions and bounce ideas off of. If that sounds like your cup of tea, Course Confident is right for you!

And one more thing. Course Confident is right for you if you need a little extra dose of accountability to finally create your digital course. Because you’re busy. I designed this Bootcamp to be hands-on and high-support for exactly this reason. A digital course WILL change your business if you give it a little time and attention. Course Confident is designed to take you out of the day-to-day whirlwind and create your unique digital course game plan with the support of myself, my team, and a community of the brightest online entrepreneurs around.

Life is busy – we get it! Every single Course Confident training will be recorded and available to re-watch. Plus, when you enroll in Course Confident, you receive a replay extension, which means you’ll have access to all the Course Confident trainings until September 26th.

BUT! We’ve been in this online-training world for long enough to know that showing up is an indicator of success, follow through, and the motivation necessary to make it across the finish line. So try and make showing up LIVE a priority… deal?.

You're right… maybe I should increase the price? Just kidding! But in all seriousness, I believe in the business-transforming power of digital courses. That’s why the enrollment price is so affordable.

Oh yeah! I want you to feel like $47 was a steal. Like you’re about to receive so much support and relevant, business-boosting instruction that paying ONLY $47 for it feels like a crime. I have so much confidence that you’re going to feel absolutely floored at the value of content you’re receiving inside Course Confident… but if you decide to back out, it’s an option. Simply email support@amyporterfield.com by 11:59 pm PT on September 14th and we’ll happily issue a full refund.

Email my team at support@amyporterfield.com