free live workshop for course creators

The Post-it Note Party


Join me for an exclusive one-time event where I'll walk you through my foolproof strategy to outline your digital course. See how my step-by-step, Post-it Note strategy simplifies course creation and finally gives you the momentum to stop thinking about a digital course and start taking action!

Yes, I'll Be There!

FREE live workshop

The Post-It Note Party Strategy to Outline Your Course

Here's What We'll Cover:

  1. 1

    The key to stop thinking about creating a course and start DOING it

  2. 2

    How my “Post-it party” strategy can fast-track your course creation success and get you into action

  3. 3

    How to pinpoint a topic that lights you up and start building your course content

My Post-it Party was a HUGE SUCCESS! For those of you who haven’t done so, this was an hour’s worth of Brainstorming. It feels so good to get my thoughts out - I’m feeling much more at ease about my course. Thanks Team Porterfield!
Aisha Shabazz
Initially, I thought I didn’t need to have a Post-it Party. But, then I remembered my promise to myself: No matter what, I’m going to do everything Amy teaches us to do... Decisions came to my mind that didn’t come to mind when I outlined my course in Trello. I am so grateful for this exercise and the value it has given me to begin creating my content. Thanks Amy!
Melanie Grace DCA Post It Party

A note from Amy (your personal guide to creating a digital course)…

I’ve been building online courses since the day I became an entrepreneur.

Eight successful digital courses, 48,000 students, and $43 million dollars in revenue later, I’ve discovered the exact ingredients that differentiate a wildly successful course that converts from one that never gets beyond a google doc outline.

During this workshop, I'm going to show you how it all begins…with a stack of Post-it Notes and a purpose. Join me, and a Zoom room full of future course creators so you can see how you can go from feeling stuck to FINALLY getting started.