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Are you right for Momentum?
Heck, is Momentum right for you?
Our team is here to answer
your questions!

Are you right for Momentum? Heck, is Momentum right for you?
Our team is here to answer your questions!


Why Make Your Momentum Decision Alone?

Here's How It Works

  1. Schedule your 20-minute appointment using the calendar on this page. 📆
  2. To make the most of our time together, please prepare your questions in advance. ✍️ We know how precious your time is and we want to help!
  3. We’ll see you soon! 👋 PS we love to see who we're speaking to, but being on camera is absolutely optional. Keep your camera on or off during your call, whatever makes you most comfortable.

ONE MORE THING! Enrollment for Momentum closes on May 16th at 4pm Pacific. Don't miss your opportunity to talk with the team in order to make a confident decision about what’s best for your course! 

If you’ve made it to this page, that means you take this decision seriously – and I want you to know we respect that. So when you hop on this call, ALL the pressure is off.

We know that sometimes it’s genuinely not the right time to jump into a membership like Momentum. And, hey, telling you to jump in when you’re not ready creates 10x more work on us! So we won’t tell you Momentum is a fit if it isn’t.

But we also know that sometimes one piece of information about a module or accountability group or course creators who have gone through and done well is ALL you need to have the confidence to jump in.

We genuinely care about you, your business, and those big, beautiful dreams of yours. So whatever you need today, you’re in charge. 

We’re just the people with the details. ;)

This is not a “Sales Call”. 

There’s not a penny of commission on the line. 

So you can trust that the guidance, information, and feedback we share are based on you and the results you’re after.

We’re simply here to help with questions like:

  • Should I wait until I’ve made money from my course?
  • I’m SUPER busy and worried I won’t have time to use what’s inside.
  • I’ve already launched – will Momentum help me grow my launches?
  • I haven’t even finished the DCA lessons, is Momentum just more content?
  • Will I get my money’s worth if I’m not on Facebook?

And any other question keeping you on “Pause.”

Long story short? We’re here to provide helpful, unique-to-you data that will assist your decision to join – or not join – Momentum.

What To Expect On Your Call


A Note From Me



schedule a call

Stephanie Mitchell


“After watching Amy's training I redid and promoted my course-focused freebie which led to 3410 new downloads and a $59,000 launch in January - my biggest #win since joining Momentum!”

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Adia Gooden


“Momentum gave me the EXACT STEPS I needed to stay focused on my course and turn it into a successful online business!”

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Maira Quintanilha


“I went from working in academia to a $7k+ launch for my first online course about qualitative research! Now I have a business that gives me the freedom to make my family my priority.”

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Halima Salim


“I was playing small because it felt safe, but the expectations I have for myself are bigger now. I’m in a community of all-stars and now I’m playing a bigger game!”

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Marc Muhlbereg


"Last year COVID totally destroyed my business, and I have to say that if it weren't for DCA and Momentum, I would have quit being an entrepreneur and would be looking for a job right now."

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CJ Dickson


"The Momentum Community is so incredible. It's like I have finally found my people!”

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Sharon Kopko


“I’ll be honest. I belong to a lot of groups. Momentum is my FAVORITE group EVERRRR!”

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Donna Mavromates


“One week in AND I was already implementing what I learned in Momentum AND seeing results!”

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Gina Scalpone


“The name says it all -- this membership keeps me motivated and on track to reach my digital course business goals.”

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“After watching Amy's training I redid and promoted my course-focused freebie which led to 3410 new downloads and a $59,000 launch in January - my biggest #win since joining Momentum!”

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“Momentum gave me the EXACT STEPS I needed to stay focused on my course and turn it into a successful online business!”

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“I went from working in academia to a $7k+ launch for my first online course about qualitative research! Now I have a business that gives me the freedom to make my family my priority.”

A Small Sample Of Our Amazing Members

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“I was playing small because it felt safe, but the expectations I have for myself are bigger now. I’m in a community of all-stars and now I’m playing a bigger game!”

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Last year COVID totally destroyed my business, and I have to say that if it weren't for DCA and Momentum, I would have quit being an entrepreneur and would be looking for a job right now.

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“The Momentum Community is so incredible. It's like I have finally found my people!”

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“I’ll be honest. I belong to a lot of groups. Momentum is my FAVORITE group EVERRRR!”

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“One week in AND I was already implementing what I learned in Momentum AND seeing results!”

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“The name says it all -- this membership keeps me motivated and on track to reach my digital course business goals.”

Join Momentum Today Before It’s too late

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Let's do this!


Stephanie Mitchell

I was a little bit skeptical before joining Momentum. Even though I love Amy, I thought it might be only for people who are in the early stages of their digital course business and not for people who have launched several times like me.

But I was wrong! One big win is the accountability community. As I was planning my launch for the third time I learned from a group of ladies who have had much bigger launches than me, they gave me so many ideas and suggestions that strengthened my launch.

After watching the first training inside Momentum, I learned countless juicy, advanced-level strategies. I was so pumped up after watching that I completely revamped my freebie. And honestly? I am crazy proud of how it turned out. 

My new freebie meets my audience where they’re at and inspires them to go further. It has 3410 new downloads so far and I had a $59,000 launch (144 students) in January – my biggest #win since joining Momentum!


Adia Gooden

I’m so glad I decided to join Momentum after I graduated from DCA. 

It’s proven to be a wonderful community where I can ask questions, troubleshoot problems, and implement new strategies to help scale from a successful digital course launch to a successful digital course business.

But my absolute favorite part about Momentum… diving into the launch debriefs created by the other members in the group. Learning what they did, how they overcame challenges, and what their success looks like gives me so many ideas for selling more of my course… and a ton of inspiration, too!

Thanks, Amy and the Momentum team!


Maira Quintanilha

October 3rd. I’ll never forget that date for as long as I live because that was when I launched my first course. The result: I hosted 3 webinars with a 25% conversion rate. 18 people registered for my course. And I made $7,455!

I knew I had to keep going, so I then joined Momentum. Momentum helped me to hone in my launch so I could improve my results the next time around. With the support and training in Momentum, I created a workbook for my webinar. And I used the slides Amy provides to update my own. (Plus I love being a part of a community with so many big players. They stretch me when it comes to my mindset and planning my next steps.)

My course has opened a world of possibilities for me. It gave me a chance to do what I love in a way that feeds my life and my priorities.


Halima Salim

I arrived in London at 9 years old as a Somalian refugee. I was illiterate and had no schooling. Now, I work full-time in my own business where I get to help other UK immigrants learn to speak and read English. 

Thanks to DCA, I had already launched a course and a membership program before joining Momentum, but now… I have everything I need to scale to new heights. The mindset tools I’ve learned actually made me scream “YES!! This is SO good!”

I was playing small because it felt safe, but the expectations I have for myself are bigger now. I’m in a community of all-stars and now I’m playing a bigger game!


Marc Muhlbereg

Over the last year, just following what Amy teaches in DCA and Momentum, I have been able to transition to a fully online business, and I'm so happy that it worked.

If you're on the fence, I encourage you to take the leap and join! Thank you, Amy, so much for everything. Thank you for being part of this growing industry, and for making this wonderful Momentum community and experience. You are helping so many people worldwide by changing one life after another.

I'll be a Momentum member for life!


CJ Dickson

I have owned my own business for 15 years and met a lot of great people along the way. But I have never really felt like I was among like minds. When I decided to launch a course last year, I was feeling excited but also overwhelmed and very alone.

Going through DCA was like drinking from a fire hose and no one in my circle really understood. I didn't get my course done during DCA (as I had planned) and when December came around, I was feeling super deflated.

On a whim, I joined Momentum just to see what it was all about. More of an experiment than anything else. Best impulse buy to date! The Momentum Community is so incredible. It's like I have finally found my people!!

Thank you, Amy Porterfield and all of #teamporterfield for creating this space for like minds to connect, encourage and amplify each other in a totally non-competitive and supportive way. I continue to be blown away by Amy's trainings… but even more than that, it is the people in this group. Hugs and high fives to all of y'all!


Sharon Kopko

If I had to describe to someone what it’s like to be in Momentum, I’d say this… 

Imagine ALL of the awesome information you love learning from Amy, taken to the next level.
It’s like you learned how to build an online business, but now you’re gonna learn how to do it BETTER. 

Then, add the most incredible community cheering you on. (Seriously. Not one mean or negative thing has ever been said.) Plus, an accountability group that is, oh my gosh, SO outstanding!! We’re even meeting up in person soon! I love it so much, I may never leave!


Donna Mavromates

I just received the most lovely email from a subscriber of mine about how helpful my Facebook Live was and how she’s looking forward to taking one of my classes in the future. 

This. Would. Not. Have. Happened. if I hadn’t joined Momentum. Being inside the community — seeing how Amy gives SO much of herself time and time again — gave me the inspiration I needed to get back into nurturing my email list in a powerful way. And clearly, it’s working! 

It’s crazy to think that I almost gave up on my business last year. I would have left $70,000 on the table (The revenue I made through DCA). And now, with Momentum A LOT more!


Gina Scalpone

I wanted to make sure that I continued to show up and grow my course business, and not to get intimidated or derailed from my goals… which is why I decided to join Momentum. 

The course creator world is constantly changing, and just knowing that I’ve got Amy and her team on my side to update me on the newest “What’s Working Now” strategies has been such a relief!!

I’m glad I decided to keep the momentum going — with Amy’s support! It’s been the best choice.

Earnings Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our programs and the educational value they provide. However, there is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the techniques and ideas in these materials. When we present revenue and sales figures on our website and our other channels, we are showcasing exceptional results, which do not reflect the average experience. You should not rely on any revenue, sales, or earnings information we present as any kind of promise, guarantee, or expectation of any level of success or earnings. Your results will be determined by a number of factors over which we have no control, such as your financial condition, experiences, skills, level of effort, education, and changes within the market. Running an online business carries risks, and your use of any information contained on this website is at your own risk. Subject to our Refund Policy, we provide content without any express or implied warranties. By continuing to use our site and access our content, you agree that we are not responsible for any decision you may make regarding any information presented or as a result of purchasing any of our products or services. Any claims made of actual earnings or examples of actual results can be verified upon request.