AMY PORTERFIELD: Welcome back to another episode of The Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast. Thank you so very much for tuning in. I’m extra excited about today’s episode because, as I promised, we have an extra special returning guest, one of my dear, dear friends, Rick Mulready. Rick, how are you?
Rick: I’m doing great. Thank you so much for having me back on here.
Amy: I am excited about this because we promised about every six weeks we would do a Facebook Q&A session. I was a little nervous that when I called you again and asked if you were ready to do it again you would say, “Are you kidding? I was just on the show.” If feels like we just did this.
Rick: I think we just did, actually.
Amy: I know. But I’m batching these days. So I’m kind of ahead of scheduled.
Rick: Well you are way further ahead than I am on my show.
Amy: First time ever, I think, that I’ve been ahead this much. I am really looking forward to diving into the six questions that we chose. Just to let you guys know how we choose questions, we go into my private Facebook groups. I have a few courses, Webinars That Convert and List Builders Lab. I go into the private Facebook groups in those courses and ask what kinds of questions they have with Facebook ads.
I tell them I am going to get on my show with Rick Mulready, the expert of all experts when it comes to Facebook ads so this is their opportunity. These are real questions from my groups and I think you guys will find them really valuable as well.
Rick: Awesome. Before we get into these I have to ask, didn’t you just get back from Disney World in Florida?
Amy: I did. Maybe we need to talk about this really fast.
Rick: What were you thinking? It’s Spring Break.
Amy: I know. I told everyone a few episodes back that I was literally recording an episode and getting on a plane to go on a family trip. I was really, really excited because I was going with my stepson, Cade, and my husband, Hobie. It was our family trip. It was going to be great.
I will say the trip was amazing because I got six days with my boys. I didn’t work and that is kind of a big deal. The only thing I did was jump into my private Facebook groups that I promised I would be there daily so I did to that every morning. But other than that I didn’t work.
We all had a great time together except for the fact that no one told me Walt Disney World is an absolute zoo. The crowds were incredible. Have you ever gone there?
Rick: I’ve been to Disneyland here in California but have never been to Disney World.
Amy: No one warned me that it would be that chaotic. Everywhere we looked people were bumping us with strollers and yelling at their kids. Hobie and I were joking that we’re pretty sure divorces happen at Walt Disney World. The parents were yelling at each other. This poor guy was carrying his kid on his shoulders and his wife turned around and said, “You need to keep up with us. We’ve got two more days here.”
Rick: Yikes!
Amy: We just started laughing because it was a stressful tripl. It wasn’t that stressful for us because Cade is 13 years old and he was easy to put in the lines. But every line was over an hour and a half, except when we had a Fast Pass, with the sun beating down on us.
Rick: Ugh, no thanks.
Amy: But I will say my favorite part of the trip was the Harry Potter experience at Universal.
Rick: Okay.
Amy: That was kind of amazing. We got the wands. We did all the magic tricks. I guess Cade won’t say they were magic tricks, they were spells. We went on all of the rides. I did love that we drank the butter beer. But now there is a Universal Harry Potter in LA so I do want to recommend you go to that Rick.
Rick: Okay, alright cool.
Amy: But stay away from Walt Disney World.
Rick: Okay, will do. Check.
Amy: The most stressful trip I’ve ever been on. But anyway, it was good to be with the boys and next time we’re going to Hawaii.
Rick: There you go, that sounds better. Nice. That’s more my speed.
Amy: Yes. Okay, so thanks for asking. Let’s go ahead and get into these questions. I’m just going to go for it. Are you ready?
Rick: Yeah, let’s do it.
Amy: Question #1 is from Denise. Denise says, “If an ad works for you do you use the same ad for different launches or do you create a duplicate of the ad for every launch you do?”
Rick: That’s such a great question. To answer it very simply, yes, I would use it again. If it was working before then I would use it again. Some things go into this too. How much time has passed since the last launch? I actually have the question right here so I want to make sure I’m understanding it correctly. “Do you create a duplicate of the ad for every launch?”
Yes, I would do that. I would start a new campaign but if that same ad (the image, ad copy) worked well last time with target audiences I would duplicate everything into a brand new campaign and start that bad boy in a new campaign.
Amy: I guess the other way she could have done it is if she paused it and then started it up again?
Rick: Yes. This is why I was trying to figure out how she was working that question.
Amy: Would you advise against the whole pause and start it up again thing?
Rick: Well, I don’t necessarily advise against it. The only caution I would give to people is that a lot of people expect the exact same results that they were getting. Let’s just say I’m running an ad for two weeks getting really good results. Then I pause it because my promotion is over.
Three weeks down the road I am going to do another promotion and I want to unpause that ad. Often times people expect the same results because they haven’t changed anything, all they did was pause the ad and restart it.
When you do that, you take the ad out of Facebook’s delivery algorithm and that can throw off the results. I’m not saying the results at that point are necessarily going to be worse. Maybe they could be better at that point. But often times I hear from people that they paused the ad and they weren’t getting the same results as before. Why is that?
That’s the reason. You take the ad out of Facebook’s delivery algorithm and that kind of throws things off.
Amy: Here’s kind of a weird question. You tell me if this even makes sense. If I was running an ad right now and it was doing really well in all respects and then I paused it and started it two months later and it wasn’t doing so well, could one of the factors, in relation to the whole algorithm thing, be that other people are targeting the same people and maybe they are spending more money on their ads or are more aggressive?
Rick: Yeah. Absolutely.
Amy: That plays a factor.
Rick: The competition could be very different at that point. In the algorithm, Facebook ads is a bidding system. If there is more competition the cost could be higher in order to reach that same audience and get the same type of results. Absolutely.
Amy: I wanted to give a little love to the people right now that are feeling like they sometimes do things with their Facebook ads and they can’t explain why they can’t get the same results. They wonder why it doesn’t look the same as last time. Sometimes you need to be really nice to yourself and realize you don’t control everything and you could have set it up perfectly.
As entrepreneurs, especially new entrepreneurs, we are quick to beat ourselves up thinking we have messed up somewhere, “I’m a screw up. This is all wrong.” Sometimes it could literally be that the algorithm is playing games with you because it’s different than it was before. I think we kind of need to be kind to ourselves sometimes.
Rick: For sure. It’s a mindset thing too. Just knowing that we all go through it; I do Facebook ads all of the time and the same thing happens to me where I think something was working a little bit ago, why isn’t it working now. It’s just a mindset of saying I am going to figure it out and get to the bottom of it.
Amy: Yes, exactly. Question #2 is from Nicky. Nicky says, “Are conversions lower on weekends?”
Rick: That’s a good question. That really depends. This is kind of one of those questions that really depends on what your niche is and the type of audience you’re trying to reach. Fridays and Saturdays tend to be the higher traffic days on Facebook but I’ve seen kind of both. I have run campaigns where I’ve had higher conversions on the weekends and less during the week and vice versa.
I have students who have all different things they are running and they see the same thing where it’s up and down. It’s very dependent on what niche you are in and what your offer is and so forth. I can’t give a really specific answer to that other than just to kind of watch the stats you are getting for your campaigns and try to make some sense of it.
If you are running campaigns for a while keep track of it. You might see higher conversions on the weekends or lower conversions on the weekend. If it is going to affect your budget you can change your budget accordingly to reflect where you are getting conversions. Kind of keep track of it. It is kind of a longer answer to say that it really depends on what your niche is.
Amy: Nicky, the answer is that it isn’t necessarily true that conversions are lower on the weekends but it is something you really do need to take the time to track. Rick, do you ever turn your ads off on the weekends and then turn them back on Monday morning? Is that something you’ve ever done?
Rick: I don’t.
Amy: I don’t either.
Rick: Simply because of what we were talking about in the first question with Denise. When you do that it takes you out of the algorithm and that often times has a negative effect on your ads. Sometimes it could improve the results but often times it has a negative effect so I tend not to do that.
Amy: Got ya’. Okay, good lesson. Question #3 is a good one. Dana says, “I’ve heard that running ads in the three days before a webinar gets the best show-up rate. But if you wanted to do this with Facebook ads would you start the ad campaign a few days earlier to test and optimize the ads and then just ramp up the budget the last two or three days?”
Before we get into that question, Rick, explain a little bit about this whole ramp up. I know we do that with our ads. Can you explain why it’s important?
Rick: I love this question because of this whole ramp up period. This is kind of the theme with this episode so far. This Q&A is kind of about the algorithm that Facebook has running in the background. Once you start your ads you kind of have to give Facebook’s algorithm a little time to sort of do its thing, if you will.
That often takes two to three days just to get your ads going. The biggest mistake I see people make is that they start their ads at 7 or 8 in the morning and by 3 o’clock in the afternoon if they are not seeing great results by that point they are thinking, “Holy cow! Something’s wrong.”
Then they start messing with the ads. In reality you really have to give it some time. I don’t like to make any kind of changes to the ads until at least 48 hours after I have started the ad. By that point I have given it some time to get into the algorithm and see if we’re going to see results from it.
What Dana is asking here is that I obviously want to get the highest show-up rate possible for my webinar. If she is hearing that running ads three days prior to the webinar is going to get that best show-up rate, does she just start her ads three days before and with high budgets? Or, does she give herself more ramp up time?
Maybe she will start her ads seven or eight days out from the webinar, start with a small budget, test to see what’s working and what’s not working, and then for those that are working, start to scale the ads (I know you talked about scaling on a previous episode) and then bring my ad spend up incrementally, which will keep that cost per lead in check.
What happens if you go from $10 a day to $100 a day your cost per lead is going to go way out of whack because you just flooded the target audience with such a larger spend. That’s what we’re talking about here. I do recommend starting your ads out about seven to eight days from your webinar and then gradually increasing with the highest spend between the last three to four days before the webinar.
Amy: Let’s say you have $1,000 to spend on your ads for your webinar. Let’s say you’re going to start seven days in advance. You’re saying that it’s cool if you start out with $20 a day, go to $40 a day, then add a little bit at a time until you are really ramping up at the end? Did I hear you right?
Rick: Yeah, exactly. On those increases, when I am increasing the individual ad set budget, if my budget is $10 for one ad set and I want to get more of that and want to increase the budget on that, I generally do about 50%. I go from $10 go $15 instead of going from $10 to $30. That’s a pretty big jump.
Amy: Tell us again why you would do that versus a 200% increase.
Rick: You are sort of flooding that Facebook algorithm and you are saying you are running along at $10 and your deliver is XYZ. If you all of the sudden think you are getting such a good cost per lead that you want to spend more it will flood the target audience that you are targeting. It is almost like the algorithm can’t catch up in time so when that happens your cost per lead often times is going to go up.
One way to combat that is to just gradually increase the daily budget and go at a 50% mark. Go from $10 to $15, let that run for a couple of days and see how it does. If you are still happy with that jump it up $7.50 or $8 after that. You will go from $15 to $23 or maybe $25. Just do it incrementally.
Amy: That’s great. I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone explain it like that and it makes perfect sense. Dana, and others listening, I hope you find that really valuable in terms of how to run ads for your webinars. Inside my program I talk about not running ads, usually seven days is the most I would start to run an ad, but I love the idea of ramping up and then really putting in some good money the last few days before a webinar.
Dana is bringing that up because we’ve seen that the show-up rate tends to be a lot stronger when people have just signed up for the webinar versus if they signed up ten days ago. They might kind of lose the excitement for actually being there live. We all know that you make more sales on a webinar if you can get people there live.
Having them sign up just a few days before is always really valuable. So, if you want to save your marketing dollars for that you want to try this ramp up strategy that Rick is talking about.
Question #4 is from Lisa. Lisa asks, “Can you give me some insights into look-alike audiences? When should I be creating them to get the biggest bang for my buck and when have you seen look-alike audiences not be really effective? Or have you seen them not be effective?”
Before you answer this, because you explain Facebook ad stuff much better than I do, will you tell people a little bit about what a look-alike audience is just in case we have some newbies listening in?
Rick: A look-alike audience is basically when you take a custom audience, like you uploaded your email list into Facebook or you are building an audience of retargeting for your Facebook fans, these are all people that Facebook knows about because Facebook is tracking these for you.
Let’s just take our email list, for example. If we upload our email list of 1,000 people into Facebook, Facebook is going to match the email addresses that are on your list to Facebook users with the same email address. You might match between 40 and 60%.
Let’s keep it nice and even. We will upload a list of 1,000 people and Facebook is matching 500 of those people. Because Facebook knows a lot about those users because they are on your email list and they are Facebook users, Facebook knows a lot about those people because of all the data it has about its users. You can create a look-alike audience out of those 500 people from your email list.
That means Facebook is going to build you a brand new audience of people with similar attributes as those people who are on your email list.
Amy: It’s really powerful. Look-alike audiences, for us, work really well. How about for you?
Rick: Yeah. They have gotten much, much better. One of Lisa’s questions is have I ever not seen it work well. Early on when Facebook first came out with a look-alike audience I didn’t’ think the matching technology they were using (the algorithm) was very good. It has gotten better. I would say more recently I have seen much better results.
Amy: Great. She is asking when she should be creating look-alike audiences to get the biggest bang for her buck.
Rick: Look-alike audiences are a great way to scale. I always start with the warmest audiences when I am targeting my ads, depending on what the offer is or what I’m trying to do. I will target my email list, website visitors, Facebook fans, and then I’ll move to the next temperature of traffic, if you will. It’s not warm traffic but it’s not super cold traffic either, which is these look-alike audiences.
These look-alike audiences are made of people with similar attributes as the people who are on my email list or the people who are visiting my website or my Facebook fans. I will create them as soon as I have that original audience, as soon as I have uploaded my email list I will create that look-alike audience right away for it.
From there, use it as you scale your ads. If you’re looking for additional targeting opportunities you can use look-alike audiences for that. One thing that a lot of people don’t use look-alike audiences for, which I know is really powerful, a couple of different things, if you have a segment of buyers, a list in your email program whether it’s AWeber, MailChimp, or Infusionsoft or whatever it is and these are just your buyers, you can upload that list. Granted it does have to be several thousand people because
you have to give Facebook enough data, if you will, to create a look-alike audience for you.
If you upload your list of buyers into Facebook and create a look-alike audience out of that, Facebook is now going to find you other people on Facebook with similar attributes as your buyers. That’s really powerful to do. One of the other things you can create a look-alike audience out of is the people who are converting.
Let’s say you are sending traffic to a webinar registration page and you are tracking, through conversions, the people who are registering. You can create a look-alike audience out of the people who are opting in to register for your webinar. That’s really, really powerful.
Amy: That’s good.
Rick: Those people are registering and you want more of those people so create a look-alike audience out of that. I would definitely be using look-alike audiences in your targeting. The last thing I will say about this, Amy, is don’t forget that just because you’re using a look-alike audience in your targeting, you can also layer in interest targeting, like another Facebook page.
Amy: Good point.
Rick: On top of that.
Amy: Talk about a little bit about that and why it would be valuable.
Rick: A lot of people think they are just targeting their look-alike audience and that’s all they can do. One thing, the look-alike audience size is generally pretty large. It start’s off at around 1.8 or 1.9 to 2 million people, somewhere around that ballpark. That is a pretty large audience to be targeting to. One way to narrow it down even further is to start layering in additional interest or Facebook pages that you can target.
If you want to create a look-alike audience and then layer in your name so that people who have an interest in Amy Porterfield can be layered in on top of the lookalike. Now I am telling Facebook that I want to target people in the look-alike audience but they also need to have an interest in Amy Porterfield.
Now you have just brought that two million people down to 400,000 people.
Amy: That’s good stuff.
Rick: You can get very specific.
Amy: I remember when I was talking to James Wedmore, who of course is a mutual friend of ours. He was bragging like a crazy guy about these amazing results he was getting with his targeting. I remember it was the first time I heard someone say they took a look-alike audience and then layered it with a few different Facebook pages they knew were popular among their audience.
He said his targeting was on point more so than he has ever seen. He was getting amazing results. So I know this works.
Rick: It definitely does. #1, when you are testing this, test the look-alike audience straight up as it is first. See how that does. Then, depending on how that does you can start layering in like we’re talking about here, and see how that does.
One thing I don’t understand why it works but it does. Let’s say we are targeting people who have an interest in you on top of my look-alike audience. If I also have a separate ad set that’s just targeting people who have an interest in you, you would think there was a lot of overlap there. But I’ve never had that problem before. It works really, really well.
Amy: What?
Rick: I really don’t have a rationale for it.
Amy: Okay, just to be clear so that everyone understands, you are running an ad and you have a look-alike audience and you put an extra layer (and using me as an example) where they are also fans of my Facebook page. Then you are running another ad where you are just targeting fans of my Facebook page. Both ads do well?
Rick: Yeah, exactly. I’ve tested this before. I have no idea why it does. I wish I could explain it but I can’t. But it has worked very well in the past.
Amy: This is why I love doing Q&A with you. I always want to share little nuggets that make absolutely no sense but they are working. You wouldn’t think to try it but
everybody can kind of try it on for size and see if it works for their audiences as well. Good stuff. We aim to please, right Rick?
Rick: All the time.
Amy: All the time. Okay, so moving on to question #5. This is from Nick. It is so specific and I think so many people are going to find this one helpful. I can’t wait to jump into it. This is what Nick says, “I’m getting a 53 cent cost per lead but not converting these leads into sales. I sell a $997 training course for my niche. What am I doing wrong?”
Rick: Well, it sounds like you aren’t doing anything wrong in getting the leads because 53 cent leads is really, really good.
Amy: Really good.
Rick: I would take that all day long, for sure. It doesn’t sound like the issue is on the front end. It sounds like he is doing really well for the Facebook ad and the conversion on the opt-in page because the leads are so low. Granted, we really don’t know what the conversion rate is on the landing page. But his cost per lead is very, very good. It sounds like it is a funnel thing.
What does the follow up look like in the email series? If he is selling a $1,000 course I am guessing (I am obviously making some assumptions here) he has a payment plan or that while he is getting a good cost per lead, but yet not converting on the back end, that would tell me there is something wrong with the sales funnel after people have opted in.
Once they become a lead, what does that look like? What does that email follow-up series look like? I think that’s where the breakdown is. It doesn’t sound like it’s a Facebook ad issue at all because he’s getting such a great cost per lead. I would look at the email follow-up series. Where is he sending people?
If he’s able to track people along the way with open rates and click rates in the emails I would look at doing that. The best way to diagnose issues with your sales funnel is to be able to track the metrics along the way. One way to do that very simply is to look at your open rates on your emails.
If your open rates are not very good then maybe your subject line needs improving. Maybe your open rates are good but people aren’t clicking in the emails to the sales page. That would tell me that maybe there is something wrong with the content of the email. Or, if people are opening and clicking on the emails but they get to the sales page and are not converting then maybe there is an issue with the sales page.
Making sure you know your metrics along your sales funnel is what is going to allow you to kind of diagnose where the problems are and then make changes accordingly.
Amy: This question is actually perfect for how you and I both teach in terms of funnels. I think you would totally agree with me that the Facebook ad is just one piece of the puzzle. When you’re getting 53 cent leads you are doing great. But when you’re not converting those leads to sales it doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with your ad campaign.
Rick: Correct.
Amy: I think that’s really important for everyone to hear and really pay attention to because an ad is part of your bigger campaign. Like Rick was saying, the follow-up series is so very important. Webinars are an entirely different beast. You get to sell a whole lot sooner because you have delivered 45 minutes (usually) of free content so you get to sell right away on the webinar. Then you get to sell in the follow-up sequence. But what I have noticed with my students who don’t use webinars, but are attracting leads and then selling through email marketing, a lot of the time they are selling too quickly, especially if it’s a $997 program.
There might need to be a little bit of nurture between the new lead you just got and actually selling them into your program. Would you agree with that?
Rick: Absolutely. I know it’s tough because you really want to get right to that sale, but this is where patience and testing comes into play. Maybe you’re not going to go right from even a lead to an email series into a $997 product. Maybe you go from lead into email series into a $100 product or something like that.
Then, from the $100 product you can go into the $997 product. It’s just a matter of testing different things to see what works. That follow-up series is so critical. I know you talk about this a lot, Amy, the whole know, like, and trust factor. Somebody has to get to know you and be able to like you to take out their credit card and give you $1,000. That’s not going to happen right off of a Facebook ad.
Amy: It reminds me of the episode I did, #100, where I talked about keeping your business horizontal and then going vertical. The whole idea of going horizontal with one program you have is that you do get to work through some of these things. Do you need to change your email autoresponder because you’re selling too soon or do you need to look at the metrics and find out what you need to tweak.
When you stay with one product longer instead of switching up and going to something new right away you get to work out all of these things. Then it finally does start to click and start to work for you. I think there is something to be said with not jumping off of one project into another project, especially if you’re running Facebook ads. It takes some time to work it all out.
Rick: Absolutely. I also think it kind of proves there is no right or wrong when it comes to this. There is no cookie cutter, we’re going to do this, this, and this, and this works for everybody so you need to follow this. It’s just a matter of testing different things to see what works for your audience and for the offer that you are presenting.
Amy: I totally agree with that. We have made our way to our final question. With this one we have a little extra for you guys. We talk about all of these questions before we get on and start to record so that we know we are ready for them. I know Rick has a really cool extra support for this question.
Question #6, Jennifer says, “Do you have any tips for writing irresistible ads? I don’t feel like my ad copy is very compelling.” I see this a lot and I’ll bet you do to, Rick. My students will show me their ads and they work so hard and they are so focused on the technology like the dashboard of the Facebook ads because we all know the Power Editor can just about kill us sometimes. They put so much energy and focus there that you look at the ad and you see the ad would never attract anybody because it’s so boring.
It just happens to all of us, for sure. So give us some tips about ad copy so that we can attract our ideal audience.
Rick: I’ll be honest, myself included, this is one of those things that people tend to overanalyze. I don’t come from a copywriting background. I’ve been in online advertising for 16 years. However, I don’t have a traditional copywriting background.
I’m just like you where I’m just trying to figure out the best copy to attract my ideal audience. One of the best things you can do for this, actually there are two things…#1 is we have to remember the type of platform that Facebook is. It is a causal platform. People are there to share updates, pictures, and videos with friends and family.
In your ad copy you should speak like that in your ad copy. Speak like you are sitting down for coffee with your ideal audience. How would you speak to that person? How would you tell them about whatever you are offering in your ad? Write like that.
One of the other things you can do, one of the best pieces of advise that I was given, I don’t know why it took me so long to do this but I did it for the first time last summer (2015) and it took me a couple of years to do it, I had conversations with my customers. I emailed them and jumped on Skype with them for 15 minutes and had a simple conversation with them.
I asked them some questions and made sure I could record. I asked them if I could record it. That allowed me to take what they were saying, the words right out of my customers’ mouths, and could use that type of language in my ad copy.
Amy: That’s so good.
Rick: I remember getting off of these calls and wondering why it took me so long to do this. This is gold! Just a side note here, I remember speaking to one of my customers and she said, “You know Rick, I was in a room with other people just like me. They were doing exactly what I did. They said to me, ‘it never occurred to us that we didn’t need to be a marketer in order to use Facebook ads.’”
They were in a holistic, sort of healing profession. I heard that and my mind was blown. It is such a great thing. Anyway, use the language your customers are using in your ad copy. Just keep it causal. That’s one of the best tips I can give to people.
If you’re able to have these conversations, if you don’t customers already, speak to your target audience, people who would be your ideal customer, have conversations with them. See what kind of words they are using, what phrases, what their pain points are and so forth. Use that in your ad copy and that will make it a whole lot better.
Amy: I think that is a perfect question to end with. There is so much good value. Rick, you have a blog post all about this. It is a juicy blog post all about Facebook ads and copywriting. Where can people find out about that?
Rick: Thank you, The blog post is totally free. It’s just on the blog. It’s How to Write Copy Like The Pros: 23 Copywriting Tips From Today’s Experts. We have had a lot of copywriters over on The Art of Paid Traffic.
We compiled all of their tips into the best tips and have put them into one epic blog post. You can just go through it. It is pretty long, like 3,000 words. It is just resource after resource. It has things to do before you start writing, writing email, copy best practices, things not to do in your copy, insider tips, and that sort of thing.
Amy: Perfect. I always say to become a student of copywriting even if one day you are going to hire someone to write all of your copy. We do really need to know how to talk to our ideal audience. The better you get at writing copy the easier all of this becomes. At least that’s how I feel.
Rick: Absolutely. I totally agree.
Amy: Alright Rick, thank you so very much for being with me on another Facebook FAQ. I really truly appreciate it. I always look forward to these and I can’t wait until you come back.
Rick: I love it. This is so much fun.
Amy: This is a perfect place to wrap up. Rick, thank you so very much for being here yet again to dive into all things Facebook ads. I cannot wait until you come back again in about six weeks and we’ll have brand new questions for all of you so that we can really get into the details, the how-to, the strategies behind Facebook advertising.
Next week, in Episode #111, I will have guest, Kim Garst, on the show to talk about all things Facebook live video. Really, even beyond Facebook, we’re just talking about live video in general. What’s working, how it’s working, how to do it, the strategies behind it. We’re going deep into live video. I would love for you to be there.
I’ll catch you next week and thanks again for being here. Bye for now.