AMY PORTERFIELD: Hey there, Amy Porterfield here. Welcome to another episode of The Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast I am just delighted that you’re here so thanks for tuning in.
Before we get into our episode today, which is all about how to create a killer sales page headline, I have to confess that two weeks ago I missed an episode. I didn’t have it ready in time so we had to go a full week without an episode. Some people might say that isn’t a big deal. But for me it’s a big deal because I have noticed such a huge impact in my business since even just January where, because we’re putting out consistent content every week and are emailing our email list every single week with this content, not only have my leads skyrocketed with the podcast and my sales, definitely. But, the impact and feedback we’re getting from people is incredible.
I know that consistency is king. I have a few mentors out there, people I follow online whose success, I know, is rooted in the fact that they are consistent every single week with their content whether it be a weekly podcast or a weekly blog post or a weekly email or video, whatever it might be. They don’t miss a week no matter what.
I don’t know how they do it. I wish that was part of my personality but I’m not as consistent. But I know how important it is. I have been beating myself up for missing a few weeks ago because I had been on a roll. What happened was I got busy with The Profit Lab. I have talked about that over the last few weeks in the podcast. It was a huge launch. It’s now over but I was so busy with it that it just derailed me and I didn’t batch enough to get it done.
You know with my podcast we not only do the podcast with tons of research but we also do the PDF giveaway and then we offer a way to opt in through text or through email and then, in addition, our show notes are full-blown blog posts. There is a lot of work. Essentially there are 40 steps that go into each podcast. It sounds crazy, I know, but it’s true.
Because of that, I’ve got to get these done way in advance. I could beat myself like I’ve done for the last week or so but I just need to jump back into it and remember that consistency is king. If I can be consistent I know that I can continue the success I’ve been building around this podcast.
I tell you that 1) to confess. I totally screed up. I also hope you can cheer me on and keep me going so I can be more consistent because it’s something I really struggle with. 2) For your business I want you to look at where you’re not being consistent. Are you sending a weekly email? Are you doing a weekly blog post or podcast or video or whatever it might be?
There are studies out there that show if you aren’t emailing your list consistently (say you haven’t emailed them for a few weeks or a month) when you try to sell to your email list sales will drop considerably. People are not going to open those emails.
If you feel kind of pushy to email once a week, don’t at all. If you’ve attracted an audience that genuinely cares about what you have to say and what you share they are going to be excited to open those emails. I can’t stress enough, I feel we’ve got that weekly email down. That is hugely important.
In addition, that weekly, consistent content is important as well. But you probably already know that. Maybe I just need to say all of that for myself so thanks for the little mini therapy session. I really appreciate it.
We are jumping back on the horse and getting this consistent content out there. Today we are talking about how to create a killer sales page headline. If you know me even just a little bit you probably know I don’t like to be extremely pushy or salesy. I’m guessing you don’t either. We don’t need to push our products and programs on people. We want them to genuinely be interested in what we have to sell.
You know what I’ve learned? Worrying about sounding too salesy is the surest way to end up sounding salesy. Worse still, it makes me sound totally inauthentic. So, when I’m focusing so hard on what I don’t want to sound like it weakens the power of what I really do want to convey to my audience. This all comes back to what we talked about just last week, the core beliefs you need to have as an entrepreneur if you want your business to succeed.
So, if the idea of working on a great sales page, the copy, makes you a little nauseous, go back and review those beliefs, especially the one about knowing your product is valuable and knowing the fact that you will make an impact in people’s lives if you are able to get that product into their hands.
When you have that belief that your product is valuable and you know that people need it then you are going to write authentic, compelling sales copy that emotionally resonates with your audience, addresses their real concerns, and inspires them with the best emotion of all, which is hope, hope that their problem can be solved, hope that they will find the answer they are looking for, hope that they have found an ally in you that will help them with their struggle and help them to succeed in whatever goals they are pursuing.
This is the secret of sales page copy that works without being salesy or insincere. The rest, the nuts and bolts and all the details, is what we are going to cover in the rest of today’s podcast.
One resource I refer back to again and again in my own business is a book called Great Leads. Full disclosure, I got this book idea from Derek Halpern of Social Triggers. The book, by Michael Masterson and John Forde, is about one small part of your sales page. I say sales page, they call it your advertisement but that feels weird to me. So let’s just talk about sales pages today.
When I first read the book, Great Leads, right off the bat they blew me away with a staggering statistic. They said 80% of emotional impact will be determined by the first 20% of the copy on your sales page. We all know people buy from emotion. Because of that, 80% with the first few lines they read (maybe the headline and the paragraph to follow) is pretty powerful information to have.
The first few 100 words of your copy are known as the lead. When I first heard the book Great Leads I thought it meant people on your email list, your email subscribers.
But that’s not what they are talking about. It’s a copywriting term so if it’s new to you, specifically, the word “lead” is the headline and the paragraph to follow.
According to the experts behind the book, this is by far the most important part of your sales page, especially your headline. If your first 100 words are the entryway to a sale, the headline is the front door that every client has to want to, not just walk through, but stampede through. That’s our goal here.
There are four essential components for writing a killer sales page headline. I’m going to go over them in detail in this episode. But, of course, I’ve got a freebie for you. It’s a good one. We worked really hard on this one.
So, to help you string along all of these ideas I’m going to give you I’ve created a quick guide for creating your own sales page headline. It is like an exercise you can walk through and at the end you will have some killer headlines. You can get this free guide at or you can text 59download to 38470.
Let’s dive into the four components for writing a killer sales page headline.
The Rule of One
Component #1 is the Rule of One. The first thing you need for your sales page headline is one big idea. That’s all, just one. All of my overachievers out there, you are at the gym, you are in the car, you are taking a walk and you are thinking, “No, I can’t choose just one thing.”
In this case, this situation, less is more. It is such a well-known concept, this Rule of One, that even the old time advertising gurus know exactly what it’s all about. David Ogilvy, the great advertising exec who founded New York City’s premier ad firm in the 1960s, said that every great marketing campaign has, at its core, a single powerful idea.
This is what he said, “It takes a big idea to jolt the consumer out of his indifference to make him notice your advertising, remember it, and take action.”
David Ogilvy wasn’t alone in this. Years before he even came on the scene, 20 years before, there was a guy named Victor Schwab. He perfected the form of mail order copywriting which today we would pretty much call it email marketing. Victor Schwab wrote a book called, How to Write a Good Advertisement. Talk about straightforwardness, in How To Write a Good Advertisement, he listed 100 of the best headlines of all times.
He showed that each of those headlines, or at least 90 of 100, were actually driven by a single simple idea. Here are a few of them:
- The Secret of Making People Like You.
- Is the Life of a Child worth $1 to You?
- When Doctors Feel Rotten This is What They Do.
- How I Improved My Memory in One Evening.
My ultimate favorite headline was: 67 Reasons Why it Would Have Paid you to Answer our Ad a Few Months Ago. I thought that one was brilliant. Sure, it’s 67 reasons. But the one topic is answering their ad. That’s what it’s all about.
It’s important to understand when you are introducing a product for sale your readers don’t want to hear everything you know about a topic. They are looking for a single useful suggestion for solving their problem, something they can take action on and see quick results.
When you stick with this Rule of One it makes the copy so much stronger. Here’s a huge benefit to you, it makes writing the rest of the sales letter so much easier. You have to know your audience really well in order to pick the right big idea, the one that will hit the bull’s eye and the one that will carry them through throughout the entire sales page.
To give you an example from my own experience, the program I just launched and finished last week, the one that kept me off the podcast mike, unfortunately, called The Profit Lab is the program where I teach entrepreneurs how to create a super simple social media sales funnel. The thing is, my audience didn’t know at the time that they needed a sales funnel.
I took big survey and, although some of them said they wanted a sales funnel, many of them said they wanted a system or wanted a process or plan for their business. So, when I was writing my sales copy I had to shape it around one big idea of a marketing system. Calling it a sales funnel right out of the gate would have lost their attention instantly. So I eased them into it and first started out by calling it a marketing system, that one big idea that I already knew was on their mind.
So why is the Rule of One so powerful? Because it focuses on one powerful emotion within your reader. Too many ideas sent the reader’s mind in too many directions. Here’s a quote from the book that really think kind of hits it home, “The lead (the headline and paragraph to follow) is strongest that promotes one compelling idea by supporting that idea with all the appropriate techniques, stories, predictions, statements, promises, and so on, but all unified by that single idea and by a single emotion that drives the sale.”
The bottom line, to anchor your sales copy, you must find one big idea that your reader will grasp immediately and stick to it.
Provoking Emotion
Component #2 is all about evoking emotion. To do that you need to accomplish two things:
- You need to move the prospect emotionally, and
- You must persuade your prospect intellectually.
Here’s the thing, people respond to emotion way before they will ever respond to reason. I think we all know that. That’s human nature. So you need to grab your reader’s attention by appealing to him or her emotionally first and then that person will give you their attention and you can then convince them intellectually.
In many cases that emotion might be hope, hope that you can solve their program, hope that you can actually get them to see results. When you can tap into an emotion like that then you are able to lead them into the intellectual side of things in terms of how you are going to solve things for them.
Let me give you some more examples because hope is not the only emotion. How about the one we have all heard forever, “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up.” When I heard this one in the book (This is from Life Call), of course the emotion is fear, but I thought that ad had been running for years and years and years. It actually only ran for a year or so but I think we all know it. The emotion is fear.
Here is another one, “Do you make these mistakes in English?” This was from 1926 and that ad ran for 40 years. It appeals to the emotion of insecurity, a very common emotion. You need to know the emotion that you are trying to convey to your audience in order to be able to craft a really great headline that will grab them emotionally before we move into the intellect kind of stuff.
Any headline you write has to have those two components, one big idea and a powerful emotion. If you download this week’s free guide, I will help you walk through some of those big ideas you might have an help you relate it to the emotion that might be attached to it. Again, the download is at 59download where you can get the exercise and walk through it with me.
From here, you are going to get a little bit more specific. Your sales page headline will fall into one of the six archetypal lead types. This podcast is a little heavy but it is really valuable if you will stick with me. Once we have the big idea and we have the emotion figured out there are six archetypical leads that you can actually choose for your headline. I am going to walk you through each of them.
The Offer Lead
The offer lead is a direct appeal. It almost always mentions the product or other benefits like price or discounts or guarantees. It is very early in the lead that we are talking about the product because it’s an offer lead. Sometimes it’s even right there in the headline.
Why would this be so valuable? Getting right to the point shows a lot of confidence in the ease and simplicity of your solution. Sometimes that all it takes to convince your client to give your product a shot.
Let me give you three examples of headlines that are the offer lead:
- I guarantee with my own money that you will shoot your lowest score ever on your next round of golf.
- Don’t pay one penny until this course turns your mind into a mental magnet (Notice it says course in the headline).
- Offer of membership by invitation only.
These are pretty bold. I’ve never done an offer lead like that because my audience isn’t necessarily there yet. They’re not ready for that and we will talk about that in a moment, when your audience is ready for something like this, but that’s an offer lead.
Promise Lead
The promise lead opens with your product’s best and biggest claim and repeats it throughout the copy. It’s valuable when your customer knows they need help with something and all they want to know is that there is hope. In this case, a simple, direct, pure promise lead is the single best way for your to get your foot in the door.
Let me give you three examples of a promise lead:
- A Hollywood smile in three days.
- Build your memory in four short weeks.
- Grow $500 into $4.8 million (this one is kind of big).
These samples are all from the Great Leads book so I’m not making this stuff up. That would be the promise lead.
Problem Solution Lead
I particularly love this one. The description is: In this kind of lead, start by identifying your client’s biggest, most emotionally charged and relevant issue then go into all the ways the product solve those issues. This is pretty much what I did on The Profit Lab page. The problem solution lead shows your audience you know where they are at that you know they have probably been comparison shopping and you are ready to show why your product is better than what is offered by the competition.
Let me give you some examples of the problem solution lead:
- Do you have a secret fear of losing your job? (That’s a good one)
- Don’t put a cold in your pocket (That’s a really weird one. I think it was Kleenex back in the day).
- Feel stronger fast.
Again, problem solution. This one works really well. I did this one with “Are You Struggling to See Sales Online.” It is really simple but I knew it was at the heart of the matter to my audience.
The Big Secret Lead
This lead teases your reader with hard-to-come-by knowledge, formulas, or systems that can solve their problem or reveal problems they didn’t even know about. This lead is valuable because as your client reads your lead he/she will start to imagine what the great secret could be and will be dying to buy the product so that he can find out what it is.
The secret lead lets your reader emotionally persuade himself/herself to buy your product. This is emotionally persuading and is pretty tricky. Let me give you some examples:
- The strategy that turns every dollar into $50 (See how there is a little teasing there).
- The only investment legally obligated to pay you 181% gains.
- An easier, more fool proof way to garden anywhere.
I use these a lot in email subject lines. What you are learning here, how to craft a really great headline, can definitely be used in your subject lines. I’m telling you, this stuff is a little heavy but it will give you such an advantage over what your competitors are doing in this space. This is stuff that, if you master this, you are just golden.
The Proclamation Lead
This lead seeks to jar the unaware reader out of his seat with some incredible fact
(a shocking future forecast or prediction or other kind of bold statement). I’m a little bit of a wimp in the sense that I don’t typically do a proclamation lead. But I really enjoy a good one. I’ll give you some examples in a minute.
Here’s why it’s valuable, this lead gets its strength from taking the reader by complete surprise. It must be relevant, something that’s really happening right now, maybe a trend, but it has to be something almost pushing the envelope of the incredible. That’s why I’m kind of a wimp. I don’t necessarily feel competent in this section. But if you have something good this is worth paying attention to.
The reason for this is that ordinary statements are too easy to pass over. The result is getting your reader out of their comfort zone and motivates them to actually take action so they can feel comfortable again. It also works on an indirect level, distracting the reader from the sale by forcing him to pay attention to the point suggested by this big bold statement without revealing exactly how it will lead to the essential claims of what you plan to sell.
Three examples of this kind of bold headline, which is totally not my deal but I will give them to you anyway:
- Read this or die (That one is a little bit dramatic but that’s what it says).
- Warning, your PDR is obsolete (I don’t even know what a PDR is but if I knew it was obsolete and I knew what it was I probably would pay attention).
- Definitely why most 20th Century medicine will soon become extinct.
I know both of use know some really great marketers out there that are really good at headlines like this. I feel Derek Halpern of Social Triggers does some really great headlines like this. Ryan Deiss, Russell Brunson are two that usually have some pretty bold headlines. The thing is, when you are really good at what you do you can be really bold like this.
Derek Halpern and I have become friends over the last few years and I am way sensitive and he is way not sensitive. So if I ask him a question I say, “I know what your answer would be for yourself but, knowing how completely sensitive I am about XYZ, what would your suggestion be?”
I literally sent him a text like that recently because this guy has tons of confidence and is very bold in his communication. I bet he would do very with a proclamation lead. But it is just not my personality or style. You need to know your style when you are choosing these leads.
Don’t worry, we will put these in the guide so you can actually review them again. And, I really suggest you get the book, Great Leads, because it’s amazing and they have tons more examples. But right now, let me give you one more. So you know, there are six archetypes for your lead and these are the six. You want to choose one of the six for your headline.
The Story Lead
You might really like this one. This is possibly the most powerful lead as long as you keep the story quick and in the context of the big idea I talked about earlier. This includes testimonials, expert bios, historical proof, or a track record. All of these are versions of a story lead.
Why is it so valuable? It’s simple, everybody loves a good story. Stories can engage readers who don’t know you or they don’t know your product well and who might flinch at a more direct, unbelievable claim.
Remember earlier I said that you need to know your style to create your headline. You also need to know the style of your audience. If they are not going to respond well to those really bold headlines I just went over maybe they would ease better into a story headline.
The reader may know they are actually reading a sales page but if the story is told really well they totally forget they are reading a sales page and they get emotionally involved. That’s exactly what we want them to do.
- They laughed when I sat down at the piano but when I started to play…
- 15 rivers to cross and only seven bridges.
- Here’s how we were able to bring you the Grenada (These are weird because they are out of context. However, that’s a story).
- I’m writing to you from our shelter tonight.
This stuff is good. A lot of these examples were from way back when, the 1950s and 1960s. To me, that is the time when advertising was at its best. Mad Men is my favorite show in the universe. Let me tell you, it ended last week and I almost cried. I watched it alone. I didn’t want any distractions but that is my very favorite show and it was so good. That’s my favorite era of advertising and that’s where a lot of these examples are coming from.
Those are your six leads. I am going to run through them one more time. Let me get my list because I kind of need notes for this one.
- Offer Lead (You are really bold and just come out with it).
- Promise Lead (This is the one where you are actually making the best and biggest claim right out of the gate).
- Problem Solution Lead (This is the one I use the most where I actually identify the problem right away).
- The Big Secret Lead (You are teasing them with the headline and they have to keep reading because they want to know more).
- The Proclamation Lead (The one I’m most uncomfortable with – but I love a good proclamation lead).
- The Story Lead.
Those are your six archetypes. You want to choose one of those and run with that with your big idea and that one emotion you have identified.
These six lead types I just reviewed with you are in the guide that I created so don’t worry, we’ve totally got you covered. Have a little fun with these. Once you start to experiment in different ways you might see your audience starts responding in a really favorable way to something different. So don’t be afraid to experiment.
We are in our final component. Remember I told you in the beginning there are four components? This is where I kind of pull it all together. You’ve already actually decided (or will decide) on one big idea and one emotion that you want to really plug into in your headline. Then I gave you six types of leads that you can write.
There is one more component that you need to think about, how aware your audience is right now. By aware, I mean how aware are they of your product? How aware are they of you in general? Do they even know you who are? How aware of themselves are they? How aware are they of their problems and needs? How aware are they of the solutions they need?
I talked about surveying your audience a few episodes back and that could actually really come into play here because you do want to know your audience as much as possible. When you do then you can decide how aware your audience is.
Once you decide how aware your audience is I can then suggest to you which lead type out of those six I just reviewed would be the best for you. This is where it kind of all comes together. We are going to do a little exercise here and, again, use the guide to kind of pull you through this. I know it’s a little bit tough. I am fully teaching on a podcast. It’s a little tough but I think it’s really valuable.
Remember, this is what sets you apart from your competition. This is what gets people to actually pay attention and buy.
We are in the final stretch. Are you ready? Shake it out a little.
There are five levels of being aware. Again, when you identify how aware your audience I can then suggest to you what kind of lead type you want to use.
The Most-Aware Audience
Your prospect completely knows you, you product, and they only need to know the offer and they are ready to buy. Apple has a most-aware audience. People camp out in front of their stores for three days with a wad of cash in their pocket. They are ready to buy even before they hold the product.
This is the dream prospect. Most of us do not have a dream prospect. Some of you may. You are the lucky ducks out there. But I do not and probably most of us do not have the most-aware audience. But, if you did, you would either want to go with an offer lead where you just right away tell them what the offer is, or a promise lead.
Here is an example of a promise lead you can do with an audience that is totally aware: Do you have the courage to earn half a million dollars this year? For a headline like you are assuming a familiarity with your customer.
You are turning the challenge back on them so it is kind of bold. It taps into some deep seated feelings they might have about their ability to make money. That might have them a little bit uncomfortable but they already trust you and already know your product so, of course, they will go on this journey with you and will be open minded because you already have their attention. You can get away with a great headline like that when you have a most-aware audience. That’s not most of our audiences.
The Product Aware Audience
Your prospect knows what you sell but they are not sure it’s right for them right now. Your power play here is that you want to win their trust. They are the people that are reading the customer reviews. They are the people that are close to purchase and need a little reassurance. You don’t need to do much to educate your customer about what you’re offering. They are aware of that.
The work here is proving you are able to do what you say you can do for them. This is the perfect audience for me after someone’s gone through my email sequence. I’m not promoting it because it’s totally closed, but in The Profit Lab I teach how to go through seven steps of the social media sales funnel. The sixth step is to write an email sequence to get people to buy.
If I write a really good email sequence and I talk about the product and the testimonials and give information to educate them, by the time they hit my sales page I can write a headline that appeals to someone that is very aware of the product and now it’s my job to just make sure they know what I’m promising can really be delivered. The best type of lead out of those six leads I reviewed earlier is the promise lead or the problem solution lead.
I like the problem solution lead, something like: Are you struggling to get sales online? That is a really simple one, I know, but it is a problem solution lead. Two more examples:
- Instant relaxation (That’s all the headline says. In just two short words you are already envisioning the result of this product. Of course, you assume there is a product if they are selling something to you. It goes for the immediate emotional response so that the reader is instantly warmed up for the sale).
- Melts in your mouth, not in your hand (You know this one. It focuses on the unique selling proposition and instantly promises that the product is something original, something the competitors won’t or can’t).
Those are two examples for the promise lead or the problem solution lead. This is, again, when your audience is aware of your product.
The Solution-Aware Lead
Your prospect knows the result he/she wants but is not sure your product provides it. In this case you need to educate. That is your power play, to educate.
Your customer only has eyes for an outcome. You have to show them your product provides it. This customer is in comparison mode. They are seeing how your product stacks up against other products. Before you can convince him to actually buy your product you will first need to convince him/her that you actually understand what he wants and needs.
Here is a really great type of lead, the secret lead. Remember the secret lead where it kind of teases people a little bit? If your prospect knows the result he/she wants but they are not sure your product provides it you can lead with some kind of headline like this:
- Your most bountiful garden ever in a few square feet of any soil (This one plays immediately on two powerful impulses, to discover the secret and to not be left out. This headline proposes that anybody, no matter what kind of soil they have, can use this secret to have something they want).
- The secret program that turns every $1 into $50 (By tying the benefits to the secret right from the start you acknowledge that you are warming the reader up for a sale. But, even though your reader knows you are warming them up for a sale they can’t keep their conscious mind on that because they are so intrigued by the secret. Remember, we’ve got to go emotionally before we go intellectually. We talked about that in the very beginning).
The Problem-Aware Audience
Your prospect senses he/she has a problem but doesn’t know there is a solution. In this case your power play is to sympathize with them. This customer has only worry. They are looking desperately for hope but don’t even know where to look.
The key with this customer is to how you feel their pain. You totally get it. You sympathize. Once you identify that point that you really get it you will find an open avenue for making an emotional connection.
The type of lead you would want to use is the problem solution lead. Let me give an example:
- Do your hands and feet feel like blocks of ice? (This is the opposite of the promise lead. Instead of promising something like actually helping them, you are just implying you know there is a problem. You are sympathizing with them right away. This is really powerful and it gives some good imagery.)
- No more sore noses (This one is obviously Kleenex. But this one has a more positive spin. It doesn’t focus on the negative like the first example I showed you. But I love this one because the kind of people that have sore noses usually think they can just live with it because they don’t know how to solve it. Right off the bat you are stating there is a solution and you are addressing that you know they have a problem).
This one is really powerful, the problem-aware, and you can lead with a problem solution.
Completely Unaware Audience
This one is really a challenge but there is some opportunity here. Maybe your prospect doesn’t know he/she has a problem and certainly doesn’t know about your product that could actually solve it. The power play here, what you need to do, is you need to finesse. This one is not my favorite one. I do not use this because this isn’t the audience I go after.
Most people don’t have a completely unaware audience. This is a valuable market because it could be completely new to you, a whole new group of people you have never been in front of. With a saturated market that you may be in, it would be nice to get in front of new people. So you will need a lead that grabs readers without at least letting on that you are going to try to sell them something.
You need to make that first connection with them. A story lead or a proclamation lead would work best here. Here is an example:
- Why most 20th Century diseases will soon become extinct (this makes you sit back and say, “What?” You are immediately wanting to know more).
- The world’s most interesting man (we know this one, right? Right off the bat you want to know what makes them so interesting so you pay attention at the commercial plays or you examine the photo he is in and you are looking for clues. You are totally engaged right away).
So that’s another example where you can actually lead with a proclamation to an audience that doesn’t even know they are looking for a solution just yet. Again, that is a harder audience to penetrate but it is definitely possible.
Yes, one more time, I put this all in a guide for you. I wanted to talk it out first. But now it’s time to grab that guide at and really do the exercises that I walk you through to get the most out of figuring out what would be a perfect headline.
It comes down to one big idea, the emotion behind it, and the kind of lead that you want to create, that you feel most comfortable with and that your audience would be comfortable with. To help you decide you want to figure out how aware your audience is right now and then you can take cues from that to decide what kind of lead you want to go with.
At the end of the day it all comes back to really knowing who your audience is. I feel it has become my mission to help you really start to understand your audience more so your online marketing becomes easier for you, more streamlined, and quite honestly, so you can actually enjoy the process of writing the copy and marketing to your audience and getting in front of them in a way that feels really natural to you.
Imagine this, you are walking down a street and you see your dream house but you walk up to the door and you realize it is too small. You can’t even fit through the door. That’s what a sales page headline does to client who feels like you are not speaking to them directly. You thought you had them but you completely don’t.
Now, let’s picture the opposite, you are walking down a street and you see your dream house. You walk up to the door and it’s the perfect size and it has your name carved into the door. This is how you want your prospect to actually feel when they read a sales headline you have crafted with them in mind. That’s what I want you to do.
I know this was a lot of information. Sometimes I can’t help myself when I know the content can make a huge difference in your marketing. Sometimes I just have to turn my podcast episodes into little mini trainings in hopes that you can get immense value. I hope that’s what you got today.
I want to thank you for staying with me here and, of course, grab the guide. I know I’ve said it a million times in this podcast, but you can’t get the full effect of this unless 1) You grab the book, for sure, everyone should get the book, Great Leads, but 2) Grab the guide because I’ve gone through the book. I have already kind of outlined what works and I have put it in the guide at 59download or you can text 59download to 38470 so we can send it to you right away.
Thanks for being with me here today. I loved spending time with you and I will see you next week. Take care.