Transcript: How to Protect Your Facebook Ads Account

November 5, 2015

AMY PORTERFIELD: Hey there, Amy Porterfield here. Welcome to another episode of The Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast. Thanks, so much, for tuning in. Today’s episode is all about protecting your Facebook ads account. 

This episode came about because I have this wildly engaged private Facebook group for my program, Webinars That Convert. It is a new webinars program I just came out with. The private Facebook group is incredibly active. They are constantly asking questions and talking about their success and their struggles with creating a webinar system. 

One part of the webinar system that I teach is all about using Facebook ads to fill up your email list and fill up your webinars. Because we talk about Facebook ads so much inside the program, a few of the members have recently gotten their ads account shut down. 

When a few members talk about getting their ads account shut down then it feels like every member is going to get their ads account shut down. There is a fear that runs through the group and I’m really sensitive about it because I know it’s a very small minority in terms of who it’s happened to but it’s a very big fear for everybody else. So it’s something I wanted to address. 

I recently did a private training for my Webinars That Convert group all about this topic. I invited my good friend, Rick Mulready, to the training and together we kind of riffed back and forth about some of the key areas that you need to pay close attention to. It was a webinar so they saw slides and some videos and all that good stuff. It was really special for them. 

At the same time I thought it was such great information that I wanted to at least package it up a little bit. I won’t go into so much detail here but I wanted to give you the ten areas where you should really be paying attention when it comes to running Facebook ads so you can protect your account. 

In full disclosure, a lot of this information was created with me learning more from Rick Mulready. I want to give him full credit. I am going to link to an amazing article and episode he did on his own podcast about protecting your ads account. 

I’m also going to link to the Facebook ads guidelines. I think anybody running ads should check those guidelines on a regular basis because they tend to change a lot as well. I’m going to link to some of Rick Mulready’s stuff and then the Facebook ads guidelines so you can really be informed. Again, I just want to give Rick a shout out because he’s the guy that really knows so much about this topic. He’s taught me what I know so I wanted to give him credit there. 

These ten tips I’m going to give you today really help you stay aware of what you need to be paying attention to when you’re creating Facebook ads. 

Before we jump into it I wanted to let you know that the freebie for this episode is a list of these ten tips I’m going to give you and a little commentary of each so you’re always staying aware of them. If you want the freebie so that you don’t have to take a bunch of notes today but want to have that information all you need to do is go to or text the phrase 82download to 33444. 

Let’s go ahead and dive in. Before we get there though, a quick word  from  our sponsor. Before we dive in I want to thank our sponsor today, 99Designs. I am such a huge fan of this company because they can take care of all of your graphic needs. We are talking logos, social media cover images, website graphics, and so much more. So visit and get a $99 upgrade for free. 

Let’s jump into Tip #1 to protect your Facebook ads account. 

Tip #1: Add a privacy policy to your  registration  page.  If you’re running an ad to a page where people are signing up to get some kind of freebie, if you’re collecting name and email or any information you need to have a privacy policy at the bottom of that page. 

By having a privacy I mean you are going to link to more information. On my show notes I’m going to show you how I do it on my own registration page. If you go to you can see exactly how I do it and I’ll link to one of my live registration pages so you can actually link to the privacy policy. 

I’m not a lawyer and I don’t necessarily do this perfectly so I want you to investigate this on your own. But I want to give you some tips and help you understand what goes into a privacy policy. 

Facebook is basically saying you need to disclose how you’re using the information you’re collecting. There is a great article by Justin Brooke and I am going to make sure I link to it in my show notes. But he goes over some questions that you want to answer in your privacy policy. 

The questions include: 

  1. What information are you collecting? 
  2. How do you collect the information? 
  3. How are you going to use the information? 
  4. What control does the customer have over their personal information? 
  5. How do you protect that information? 

You need to answer these questions. Honestly, what you could do is find someone who is using a privacy policy that you really like and feel it is saying the right thing. You can model your own after that. My privacy policy lives on a random page on my blog. It would be hard to find but I link to my blog and it’s a privacy policy that looks like an article on my blog. That’s how I do it. And I include all of the information I just mentioned. 

But it’s important that you actually have the link. Facebook will be looking for it. It is also important to remember that when Facebook is looking at your ad in order to approve it or disapprove it they are not just looking at the ad copy or image. They are also looking at where you are sending traffic. 

They are looking at your registration page or your blog post that you are sending traffic to or wherever you are sending traffic. They are looking at that page as well. That’s where they will look for the privacy policy. So it’s really important that you include it. 

Tip #2: You want to disable all pop-ups on the page where you are sending your ad traffic. A lot of people will send Facebook ad traffic to a blog post. That is a great idea and it is a topic for another show and I’ve already talked about it a little if you follow my podcast episodes. But Facebook loves when you send ad traffic to content that is in front of an opt in (that means you don’t have to opt in to get the content). 

You usually pay less for those ads and Facebook usually looks at them very favorably. Let’s say that’s what you are doing, sending your ad traffic to a blog post. Maybe somewhere in that blog post you can have people opt in for a freebie if they want it. 

That’s a great strategy but you can’t have a pop-up appear 20 seconds after someone jumps on your blog post. A lot of us use pop ups. I think they are fantastic. But you can’t have them popping up on the page where you are sending your ad traffic. Facebook does not like this. It is against their guidelines and they will not only disapprove your ad, this is one way to get your ad account actually shut down. 

Disable all pop ups that appear automatically on a page where you are sending ad traffic. This is different than a lead box. I talk a lot about lead boxes. I absolutely love lead boxes and I use them for all of my podcast show note pages. 

So if you went to you will see a yellow  box where you can click on it and a box pops up, it’s a lead box, where you can opt in to the cheat sheet for today’s episode. That’s different than just a pop up that happens automatically. 

I just wanted to make that clear. Disable all of the automatic pop ups. 

Tip #3: Pay attention to your reputation on Web Of Trust. This is one that I really had to consult with Rick Mulready. I looked at him one day when we were at Starbucks and we were working on something. I asked him what Web of Trust is. I thought it was ridiculous and didn’t make sense. 

What is weird to me about this one, the whole web of trust thing that I’m going to tell you about in a moment is totally not affiliated with Facebook. It is a third-party website review service. It has no affiliation with Facebook and I thought it was the weirdest thing. But it’s in their guidelines. 

First, Rick laughed at me because he knows I get very frustrated with this kind of stuff. Then he explained it to me and told me I need to make sure I am not sending any ads to pages that have been flagged as having a bad reputation by Web of Trust. 

How do you know if a page has a bad reputation? You will go to (my web of trust). You can look up different pages and see what kind of reputation they have and you can get some information if one of those pages you are going after has a bad reputation. 

You can look into this further. My goal with today’s episode is to just make you very aware that this is something you need to look into. 

Tip #4: Use the Lead Pages plug in on your WordPress site. As you may or may not know, I’m a huge fan of Lead Pages and I use them all the time, ALL of the time. I send a lot of my ad traffic to Lead Pages. My registration pages and opt-in pages of any kind are typically Lead Pages. What you need to know is that Lead Pages is currently working on fixing this because it seems like they got a bad rap and they shouldn’t have. 

Some Lead Pages got bad points against them. So, with Web of Trust they had a low score. Because of that, Facebook sometimes flags URLs that have the Lead Page in the URL. It’s not really anything Lead Pages has done, maybe some of their users have taken their reputation down a little bit with Facebook. 

Lead Pages is working on it. But in the meantime, they have an amazingly simple solution. It actually looks better for your brand. When you are using Lead Pages I want you to use the Lead Pages plug in. It’s really simple so if you have a WordPress site you will add the Lead Pages plug in. 

You will then go back to Lead Pages and set up your pages just like you always do and then you’ll go over to your WordPress site, go inside the plug in and make those pages live. They will then live on your blog. You get to have a URL that has your website name in it. For example, instead of, now because I’m using the plug in it will be something like 

That will get pulled through my WordPress site so it will have the correct URL that doesn’t have Lead Pages in it. I think it also looks better because it’s all my branding and really doesn’t need to say anything about Lead Pages. We shouldn’t be putting URLs out there that say Lead Pages in them anyway. It’s smarter branding to have your website/whatever it is you are promising them when you send them to a landing page. 

Get the Lead Pages plug in. If you have a WordPress site it works really easily. I am telling you it is just a few clicks. There is no big techy stuff involved. You know me and techy, we’re not friends. So this one is really simple to do. 

Tip #5: Your landing  page  must  accurately  reflect  what  is  being  promoted  in  your ad. This one probably sounds like a given to most of us. You would be surprised when someone reads an ad and they land on your landing page and are confused. If there is any confusion then you don’t have good alignment between what you are promising in your ad and what you’re showing on your landing page. 

Facebook is looking for this. They don’t want any bait and switches. They don’t want anything confusing. They don’t want their users to feel like they have been taken advantage of. 

That reminds me, one thing I learned from Rick (he’s such a valuable resource for me) was to think of it this way, Facebook wants to create an amazing experience for their users. Facebook wants you to feel, as a user, that you are taken care of and that you have an awesome experience every time you jump on and don’t have to dodge bullets here and there with any ads that might pop up. 

They are looking out for their users and that’s a great thing. The better experiences that people will have on Facebook, the more likely they’ll check in. If we are running ads, the more likely they will see our ads. If Facebook keeps it as a good experience they will look at our ads favorably. 

It all kind of goes together and helps us as marketers. It also helps those that are just users on Facebook and just want to have a good time while they are there. With this whole thing of having your landing page be fully aligned with your ad, sometimes you might want to go to extreme if you are having any problems getting your ads approved, and use the same colors and fonts in your ad image as you do on your landing page. 

Make it visually aligned and also use the same language or similar language that you are using in your ad on your landing page as well. That’s just something to keep in mind if you’re having challenges, that might help you kind of bridge the gap between what Facebook is not liking about your whole ad campaign. Making them more aligned could really help you. 

When they are really different that could get your ad account shut down. So remember, no bait and switches. But I can’t imagine anyone in my audience doing that so I don’t really even think I need to stay that. So let’s move on. 

Tip #6: Be mindful of your ad  copy.  This one is really important. Let me be honest, this one is frustrating and a little bit confusing. Sometimes people get away with one thing and then someone else tries that and they get their ad disapproved or, worse yet, they get their ad account shut down. 

We have to remember that 80% of the time your ad is going to be approved or disapproved by a robot and then from there it might get seen by a real person that will then shut it down. Sometimes you have the experience, if you run ads, that you are running ads, the ad gets approved and two hours later it is disapproved. 

I remember the first time that happened to me it was maddening. I questioned what could have changed in the last two hours that Facebook doesn’t like my ad? A robot had approved it but a real person looked at it and thought it wasn’t going to work. This happens a lot. So watch your ad account carefully. 

If anything got approved you want to check it again in a couple of hours or tomorrow. When you are running ads I think you should check them a few times a day just to make sure everything is running smoothly. 

Before I forget, when you have some ads that are really old and you’re not running them anymore and you don’t plan to run them, delete them. I have heard horror stories and I don’t want to scare you. Believe me, I run ads every single day so I’m the last person to try to scare you not to run ads because I teach them in all of my programs. 

But there is a story I have heard a few times and it basically kind of freaked me out at first because some people had gotten their ad accounts shut down because they had old ads in their account that were against the guidelines. They weren’t running the ads, they were paused. But they were still in their account and they were clearly against the guidelines one way or the other. 

They might have been really old ads and the guidelines have changed. Who knows. This could be an urban myth. I don’t know. But what I suggest you do is just delete anything you know you are not going to use again in your ad account. Keep it really clean. Keep it really current. 

If you need to take some snapshots, definitely do so. But don’t keep ads in there that you are never going to use. You never know what Facebook is looking at. They have access to all of your information in your ad account and I just don’t want an old ad to get you in trouble. 

Again, sometimes that feels like it could have been an urban myth. But, what if it’s true? What’s the point. Let’s kind of clean it up. 

Getting back to Tip #6, being mindful of your ad copy, I wanted to tell you a quick story of someone in my Webinars That Convert program right now. She had an ad running and she had a video ad that wasn’t actually running at the time but she had it in her account. That video ad had a really cool script about how to create a lead magnet. That was her giveaway. 

She had the script as a video and then she put it into text in an ad as well. It was almost word for word in some situations. She was running that ad with text with the script that she created about how to build your email list with a cool giveaway. 

She had a few others ads running. Her ad account got shut down. When I watched the video that she created for this ad and read the script I thought it was fantastic. I would never have guessed that there would have been any red flags. But when we looked into it further I was able to get some feedback from somebody at Facebook about her ad account being shut down. 

They told us that you cannot over sensationalize claims and you also can’t create a false sense of urgency. Let me read you exactly what my ad rep said. She said, “While we allow lead generation ads, we don’t allow those that are misleading to viewers. This includes ads that overstate, overgeneralize, or misconstrue outcomes or benefits of their products. We also don’t allow ads that exaggerate the urgency or importance of an offer.” 

I’m not going to put the video on my show notes because I want to protect my student. She probably doesn’t want the whole world to know that she got her ads account shut down. But, I went back into my student’s video and watched it again. 

There is a sense of urgency in there. There is a sense of creating something so amazing that you just won’t believe it. There is an excitement. It’s almost like an undertone and that makes it really hard to kind of gauge what Facebook is thinking and feeling when it might come out as an undertone as she didn’t overtly say, “You have until tomorrow to take me up on this and you’re going to get $1,000,000 if you do this.” 

It wasn’t that kind of thing. I don’t want to confuse you even more, but I am telling you this because you really want to look at your text and ask yourself and those around you (the peers you trust) whether they feel you are overstating or overgeneralizing or misconstruing the benefits or outcomes. That is really important. 

I want to bring your attention to one more thing, my student then wanted to be sure she was doing it right and asked about sending ad traffic to a blog article all about getting a 10X increase in organic reach for video Facebook ads. She teaches video Facebook ads as well. She was going to say, “How to 10X your organic reach.” 

I went back to my rep and asked her about it. This is what she said, “Amy, I do not have any benchmark information so it’s hard to say if 10Xing your organic reach is acceptable. This metric will also probably vary significantly by advertiser.” 

Facebook doesn’t come out and make things really clear for me, or at least for most people. Basically, to help you understand this, my understanding is that when you are putting metrics out there that really cannot be benchmarked and you really don’t know, that could be a little dicey. You want to be careful with that. You’ve got to kind of go at your own risk and be as aggressive as you feel you can and with what feels comfortable to you. I like metrics in ad copy. I think they are important. 

One thing that Rick and I kind of riffed about when I did the private training for my group is that we came to the conclusion that when you’re talking about specific results you can’t promise them to the audience. But you can talk about your own experience. 

When you’re talking about your own experience and how you’re going to share how you did something, that’s a different conversation than telling people you’re going to show them how to 10X their organic reach on Facebook. Facebook is not loving those metrics because they are questioning whose standards you are using and what benchmarks you are using. 

Be careful with your numbers. If you can, try to make them more about a story you are telling versus a promise that you are putting out there in your ad. That’s just one way to think about it. 

Since we’re talking about ad copy, I had a situation where I was trying to run an ad (when I was promoting the Profit Lab in April) that said something like, “Are you struggling to make sales online?” That was my first question. I always start my ad with an obvious “Yes” question. 

I knew my audience was struggling with that. I had done tons of surveys around it. That was a great question for my audience because I would get a hand-raised “yes” or “heck yes” from a lot of the people that were following me. Facebook disapproved the ad. 

We dug a little deeper and asked why they disapproved it. They said they didn’t want me to be negative in my ads. I am putting this in normal terms. They probably said it in a way that sounded like a whole different language to  me.  But  when  I  finally figured it out, they don’t want a bunch of negativity running through the newsfeed. 

“Do you feel tired?”, “Are you fat?”, “Are you a loser?”, “Are you struggling to make sales?” That’s what they are wanting to get away from, not that we would ever do those other things I just mentioned, but you want to keep it on the positive. 

Another one of my students put out something like, “Is your energy lackluster? Do you feel like you are tired all of the time?” That was disapproved as well. If you think about it and come back to what Rick told me earlier, remember what Facebook is doing. They are creating an amazing experience for their users. 

Who wants to see ad after ad asking, “Are you not getting enough sales?”, “Do you have zero energy?”, “Are you overweight?” No one wants to see that, right? We have to put a positive spin to our copy and it’s going to get approved much quicker than any negative thing we would put out there. 

Rick also shared some phrases to avoid with me. I love these because I really helps to understand what Facebook doesn’t like. One of those is “Check out this trick.” 

Instead of just telling them what you’re going to show them, you are kind of baiting them. You are telling them you have something that someone else isn’t telling you and then asking them to “Click here.” It’s what the tabloids used to do and they can’t even get away with it on Facebook ads anymore. 

Us Magazine would do this all of the time, “Do you want to hear the one big secret that so and so shared with so and so? Click here to find out.” You can’t bait people like that. You want to stay away from that kind of curiosity. Basically, it’s not with integrity. 

In addition to that, you do want to watch out for your copy in ad images as well. We’re still on #6 which is all about being mindful about your ad copy. That includes the copy in your ad images. Of course, no adult content. You are not trying to shock or disrespect anyone. You should have nothing violent. I think these are things that are kind of a given. 

You also can’t portray a non-existent functionality. This is something I learned a while ago. We used to put play buttons in our ad images years ago. If we were sending people to a video or if there was a video on the landing page we wanted people to click on our ad image thinking it was a video and then it would redirect them to a landing page where there was a video. 

There was a video involved but you can’t do that. The only time you will see a play button on Facebook in an ad is when it actually is a video ad. Those are really powerful so it might be something you want to think about. That play button gets clicks, for sure. 

Facebook also doesn’t allow before and after images. That is such a bummer. Basically, what they said is that they don’t want anything that takes advantage of a person’s misfortune. You can’t portray ideal body images and that’s really tough for the fitness industry. 

I know if you’re in the fitness industry you are probably shaking your head saying, Preach it Amy,” because this is one area I know you guys get the bum deal. It’s really hard to put images, especially if you’re in a workout outfit and have your midriff showing, sometimes that won’t get approved. Before and after pictures are a big no no and the whole ideal body image thing can be an issue as well. 

There are ways to work around it and you have to get creative. I was at an event with Chalene Johnson and she was in the fitness industry and has a lot of her students in the industry as well. Someone asked about this and she said to get creative. There are other things you can do and you don’t have to show yourself in a workout outfit that’s way too revealing or whatever it might be. 

I trust her because she definitely knows Facebook ads and knows her industry. Keep the faith, there are things you can do. 

Lastly, you don’t want to use the word Facebook or the Facebook logo in any of your ads. That’s more for my social media students. If you are a social media manager or you teach Facebook like I do you need to be really careful of that. Sometimes I can get away with putting FB instead of Facebook but other times I can’t. 

It is really random what gets approved and what doesn’t get approved sometimes. I feel Facebook is cracking down more so it’s better that we just stay within their guidelines. 

Tip #7: Create a feel-good story. With this tip, we want to do just the opposite of what I just pointed out. Instead of going down to negative town with your ad, you want to give it a flip. You want to portray happy, excited, or enthusiastic people. You want to give them an overall good feeling. 

If someone sees your ad they will instantly feel good about it and not like they are less than. I won’t go into this one much because I already did with the flip side of it. But just think of your next ad. Think of the image you are including and the text. Will it make someone feel good? If it will then you’re likely on the right track. 

Tip #8: Stick to your account’s regular activity. I have had some students who had had an issue recently in the Webinars That Convert group so it is very fresh in my mind. The first thing is, if you have a lot of people out of the country (let’s say you are in the U.S. and you have a lot of out-of-country VA’s and they are logging into your Facebook account) that could be a red flag with Facebook. It looks like there is possibly some weird activity going on. 

For those of you with a lot of people logging into your Facebook ads account, you need to make sure you have Facebook business manager instead of just a regular ads account. You need to look into the business manager. I will link to information about that in my show notes at 

It’s not as fun, to be quite honest, but it is necessary because you don’t want it to ever look like there is suspicious activity with your account because you will get it shut down. 

I have had a student that had some credit card issues. Maybe her credit card number expired or something like that, and she had to replace it. Facebook was waiting on more information for her to identify herself with that new credit card and she didn’t get back to them so they shut down her account. 

If you have no idea why your account got shut down, it makes no sense because no ads were running and nothing got disapproved but something seems weird, the first think I want everybody to do if you ever get your account shut down is continue to contact them. 

You will usually have a link in order to say that the ad account shouldn’t have been shut down. But I want you to be diligent and find as many ways as you can to get in touch with them. That’s not easy, I know. But, if it were me, that’s what I would do. 

There is no guarantee either. But you never know. The example I gave you of my student earlier, we were able to get her account up and running again. It is very rare. But, sometimes when you are really persistent it can work. 

Another thing, if you have no idea why your account would ever be shut down it could be a credit card issue. I want you to look into that as well. You just never know. I hear so many different stories that I just wanted to give you some ideas as to how to troubleshoot. However, most people will come to me and say their ad account got shut down and it makes no sense. 

They believe there is no way they could have ever broken any of the guidelines. Typically I will go on the person’s landing page and I will see a word right away that stands out. One of my students used the word “guarantee.” There is something about guaranteeing you will get more clients or anything like that is a huge red flag. You will get your account shut down instantly. 

Never, ever use the word guarantee on your ad or your landing page. I want you to dig a little deeper if you feel there is really nothing you have done. Sometimes there might be. Sometimes you also get a bad situation where it might have been a minor thing. But who knows, why would your ad account ever be shut down? Those are the times I want you to really push and try to get that reinstated. 

Again, it is really unlikely but I definitely would do it if it were me. 

Tip #9: Pay attention to your overall activity because it all adds up. This one really surprised me. I didn’t realize this but I thought it actually made perfect sense. We all have a history of associated with every account. Rick talks about this a lot in an interview he did in one of his episodes. Again, I’ll link to it in the show notes. 

When your ads are getting disapproved or if you have some unusual activity on your account it all starts to add up and puts actual marks on your account. I don’t want you to push your limits and think that they will just disapprove the ad if they don’t like it. If they disapprove many ads in a row you will get your ad account shut down. 

Again, don’t be fearful, just be informed. Know the guidelines. Know that your ad account does have a history. Does that mean if you get two ads disapproved in a row that you will get shut down? No. There is no rhyme or reason. I don’t even know if Facebook wants us to know what that rhyme or reason is. 

It’s not black and white and I have this weird feeling that maybe Facebook likes it that way. They kind of want to keep us on our toes so we can’t really game the system. If that’s the case then we just need to make sure we pay close attention to those guidelines. 

Tip #10: Focus on the relationship. Be casual. Be friendly and just know that I want you to focus on attracting new subscribers to your email list. I don’t want you to focus on selling. Rarely will you ever see me sell anything through a Facebook ad. 

The only time I’ll run an ad to a sales page is usually right before the cart closes. When we are doing that we might have some urgency in the ad like “24 hours and the cart closes.” When you go to the sales page there is a count-down timer that shows you that you have less than 24 hours. 

That is how we know there is urgency with integrity. It really is true. There is a difference. Remember earlier when I talked about the ad copy and wanting to make sure you don’t have false urgency? Telling someone to go do something now, click here now, don’t miss out is false urgency. 

Telling someone they have 18 hours before the program goes away and then when you go to the sales page the message is there as well then that’s more urgency with integrity. I just wanted to point that out. 

But, again, getting back to the final point of building relationships with your ads, the more you can send ad traffic to a blog post that is in front of an opt in, maybe on that blog post you have some kind of opt in like I do with my podcast, Facebook loves that. The more you can give away great, valuable content without overpromising, overstating, or making it seem like the biggest deal in the world when you know it really isn’t, we’ve got to keep this in perspective. 

I say to be casual and friendly because if I was going to tell a friend she really needed to do webinars I can be passionate about it. Believe me I am. So if I was sitting down with a good friend over coffee and she had a great online training program and has never done webinars but has sold a few pretty consistently through email marketing, I might tell her she “has” to do webinars because they can do this and this and this and the greatest thing, when you do webinars “this” could happen and blah blah blah. 

I would tell her but I probably wouldn’t say, “You can make $100,000 in 30 days and this and this and this and be a millionaire and you have to act now to go get this blog post, you can’t wait.” I wouldn’t talk to my friend like that over coffee. The same goes for your ads. Look at your ad and ask yourself if you would talk to a good friend like that or a really great customer of yours or does it sound a little over the top? 

If it sounds over the top then you need to scale it back a bit in order to protect your ad account. That is just something to think about. Then, in your email marketing you can create more of that urgency and more passion and be very specific about the results you want to get them. 

You can then talk about 10Xing and making a certain amount of money. You can talk about certain days and all of that with a countdown in your email marketing. I would just stay away from that in your actual ad and the landing page. 

I think the biggest lesson I want you to take from this session is: 

  1. You need to be informed. 
  2. You still need to take action. 

I don’t want you not to do Facebook ads because you’re afraid of getting your ad account shut down. I just want you to be informed. I also truly believe that Facebook ads are the most powerful social ad that you can do. The targeting, the ability to get out in front of people in a really unique way, and the fact they have over a billion active users kind of helps as well. 

All of those combined, Facebook ads are definitely something I want you to have in your marketing arsenal. I just want you to be really mindful when you’re creating those ads. 

There you have it. I hope you enjoyed this session as much as I have. I want to thank Rick Mulready for all the help you give me in terms of understanding how to protect my Facebook ads account. As you can see, I’ve learned a lot from you Rick so thanks for being a great friend and for helping me out with this. 

I am also going to link to a few different articles in my show notes as I promised. Make sure you go to  to get all of those links in case you want to dive deeper into this topic. 

I also created a cheat sheet with all of these tips and a little commentary on each of them that I want you to actually download, print out, and keep near you the next time you set up your Facebook ads. You can get that by going to http:// Or, you can text the phrase 82download to 33444. 

Before we wrap up, a quick, word from our sponsor. Finally, I want to thank our sponsor, 99Designs. You know when you market online it is really difficult to stand out from all of that online noise clutter. How do you do it? I think you do it through impeccable branding. That includes your logo, your social media cover images, your website, and everything in between. At 99Designs you can get anything designed in just a week for a startup-friendly price. 

To give you a little something extra, when you go to you will get a $99 upgrade for free. That upgrade makes your design contest stand out from all of the others and bumps you to the top of the list so more designers can see your contest. So make sure to check out 

Thank you so very much for being here with me today. I cannot wait to connect with you again next week. Bye for now. 

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