Transcript: How to Intentionally Design the Life You Want with Michael Hyatt

March 10, 2016

AMY PORTERFIELD: Hey there, Amy here. Welcome to another episode of The Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast. As always, I’m absolutely thrilled that you’ve tuned in. 

I cannot believe it’s taken me 101 episodes to get my special guest today, Michael Hyatt, on my show. Shame on me! I should have reached out to him a whole lot sooner. I thought about this and I realized I think I have been subconsciously nervous about interviewing Michael. Let’s face it, the guy’s a big deal and I didn’t want to mess this up. 

However, when I got my hands on his brand new book, Living Forward, I absolutely fell in love with the topic and I thought, “That’s it.” I had to invite him on the show to talk about this book and just about life planning in general. Thankfully he said, “Yes.” 

Before we get into the topic at hand today I have to admit something that’s a little bit awkward. You’ve got to stay with me here. I absolutely love my family. However, sometimes I wish I was a Hyatt. 

I know, I’m terrible but it’s the truth. Over the years I have really become friends with Michael and his lovely wife, Gail, and their five daughters, who I think are fantastic. There might have been a few occasions when I’ve asked Gail if maybe she would adopt me so I could be sister #6. 

For the record, more than once she has said, “Yes.” So, technically, I’m a Hyatt so it’s just like today I’m just interviewing one of my family members, no big deal. Are you with me? I know, it’s a little creepy but it’s true. I have asked to be adopted by the Hyatt family. 

Today’s topic is extra special because it reminds me of my Tony Robbins days. So much of my time spent at Robbins was creating content and a lot of the content was around designing a life and a business that you absolutely love. So, when I got my hands on this book I thought it was so in alignment with everything I learned at Robbins. 

What Hyatt does is take it one step further and it’s incredibly actionable. So I got really excited about the book and I want you to hear Michael talk about some of the key principles in this book. 

Michael wrote the book with his co-author, Daniel  Harkavy,  and  again,  it’s  called Living Forward and it’s all about creating your life plan. Michael and Daniel say that we often plan out key elements of our life but rarely our whole life. What I love about the book is that it’s actionable. Not only that, you can take action with your life plan in one day. 

Michael will explain how that actually works when we get into the interview. I also feel this interview is extra special because you’ll get to hear Michael’s personal notes from his own life plan, specifically related to how he wants to be remembered by his tribe, which is all of us, and by his wife. It’s pretty special. 

I also love when people give examples before I dive in and do it myself. That’s exactly what Michael does in this interview. I won’t make you wait any longer, let’s go ahead and dive in. 

Amy:  Michael Hyatt, thank you so much for being on the show. I cannot believe it’s been 100 or so episodes and you’ve never been on my show. 

Michael: I can’t believe it either. You’re such a delight and I really appreciate you having me on. 

Amy: It’s going to be a lot of fun. This is a huge, huge treat for me. Again, thank you for being here. We’re going to dive right in. Congratulations on your brand new book, Living Forward. 

Michael: Thank you so much. I’ve never been more excited about a book. I’ve written several but this is the one I’m really the most excited about. 

Amy: It’s pretty special, for sure. I want to talk about some of the key principles inside the book. But, before we get there, tell me what you hope readers will take away from Living Forward. 

Michael: I think it’s kind of the idea that if people would stop being passive, stop being victims, stop blaming everything else on their life, and stop drifting, and really start designing a life they would love, being intentional, and creating the outcomes in every area of their lives so they not only win at work, which is important to all of us who are entrepreneurs (especially), but to also succeed at life. 

Life is more than work. 

Amy: That is a really good reminder I think we all need to hear a little bit more often. My audience might be thinking they are in the thick of trying to figure out their lead magnet, funnels, and webinars and they don’t have time for a big life plan right now. Why is it so important to take the time to create this life plan you’ve been talking about? 

Michael: That’s a great question. For me, webinars are critically important. You taught me that. Lead funnels, lead magnets, all of that is important. But the truth is life is interconnected and a failure in one area can reverberate and cascade into the other areas of our life. 

For example, if we start having trouble in our marriage or with our health or with one of our kids that has a profound impact on our work and whether or not we can be engaged at work and whether we can be productive and focused. When those other areas of our life are going pretty well we’re really able to get focused on our work and do a bang-up job. 

I think it’s critically related to the overall quality of our work and if we don’t attend to it, it can derail our work. 

Amy: That’s so very true. When I worked with Tony Robbins one of the things he talked about a lot was when we are doing an amazing job firing on all cylinders in one area of our life there is usually one area of our life that’s really struggling. It doesn’t get our focus, it’s not getting our time, and basically you see that in most people’s lives. 

Now that you’ve kind of gotten in pretty deep with this life plan, when you hear that do you think that’s true or do you think something like a life plan can help balance it out? 

Michael: I would say a life plan can definitely help balance it out. What you really want to know is that these other areas of your life are handled so you’re not just drifting. One of the things Daniel, my co-author, and I say in the book is that no one ever drifted to a destination they would have chosen. 

Amy: That’s good. 

Michael: You’ve met my wife, Gail, of course. 

Amy: Love that woman. 

Michael: When we had been married about ten years we decided to take a vacation in Hawaii. We had never been. We didn’t have much money. We cashed in all of our airline miles. But we got there and we needed to do something for free. We noticed the hotel was offering snorkeling lessons for free so we went to the pool and got checked out. 

They took us to the reef and we were blown away. We decided with the little money we had we could rent two sets of snorkeling gear for $10 and we would just snorkel for the rest of the week because we loved it. The next morning we went to the lagoon that was adjacent to the hotel. The water was absolutely calm with hardly a wave. It was very clear. 

We put on our snorkeling gear and we got into the ocean and we were totally captivated. We were mesmerized by all the different species of fish and the seaweed gently swaying in the sunlight. We just got distracted and caught up in it and about 45 minutes later I decided to pull my head up and look around. 

To my horror, we were caught in a riptide and we were way out to sea. The hotel looked like a little postage stamp off in the distance. 

Amy: No! That would freak me out. 

Michael: Yes. We were so freaked out. Gail lifted her head up and shrieked. She asked, “What are we going to do?” Fortunately we had a boogie board and I said, “We’ve got to swim like crazy.” 

We weren’t even smart enough to know you can’t swim against a riptide. But I guess by that time it had shifted so we swam like crazy for about 45 minutes to an hour and finally got to the shore. We pulled ourselves up and collapsed. We hadn’t been snorkeling until last fall. That was the first time we have been snorkeling since that experience. 

The point of that story is that this is how most people live life. It’s not like they set out to get caught in a riptide or they don’t set out to have a bankruptcy or end up in a separation or divorce or a health crisis, they just drift there. 

When we get distracted and overwhelmed and, if you’re not careful, if you are giving all of your attention to your business and not attending to other things and are just drifting these other things can create an enormous business crisis because you have to take your eye off the ball and you can’t get an appropriate level of attention to your business. Now you are having to fix something that got broken because you didn’t give it the intention you should have at the beginning. 

Amy: Drifting is such an important topic to talk about because I know my audience is always telling me how they are getting distracted from their core focus or core values. They are always working on something where they think they should be focusing on something else. They are getting pulled in a million directions. Like you said, they are overwhelmed, distracted, and unaware of where they should be focusing. 

Hopefully you can help us today. Tell me, how do we stop drifting? 

Michael: Yes. First of all, it is just having intention. Saying this is a wake-up call. Don’t be like I did back in the early 2000s when I was working trying to turn around a division at a corporation, Thomas Nelson Publishers, where I was a divisional manager at that time. For 18 months we took a division that was #14 out of 14 to #1, but at a cost…at a cost. 

I ended up in the emergency room three times that year thinking I was having a heart attack. I wasn’t. It was acid reflux. But the last time my cardiologist looked at me and said, “Look, I don’t know what’s going on in your life but if you don’t start making some changes and reduce the stress you’re going to end up here for real.” 

Talk about something that’s going to interrupt your life and derail everything else you’re doing, that will do it. So it was at that point that I decided to hire an executive coach. It happened to be Daniel Harkavy, who is my co-author, and the very first thing he taught me was how to do a life plan. 

I started getting intentional about my life. Not everything turned around immediately. But, pretty fast, a lot faster than I would have thought. I started getting in shape. I started getting back to the basics of my marriage. All of that stuff. 

It began with a life plan and it is still essentially the same kind of plan I followed back then that we recommend in the book; that’s answering these three really powerful questions, questions that are designed to give us clarity, courage, and commitment so that we can stop drifting and create the life we want. 

Amy: Okay, you’ve got to give them to me.

Michael: Okay. That was designed to just…

Amy: It was so good. You’re teasing me here. 

Michael: Question #1 is the question of clarity: How do you want to be remembered? The lie of our culture is that you’re going to live forever. Until I was 30 I felt I was immortal. 

Amy: Oh yeah. 

Michael: Then you start realizing you are putting on a few more pounds and not feeling as great as you used to and your marriage is not quite as exciting at it was during the honeymoon. You kind of go through all of that stuff. And realizing that you’re going to die sounds kind of morbid and I suppose in one sense it is. But it’s also very clarifying. 

My father-in-law died in 2005. He was an Air Force Colonel and had an amazing career and amazing life. His children adored him. I was his son-in-law and I adored him. He always made time for me. He asked me important questions and gave me guidance, both business and personal, and it was fantastic. 

What I noticed after the funeral, Amy, was that we all came back to my house and it was all the family and close friends and everything. There are all of these conversations. We were looking through photos and were laughing and crying and telling stories. But we were talking about this man’s legacy and its impact on our life. 

A couple of things dawned on me. We think of a legacy as something that…Abraham Lincoln had a legacy. Bill Gates will have a legacy. But little ol’ me, I’m not going to have a legacy. But the truth is all of us will have a legacy. A legacy is inescapable. It is only a question of whether it’s a good legacy or a bad legacy. 

I realized with his life he had an enormously positive legacy. But I also realized those conversations that were being had around his life were conversations that we could engineer now for eventually that day when we’ll all pass. That got me really excited because when I first heard this I didn’t know what people would say if I died. 

What would Gail say? What would the kids say? I want them to say good things. 

Amy: Yes. 

Michael: I want them to have great memories. So the first exercise is how you want to be remembered. We ask you to get really clear about that and create a series of legacy statements like: How do I want my spouse to remember me? How do I want my kids to remember me? My friends? 

I have even got one for my followers, people that listen to my podcast. I am very specific about how I want to be remembered by them. 

Amy: Will you share it with us? 

Michael: Yeah, I will. I have to pull it up here. 

Amy: Okay, take your time. 

Michael: I will. 

Amy: That’s a good one. So you are saying all areas of your life. I’m just thinking what my husband would say or my mom would say or my son. But you are saying in all of the different areas of your life you can decide now how you want to be remembered and how you want them to feel about you when you’re gone? 

Michael: Yeah, and the reason you do this is because once you get clear on that, Stephen Covey said to start with the end in mind. Once you get clear on this you can begin to engineer how you are, what you’re becoming, and the actions you’re taking so that they lead to this outcome. 

These different constituents in your life plan can be anything you want. But I have one called “My Followers.” Here’s what this says: I want them to remember my transparency, authenticity, and generosity. I want them to remember how I exceeded their expectations and gave them compelling, life-changing content and resources. Most of all, I want them to see in me a role model with a life worth emulating. 

Amy: First of all, that’s excellent! I am a huge fan. So that is you to a T. 

Michael: Thank you. 

Amy: Imagine how powerful that is if you read that every time you recorded a new podcast or wrote a new blog post or whatever it might be. Getting that into your body first, I feel that would make a huge difference. 

Michael: Oh my gosh, it does! Of course, we recommend that you review this stuff on a regular basis, initially daily and then weekly and ultimately quarterly. But to let this be the rudder on your ship so that you don’t just drift aimlessly through life but that you’ve got a direction and intention and purpose. That’s the first question. 

Amy: I love that. How do I want to be remembered? 

Michael: Yep. The second question, super powerful: What’s most important to you? You probably know what is important to Hobie and you probably  know  what’s important to your parents. You don’t have a boss but if you do have a boss, what’s important to the boss or your followers? But the question is really what’s important to you? 

To be somebody who is a person of priorities, who makes decisions based  on priorities, one of the things you and I share in common (I know this about you) is that we are recovering people pleasers, right? 

Amy: You’re a little bit further along than I am. 

Michael: It’s hard for us to say, “No.” 

Amy: It is. 

Michael: But one of the keys to success is you’ve got to be able to say, “No” to the things that are non essential and “yes” to the things that are absolutely essential because it’s kind of a zero-sum game. You can’t say, “No” to one thing or “yes” to one thing without saying, “No” to something else. Time is not elastic. 

To come up with a list of priorities to know what’s first, what’s second, what’s third, and so forth, and near the top of the list I put myself. It’s kind of like when you get on an airplane and they do the public service announcement and say in the unlikely event of loss of cabin pressure put on the oxygen mask first before you attempt to help somebody else. 

So many people do not get involved in appropriate self care. They put themselves last and think for some reason that’s better, they need to serve everybody else. And then they wonder why they burn out and feel overwhelmed, why they get angry, because everything else is a priority over themselves. 

I feel I am not of any use to anybody else unless I’m taking care of myself. I’m a high priority. But I will give you an example of where push comes to shove and where priorities make sense. Back in the recession I was the CEO of Thomas Nelson Publishers. Our company had been a public company. 

We were acquired by private equity right before the recession. Of course, when the recession hit, like a lot of businesses we were dependent upon consumer retail and our business was suffering. It was hand-to-hand combat and we were trying to keep the ship afloat. It was tough with grueling work and long hours, all of that. 

It came time for my vacation. I told the board I was going to take a vacation. Gail and I were going to go to Colorado to the mountains and just take a week to be offline and chill. 

Amy: Nice. 

Michael: I told them it was coming and everybody was in agreement. It was no big deal. We left on Friday and landed in Dallas to change planes to go to Denver and then drive up to the mountains. In Dallas I checked email for the last time, I thought, before we got to the mountains. 

Amy: I’m nervous. This isn’t going to end well. 

Michael: I know. I had a message from the Chairman of the Board, who was my boss. He said, “Look, we have some issues that need to be addressed now.” They wanted to come to Nashville where Thomas Nelson is and have a meeting on Monday morning. He said he would be really grateful if I would be there. 

He said he knew I was going on vacation but would be really grateful if I would be there. My heart sank. I showed Gail the email message and was shaking my head. She asked what I was going to do and I said, “I don’t know.” 

She said whatever I did she would fully support me. She knew it was a tough decision but whatever I did she would fully support me. I thought about my priorities. Gail comes before my work. My kids come before my work. My own personal health comes before my work. 

Work for me is about #4 or #5 on my priority list so I responded back to him while we were still taxiing in on the plane and said, “Unfortunately, as I told you, I am going to be on vacation and I can’t be there. I would be really grateful if you would reschedule this meeting. If you don’t feel like you can do that then go ahead and come on in. My staff will help you get the answers you need and I’ll talk to you when I get back. But I won’t be checking email this week either.” 

Amy: I’m so proud of you. That had to have been so difficult. 

Michael: It was so difficult. I was scared to death because I didn’t know if I was going to get fired or what. But I knew I wouldn’t know for a week because I wasn’t going to check. 

Amy: Smart man. 

Michael: Then I came back and my staff said they came in but it was such a non event. All of the questions they asked could have been answered on email. They weren’t sure why they came in but it was a total waste of their time and it was inconsequential. 

But here’s the thing it did for me, Amy, having that list of priorities gave me courage in the moment when I desperately needed it to be able to say, “Yes” to what mattered most, which was my wife and my own health. I was able to say, “No” to something that was important but not as important as these other two priorities. 

That second question is really designed to give you courage. The first one is clarity about where you are going; and, the second one is courage in order to get there. 

Amy: Speaking of courage, this reminds me. Just the other day I got to talk to Christy Wright. Do you know who that is? She works with the Ramsey Group? 

Michael: I don’t. I know the Ramsey Group but I don’t know… 

Amy: She puts on a big event for women entrepreneurs with the Ramsey Group. I got to talk to her yesterday and she was talking to me about balance. She said that her definition of balance is knowing when to do the right thing at the right time. I think that comes back to what you are saying too, not just about balance but about priorities. Doing the right thing at the right time, when you have priorities that becomes a whole lot easier, knowing what matters. 

Michael: Absolutely. In a sense you are pre thinking the decision, it’s not when you are feeling the pressure. This is the kind of thing that enables me to say to somebody who asks me, and you probably get this too, the random person who wants to meet with me and pick my brain. I respect that, first of all. 

My heart is that I would like to help everybody that asks. But I think to myself that I haven’t seen my mom and dad for two weeks. I’m not going to say, “Yes” to some random person if it means saying, “No” to my parents because they are 81 and 82 and I’m not going to have them forever; or, saying, “No” to attending one of my grandkid’s plays or soccer game or whatever. 

Again, it just gives me courage. But, I pre think it before I get the pressure on me. 

Amy: I think that’s a huge key. I definitely love that. First question, how do I want to be remembered. Second question, I have What matters most, but what is it officially? 

Michael: Yeah. 

Amy: Okay, that’s good. 

Michael: What’s most important to you or what matters most to you? 

Amy: Great. What’s the third question? 

Michael:  The third question is: How do I get from here, wherever “here” is in any of these major life accounts, to where I want to be? This is so fun. This is where you get even more clear on your envisioned future. 

We teach you through the process to be able to state in a paragraph what it is you want in each of the major life accounts. Get crystal clear on an ideal future. You don’t have to be there yet. You’re not going to be there yet. But you’ve got to know what you’re working toward. 

I’ll give you an example. This is my health account and here’s what I say: I am lean and strong, possessing vibrant health and extraordinary fitness. My heart is strong and healthy. My arteries are supple and clear of obstructions, my autoimmune system is in excellent condition. I’m disease, infection, and allergy resistant. I have more than enough energy to accomplish the tasks I undertake. This is because I control my mental focus, work out six days a week, choose healthy foods, take supplements as needed, and get adequate rest. 

Amy: That is some powerful stuff. 

Michael: I have clarity about what I want my health to be. Let me just give you one more real quick. This is my one for my relationship with Gail. It looks like this: My love for Gail grows daily. She is my best friend, my intimate ally, my partner, and my lover. There is no one I would rather spend time with than her. We share with one another our deepest dreams, our secret fears, and our most profound experiences. We’re always learning new things together. Though not perfect, our marriage is a model and an encouragement to others. That’s what I want for my marriage. 

Amy: Just putting it out there, it becomes so much more real. 

Michael: Yes. And it creates pole power. 

Amy: What is pole power? 

Michael: Rather than feeling like you are being driven by some need to do something, what we are saying is to create a compelling vision of a future state that just rocks your socks off, something that if you could have that it would be worth making decisions to pursue it. It would make it worth making an investment required to really attain that. 

It’s got to be compelling to you. I can’t write this for you. You can’t write it for me. I can’t write it for Gail. Each person has to decide on what that is. Then once we get that envisioned future we come down to the current reality. There is going to be a gap. 

Maybe you write a health statement like I just said, an envisioned future statement like that and you realize the truth is you are 40 pounds overweight, you are a couch potato, you are eating junk food, and you don’t feel like you have any energy. You’re not sleeping very well on top of that. You realize there is a gap. 

Once you get the current reality you look at the specific commitments you are going to make to try to bridge the gap. Here is where people get hung up. You do not need a complex action plan where the entire path from here to there is mapped out. It’s more like taking a trip. 

We will go on vacation to Florida. We know where we are going and we kind of know the path that is going to get there. But if we are driving at night the headlight is going to illumine 50 to 100 yards. That’s enough. Most of us know what steps we need to take to get started and that’s the important thing. 

What are the specific commitments? If I was overweight and wanted to lose weight maybe it is just that I’m going to start tracking everything I eat in MyFitnessPal. Or I might stop eating carbohydrates and sugar and just focus on clean eating. It is little commitments that we are going to make. 

Here’s the power of this, it’s the power of incremental change over time. This is true in internet marketing too, people think they are going to swing for the fences, they are going to win the lottery, they are going to get a great big giant hit, but that’s not usually how it works. 

You talked about this in the most recent podcast I listened to about products and how you grew a product over time by just incrementally improving it. It got massive results eventually. But it wasn’t like you needed a big hit out of the gate. You refined it over time. I think that is how it is for most of the areas in our life where we want to see progress. I don’t care if it’s our marriage, our finances, or our health. It’s just the power of incremental change over time, little decisions that add up to big results. 

Amy: That’s what makes it so powerful. Sometimes I forget that the little decisions are making such a big impact in my life. The way I think about things sometimes, and this really messes me up so I have to be careful, I think I need to make those big strides in order to see big results. I love that you reminded me, even with that special product I talked about in the last episode (Episode #100) where it is just little tweaks and 2mm shifts I make every single day to see really big results. 

I think that is kind of what ‘s happening in this book as well. 

Michael: Exactly. I had a pilot that wrote me today on Twitter and he said he was a pilot and 95% of the time an airplane is flying it’s off course and they are just doing micro adjustments to keep it on course so they land at the destination. I think that is how it is with life. 

Unfortunately most people are not making those micro corrections because they don’t have a clear destination so they are drifting off course. Some of them are crashing. But if we know where we are going and are willing to be honest with where we are then we can be patient to take the steps we need to be in a different place. 

One of the liabilities of social media, and I know both of us love social media (I wrote a book about it and you did too), if we are not careful social media can cause us to compare ourselves. 

Amy: Yes. 

Michael: Then we are seeing that a guy came out of the blue and must have done something massive. We don’t realize all of the work that went into that and all of the incremental decisions that were made to get where they are. 

Amy: It’s so true. Can you imagine all of the amazing stories that are going to come your way from people that are reading this book? It’s just out so you probably don’t have a bunch yet. But imagine what they will sound like and what they are going to look like. 

Michael: The fun part of this is Daniel and I had actually been coaching people. He has been doing this for about 20 years. I have been coaching people, both people that worked for me and now some of my clients through the process for about 15 years, so this is the crazy thing, we’ve got organizations that are buying this book by the 1,000s of copies like Nike, Wells Fargo, and Premier Lending because the CEOs of those companies know that all of this stuff in life is connected and they want employees that are totally engaged. 

They want people that are focused and productive and if you’ve got a marriage going south or a health crisis you are thinking about that. You’re not present at work. I think the thing that is exciting to me about the book is that we really want to help people to be present in their lives so that when you’re at work you can be fully present. You’re not worried about your health and you’re not worried about your kids or your marriage because there are other times for that. You can be fully engaged and fully focused. 

On the other hand, when you are with your kids or your spouse you can be totally present. You’re not thinking about your work or your next launch or why that lead magnet is not working like it should. You are fully present. 

Amy: It’s really a different kind of life when you can be fully present. It’s something that I think we constantly need to be really thinking about the importance of and putting it into practice everyday. I am so excited that you came here to talk about this. I think even in this short conversation I’m pretty sure people are already thinking they are going to have to get the book and they need to do this. 

I want to put a challenge out there to anybody who’s listening. If you’re thinking you have to get the book (and we’ll tell you where to go to get it in a second), I want you to really take action on it. I know I’m going to do the same. I’ve already started diving into the book so I could prepare for today. 

Let’s say in the next 72 hours, when you get your hands on that book, dive into it and start doing it because this isn’t just a read, right Michael? 

Michael: That’s right. 

Amy: We are doing something. We are doing exercises. 

Michael: Yes. And the thing we do is ask you to read through the book. One of the things we ask you to do is to set aside a day where you will create your life plan. It’s much like journaling but we walk you through the process. We have templates, which I’ll give to you here in a second. We guide you through the process in one day. 

The average person spends five hours preparing to shop for a car. The average bride, and four of my five daughters are now married so I know this is true, the average bridge spends 39 days preparing for her wedding. 

Amy: Geez. 

Michael: Most of us spend a lot of time preparing for a one-week vacation. But we are asking you to spend one day, that’s all, one day. Get away from it all, unplug, and if you do that you will come out the other end with a draft of a life plan that we guarantee will be a game changer. That is all we are asking. The book leads up to that point. 

Amy: That’s a really amazing promise. I believe it to be true, for sure. So tell people where they can go to get their hands on your brand new book. 

Michael: If you go to we’ve got links to all of the major retailers. You can go to Amazon or Barnes & Noble or iTunes or wherever you want to buy the book. You can just buy it at a brick-and-mortar store as well. Then, here’s the cool thing, if you come back through the end of the week (Friday, March 11), we have some amazing bonuses. 

All you have to do is plug in your receipt number and that will validate it. We will send you the bonus material including, and this is pretty exciting, an adult coloring book based on the book. 

Amy: That’s something new. 

Michael: That’s a thing now. Did you know that? 

Amy: No. That’s kind of cool. 

Michael: Adult coloring books are a big deal. Some of the sayings from the book and all that are there. But we also have some audio training that goes with the book. We have something called a life profile assessment that allows you to self evaluate in all of the major categories of life. Then we make some recommendations based on the results you get. 

In addition to that we have the free life planning templates in Microsoft Word, iWork Pages, and Evernote so that you can create your life plan and you don’t have to recreate the wheel. 

Amy: Here’s the deal guys, if you’re listening to this the day it goes out, I’m going to email my entire list so they should be able to know this is timely. You will have about 24 hours, maybe 48 hours to take action on these extra bonuses so do it now. Do not wait. 

Michael: Awesome. 

Amy: Thank you so very much, Michael. You know that I talk about you all the time. I love everything you do. For you to be on my show is truly a treat so thank you so much for coming on. 

Michael: Thank you so much. And congratulations on 100 episodes. I celebrate it. Yours is one of my can’t-miss podcasts. 

Amy: Oh wow! Coming from you that means the world, so thank you so very much. You have a wonderful day. 

Michael: You bet. 

Amy: There you have it. I hope you enjoyed this interview with Michael as much as I have. I love this book and I’m going to do my one-day life plan as Michael suggested. I hope you do as well. Just go to to get all of the details. 

I can’t wait to see you again next week and thanks, again, for tuning in. Bye for now. 

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