AMY PORTERFIELD: Hey there! Welcome back to another episode of The Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast. I’m your host, Amy Porterfield. Today we are talking webinars, literally my most favorite topic to talk about.
Beyond all the stuff that I teach, Facebook ads, funnels, content creation, list building, and social media and all of that, I always love to talk about webinars the most. The reason for that is likely because I’ve seen very significant growth in my own business using webinars.
I’ve been using webinars since 2009 or 2010 when I got started. Although I was terrible at webinars in the beginning I did realize as I did a few of them and got a little bit better at what I was doing webinars really put me on the map.
When you do webinars you are the expert. You are the teacher and the one giving away impeccable free content that your audience can take action with. That really sets you up as their go-to source. So I quickly became the expert in my niche because I continually taught free content on webinars.
Another thing webinars do is build amazing trust between you and your audience. If you do a good job in delivering your content on a webinar your audience feels a connection with you because they know that you are delivering what you promised.
That creates some amazing respect and trust and we all know that people buy from those that they trust. Webinars will give you that trust. If right now you feel that you don’t have that connection with your audience just yet webinars can change that for you.
Another thing webinars do is allow you to sell without being overly salesy. I’m not incredibly comfortable selling anything. However, on a webinar (I’ll talk about this in this episode) your program, product, or service becomes the next logical step after the content you just taught.
It becomes a seamless selling transition when you start to talk about what you have to offer on a webinar. When you really get that formula right, the amount of free, impeccable, actionable content and then moving into the selling portion of your webinar becomes seamless it never, ever feels like you are selling but are offering the next logical step.
We’re going to talk about specifics so that you really know what that feels like and looks like on your webinar.
The #1 mistake that I see often in webinars is just this: The person that’s doing the webinar will promote the webinar and promise all of these great things they are going to cover. They typically tell you they are going to show you how to do XYZ.
You get on the webinar and instead of that person showing you how to do XYZ it feels like the entire webinar is a big sales pitch. First you hear all about them and why they are so great and then you hear about why you should buy their course or program.
You then realize you have to buy the product to get all of the stuff they promised to tell you about and show you on the webinar. I don’t know about you but that creates zero trust between me and the person doing the webinar. Can I get an amen?
You want to be really careful about the formula between your content and your selling on a webinar because you can break trust really quickly. You also frustrate people and they will not get on your next webinar.
Because I see this mistake over and over again I thought I would create an episode that helps you figure out what you give away for free versus how you transition into the selling portion and what you are selling. We’re going to talk all about that.
I want to tell you that I have a master class, a live free master class, coming up all about how to create your first five-figure webinar. Let me tell you, it is one of my most favorite master classes I’ve ever created. I get to do it live again.
I’m doing a series of webinars really soon and I’m going to get into a lot more than just how to sell on a webinar. I’m going to take you through the five phases of a webinar system.
I love the webinar so much because I’m going to take you behind the scenes of my entire webinar system and show you examples, images, emails, slide decks, and all that good stuff. The goal is to show you how to put a webinar system together.
You will walk away and you will get it. You will get what goes into a webinar system. You will get the different phases. You will know what you need to do. You will have your marching orders. That’s what this free live master class is all about.
Again, it’s just me. I don’t have a guest on it so it is just me drilling into all the content showing you all my examples. I’m going to be doing all of them live and I would love for you to join me. All you need to do is go to webinar.
You will get all of the details inside my master class about how to create a profitable webinar system. I cannot wait to share with you all of the examples that I’ve baked into that webinar so that you really see a webinar system come alive. I hope you will meet me there.
Let’s go ahead and dive in to the topic for today which is How to Sell on a Webinar Without Being Salesy.
I want to start with designing a webinar that perfectly positions your product or course to sell on that webinar. First I want to tell you I have a motto (and I teach it inside my own webinar program) where every time I get on a webinar I say to myself, “No matter if they buy or not they walk away today feeling excited, inspired, and driven to take action.”
I tell myself that out loud before I get on the webinar to make sure I am coming from a place of service and that I am going to deliver on the promises I put out there when I was promoting the actual webinar.
When I say that out loud, “No matter if they buy or not they walk away today feeling excited, inspired, and driven to take action,” I know I am going to show up and give them my best content for free, no matter the outcome at the end of the webinar.
This puts me in that mindset to make sure it’s all about them and not about me. That’s the first thing I do. So much of being an entrepreneur is mindset as well as mechanics. That’s the mindset part of it.
When we get into the mechanics part of it, what goes into the webinar, one of the biggest questions I get asked all the time is, “How do I know what to put in my webinar versus what I create and sell inside my program?”
Have you ever had that question? It comes up a lot. I’ve thought about this one over and over again because I want to make sure my students really understand how to craft a webinar that still gives great value, that doesn’t sound like a big sales pitch, but also doesn’t give everything away so that people don’t want to buy.
Kind of to back up a little bit, I’ve seen this done a lot before as well. Let me walk you through it. Somebody does a webinar and that webinar is full of content, too much content. At the end of the webinar people feel they were given so much that they feel they need to do all of the stuff you told them to do so they don’t need the product. You already gave them marching orders.
They are feeling overwhelmed and they have five pages of notes so they aren’t ready for your program. They just need to set the foundation with all of the stuff you just gave them.
That’s a very real concern that many of my students have voiced with me. I’ve seen it done before as well. Now you are probably wondering what the heck you should do. Do you give away a lot of great free valuable content or are you going to give away too much so that people won’t want to buy?
You kind of want to scream and maybe hide under your desk. Let’s take a deep breath and let me explain it to you in a way that has helped me immensely and will hopefully help you as well.
When you are creating a webinar the webinar content (before you get to the selling portion) is the what and why. Your paid course is the how. Let’s just think about that for a second. The webinar content before you get to selling your course on a webinar is the what and the why. The paid course that you’re going to be promoting on the webinar is the how.
The “what” and “why” tell what the big opportunity is. What are the possibilities here? Why does it matter? That’s the webinar. Let me give you an example: In my Courses That Convert program I did a webinar. The “what” was “What is this big possibility and opportunity around creating an online course?” What is it? I explained to them what goes into creating an online course.
Then there is the “why”. Why is it so important? What will it do for you? Usually the “why” is tied to the results you promise inside your paid course. They “why”, “Why does it matter,” is so that you can bring in consistent revenue every single day when you have an online course.
Instead of connecting with people one on one in your consulting services, now you can connect one to many. That’s the “why”, why it’s so incredibly valuable. When you really nail the “what” and the “why” it usually includes testimonials and case studies.
Let me tell you about Jane and what she’s done after she has created a course. Here’s what her business looked like before and here’s what it looks like after. Testimonials on a sales page are incredibly powerful.
But testimonials and case studies in a webinar are incredibly powerful as well because you get to tell their story. They get to hear it through your voice with your inflection and excitement. Then they get to see the results on the screen.
When you’re doing your “what” and “why” if you have testimonials or stories, maybe your own story, that’s where you share all of that. Then when it gets to the paid course that’s the “how”. When you do get into the selling portion of your webinar it becomes the next logical step for them to sign up with you because they have already bought into the “what” and the “why”.
Now they want to know exactly how you do it. That’s what’s so incredibly powerful about webinars. You get to take them on a journey. Remember, the “what” and the “why,” the possibility or opportunity in specifics.
Let me back up a little bit more and tell you that when I do my webinars, if you’ve ever been on one of my webinars, you know I give you a lot of examples. I might be explaining what it means to create an online course and I’m not giving you the step- by-step how to because that’s in my course, but I’m still giving you examples.
I tell you, “Here’s what it would look like,” and “This is what you would create,” and “Here’s how you make the decisions on a course platform.” I give you that information but I’m not inundating you with so much that you’re making those decisions.
You don’t wonder which platform you’re going to use, which email service you are going to use, the course title. You’re not making those decisions in the webinar. I’m just showing you that these are the things you are going to consider when creating a course.
You are painting the big picture with specifics. I think that’s what’s so important to know, it just can’t be all generalities. In the content portion of your webinar you’ve got to give specifics. Show them what you’re talking about.
The more images and the more real-life examples, the better. To give you a more concrete example, I typically create my courses in phases or steps. In my Courses course there are five different phases of creating your course.
In my webinar I walk people through those five phases. I give examples, explain why it’s important. I do the “what” and the “why” but I don’t tell them how to get everything done in those five phases. That’s where the course comes in.
It is important for you to understand, if you want to perfectly position your course inside of a webinar, the webinar content must align with the product or service you plan to sell on the webinar.
You need to decide how you can teach content so that the next logical step is signing up for your course or your program or service. That’s the question you want to ask yourself.
Starting at the top allows you to then easily move into the selling portion. It’s just part of the conversation. You taught the “what” and “why” for a good 40 minutes and now you are going to transition into the next logical step.
Let’s talk about the transition. The transition between teaching a bunch of free great valuable content and selling might mean just a phrase or a word. What I typically see is a weird, awkward energy shift between the free content and the selling. You might have experienced it yourself. For some people, their voice actually cracks or you hear them shift in their seat and feel their voice has changed. You feel it, hear it, or something is just not right.
I’ve experienced it myself in the early years and I’ve heard it through many of my students’ webinars before they actually dig into the content and learn how to do it right. So I’m going to teach you right now how to do that transition right.
When the energy changes from teaching to selling, if it does (it doesn’t have to change), your audience feels it. That level of trust and connection can instantly go away. It is something you want to be very aware of.
I’m so passionate about this because you’ve worked your buns off to create amazing content in your webinar. The last thing I want you to do is lose their focus or connection because you are nervous moving into the selling portion.
I’m going to teach you how not to be nervous. The #1 thing you want to think about is a key phrase that you know you are going to say. It might even be on a slide deck so that you actually see the words in front of you so that you won’t forget it.
Come up with a key phrase that allows you to make a seamless transition. The easiest key phrase would be a question. One of the things you could do when you are to the point your are going to move into telling them about the opportunity of your course or program.
You could say something like, “So, do you see how easy it is to create a course once you know all the ingredients that go into it?”
I’m asking a question but I’m also pulling in what they just learned. Do you see how easy it is? Or, do you see how powerful it could be? If you want, depending on what you are teaching, you could even go with consequences. You could say, “Do you see what might happen if you don’t do XYZ?”
A question at that point could be what I call a transition trigger. You are triggering into the transition but the only trigger is to you so that you know you are moving into it. A question seamlessly allows you to go right into it.
You could then say, “I want to tell you about an opportunity to allow you to dive in and learn exactly how to do it step by step. Introducing…” You can go that quickly into it if you have a really good transition trigger, a key phrase.
It doesn’t have to be a question. It could be a really short story. It should be something aligned with why you created the product, what the product is all about, or even a case study. Use something that really punctuates the importance of moving into the next step.
You need to figure out what that is. But, here’s the little secret that most people won’t tell you. You need to memorize that section.
When I teach webinars to my students they will ask if I am reading a script the whole time I’m live webinar. No way. That would be way too robotic and calculated and not conversational.
However, there are a few things I do memorize. I memorize my opening. I have practiced whatever I am going to say right at the beginning a bunch. For me, if I can nail the intro then I’m off to the races. But, if I fumble with how to get started on a webinar the whole thing is really wonky the whole time because I’m off my game.
I practice and try to memorize the first few sentences when I intro my webinar. But I also always know what that transition looks like and I practice it. I say it over and over again so that I get it into my body.
Of course I always have notes for you guys, but one thing I wrote at the very end and I guess I need to say it here, when you believe in the results you are promising your students and you know you are going to get them results if they would just go through this program (you know in your heart, soul, and gut that your program could transform their marriage, business, personal life, health, bookkeeping, or whatever it might be), when you sell the program it will not feels salesy on your end at all because you believe it is their next logical step to get results.
You have to have confidence in what you’re selling. I guess that’s Selling 101. But, you have to have confidence in what you’re selling and that’s going to come across in your voice as well. That is something to think about.
You want a transitional trigger, a key phrase. The easiest one would be some kind of question that could then lead you into the conversation around your program, product, or service. That’s one thing you want to think about.
I also have a few other seamless selling techniques on webinars that won’t leave you feeling slimy as if you had just pushed your course or program into the face of your audience. That’s the last thing we ever want to do, right?
There are a few things you can do. I already mentioned this but I want to really hit home with it, it’s testimonials and case studies. I know some of you are just starting out and will say you don’t have any case studies or testimonials.
Sometimes you are your best testimonial. Maybe you’ve gotten results for yourself or a family member. You’ve got to know your program works. Somewhere along the lines you have had to have gotten results for yourself or someone else to know that your program gets results.
You want to talk about that in the content of your webinar but also during the sales portion. Right now we are just going to talk about the sales portion. During the sales portion, quick quotes or stories or even little videos you might have are a great thing to use so that you can let other people know that other people have gotten results and what they have said.
Testimonials and case studies are a great thing to use during the sales portion of your webinar.
Another thing is that specifics matter. When you are selling on a webinar (especially with my new students) people will want to sail right through the sales portion as fast as humanly possible. They not only talk really fast but they also only spend five minutes on selling and then, BOOM, they are off to their live Q&A or whatever it might be that will end their webinar.
That is doing a huge disservice to those that are genuinely interested in signing up. If you think about buying online, you are not going to put money down if you don’t know exactly what it is that you’re buying.
I tell my students to assume they will spend 30-45 minutes teaching free valuable content. They will want to spend a good 15 minutes actually talking about the program, product, or services.
If you are just starting out and that seems like way too much I would like to see at least 10 minutes but I would love to see 15 minutes. What do you do in that 15 minutes? That’s where specifics matter.
You definitely want to break things down step by step and let them know what they are buying. I typically create my courses in modules and I will go through each module. I might spend a minute, maybe two minutes on each module. I tell them, “Here’s what you will do in Module 1. Here’s what you’ll do in Module 2.”
When I’m telling them, and this is something I’ve never talked about before so it is really, really important to pay attention, when you’re talking about your modules or the specifics of the program they must still be enticing and interesting and focused on the end results you are promising. They must also be about them and not about you.
When you’re talking about your program it’s a subtle shift. But make sure you are making it all about them because in your webinar you likely talked about yourself and why you do what you do and your background. You probably tied in a lot of stories in your webinar to your own business. I do this all the time.
Now it is all about them and the results they are going to get. When you explain your program your energy still needs to be up. I always say, “Just smile.” When you smile while you are talking…I just started to smile right now and hopefully you felt it a little bit…the energy goes up.
I’m also standing right now. When you’re standing while doing a webinar, if you can do that, it definitely pulls up your energy. You want to be enthusiastic about your program and the modules and what’s included just as you were enthusiastic about the free content you were teaching.
Energy is everything here. Just remember that when you’re selling in your webinar.
Another thing that’s really unique to how I teach about selling in a webinar is that I always have two different slides: What you get and what you will create.
The slide says, “What You Get” on the top of the slide and I tell my students they are going to get 20 modules, five cheat sheets, six coaching calls, or whatever it might be. I just bullet point exactly what they get.
Then I create a slide that says, “What You Will Create.” Even though you are going to get 20 videos and five cheat sheets and one-on-one coaching calls, what’s most important is the fact that you are going to create a pre-recorded course that you can sell over and over again.
You are going to create a launch plan to do XYZ (I’m just making this stuff up). Let them know in detail what they will create. Again, it ties back to the results you are promising. The PDFs, videos, cheat sheets, and all of that are important but not nearly as important as letting them know what they will create.
You tell them the transformation they can look forward to. That’s a different slide. It is a different conversation. You want to separate what they will get from what they will create, for sure.
Another thing is irresistible bonuses. When you have added bonuses in your offer it is a great thing to add to the selling portion of your webinar. You will tell them exactly what they are going to get when they sign up, plus you have added some extra bonuses to sweeten the pot. That is so very important.
I have a running list. I had six of them but I think I might have a few more, but another thing you want to think about is how you mention the price. When you’re selling on a webinar, first of all you should definitely mention the price.
You should have a section in the selling portion of your webinar where you tell people how much the program is. But what’s really smart to do, sometimes you want them to know the complete value of your program. If I individually sold different pieces of my program, just the videos, just the cheat sheets, just the bonuses, or just the coaching calls ala carte it would be a whole lot more expensive than packaging it up and selling it to my students.
I typically show the value and breakdown of everything they are going to get. I remember having a conversation with James Wedmore years ago where we talked about what it would cost if someone were to hire you and they got to learn from you one on one about all of the stuff you are teaching in your program. What would that cost? That’s a whole different ball game.
You can talk about the different opportunities of what it would cost and you can then bring it back. That juxtaposition is actually really important so that people see the value. Or, if you are ever going to raise the price they will see what the normal price is and what the special webinar price is.
Give them something to show them that, if it’s true, they are actually getting a great deal. That’s something to think about. But you definitely want to talk about the price.
I know we’re not talking about pricing. I did a whole episode that I will put in the show notes about how to price your course. In that episode I talked about how important it is to do a payment plan if you have an expensive course of $1,000 or more.
I think payment plans are really great even if you have a $500 course. That is something that can help you as you are talking about pricing in the selling section of your webinar.
Another thing I love is when people do live Q&As but they are really organized about them. This helps you sell on your webinar as well. I teach my students that when they are going to do a live Q&A at the end of a webinar the #1 thing I love to see is a timer on the slide.
Let’s say you are going to do a webinar for 60 minutes but the last 10 minutes is the live Q&A. I can typically never do 60 minutes. I usually have to do an hour and a half. But the last 10-15 minutes is live Q&A. You want to come to the live Q&A prepared.
Have two or three questions already written out that you’re going to start with. You can let them know you are going into a live Q&A but that you have a few questions that you know they are likely thinking and you are going to get to those first. You will say, “Question #1,” and go for it.
When you are answering questions in the live Q&A, and this is so very important to remember, those questions should all be tied back to the importance of your course, the next logical step for them. They should allow you to talk about what they are going to learn, the results they are going to get, and what’s included in your course.
I typically try not to take a lot of questions that are not related to the course I am selling, at least not in the first ten minutes of the live Q&A. I try to stay really focused on the most important questions to help those that are on the fence understand if this program is right for them or not.
That’s what’s most important of the live Q&A, helping people know if this next logical step is a good fit for them or not. Coming up with a few questions to answer objections right from the get go is a really smart strategy.
It offers value to those that are listening that want to buy but are not really sure if they are the perfect fit.
Another really smart selling technique on a webinar is to be mindful of where you’re sending your traffic once they’re ready to buy from your live webinar. I actually send people to an abbreviated sales page.
For all of my launches, I create a long-form sales page. You know those sales pages with tons of information on them that could feel a little bit overwhelming when you’re writing them? They convert really well.
I sit down and do the work with my team and we create those long-form sales pages. But if you are present on a live webinar with me you don’t need to see that whole big sales page because I have likely gone over 90% of it in my webinar.
I have already hit on the most important pieces of the puzzle when it comes to the big opportunity, the why, the what, and now I’m offering the how. I create an abbreviated sales page which is usually just the name of the program, maybe an image of the program, I break it up into the modules to tell people what they are going to get, I have the different pricing options, the guarantee, maybe a testimonial, and that’s it.
I don’t include any of the back story, none of the opportunity, or the why. We just went into that in the webinar. We have found that when we send our webinar traffic to a long-form sales page we don’t see the sales come in right away because people are busy reading the long-form sales page.
They don’t need to read the long-form sales page because they already have that information from the live webinar. The abbreviated sales page allows your potential customers that are right there on the verge of buying to stay out of the weeds and get lost in more information.
We don’t want that to happen. We will give them only what they need. We will give them the button to buy and then they will go to the checkout page.
I recently promoted a tool called SamCart. I’m a huge fan of SamCart. It’s the checkout page. But SamCart actually created a checkout page that acts as a mini sales page and checkout page in one. If you don’t want to create that big long sales page, maybe it’s something you want to do down the road but you aren’t ready to do it now, you could send people from a webinar to the sales letter checkout page inside of the SamCart templates.
If you are a member of SamCart you will see it in there and you can put information about your product at the very top. Then at the very bottom is all of the checkout page information. That can work really well if you do a good job of explaining what they are going to get on the webinar.
If you want to check out SamCart you can go to It is definitely one of my tools of choice that I highly recommend. But be mindful as to where you’re sending your traffic from a webinar. I have seen this happen with people so it is important to mention to make sure the URL is really easy. The shorter the better, the less explanation around what the URL means, the better.
You don’t want to give a URL and explain why you chose that or why it’s complicated. I would use or One word is usually the best way to go. I also might title it if I’m selling Webinars That Convert. Use something really easy.
These little things make a big difference. Think about it, at the time you are going to lay down your hard-earned cash to buy something, especially if your budget is tight, you really want to buy this thing but you also know it might be a little bit of a hardship or you might be scared to do it because you know it’s going to take a big commitment.
Think of your program and what people are getting involved in. When I think about any one of my big signature courses like Courses That Convert or Webinars That Convert, it takes commitment, time, energy, blood, sweat, and tears to get through the program and to get results.
It takes your focus and energy. So I never sugar coat it and make people feel like it’s going to be easy. I make them very aware that it’s doable if you follow the steps and let people know I will hold their hand through the process. I’m going to be with you as it gets a little bit rough in some spots but it’s very doable if you do the steps one by one.
At the same time, it’s a commitment and knowing that people go into it feeling a little bit nervous (they wonder if they have what it takes, they are a little nervous, they don’t have confidence to do something big like this, they wonder “who am I” to be taking this on) with little voices in their head when it comes time to lay down the credit card to say, “Yes, I want it.”
Your job in the whole selling process of a webinar is to make them feel very confident that this is the right decision for them. When you believe in your product that becomes a whole lot easier.
Be really mindful of the objections that are coming into their head right now and addressing them in the live Q&A and making sure your abbreviated sales page and check out page are really easy to follow.
One of the little tricks I do is to actually create a slide that says, “Once you go to to enroll in my program, here’s what you are going to see.”
I show the top of my sales page so that they know they are in the right place. That’s another thing, people get confused. They wonder if they are signing up right.
It is a lot of money and they are nervous so make it as easy as possible for them to go on the journey with you to the point that they have given you their credit card information and received your welcome email saying, “You are good to go. You are enrolled.”
Your job is to make that entire process as seamless as possible. If we can kind of wrap it all up, it starts with creating a webinar that is positioned perfectly to sell your program. In terms of the content, remember my motto, “No matter if they buy or not, they walk away today feeling excited, inspired, and driven to take action.”
That webinar is the opportunity. The “why”, the “what”. Why is this so exciting for them? What can this do for their life? What does it involve? You do that through stories and examples and case studies and cold, hard facts.
If I was going to do as webinar about Facebook, I would start out with the cold, hard fact that social, organic traffic is dramatically declining. That’s the challenge. But there is something you can do to combat that. And that’s what this webinar is all about. Do you see what I did there? I made sure people knew there is a challenge but I am going to take them on a journey where we can kind of solve it together.
You understand what the challenge is and why it’s so important that you make a pivot in your business to change things around. That’s top of mind because I just recorded a big, really valuable podcast episode with Mike Stelzner about the state of social media. It will be coming in a few weeks.
That was top of mind because that was kind of the conversation we had. If I put it into a webinar that’s how I would do it in the beginning to set the stage. If you set the stage right in your webinar it’s very easy to move into the transition of selling because you know the “what” and the “why” has already been discussed and now it’s time for the “how.”
How are they going to get there? Well, you’re going to show them what it takes to get the results and that’s your paid program, product, or service. Then, of course, you’re going to be very mindful of your transition. You want a transition trigger.
You want something to be said that you’ve memorized in advance that you know how to move from the free content into a time to give you the next logical step without an awkward silence or crack in your voice or change in energy. It all becomes one in terms of the content and selling and the opportunity you’re giving them.
All of that becomes one when you have a really good transition. There’s no need for awkwardness in terms of, “Okay, now it’s time to sell.” That’s not going to happen if you use some of these selling strategies that I’ve outlined here in this episode.
Just know selling definitely does not need to be awkward. There is definitely a way to do it on webinars and that’s what I’ve outlined here for you today.
To wrap things up, I want to invite you to my live master class called “How to Create a Wildly Profitable Webinar.” If you go to you can grab your spot. Again, I’m doing it live. It’s coming up really soon and I would love to see you there.
Here’s why you should show up. If you’re interested in webinars, whether you’ve never done them before or whether you’ve dabbled with them or have done a few and want them to be more profitable, I’m going to be walking you through the five phases of my webinar system.
Starting from the very beginning with crafting your webinar slide deck, I’m going to show you the three slides you must have in every webinar. This master class is really a show and tell. I’m going to take you behind the scenes and show you what’s working in my business.
I’ll show you the Facebook ads I’m using, the slide decks I’m using, and the emails I’m using as well. Did you know you can double your webinar sales after a webinar if you know how to put a sequence together of emails that get your webinar registrants to finally take action if they didn’t take action on the live webinar?
There is kind of an art and a science behind it. I’ll explain it all inside my webinar. Get ready to see tons of examples. I’ll tell you stories of my webinar missteps in the past and what finally clicked for me to make them work.
It’s going to be a great time together. Again go to webinar. I would love to see you there.
Finally, the last thing I’ll say: When you do webinars, I truly mean this when I say it, it’s like riding a bike. Once you do your first webinar successfully and feel it worked, the technology worked, your slide deck was really good, the transition into selling worked, you converted on the webinar, when it all comes together (sometimes it might take a little while and a few tries to make it work) there is no looking back.
It’s a pretty incredible experience to know you did it and it actually worked and you can repeat it again and again. I started this episode saying why I loved webinars. They set you up as an expert, they build trust, it allows you to sell seamlessly without feeling salesy, but I’ll say one more thing.
When you really crack the code on webinars it’s something you can do over and over again. That gives you security in your own business. I think as entrepreneurs, having the securing and knowing you have the strategy that you know will work every time you deploy it is a pretty incredible feeling. I would love for you to experience that as well.
Hopefully you enjoyed the tips, techniques, and strategies in this episode and I would love to see you on my live master class as well. Have a wonderful day. I can’t wait to see you again next week. Bye for now.