Transcript: 3 Tips to Fix Your Facebook Ad Targeting

February 16, 2017

AMY PORTERFIELD: Well hey there, welcome back to another episode of The Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast. Today I am not alone because I have my sidekick with me, Facebook ads expert, Rick Mulready. Rick, how ya’ doing? 

Rick Mulready: I’m doing great. How are you feeling? When we recorded this you have not been feeling well for the past few days. How’s it going? 

Amy: I have been flat out. For the last three to four days, I don’t know if it’s the flu or a really bad cold or something, but I don’t typically get sick. I have literally been in bed with no TV, lights out, no one touch me, I can’t even move kind of sick. It’s that achy body sick. 

Rick: Oh really? 

Amy: Yeah. So it was miserable. 

Rick: That’s the worst. And when you get like that you’re like me, you’re like, “This is driving me crazy because I can’t do anything.” You can’t do any work and you can’t do anything. It’s crazy. 

Amy: Nothing. I felt like the whole world was going on without me and I was left out of everything. Serious FOMO from my life. You know what it really made me realize, and I really mean this, how lucky we are for our health. 

Rick: Yeah. 

Amy: When I can’t do anything and I feel everything is going on around me and I can’t contribute to anything I can’t wait until it passes and I’m really going to appreciate my health and take care of myself because it was miserable. 

Rick: It’s one of those things where we start talking about what’s important to us, our values, and our priorities for the year (we recorded this in January). If you don’t have your health it’s the base of everything. 

Amy: Everything. 

Rick: We can’t enjoy our loved ones or friends. We can’t do what we want if we don’t have our health. 

Amy: One thing I love about a lot of entrepreneurs I follow and I think you would totally agree with this, there is always a focus on not just lifestyle, but health. You see a lot of entrepreneurs in our space talking about working out and eating whole, healthy foods and getting active and getting outside and all that good stuff. 

I love that there’s always that focus. 

Rick: I agree. Just that we’re talking about this comes to mind that you turned me on to that meal delivery service. 

Amy: Okay, so we weren’t going to talk about it, I didn’t even think about this, but this is perfect. Model Meals. Rick and I are kind of obsessed. 

Rick: They deliver on Sunday evenings. Normally they send you a text in the middle of the day saying “it’s out for delivery.” Several hours later it shows up. 

Quick story, Amy texted me last night at 7 o’clock or something like that and you asked if I had gotten any texts from Model Meals and whether they had arrived yet. I hadn’t received anything. 

Amy: I was feeling very nervous that our meals for the week were not going to come. 

Rick: Then I started backtracking my mind and wondered if I actually put the order through. 

Amy: Me too! Just to let you guys know, Model Meals is really in Southern California, unfortunately it’s not everywhere. But there are companies like this all around the U.S. They have prepackaged meals but they are super fresh, they are Whole 30 approved (if you are familiar with the Whole 30 lifestyle), and they are really, really good for you. 

Rick and I get our meals for the week so we’re eating good all week and we love it. We text each other every day to ask if we have tried “this” or tried “that”. If you’re in Southern California look up Model Meals. We absolutely love it. 

I’m not an affiliate, this is just a good one. 

Rick: I was going to say, they are getting some mad publicity right now. 

Amy: I know, I typically never talk about stuff like that but when I love it I’m so glad you brought it up. 

Rick: You’re welcome Model Meals. 

Amy: There you go. 

Rick: By the way, real quick, it doesn’t mean “model” like “I’m a model” sort of thing. 

Amy: No! 

Rick: It’s like you’re model eating.

Amy: I should probably preface that.

Rick: Yes, just to clarify. 

Amy: We don’t think we’re models walking the runway. Let’s dive into today’s topic. We’re talking about three tips to fix your targeting. This is a topic for today’s episode because inside my private Facebook group (you guys all know I have three different private Facebook groups for my paid program) over and over again I get questions about Facebook ads. 

The questions are typically geared toward targeting. When I wanted to have Rick back on the show I knew we need to continue to talk about targeting. It’s already been in one of our episodes where we talked about it a lot but it needs to be a continued conversation because things are changing inside Facebook ads. 

My students are also struggling in this area. So I asked Rick if he would help me brainstorm some ideas around fixing your targeting and right away he came up with three really solid, good ideas I think everybody will find valuable. 

First, we wanted to start out talking about why Facebook ad targeting is so tricky for most. If you’ve struggled with it you, my friend, are not alone. I’ve heard it over and over again. Rick, why do you think this area is so tricky for those navigating through Facebook ads? 

Rick: I think one of the big things, and you and I talk about this a lot and for a lack of a better word, we are guilty in spreading this, we say targeting is one of the most important things for your ads. People immediately put a lot of pressure on that and think that if their ad isn’t doing well that their targeting is off. 

You kind of have to look at it as if targeting is super important and it can be very overwhelming because there are so many different targeting opportunities you can do. You can do website retargeting. You can do email retargeting, lookalike audiences, Facebook fans, cold traffic, and all this different behavior targeting and demographic targeting. 

There are so many different options so I think people just get overwhelmed with all the opportunities they have available to use when we are targeting our ads. 

On the flip side of that, that’s one thing that makes Facebook so amazing. We do have all of these targeting opportunities to get so granular in trying to reach your ideal audience. But, again, when we have so many options it can be really paralyzing and we don’t know which one to choose. 

It’s kind of a double-edged sword. 

Amy: That’s so very true. There is a lot of stuff that’s going on there. It’s easy to get in the weeds with one area or another area and just feel it’s not working. So we wanted to give you some solutions to really see some momentum with your targeting. 

We wanted to get really specific. You guys know Rick and I always try to make mini trainings every time we get on an episode together. That’s what we’ve done here. So we’re going to walk you through three ways to fix your targeting. 

The first way is going to surprise you. If you are struggling with your targeting and things just are not working out the solution might be that it has nothing to do with your targeting. 

Rick, walk us through that one. 

Rick: People listening to this are probably wondering what you mean. Your ads have been doing terrible and you “know” it’s your targeting. It could be your targeting but my guess is it’s probably not. 

I’ve gone through some of the Facebook posts in your private groups because I am in some of those groups myself. I’ve kind of been looking at what people are saying. They are posting screen shots and so forth. 

We are making this our first thing, that you think it’s your targeting but probably not, because often times it comes down to the offer and how you are communicating that offer. 

Your targeting audience may be good and dialed in. It does align with your specific business. But, whatever that offer is that you’re making or how you are communicating that offer in your ad copy, your image, your headline, or whatever it might be is not resonating with your target audience or the target audience you have chosen. 

I want to encourage people to really look at whether you are communicating your offer in such a way that people really get it, that you are touching on the pain points your target audience has, and whether the offer is something your target audience wants. 

Do they even care about this? We are really looking at those things first and then also leveraging Facebook’s stats to help you figure this out. 

You are probably thinking, “Rick, just give me one thing, just give me the definite here.” There really is no definite. If you’re looking at your relevance score, for example (the relevance score is that on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest you can get, it’s the ad that is most relevant to the target audience you are targeting), if you are in the 1 to 3 range your ad is not resonating with your target audience or vice versa. 

That’s where I say it’s a little bit hard to give a very definitive there. If you have a low relevance score it could be that your ad is great but the target audience you are targeting is not very good or your landing page has some issues. 

We have talked about looking at your cost per lead and whether it’s higher than it probably should be in other episodes. What is your relevance score? Where does it fall within the 1 to 10 range? 

By the way, when you look at your relevance score you definitely want to look at it where you have to look at it on the ads level. A lot of people can’t find it but it’s on the ads level. You will see the number between 1 and 10. 

You will also use other stats like your Click-Through rate. Are people actually clicking on your ad to go to the landing page? There are a lot of different factors there and often times it’s not your targeting. 

I know we are going to talk in our third key here about how we set the targeting up. But it is often times not necessarily the target audience you are doing, it’s the offer and how you’re communicating your offer to that target audience. 

Amy: One of the telltale signs, and Rick already mentioned this, but I really want to point it out, let’s say your ad is running and you have a lot of people clicking on your ad, let’s say 300 people clicked on the ad and only three people actually opted in on the landing page. 

To me that’s not a targeting issue at all, that’s a landing page issue. Rick gave me that idea when he said that. I thought I should do an entire episode where we dissect a really good landing page. I take for granted that most people listening know how to put a really good landing page together. 

However, when I get inside my groups and look at a lot of the landing pages people are creating there is a lot of stuff we could improve. I think it would be a good refresher episode to go over all of that. 

That would be a telltale sign something’s wrong with that landing page. I always say it’s the art or the science, art meaning how it is set up. Where is the call-to-action button? What does the picture look like? What is the copy? 

It could be more of a science thing where it’s all about click ability. What are people seeing? Where are they clicking? You have to pay attention to how the landing page is set up from start to finish. There are a lot of components that go into that. 

I think it’s important to know it’s not always your targeting. I want to touch on one more thing, Rick, and that’s the relevance score. You’re saying the relevance score could mean that you’re targeting people who aren’t interested in your offer. So your targeting could be off. 

Or, your targeting could be on but your offer could be off. You kind of have to look at both of those then? 

Rick: Exactly. Unfortunately, like you just mentioned Amy, if people are clicking on your ad and are going to your landing page but your landing page conversion rate is really low then that’s a pretty clear starting point with what to fix. You know something’s up with your landing page. 

But when it comes to your relevance score if you have a low relevance score it’s kind of hard to know the “one thing” you can do to fix it. Your relevance score is based on how relevant your ad is to the target audience you are targeting. 

We don’t know all the things that Facebook’s algorithm takes into account to give you that relevance score but we do know it’s the interaction people are having with your ad. Are they clicking on your ad? Are they commenting? Are they sharing? Are they liking it? 

It could be that your offer is not resonating or it could be the offer that you have put together is really good but it’s not in front of the right target audience. It’s hard to say to just go fix your targeting or fix your offer or fix whatever it might be about your ad. 

Just know it’s probably going to be one of those things. I would look at the offer first. Look at your ad and determine, with what you have put together, if it should be resonating with the target audience you have set up. 

Start to use that as your initial gauge of trying to diagnose and fix things with your ad. 

Amy: That’s what I was thinking. I would probably play with my ad copy. Remember, you only want to work on one thing at a time because if you switch three things at one time you will have no idea what it was. You want to work on the ad copy and then it might be the ad image. Then you can kind of play with it from there. But kind of tackle it one piece at a time so you can really understand what’s working and what’s not working. 

Rick: A lot of people think they just have to word it a little bit differently. That could be true and I know this could be frustrating and you want us to just give one thing to do, the definitive, but it’s really not the case. When we’re talking about ad copy we’re really talking about whether the offer you’re making in the ad is something the target audience that you are targeting really want. 

Amy: Exactly. This is a little bit off topic but it is still relevant, in a former episode a few weeks ago I talked about choosing your webinar topic and webinar title. One of the things I suggested was to come up with three different topics and putting three really good titles together for those topics then surveying your audience to ask them what they really want. 

Even if you’re not doing webinars, depending on the offer you’re putting together, a lot of times people running ads are driving to some kind of freebie, putting a few different options together and asking their audience what they want and giving it a really clear, “just pick 1, 2, or 3.” 

Don’t make them do a lot of work to give you feedback and that’s a really good starting point for a lot of people. You might need to go back to your audience and make sure that what you’re offering is what they want. 

Rick: I don’t want to go down this because we could take this down a whole other rabbit hole, but if you want to test different webinar titles you can use Facebook ads to do that. You would be targeting the exact same audience with two or three different ads. 

The offer, what you’re going to teach them in the webinar with the webinar title, is different in each one of those ads. That way you can see what resonates the most with that audience. 

Amy: What do you do though if you’re not going to do the webinar? 

Rick: We could go down a total rabbit hole with this. 

Amy: Oh no. 

Rick: Let’s just say you are going to be doing a webinar but just aren’t quite sure what the exact title is going to be. I didn’t even think that we were going to talk about this so I am thinking about this off the top of my head right now, but you could set up a landing page in LeadPages, make sure they have all of the information the same except for the headline (the title of the webinar) and have it connected to the webinar (whatever platform you are using like GoToWebinar) and then duplicate that another time and have everything the same except the headline, which is the name of the webinar. You could test that out to see which one people are resonating most with. 

Amy: Got it. It’s the same webinar in that situation, just different titles. You could get pretty advanced with that. I think that’s an advanced strategy for most. 

Rick: Definitely. 

Amy: But I think it’s a really solid one and I like that. Our first tip for fixing your targeting is to not always think it is your targeting. You have to do some investigative work step by step and start playing around with the ad copy, the ad images, the landing page. 

I think the landing page is a big one. Look at your numbers. If you’re getting clicks on your ads but hardly anybody is converting I would start there with the landing page. 

I am most excited about the second way you have for us to fix our targeting and that is some new ways for retargeting. When we went over this I got really excited about these options. Walk us through this one. 

Rick: These are really exciting. I am excited about these as well. This has been out for a while and a lot of people will likely have heard about this. But maybe they haven’t gone through with setting this stuff up or taking advantage of this opportunity. That is the video engagement retargeting. 

Essentially whenever you have a video, whether it is a Facebook video ad or Facebook live or a video you have posted on your Facebook page you can set up audiences of people based on how long they are watching your video, for example, 25% of your video or 75% of your video or 95% of your video. 

The cool thing is that if somebody’s watching 95% of your video that’s  a  pretty engaged audience right there. The cool thing there is that if you have a call to action in your video, you are doing a video and trying to get people to register for a webinar or download a freebie, if somebody watches 75% of the video that is a pretty engaged viewer at that point. 

If they watch that much of your video but don’t take the action you want them to take (maybe you have the link to your webinar registration page or opt-in page and they didn’t actually opt in or register) you can retarget those people to get them to take that action again. 

Amy, you have talked a lot on your podcasts about Facebook Live and how great it is. Building these video engagement audiences is something I would encourage if anybody is doing video to add it to your work flow that you set up these video engagement retargeting audiences. 

It’s just under customer audience and then you do “engagement on Facebook” and then video is one of the options there. I would just add this to your work flow after you have done your video. Go in and create some audiences for 50%, 75%, and 95%. 

Even if you don’t plan on using them at least you have them so that you can start building audiences of people who are engaging with those videos. 

Amy: That’s a solid one. This is why I was so excited for Rick to bring this up. Again, it’s not new but I don’t think a lot of people are using it. To make sure everyone’s on the same page, Rick is saying that if you do Facebook Live every week or whenever you do them, doing Facebook Live on your Facebook page is going to help your targeting for your Facebook ads. 

What’s cool about that is most people are thinking, especially when you’re new to Facebook ads, that you need to run Facebook video ads and then you can retarget those people. But you’re saying you can retarget the people that are watching your Facebook Lives on your Facebook page? 

Rick: Yes. Exactly. Any kind of video you’re posting to your page, whether it is Facebook Live or just a video you have made that you’re putting on your page or a Facebook video ad that you are running, you can build audiences of people who are engaging with that video and then retarget them. Let’s just say somebody watches 75% of your video but they didn’t opt in or register. Maybe you could retarget them with an image ad that calls them back to the opt-in page or the registration page. 

Amy: I love this because when I teach Facebook Live I tell all of you to always have a call to action. One of my favorite calls to action would be, “Okay guys, if you like this content I have a PDF cheat sheet that’s going to walk you through the process I just talked about. Go to this page to get that.” 

What Rick is saying is that there are people that won’t go to that page to get the freebie but, could you retarget them, Rick? 

Rick: If they go to the registration page but don’t opt in or register? 

Amy: Yeah, you can retarget them, for sure. But where I’m a little confused  and hopefully this will help my audience if my confusion is their confusion, you have a Facebook Live video. You tell people to go somewhere to opt in to a freebie. 

I know you can target the people that went to that page but didn’t opt in. If you’re sending tons of traffic from different places it wouldn’t just be the Facebook Live traffic that went there and didn’t opt in. Now we’re talking about two different ways to retarget. 

Rick: I got you. Well, yes, you can. You can target the original way that you mentioned. It can be people who land on that landing page but don’t actually opt in or you can target people who watch 75% of the video and then exclude people who go to your Thank-You page. 

Amy: That’s what I was thinking. Guys, that’s where we are layering the targeting. They watch 75% of your video but never go to the Thank-You page for the freebie. That means they didn’t opt in but were interested. I absolutely love that kind of stuff. 

One of the reasons I’m really excited that we’re talking about this opportunity is that many of you talk about having different avatars and wanting to create different messages for those avatars. 

When you do something like a Facebook Live to a very specific avatar you want to attract you can retarget them with very specific messaging. You can get really specific inside your different avatars in your business using Facebook Live and retargeting. I love this opportunity. 

Keep us going. 

Rick: The next retargeting opportunity, this one is rolling out and some people might not have this quite yet, as with anything Facebook rolls out they kind of roll it out in stages. If we talk about this and you go to look for it and don’t have it yet then stay tuned, it’s coming. 

You also might have this. It’s the Facebook page engagement opportunity. Just how you got to that video engagement where you went to custom audience and then “engagement on Facebook” you will see the bottom one that has a little “new” button next to it (at the time of this recording). It is for engagement on your Facebook page. 

You can target everybody who engaged with your Facebook page, which is pretty cool. 

Amy: That is really cool, I love that. 

Rick: Yeah, so if you are getting traffic to your Facebook page or are getting some engagement on your posts you can retarget those people. There are five different options. On my end here I held up four fingers and that makes sense. But there are five different options you can set up. 

Anybody who visited your Facebook page, people who engage with any post or ad is another option, people who clicked any call-to-action button on your Facebook page, people who sent a message to your Facebook page, and people who saved your page or any post are different options for targeting. 

As you can see here, and we are going to talk about the third one here in just a second, Facebook is really starting to ramp up and put their priority on engagement, how long people are engaged, how much people are engaging with you and your brand, and then giving you opportunities to put your ad in front of those people who are most engaged. 

Amy: That’s good stuff. I can hear my voice getting worse and worse so let’s just go with it. I always say to target your Facebook fans, of course. But now we’re getting even more specific. 

The way I’m thinking about this, I typically post on my Facebook post page around my podcast episodes so now I would be able to retarget those that are interested in specific podcast episodes I do. I feel that’s getting really specific. 

Rick: Exactly. An example of how you might use that, let’s just say you do a podcast episode about webinars (something super general) and then you have an engagement retargeting set up so that people who are engaging with that specific post you put up about your podcast episode where you’re talking about webinars could follow up and retarget with some sort of cheat sheet or check list that has to do with webinars. 

It’s super, super relevant because the audience that was engaging with that specific post about webinars now has an offer for a free checklist or cheat sheet that you are putting in front of those people. 

Amy: I love this stuff. Retargeting is probably my most favorite way to do any kind of targeting so I’m so glad we’re talking about this. 

You went through the new ways of Facebook engagement targeting… 

Rick: We’ve got one more. 

Amy: I thought there was one more. What is it? 

Rick: This is the time spent on your website. 

Amy: We’re taking it outside of Facebook now, time spent on your website. 

Rick: This is your website traffic, your website retargeting. If you want to build an audience of anybody coming to your website, now Facebook has an option where you can build an audience based on the time spent on your website. 

You can build an audience of people who are in a certain percentile of time spent on your website, the top 5% of people who are spending the most time on your site. There is a top 5%, top 10%, and top 25%. 

Amy: Nice. 

Rick: Again, if this person or group of people fall into the top 5% of time spent on your website, again, going back to what we talked about earlier, those people are engaged with your content. 

Isn’t that pretty cool to be able to put your offer in front of the people who are most engaged on your website. So time spent on your website is another opportunity. 

Amy: That means they are more likely to opt in. 

Rick: Absolutely. 

Amy: That’s the kind of stuff you’ve got to think about. Great. We went over 1) the fact that it might not be your targeting, 2) there are some new ways to retarget, I love the Facebook page retargeting additions, and now 3) bringing it back to basics. 

When we talked about putting this episode together, Three Ways to Fix Your Targeting, one of the ways that we talked about a lot is how you’re setting up your targeting. 

Again, we’re going back to basics. But we have noticed inside our groups that most people aren’t doing this one thing that Rick is going to suggest. Rick set it up for us. 

Rick: This is one of the really basic things, everything we are talking about here, it’s basically grouping to set up your targeting. A big mistake I see people make is that they throw a whole bunch of interests…you know how we talk about detailed targeting when you’re setting up your ads? 

Amy: Yeah. 

Rick: Those are all your Facebook pages, very simplistically this is your stereotypical type of Facebook ad targeting. You want to target fans of Amy Porterfield. You want to target fans of Social Media Examiner. Then they put all of these different pages within the same ad set. 

When you’re first starting out that doesn’t give you the opportunity to see which one of those is performing the best. Maybe your ads targeting Amy Porterfield are doing great but the ads targeting Social Media Examiner are not doing well and it’s really dragging down your results. 

When you group them together you don’t know that and I  really  think  this  is something Facebook is going to start to roll out. I have not heard that but I just think… because you can do this with third-party tools if you’re using something like AdEspresso, they will break it out for you. 

Within Facebook they don’t right now so I recommend you break out one ad set per targeting group. Let’s just say Ad Set 1 targets Amy Porterfield. Ad Set 2 with the same ad now targets Social Media Examiner and so on. 

The only exception I would make to this, and you will want to kind of play around with this, is targeting your warm audiences. For example, I would be okay with sticking website visitors and my email list in the same ad set. Those are two very warm audiences so I could call that my warm audience ad set. I would be okay with that. 

When we are targeting the cold traffic, the different Facebook pages and so forth, I would break those out into separate ad sets. 

Amy: Okay, cool. You are saying to put one targeting group into each ad set. To be honest, that sounds like a lot of work. 

Rick: It could be. But luckily Facebook has that wonderful little duplicate feature. 

Amy: How do you use that? 

Rick: Let’s say we are going to go through and we are going to set up an ad from start to finish. We create our campaign then go through and set up our ad set with the budget and conversion pixel and all that good stuff. 

Let’s just say in that ad set we are going to target fans of Amy Porterfield. We are then going to go through and create the ad. Down in the ad level we are going to go through to create our ad (I’m moving my hands as we talk)… 

Amy: You really need to do a video podcast. You really like to use hand gestures. I like when you do the air quotes. That’s one of your specialties. 

Rick: Always the air quotes. Jazz hands. 

Amy: Jazz hands. 

Rick: We’ve gone through and created the entire ad from start to finish. 

Amy: You’ve got one totally finished with Campaign, Ad Set, Ad. 

Rick: Exactly. Then I would go back to the ad set level and duplicate it at the ad set level. 

Amy: This is big guys. This is important. 

Rick: Then all I have to do is change the name of the ad set. We will just use Social Media Examiner again as an example. I’m also targeting you in that original ad set. In the new one I’m going to target Social Media Examiner. 

All I have to do is change the targeting and change the name of the ad set so that I know it is the Social Media Examiner one. 

Amy: Cool. You’re taking out one and putting one in. 

Rick: Exactly. By duplicating it at the ad set level and when I already created the original ad it carries the ad with you so you don’t have to recreate the ad. All I have to do is click duplicate, change the name of the ad set, change the targeting, and BOOM, we’re done. 

Amy: Perfect. 

Rick: Then you just repeat that. For however many targeting groups you want to do you can just go through and repeat that process. 

Amy: Awesome. Okay, we went through these three ways to fix your targeting. As Rick and I were going back and forth with these ideas and wanting to talk about these topics one thing that Rick brought up that I thought was really important is that this could all be really overwhelming. 

You had a really good simple but important tip for everybody that’s listening and anybody struggling with their targeting. Talk about that one. 

Rick: Just remember you don’t have to do everything. We started talking at the very top of the show where there are so many different opportunities. We’ve listed out video engagement, Facebook page engagement, time on site, all of these different new opportunities that can be very overwhelming. 

You can think it’s cool to have all of these options but then you wonder where to start and what you should do with them. That can be very paralyzing because there are so many options. You get overwhelmed and don’t do anything. 

Don’t feel like you have to do everything. This is one of those things where I would go through and set the audiences up. For example, time spent on your site, just take a second to go in and set up the top 5% audience. Boom! I don’t even have plans to use that right now but at least I’m starting to build that. 

For Facebook page engagement, anybody who engaged with any post or ad can be set up. You may have no plans to use it right now but at least you can set the ad up to start building that audience. 

I would do those things. But with everything else you have to do with your ads and setting up and looking at targeting options, depending on your budget, I might think about trying one new thing this week. Try that top 5% of time spent on your site or video engagement retargeting this week. See how it does. 

Just kind of pick one thing and test it out to see how it does. Don’t feel like you have to do everything when it comes to your targeting. The last thing I would say about this, Amy, is that I like to prioritize my targeting. 

Amy: I was hoping you would bring this up. 

Rick: Again, it all depends on your goal and what you are trying to achieve with your ads. For the most part I’m starting with my warm traffic first. I’m going to be targeting my website visitors and video engagement… 

Amy: Email list. 

Rick: Email list, exactly. All of that stuff even Facebook fans. That is considered warm traffic because they are familiar with you and are hopefully  engaging  with  your content. 

Then I move down toward cold traffic. That’s where the lookalike audiences come in. When you are creating a lookalike audience out of your email list or your customers that’s an awesome one to create, even your website visitors. 

That’s still cold traffic. We’ll give them a little bit of a lukewarm temperature. Then we would get into the cold traffic where it’s your Facebook pages and demographic targeting. Kind of prioritize warm first and then moving into cold traffic. 

Amy: Nice. I like it. I think that’s a perfect place to wrap this up. This has been so valuable. It’s always valuable for me because it keeps me on my toes with what’s working right now with Facebook ads. 

First of all, Rick, thank you so much for coming on this show and talking about all these great targeting strategies and tips. 

Rick: Absolutely. We could talk about this forever, you know that. 

Amy: I know, so we’re definitely going to have you back. We’re definitely going to dive in deeper into Facebook ads throughout this year inside the podcast. But before we go I want to give you an opportunity to tell people what’ you’re working on. 

You have something pretty cool brewing. 

Rick: I’m working on a course for Facebook ads managers. It’s for people who want to manage Facebook ads for other businesses. I’m really excited about this because it’s really for a few different audiences. 

This is for people who want to manage Facebook ads full time. Maybe they are in a full-time job right now and aren’t happy with it. They want to start creating something new for themselves. The want to learn Facebook ads in order to manage Facebook ads full time for other businesses whether it’s local businesses or online businesses. We’re creating a course for that person. 

We are also creating it for someone who has their own business and are trying to get their online business going but are having a tough time getting things to the point where they can support themselves with it and want to add something on the side by managing ads for other businesses. This course is for them as well. 

I’m really excited about that. I would say this is the first time we’ve created a course from scratch in almost a year and I’m really excited going through this process again to create this course. 

I will say it is really, really good with what we’re creating. I’m really excited about it. 

Amy: You’re not biased or anything but… 

Rick: Not at all. 

Amy: I think your course is going to be fantastic for, and tell me if I’m wrong, social media managers that want to add another offering to what they’re doing in their business. They could also run ads. 

Rick: Absolutely. Yes. 

Amy: I think that’s a really good parallel too. 

Rick: It’s kind of like business in a box. 

Amy: I like it. I like it a lot. I know you’ve been working on it because when we meet at Starbucks every week you’re talking to me about the new modules you’re creating and what you’ve been recording. It’s in the works so look for it guys, it’s coming out fairly soon. 

Rick: February. 

Amy: Oh, February. Awesome. So we’ll definitely be talking about it more but I wanted you to tell people about it because I know some people in my audience would find that very interesting. 

Rick: I appreciate it. 

Amy: Thanks Rick, so very much, for being on the show. I can’t wait to have you back. 

Rick: Absolutely. Thanks Amy. 

Amy: There you have it. I hope you enjoyed this episode with Rick Mulready. I love having him on the show. When it comes to Facebook ads I can definitely hold my own. I teach Facebook ads in all of my online programs. 

However, it’s always nice to have somebody who’s in the trenches working with Facebook ads every single day to give us some insight about what’s working, what’s not working, what’s new. I love to keep in the loop with Rick. 

He’s going to be back on the show about every six weeks or so. He comes on and we dive into some new Facebook ad topics. Look for a new episode about Facebook ads next month or a little bit later because it’s always changing and I like to keep you all in the know. 

I also want to let you know that on the show notes I’ve added a screen shot of these new retargeting opportunities so you can see what they look like and what you’re looking for. 

All you need to do is go to You can check out the screen shot and get any links that we talked about in this episode. 

I cannot wait to connect with you next week so make it a great week. I’ll see you soon. Bye for now. 

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