AMY PORTERFIELD: Well hey there, welcome back to another episode of The Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast. I’m your host Amy Porterfield. Before we jump into today’s episode I want to make sure you had time to check out last week’s episode, #161. It was the episode where I interviewed my husband, Hobie.
Let me tell you. It was a little bit nerve wracking. I’ve never done anything like that before and I wasn’t really sure what Hobie was going to say. But I think it turned out pretty good.
We talked about protecting your most sacred relationships as you grow your online business. Let’s be honest, as entrepreneurs we can get a little crazy at times. Can I get an amen for that?
During launches and stressful times and when the money’s not coming in consistently we can be stress cases. I think that’s normal and I think growing an online business is dramatically different than working in a 9-to-5 so you have challenges you would normally never have if you were just going to a J-O-B.
I thought it was important that Hobie and I talked about this. We’ve had our ups and downs and have really found our groove in terms of being able to communicate with each other and support each other when things get a little bit crazy.
Hobie shared his experience with being married to an entrepreneur. I shared my experience with how I can support him better even when things are stressful. There were a lot of good lessons there and if you are in a relationship or hope to have a wonderful relationship as you grow your online business, I highly recommend you check out that episode, #161.
Now, moving on to today’s episode. We are talking all things Facebook Marketing. Almost two years ago, in June 2015, I wrote an article called The Ultimate Guide to Facebook Engagement. It was a huge hit. It is still one of the most visited blog posts on my site.
While preparing for this episode I went through the old post and expected that all of the info would be completely outdated because we all know that Facebook rapidly changes. However, surprisingly, so much of what I included in that article is still relevant.
That’s got to kind of ease your mind a little bit, right? Let me give you some examples. In the article I mentioned that Facebook is focused on the fan experience. Mark Zuckerberg is all about the fan. The fan, not the marketer. That is still incredibly true today.
I also talked about engagement. I said the engagement equation is simple. Increase your engagement (likes, comments, shares, views, clicks) and get rewarded. I said the more often your fans engage with your post the more often your post will be pushed out into the newsfeed. This is still true.
Finally, in the article, I listed what was working on Facebook. Two years ago I talked about getting personal and being human and taking people behind the scenes with your Facebook post. I said you have to focus on the fans that are actually commenting and watching your videos and engaging with you. You’ve got to start a conversation with them.
I also talked about asking questions that are going to ignite a true conversation, questions you genuinely care about and you want to hear from your audience. All of that is still very true.
But here’s what’s dramatically changed from just two years ago when I wrote that article. The change is in how we are posting our content on Facebook and how we are actually getting engagement. This episode is going to examine the “How”.
Here’s what we’ll cover:
- What’s working right now on Facebook and what’s not working.
- The #1 thing you should stop doing on Facebook starting today. I think you’re going to love this tip.
- How to beat the Facebook algorithm and get seen and heard on Facebook.
Ultimately, we will be exploring video. That’s what’s really changed since I wrote that article two years ago. There’s a little bit of a mention of video in that article but nothing like what I’m going to get into today.
This episode is not all about Facebook Live. Facebook Live is a good thing to talk about but there is more you can do with video and there’s a way you can ease into it so you’re not having to go live on video from Day 1.
I’m all about baby steps so I want to give you some ways to take some baby steps so that you start engaging on Facebook using video. So let’s do it.
I would be doing you a huge disservice if I only focused on a few cool tips and tricks to try on your Facebook page. If you don’t understand how things are working on Facebook right now you’re going to cut off your creativity before it even beings to flow.
First, how things work. I’ve broken them down into three Facebook truths.
Truth #1 was something I learned at Social Media Marketing World in San Diego. Mike Stelzner did a keynote from stage and he shared with us that Facebook is running out of places for your content in the newsfeed.
Yeah, you heard me right.
Two years ago when I wrote that initial article I actually quoted Facebook saying, “There’s more competition for what users see so only the highest quality content is actually going to get through and get shown to those people.”
That was two years ago. Just recently Facebook said they are running out of places to show your ads. They were talking about ads. Don’t worry, Facebook has a lot of other places they intend to show ads so don’t even think your paid media is in danger.
But they did say they are running out of places to show your ads. Specifically, in the newsfeed. If they are running out of places in the newsfeed for your ads that also means they are running out of places in the newsfeed for your content.
That could mean less reach and visibility for you. Ultimately that could mean less leads in your email list and then, of course, you know what that means, less sales.
The truth here is it’s getting more difficult to grow your business on Facebook. I would venture to say it’s getting more difficult across all popular social media sites. I think Instagram is the next one that we will likely be talking about when we talk about running out of space.
There’s a high supply of content and low available inventory. But this episode is not at all about despair. It’s about changing the way you interact with Facebook.
Truth #2 is that Facebook puts the user experience before their marketers. I mentioned this one already in the intro. It’s nothing new. Facebook wants their users to see quality content and they want content that is designed to bring people back.
They want their newsfeed free of spam and during the most recent election here in the U.S. there was a huge focus on fake news stories, which Facebook is cracking down on as well. They are cleaning up their newsfeed. They are making sure it is a great experience for their users.
That means when you are creating content you want to keep this in mind. You want to make sure that whatever you’re putting out there is a great experience for your audience.
Truth #3 is a good one. If your next post gets a strong start it’s likely to be a big success. This is something Mike Stelzner got into detail while he was doing his keynote and I just ate it up. I loved everything about how he explained this. First I need to give him credit for this. But then I kind of broke it down in my own way as well.
How does a Facebook post get a strong start? It’s all about the Facebook algorithm. Do some of you hate that word? I kind of hate the word.
I think it’s hard to spell and it’s just so confusing. It’s supposed to be confusing. We’re not supposed to know everything about how the Facebook algorithm works because, obviously if we did, people would game it even more. But, there is enough information or detail about the algorithm that you can use it to your advantage.
I thought it would be really valuable for me to break this down. When Mike broke it down on stage it made perfect sense to me.
- Post a piece of content on your Facebook page.
- The algorithm kicks in and scans the content. It attempts to determine the substance. Is it a text, image, recorded video, live video? What is it?
It is important to know that Facebook tweaks the algorithm to try to actually change human behavior. That means at certain times Facebook will give certain algorithmic preference to certain kinds of content.
Facebook recently came out and said longer videos will get preference in the newsfeed. They want people to stay on Facebook longer. So if you’re making longer videos, Facebook likes that and are paying attention to that.
If you can understand what some of these algorithmic preferences are you can use them to your advantage as a marketer. That’s why I’m taking a moment to explain this. Again, you post on your page, the algorithm kicks in to determine the substance, and from there Facebook will selectively show your content.
You post your content, it’s scanned, and then selectively shown to a few of your fans. Here’s where things get good. Based on how your initial fans react to the content the algorithm expands or doesn’t expand.
If somebody clicks “like” or “love” or if they click on a link, if they comment, if they share that is telling Facebook that people are interested in the content. If your fans react then the reach is expanded.
It’s no longer about scheduling things to show up at certain times. It’s no longer based on time as much as it used to be. Instead you post, your fans react, and if there is enough reaction (likes, clicks, comments, views, shares), then Facebook will start to push that out even more.
A strong start is incredibly important, more so than it ever has been before.
How do you make this actionable? I want you to start to think that you are going to post something. What have you done in the post to get the surge of engagement (to get a lot of likes, clicks, or comments). Are you encouraging that engagement?
Facebook doesn’t like that you ask for likes. You’ve got to get creative and get more human instead of thinking as a marketer and asking them to “click like if you agree.” We used to do that back in the day and it worked like gangbusters.
Instead, you’ve got to approach this differently and think what you could do in the post that would make people react.
Speaking of Social Media Examiner, I saw on their Instagram channel, I forget who said it, but the quote was, “You have to give something that people can experience, not just watch.” Because we’re going to get into video even more in this episode I want you to remember that.
You want to post something that people can experience and not just watch. I think when you do that, that’s when you start to get the engagement.
Although I knew about the algorithm before Mike explained it on stage, the big takeaway for me was that he mentioned the idea of the initial engagement or lack thereof. If you have a really strong start you will see that Facebook will reward you for that. That’s what we need to do differently. We need to think of how we get the strong start.
Those are the three truths:
- Facebook is running out of places for your content in their newsfeed.
- Facebook puts the user experience before the marketers.
- If your next post gets a strong start it’s likely to be a bigger success.
Now that you understand how it all works, let’s get into some of the seriously good tips and strategies for posting so that you can be seen and heard by your perfect audience on Facebook. I’ve got five new rules of Facebook marketing. Let’s do it.
Rule 1 – Less Posts, More Quality
When I heard Mike say this from stage at Social Media Marketing World I was like, “Bring it on!” I love this. I love the idea of posting less; however, posting more quality. In my world, more quality means I’ve got to spend more time on some of those posts.
At the time I’m recording this we’re actually not implementing everything I’m talking about. I usually like to wait until I implement it and then I report back on my own experience. However, this is too important to wait. We’re working on it right now and in the freebie that I mentioned I like the idea that I get to share a bunch of examples from other people’s businesses and not just mine.
Any time I get the chance to highlight other people it’s always a good day. In the freebie I found a lot of great examples of people posting less but more quality. That’s what I’m showing you in the PDF, these quality posts.
When I tell you this you might wonder what that means, more quality? I want you to think in terms of getting the most mileage out of your content. This will make it a whole lot easier for you.
Start with a piece of original content that may live on your blog. You wrote a really great blog post. Now I want you to think about how you can use some of the content across all of your social channels. How can you create a Facebook Live out of it? How can you do a Facebook story or Instagram story from it?
What could you do on Snapchat with it (if you use Snapchat)? I don’t use Snapchat but you might. So let’s think about this original piece of content we spent so long on researching, creating, and getting it just right and let’s take snippets of that and maybe dig deeper with a Facebook Live or take a snippet of that and share it in a video on Instagram or whatever you might do.
A lot of what I’m teaching you here can be used across social channels. But you don’t have to always be creating new content. I know in my world I likely don’t get enough mileage out of the stuff I create. Every podcast episode takes me hours to create for you so if I’m going to put in the time, I’ve just come to the conclusion that it just takes me a lot of time to create the content, but if I’m going to put in the time and effort and agony of trying to get it right then why not get more mileage out of it?
Let me give you an example. With this episode I might get on video and create a short little video about maybe one of these rules. I can put that on Facebook or Instagram or wherever I want to put it. I can also do some other cool animated videos, which I’m going to talk to you about in a moment to ease you into video.
I could take out some of the best nuggets from this episode and put it in some animated videos on my Facebook page. Then, of course, I could jump in one of my groups and talk about one of these topics extensively because there are so many topics in one episode. There are just a lot of ways to slice and dice the content you already have and use it across your channels.
How does this relate to new Rule #1, less posts, more quality? Well, I am no longer posting quotes in a static image. I have really seen zero engagement from that stuff. I’m also posting less about what I’m doing. But then again, I am maybe spending time to turn a static image into an animated image or video. We will get to that.
It takes me a little bit longer but it loves on a whole lot longer. I’m posting less content but putting more effort into each post on my Facebook page.
For me, I have to say I take this even one step further. I don’t expect a lot of engagement on my Facebook page because that’s not where I’m focusing right now. That might sound a little crazy. But this is where things get a little bit weird because I don’t want to steer you wrong.
I know you appreciate when I talk to you about how I approach things in my own business so take this as you will. Do what works best for you, but we have decided that we want to spend more time inside of our Facebook groups.
I’ve got three Facebook groups, four right now because of B-School but that one will soon be closing because it’s finishing up. I have Courses That Convert, Webinars That Convert, and List-Builder’s Lab. I want to spend more time in each of those groups helping my students, encouraging them to keep moving forward, and these are the people who have invested in what I sell. They are the people I’m going to spend more and more time with.
That doesn’t mean I’m abandoning my Facebook page and not getting any engagement there. Instead, my focus is on Facebook Live on my Facebook page. If you’ve never purchased one of my programs and you’re not in any of my Facebook groups I still want to make sure you are supported.
Starting on June 1, when this episode airs, we are going to start doing a weekly Facebook Live on my Facebook page. It will be every Thursday, the same day my podcast comes out. We will be talking about some of the content in the podcast and beyond that.
I now have an opportunity to connect with so many more people in my audience if they don’t happen to be in one of my Facebook groups. That’s how I am using my Facebook page to post less but with more quality.
Let me tell you, a Facebook Live on my Facebook page, I can’t do tons of those. I can’t do many each week because that’s not my personality. I prepare for these things so I’m going to make that one every week so incredibly valuable.
If you want to join me there, if you just got to amyporterfield you will see my past Facebook Lives, if you missed it live, and you will see when the next one is coming up. I hope you will start to join me every Thursday and that’s where we get to engage. That’s where I’ll ask you questions, answer your questions, and get to know what you need and want, and where you’re going and see if I can help you get there.
Less posts, more quality. That’s what you’re definitely going to see from me on my Facebook page and hopefully you will explore that as well.
Rule 2 – Focus More on Growing Your Community, Less on How Many Fans You Have on Your Page
This one’s a good one. That’s exactly what I mentioned earlier, just a minute ago, about focusing on the communities I’ve already created. I want to nurture those relationships more than I’ve ever done before.
Right now, what’s working is all about the Facebook group. You have all heard me talk about Facebook groups a lot. Did you hear the episode where I talked about deleting thousands of people from a B-School Facebook group I had because I didn’t have the bandwidth to support it and I didn’t want to not be there for them? I’ll link to that episode in the show notes as well.
I love Facebook groups and I think you’ve got to do them right. I’ve talked about Facebook groups in Episode #97, Episode #146, and Episode #151 so I’ve given you a lot of tips. But I wondered what I could talk about that’s new for this rule of focusing more on growing your community and less on how many fans you have on your Facebook page.
One thing I can tell you is that I have noticed in some really great free Facebook communities that the leaders are doing a great job of connecting people in their groups. They are doing this by calling out certain people. I’ve seen this in two different groups just last week.
Basically, if you have a free Facebook community around a certain topic and you are the leader or community manager in that group, when somebody asks a question and you are aware there is someone else in the group that can answer it (probably) better than you,.
You actually give a shout out to the other person and say, “Hey Jane, this is a great question. Jack is an expert in this area and I’ve seen him do great things related to your question. Jack, would you mind jumping in here and giving a little insight to Jane?”
Jack and Jane are in your group and now you’ve connected them and you don’t have to answer every question, which could be daunting as the leader, but also, when people start to connect like that and help each other with you fostering it (making it happen), you will be amazed how much more loyal that group becomes to your mission. It’s an incredible thing.
I’ve seen it happen and I haven’t done it a lot. However my community manager, Lindsay, and I talked about this a few weeks ago and she’s starting to do it more and more. I love that she saw it working as well and now she’s calling out other people. I love that.
Here’s another thing, a tactical tip. This is brand new, hot off the press at the time of this recording. You can now link your Facebook group to your Facebook page. This is cool.
When you go to somebody’s Facebook page, if they have a free Facebook community… I actually wouldn’t do this for any of your closed groups that are just for paid members so I’m not doing this, however, if you have a free Facebook group whether it’s closed or open, I want you to link that group from your page.
It’s hard to explain on a podcast so I’m showing you what it looks like in my show notes. If you go to we actually have an example in the show notes so you can see exactly how it works and it’s really good.
Not many people know about it yet so I highly recommend you try it out. That gives you two little tips for your Facebook groups. But remember, the rule is to focus more on growing your community on Facebook. Find that community on Facebook. Spend less time on how many fans you have.
That’s such an unimportant number compared to the other things you can do on Facebook to grow your business. One of the most important things you can do on Facebook is to find and grow your community via Facebook groups. One day, Facebook groups might not be as valuable and we will switch it up.
But right now it’s working and I think you should take advantage of it. But the second thing that I think is more important to do on Facebook versus worrying about how many fans you have is to advertise more. Use Facebook advertising.
Rule 3 – Advertise More
At Social Media Marketing World I learned that only 6.7 percent of businesses on Facebook actually advertise. Is that crazy or what? Only 6.7 percent of businesses advertise. That means a whole heck of a lot of people are not advertising their businesses. They have Facebook business pages but they are not advertising.
You know I talk about Facebook advertising a lot on the show. Some of my most current episodes (#127 – How to Organize & Analyze Your Facebook Ads, #135 – 5 Common Facebook Ad Mistakes (and How to Fix Them), and #148 – 3 Tips to Fix Your Facebook Ad Targeting) are with my sidekick, Rick Mulready, where we are talking about all things Facebook ads.
I wondered how I could make this actionable for you right now if the new rule is to advertise more or start advertising then how can I give you some value here?
If you’re not advertising yet or if you’re just dabbling and you know in your heart of hearts that you’re not really in it yet I want to give you three areas to focus on the most. As you start to explore as you start to get beyond the dabbling and really doing there are three things to focus on.
- Become a student of Facebook ad targeting. Know your audience and then learn how to find out where they are spending time on Facebook. More importantly, learn how to retarget them. If you’re already getting them to your website and getting them to watch your Facebook Live videos and already attracting them in other ways learn how you can retarget.
- Learn what it means to retarget. I think that’s the most powerful way to target with your Facebook ads, retargeting. That is something we’re going to be talking about in next week’s episode, #163. Rick and I are going to talk about the Facebook pixel and how to use it to retarget.
- Get comfortable with the Power Editor. I know many of you just want to hire someone to do your ads. It’s pricey. It’s really expensive to do so. A lot of times you really lose control of what is working and changing things fast enough so that you don’t waste money…unless the person’s really, really good and that usually means they are really, really expensive.
This isn’t always. They are not hard and fast rules. I’ve just noticed it’s hard to find someone who’s really good at Facebook ads and they aren’t pricey because they deserve to be paid well.
I would love to see you first learn how to do Facebook ads and then consider hiring someone. I do not suggest you go into it blind and then hire somebody. I can’t even imagine if I never knew how to do Facebook ads and then hired someone to do it for me. There are a few things in your business where you can get away with that like programming, development, coding, and all that.
You don’t need to know it to hire someone to do it. But with Facebook ads, I think you should know it. So my third area is getting comfortable with the Power Editor. Don’t let it scare you. It is very intimidating at first.
I want you to work inside the Power Editor where you set up your Facebook ads again and again. I want you to show up every single week. I want you to get in there. It’s actually a very good use of your time. If you’re incredibly busy and you think you have no time to run Facebook ads you are leaving boat loads of money on the table.
That, I know for sure. I know for sure from my own experience and thousands of my students’’ experiences. So if you feel you don’t have time to learn Facebook ads, make time. Put something else on the back burner.
Do a little less in one area of your business so that you can spend three, four, or five hours a week inside the Power Editor setting up your Facebook ads, experimenting, learning targeting, and learning how to retarget. To me, that can be some of the best use of your time. Again, we’ll be talking about Facebook ads more next week so hopefully you’ll be joining me and Rick Mulready and dive into it.
Rule 4 – More Videos More Consistently
This is a new rule. We’re kind of changing how we’re approaching Facebook. My friends, I do not say this lightly. If you know me you know I don’t love doing more video. However, I’m not actually talking about direct-to-camera videos. Those are not the only videos you can do…They are the videos I think are the most difficult.
First, let me give you a stat. There is a prediction that 80 percent of internet traffic will be video by 2019. This is from Cisco, 80 percent of internet traffic will be video by 2019. That is really, really soon from the time I’m recording this. It’s crazy!
I think I’m still old school. I think I was born old school. I read articles every single day. I don’t necessarily watch tons of videos online. I still like to read articles whether it’s on Newsweek or Forbes or People Magazine. I just like to read the articles.
I sound like I’m talking about Playboy, like when the guys say they buy it for the articles. Really, I’m reading articles, I’m just not reading Playboy. This is getting awkward. Let’s move on.
I don’t watch tons and tons of video to get all of my information. I watch video as a marketer. I want to see what other people are doing. But I’m surprised by this stat and I actually believe it. I don’t think I’m the norm.
In the June 2015 article I focused mainly on images. I talked a lot about creating your images using Canva, one of the tools I love, to create great images. That was really the main focus when I was talking about tips and tricks for Facebook engagement.
I would never have that conversation with you today. That’s one of the drastic changes from just two years ago. Now it’s all about video.
Let me ease you into video. I know you might not want to do a bunch of Facebook Lives. You might not even be using Facebook Stories just yet. With that, let’s talk about three types of easy video. I’ve got to give a shout out to my friend, Donna Moritz. Her business and website is Socially Sorted.
She is a hot shot when it comes to imagery. Donna has recently been going beyond just static imagery and talking a whole lot more about imagery as it relates to videos.
I wanted to share three types of easy videos that Donna presented in her presentation. I do believe these three types of easy videos will ease you into videos before you are worried about doing 30-minute Facebook Lives on your Facebook page.
I want you to do both but let’s ease you into it.
The first type of video she talks about is short video. I’m going to give examples of all types of video in my free PDF so don’t worry. You will actually see it in action if you get my freebie. But the first video, short videos, are something you have basically seen all over the web.
The best example would be somebody cooking something. You see short little video clips of putting the flour in and sugar in and pouring this and pouring that. They are just really easy videos that you learn something new in a minute or a little bit more.
She showed that you can create these with and Adobe Spark Videos. There are tons you can use but Donna showed how to use these videos and they are a lot easier than I actually thought. I wanted to give the two tools to you. I’ll link to them in the show notes.
You can use images and music but a lot of people will just use really short video clips and then put them all together. You see people actually moving in the video. You could be a talking head in the video if you want. But you’ve got to see the examples to really understand what I mean.
You will start to think you can do it. It is very doable.
She calls the second type of video animated graphics. I call these animated images. I don’t know the correct word for them. I feel they are fairly new so we don’t all have the same language around them yet. This is where you combine individual images to create the illusion of continuous motion, making it look like a mini movie.
Instead of actually having video clips you are just using static images. But the tools I’m going to suggest put it together in a way that looks like there is true movement in the video and that grabs attention.
An animated graphic will get you so many more views than a static image any day of the week, 99.9 percent of the time. They are easy to make. Ripl and Adobe Spark are two tools that you can use to create these animated graphics.
This is probably my favorite way. We’ve been doing this a lot with our podcast. If you’ve ever seen an animated image on Facebook or Instagram, what is animated are the little broadcast lines that are moving up and down, which is basically me speaking. Then you hear me talk.
We will take a little clip, you’ll see me do it for this episode, we’ll take a little clip of this episode, maybe something really smart that I said, hopefully, and we will actually pair it with this static image with the little broadcast lines being the only thing moving. I don’t know what they’re called but you know what I mean.
Basically, it’s the only thing moving so it’s an animated image or graphic in my mind. They are easy to create and I highly recommend that you check them out. We are going to give you some tools to try it out. Full disclosure, the ones that I use are custom made by my designer but I know there are tools you can use to get them made as well.
Finally, Donna talked about GIFs. She said there is some controversy around these. I don’t know why. I’m not in the know enough to know why there would be controversy but I see them everywhere. They work.
She has a tool called Giphy where you can use other people’s GIFs or you can create them on your own. I thought this tool was really cool so I definitely wanted to include it.
Full disclosure, I got these three ideas from Donna from Social Media Marketing World. She did a great job with the presentation and she is a dear friend of mine so I wanted to give her a shout out.
Now let’s move into Facebook Live. Remember, the new rule (#4) is more videos more consistently.
I just gave you three easy ways to do video and I would actually say that I want to see you post fewer static images on your Facebook page. Let’s say if you posted five static images on your Facebook page this week I would rather see you post two animated graphics and that’s all versus the five static images.
That’s how much more traction you’re going to get with these animated graphics versus your static images. Believe me, try it and you will say, “Oh my gosh Amy, you’re totally right.” There’s no doubt in my mind. This makes a huge difference.
Moving on to Facebook Lives. I’ve talked about Facebook Live on many of my episodes. I plan to do a stand-alone episode all about it after I’ve done my upcoming Facebook Live show on my page for a few months (every single Thursday).
I’m going to report back what I’ve learned, what you can do to make it easier for you, what not to do. I love to report back on stuff like that. Give me a little time because I’ve never done it super consistently and that’s my new goal. And, I have a video studio, thanks to Michael Hyatt, who gave me a great reference.
I have a video studio being created in my home office. It’s something I’ve wanted for a long time but I just wasn’t sure I was going to do enough video. Now I’m certain I’ve got to do a lot of video so I’m going to make it a little easier for myself by having a good setup. I’ll report back on the video setup and show you what it looks like.
I will definitely show you what it looks like on Instagram. Right now I don’t use Facebook Stories but I do use Instagram Stories. I just like to choose what works best for me and where my audience is. I get a lot of views on my Instagram Stories so if you’re not following me there I’m just Amy Porterfield on Instagram.
I’m going to take you guys for a tour of my new video studio in my home office when it gets set up at the end of May. Now that I’m thinking about it, this episode’s not airing until June so maybe I’ll post that on Facebook too. That’s my deal.
I will promise to post it on my Facebook page so that you won’t miss it. Obviously on InstaStories they go away.
This is the third time I’m saying this. Let’s talk about Facebook Live. Facebook is rewarding longer videos. Typically I will do a Facebook Live for at least 30 minutes. I’m a talker. We all know that so it’s easier for me to go 30 minutes, offer value, and answer questions. I’ll probably go beyond 30 minutes.
If you’re struggling to get to 20 minutes or beyond I want you to think about planning a little bit more in terms of your content. Sit down, open a Google doc, plan out your content, think of more examples, more stories, more ways to make your episode entertaining or interesting. If you plan it you can definitely go for at least 20 minutes, if not more.
Then, including a Q&A at the end, or asking a really good question at the end to get feedback so you can engage with your audience, will extend your time as well. Right now, until I tell you differently, Facebook is rewarding longer videos and that is a great thing because you get to keep your audience’s attention longer if you do a good job in that video. The more videos you do the better you will get at it.
I wondered how I could make this valuable for you right now. I want to talk to you about what to do before a Facebook Live, during a Facebook Live, and after a Facebook Live. I’ll just go through it really quickly.
Before a Facebook Live you can now preschedule your sessions. I would highly recommend that. After you preschedule it I would email your list to let them know you’re going live. I would tease your content on other social channels.
I will get on InstaStories and will say, “Hey guys, I’m going to be live in one hour on my Facebook page. Just go to and you, my friend, will see me live. I’d love for you to show up. I’ve got some great questions I want to ask you.” Tell them why they should show up and have them come on over.
You want to tease that you are going to be live across all of your social channels. Tease the content, schedule it, and email your list.
I want to point out that when you go live, across all social channels something like this happens, Facebook will notify your fans. That’s a great thing. It can pop up in different ways on mobile or desktop that you are live. Of course, you will pop up in their newsfeed live as well.
Facebook is definitely helping you get the word out that you are live. There is nothing you really need to do around this. I just want to encourage you to go live and Facebook will help you get seen and heard more once you do so.
After your Facebook Live there is something really important that you do. I’ll be doing a lot of this. Actually tease your video on social media after the fact. I have an example in the free PDF I have for you today of Danielle Walker doing this.
Danielle Walker has many, many cookbooks around eating clean. After she does a Facebook Live she will take a snippet from that Facebook Live, a minute of it, and will post it on Facebook and Instagram. She will say, “Hey, if you missed it, here’s a little snippet. Come on over and it’s on my Facebook page.”
The beauty of Facebook Lives is that they live beyond the live moment. In my world, and so many of my peers have agreed with this, you get tons more views after the fact. Be patient. Let the weeks go by. Do a good job of teasing it after the fact and so many more people are going to go and find that video.
You want to do a good job after the fact of putting a really good title above the video, what it is you’re teaching. If you have a freebie with it include a link to the freebie. But you want to tell them why they should watch the video in case they haven’t watched it yet and are just reading the caption above the video.
Do a good job because in my world I think the traction I get is after I’ve gone live. You have to make sure you are encouraging people to check it out even after you are live. Again, in the freebie for today’s episode I’m going to show you how Danielle Walker does this. She does a great job of it.
If you feel it was a really good Facebook live and you got some good engagement, boost the post after the fact. You can run a Facebook ad to it or just boost it directly from the Facebook Live on your page.
To get a little bit more traction I highly recommend this. Next week, in the episode where we talk about pixels and retargeting, I’m going to talk to you about retargeting your video views. Here’s something huge, huge, huge.
Every time somebody watches your video, whether it be for three seconds or all the way through, you can actually retarget that person with a Facebook ad. If you don’t have a big email list, you don’t have a huge social media following, but you’ve been getting some pretty consistent views with your Facebook Lives, whether it was live or after the fact, you are now growing a targeting group for your Facebook ads.
All of the video views are retargetable with Facebook ads. This is huge. We’ll talk about it again next week. This is another reason why you want to be doing Facebook Lives.
One more thing, you can add captions to your live video once it’s done. Experiment with this. Do one video with live captions (subtitles) after the fact and do another video where you don’t add the captions and see if the boosts your views. See if the captions actually help. In many cases they do. This is something I want you to experiment with.
This is beyond Facebook Live but I wanted to share one more tip before we move into the final rule. This last tip, again, totally unrelated so this is going to be weird. I’m switching gears just a little bit but we are talking about video in general so I probably should have mentioned this before I got into Facebook Live.
When we were researching this episode I told Lindsay, my community manager, “I want to make sure I add a few new things.” I talk about these topics a lot with my audience, which is great, but I also want to be adding some new stuff they might not know.
She said “this” is a good one. You can now add video to your cover photo. Did you know this? You might know this because I’m recording this weeks in advance of this going live. Finally, I’m getting ahead of my batching debacle that I struggle with all the time. But truly, this episode isn’t going live for a few weeks.
At the time of this recording most people don’t know you can add a video in your Facebook page cover photo. In the freebie I’m going to show you an example of this. It’s really, really cool. There are so many different ways you can use video. I just wanted to make sure you are experimenting with these things.
When I talked about Donna’s examples, those are great ways to ease into it. And, if nothing else, just changing that up on your Facebook page is going to dramatically change the engagement you’re getting right now. Static images just aren’t cutting it.
I’m guilty of this too. At the time of this recording we are still posting static images for my podcast. We’re going to change it up, we’ve just got to get our ducks in a row. I know it takes time to kind of change it but in my outro, the conclusion of the episode, I am going to talk about three words I’m focusing on to speed this up a little bit.
If I adopt these three words as I approach Facebook I’m going to get this stuff done faster and I am going to give you those words to see if they might help you as well. Stay tuned. We have one more rule.
Rule #5 – Your Audience is Experiencing Your Content in Micro Moments, Act Accordingly
This is another one that I actually took from Donna Moritz. Although I had heard the idea of micro moments before, I loved how Donna explained it so I want to give her a shout out. She said, “Before you create any more content I want you to understand how savvy your audience is getting. As social media users we’ve developed the ability to make a super fast decision on whether we will engage in the content or not.
We can filter information faster than ever before. That’s this whole idea around micro moments. If we are experiencing our content in micro moments, one minute videos, quick little GIFs, or in the case of animated graphics, 30 seconds, you’ve got the whole story.
Because we’re experiencing this content in micro moments, how are you going to relate to your audience that way? This doesn’t necessarily relate back to a 20 or 30- minute Facebook Live but it definitely relates back to those videos you can ease into that I shared with you from Donna’s presentation.
In her presentation, Donna asked, “Where does your story meet their story?” I think that’s another great question to ask when you’re thinking about creating your content and putting these micro moments together.
Where is your audience right now and how can your story actually meet their story with where they are right now? When you think about it, I thought that was a beautiful question. Where does your story meet their story?
The more you understand your audience, what they are thinking, what they’re feeling, what they need, what they want, and you really pay attention to that and create content and animated videos, Facebook Lives, even GIFs, if you’re able to create your content in these ways, that’s the “how”, you also want to focus on the “what”.
What kind of content are you creating so that your story meets theirs? That’s such a really important way to look at it.
Before we wrap up, I will review those five new rules again.
- Less posts, more quality.
- Focus more on growing your community, less on how many fans you have on your Facebook page.
- Advertise more.
- More videos more consistently.
- Your audience is experiencing your content in micro moments, act accordingly.
Let’s go ahead and wrap this up.
There you have it. I want to leave you with this. In order to genuinely engage with your audience on Facebook you’ve got to change the way you are approaching it.
If you’re wondering what that looks like I want to give you three words to consider as you approach this ever changing platform.
- Nimble – You have to be willing to pivot at any given time based on the changes with Facebook, specifically the algorithm. Stay up to date with what the algorithm is doing. Sometimes it’s a mystery. I get that. But there’s enough information out there to know what’s working and what’s not working any longer.
- Flexible – If something’s not working try something else. Don’t keep doing what you’ve always done.
- Innovate – Change things up. Mix things up. Be open to experimenting and testing things out.
Lastly, we have a really good freebie for this episode. I always love to create freebies where I can show you examples from other people. We’ve created a PDF with examples of different types of videos that are working right now that you can model and do in your own business.
We took hours scouring Facebook to find the best of the best videos. This is a really nicely curated freebie that’s going to be incredibly valuable for you. All you need to do is go to or text the phrase 162download to 33444.
Next week, in episode #163, I have invited my Facebook ads go-to guy, Rick Mulready, to come back on the show with me. We are breaking down the Facebook pixel. The pixel. I know, it is very confusing to so many people.
We figured out a way to explain it so that it makes perfect sense to you. But I really want to talk about retargeting. We are going to talk about retargeting opportunities in next week’s episode but you can’t talk about retargeting without at least having a good conversation of the Facebook pixel.
Those topics are on the docket for next week, Episode #163. I cannot wait to connect with you again next week. Make it a great one. I’ll see you soon. Bye for now.