AMY PORTERFIELD: Welcome back to another episode of the Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast. I’m your host, Amy Porterfield. Today I’ve got a case study for you that I think you’re absolutely going to eat up. You’re just going to love it.
Before we get there let me back up just a bit. Ten thousand hours! That’s how long Malcolm Gladwell says it takes to become a master or genius at something. Ten thousand hours!
If I think back on how many hours I’ve spent on my webinars I bet it would be half that number. So I’m still working toward my genius. But I love this concept because it’s such a great reminder that genius doesn’t happen overnight.
It doesn’t matter who you are, as long as you work smart enough and really dig in, you can make it happen. The trick is you’ve got to stick with it. Right? That’s easier said than done.
You can’t let any setbacks or two setbacks or 100 setbacks get you down. That’s why I love my special guest today, Luria Petrucci. You may already know Luria from the video rock star that she is. She was on my show, Episode #168, The Easy Start Guide to Live Video.
I typically don’t have people come back on my show this quickly. I don’t even do a lot of guests on this show. I do a lot of mini workshops on my own. However, I had to have Luria back because she’s recently had some huge successes with her webinars and I’m a little bit biased because she used my program, Webinars That Convert, to make her webinars successful.
I’m so honored to have her on the show as she talks about her own experience and how she’s used my program.
For those of you who are already in Webinars That Convert but haven’t yet had an ultra successful webinar, let’s say a five-figure webinar, you’re going to love this episode because Luria talks about taking the program and making it her own. That’s exactly what I want you to do with your webinars.
If you’ve been thinking about dabbling with webinars and maybe even purchasing my program, Webinars That Convert, this is the episode for you. You will get to see how Luria used my program and the areas she found most useful to get the kind of results she got.
Let’s talk about those results. She did a $30,000 webinar promotion. What’s cool about that is that she sold a program that didn’t yet exist. This is something I started to teach more and more inside of my webinars program.
If you don’t have anything to sell you could actually put your outline together, figure out what kind of workshop you do want to sell, and then after you sell it on a webinar you can deliver it live over five or six weeks to those who paid for the workshop.
You’re delivering it live online, not in person, so it’s even easier, after you sell it on a webinar. I love this strategy and I’m starting to teach it inside of Webinars That Convert.
For all of my current students, you’re going to get a really extra special bonus that details how this would work because this is actually something I’m doing more and more in my own business moving forward.
By the way, Luria is not the only one who’s ever had trouble with a webinar promotion. We’ve all been there. In fact, I did an episode on my own challenges. It was Episode #73, Three Webinar Tweaks That Made a $62,000 Difference, so you definitely want to check out that episode as well.
I’ll link to it in the show notes. Everything can be found at http://
One more thing before I bring on our special guest. I have a free master class called How To Create Your First Wildly Profitable Webinar Even If You Don’t Have a List. Secretly, this is my most favorite master class I’ve created because I take you behind the scenes and literally show you example after example after example of my own webinar strategies and my actual webinar creation process.
I think you will find it incredibly valuable. All you need to do is go to http:// and it will take you right there. You can sign up and then jump back here and jump in with Luria and I as we talk about her webinar strategy success.
I won’t make you wait any longer, let’s do it.
Amy: Luria, thank you so very much for coming back on the show. I’m happy to have you here.
Luria: Oh my gosh, Amy. Thanks for having me back.
Amy: Of course. I’m really excited to jump into today’s topic because we get to dissect your entire webinar strategy. So thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to do so. Before we do that, take me back a little bit and tell me about your first experience with webinars, which I think was in 2016, right?
Luria: Yeah, it was about a year ago from when we are recording this. It was in 2016 and I had just seen you do your webinars and had been on your webinars. I thought it was cool and that I could totally do it. I had been delivering content for ten years and I was all ramped up.
Then it was a complete failure for me. In my business, the amount of expenses I had at the time, I needed a huge success. The best I did was $2,700. It just wasn’t going to cut it. I tried it a few times and I just came away each and every time feeling completely deflated.
I would get all ramped up. I was excited. And then blah. I just wanted to cry.
Amy: Oh my gosh, you are not alone. I know people are listening saying, “Me too. Me too! I can totally relate.” The thing is, I know Luria says $2,700. Some of you are thinking you would kill for $2,700. You would love to hit that number.
But it’s all relative. In her business and the success she’s seen along the way and the fact that she’s been creating content for ten years, $2,700 was not anywhere near the goal she wanted to hit. It’s all relative. She felt completely deflated around those numbers.
With that, I want to know…When you were doing the webinars back in 2016 what were some of the biggest challenges you felt were just continuing to come up?
Luria: There were three challenges. I knew I was uncomfortable with two of them and I discovered one only after I bought Webinars That Convert, I was facing a challenge I didn’t even know.
Amy: You’ve got to love that, right? Thanks for adding the challenges.
Luria: Right. Like I said, I have been delivering content so I felt really confident in that part of it, my ability to deliver great content and have people get results. However, the biggest issue for me was that transition to the sales. I completely freaked out about it and, honestly, because of that one thing I decided I couldn’t do my first webinar live.
I do live. That is my thing. So I decided I couldn’t do it. I wasn’t confident in it at all. So I wound up recording it five or six times over the course of the evening before just to be able to get something that I was comfortable with putting out there.
That transition, I couldn’t wrap my head around how to sell on a webinar.
Amy: I think that comes up so much. I made an episode all about that. It was called How to Sell On a Webinar Without Being Overly Salesy because that question comes up from my students all the time, “How do I transition from all of this great free content that people are loving to then saying, ‘buy my stuff?’”
There is actually an art and science around that. I teach it inside of Webinars That Convert. But I did Episode #130. I talked about it because most people, when they are just starting out with webinars, freeze up on that part. It’s so normal.
These two challenges, transitioning into the sale and actually pitching your offer, are very common challenges for most people.
Luria: Absolutely. Had I had the tools that I had from getting Webinars That Convert originally it would have been so easy. I would have done it well. But I didn’t and I tried to reverse engineer what you were doing and what I saw you doing and I thought I could do it on my own. I’m all good. Yeah, right.
The third thing that I didn’t understand was a challenge, and I only discovered was a challenge, was my story, the story about who I am and why you should trust me. I thought I had that down perfectly. Then I realized I didn’t. It wasn’t meaning anything to my audience.
It was like, you’re super successful, wonderful for you.
Amy: Exactly. I’m so glad you picked up on that point and brought it up here. Most people don’t know that when you talk about yourself on a webinar the goal is that your audience sees themselves in your story so they could say, “Oh yeah, me too. I can relate. That’s exactly what happened to me,” or at least make the connection that they see themselves in you.
Most people just tell their story, like you said, “I’m super successful, I’ve done this and that.” Good for you, but…I love that you brought that up and that’s something you said that you didn’t know was a challenge. But once you learned it inside the program you realized you could actually fix your “about” section of the webinar.
Luria: Totally. And when I did fix it, it completely changed everything. Honestly, starting off with that in the way that you showcase how to do that was like, “Ohhhh, okay.” Then my producer, literally, as we finished the webinar was like, “That was the best story I’ve ever heard.”
Amy: I love that. When you say it completely changed everything I love that you say that because I feel that once you nail your “about” story in the very beginning it’s like giving you an extra jolt of confidence so you can feel, “I’ve got this” and you are in the flow and can keep moving forward. Would you agree with that?
Luria: Absolutely.
Amy: Okay, cool. Because that’s what I know a lot of my students are looking for, more confidence when they are doing their webinar. When you nail your story right out of the gate you get that little extra burst of confidence.
You did your first webinars back in 2016. You were not at all impressed with the results that you had seen. You wanted to just put webinars on the back burner.
Luria: Totally.
Amy: Okay good. We’re on the same page there. My question for you is: Why didn’t you give up? What made you want to try webinars again this year?
Luria: I was working with Michael Hyatt. I was talking to him and he asked me why I wasn’t doing webinars. I told him I suck at them and he mentioned Webinars That Convert. He mentioned that you were where he learned to do them and found success himself.
There was that plus the fact that I knew it was a constant itch in the back of my brain. I knew it was something I should be doing. I just thought I really sucked at them. I didn’t understand why. Then on top of that I just hate not being good at something.
Amy: Amen sister.
Luria: I am really super competitive with myself so if there is something I can’t do there are certain things I will just say, “Okay, I just can’t do that,” like graphic design.
Amy: Code a website? I can’t do that either.
Luria: Then this was one of those things. I had to get it right. All of those things combined. I just bit the bullet and needed to get the program. I needed to figure out what I was doing wrong.
Amy: I can’t wait until we get into your stats, exactly what happened and what it looked like. But I have a few more questions before we get there. You pick up Webinars That Convert and what’s your first reaction once you get into the program?
Luria: I was going so fast and taking so many notes because I literally decided to do it two weeks before my webinars.
Amy: Of course you did. You’re an achiever.
Luria: It’s not recommended. I got a few gray hairs. But I was going through it so fast and as I was taking all of these notes and filling up a whole notebook I just had moment after moment after moment of, “Oh my gosh, I get it! Oh my gosh, this is exactly what I needed.”
Amy: That’s what I love to hear. When the light bulb goes off and it is making sense. You get it. It’s finally coming together.
I’m curious how the program helped you with the roadblocks you talked about like transition into the sales portion of the webinar or actually pitching your offer on a webinar?
Luria: Can I be 100% honest here?
Amy: Please do.
Luria: I totally stole every single word.
Amy: This is music to my ears. I love it. That was why I put it into the program, so you could literally steal it.
Luria: And I did. I didn’t know if I should be stealing it word for word but I felt that was what you were telling me to do so I just went for it. I didn’t have time to change it up anyway, two weeks out. I was redoing everything so I just wrote down every word you were saying. I like to physically write instead of type because I really absorb it.
Amy: Me too.
Luria: Then I took those notes and transitioned it into my script of what I was doing and just made the certain tweaks that I needed to in order to be appropriate for my webinar and it was perfect.
Amy: Perfect. I love that. It was. I already hinted at the big success you had in the intro so it definitely worked out for you. For those of you who don’t know what Luria’s talking about in terms of just stealing what I taught, she didn’t really steal it because I really did offer it inside the program. But I give a script as to how to make that transition.
I tell my students I don’t want them reading a script throughout the entire webinar. However, in the intro you might want to read something just to ease into it. Then when you go into the sale, if it helps you, you can read the script in order to make the transition and then you can go off the cuff again.
There are a few areas that I totally get it, a script is needed, especially when you’re nervous.
Luria: I totally used that on the prompter. I scripted the beginning and the transition and sale part.
Amy: Okay, cool.
Luria: Because I was not confident in my ability to do that with just memory.
Amy: That makes it so much easier when you have your notes right there with you. I love that. Okay, let’s talk about something I know you felt was a big learning moment inside the program and you made a connection between content and your offer. I wanted to bring this up because I think my students would find it valuable as well. Will you share your insight there?
Luria: When I started hearing you teach inside the program I realized how disconnected my previous webinars had been from content to sale. I heard you say it on your own webinars. I think that’s part of what you teach on the webinar itself, that it has to match.
I thought it was. It was just a light bulb moment of when I was listening to you and I don’t even know what it was you said, to be honest, but I finally understood that the webinar itself needs to completely match the sale.
I am an overachiever so I went in full on. My webinar name was Five Simple Steps to Massive Lead Generation With Live Video. The program I sold was Five-Step Strategy to Your Complete Live Video Funnel. The five and five, I just went all out and it was going to match exactly the steps I am teaching to the program.
Amy: Perfect. I’m going to repeat that so that my listeners really understand what you did because it was brilliant. You had Five Simple Steps to Massive Lead Generation With Live Video for your webinar. Then once they got on board they saw what live video could do for their email list and what it could do for their business.
Now they are excited and your program is The Five-Step Strategy to Your Complete Live Video Funnel. Now you are saying, “If you like this and you want to put it into an entire funnel and you want me to show you how to do it then you’ve got to join my program.” That alignment was brilliant.
Luria: Yeah. And I definitely hadn’t done that before. There was a tie in but it definitely wasn’t as strong. Now I’m looking at my next webinar and how I’m going to do that and I have the base now. I saw how well that worked so now I can take that. I think I can even loosen it up and still connect the dots. It doesn’t have to be five to five.
Amy: Right. In the beginning I like to be really specific when I learn something like you do. But then I can go branch out and do it on my own the second time around. I get that. I also love what you said, that now you have this down.
One thing I love about learning a webinar strategy is once you do it and get it all locked in and actually deliver your webinar live and send the emails out and all that good stuff you have your foundation. You never ever, ever have to start from scratch again.
That’s got to be a good feeling, right? You know you’ve got this down.
Luria: Yeah. I’m going to go into this with so much more confidence the next time around that it’s not going to stress me out. I know I’m not going to walk away crying again, ever again.
Amy: Never again. I love that. There was no need to cry on this webinar strategy because you crushed it. Let’s talk about the results. Break down for me what you did, what the show-up rate looked like, what the conversion rate looked like, all that good stuff. Thank you for sharing numbers. I know not everybody does but it is so helpful so thank you for sharing these numbers.
Also, before you do, let me set you up a little bit. I already mentioned this in the intro but you sold a live workshop. To remind you all, that means that Luria did not create the entire program and prerecord it in advance. Instead, she got a really good idea of what she was going to sell and what was included so she could shape the offer.
She put her bonuses together. She made sure she knew when the cart opened and when the cart closed. She knew when the first workshop started. When you do a live workshop you typically start it after you sell it and every single week, and in Luria’s case for the next five weeks, her paying customers got on a live webinar/live training with her and she taught the content live.
If you are just starting out I love that strategy.
Luria: Can I just add one more thing to that?
Amy: Please, because I’m talking way too much. Come in here please.
Luria: No.
Amy: I get very excited about this topic.
Luria: I loved the live approach. I had done that in one other program that I didn’t sell via webinar and it worked spectacularly well so I knew I didn’t have time in two weeks to create an entire program and do the webinar.
What I was nervous about going into this, which didn’t actually turn out to be a problem, was that I was traveling. After the cart closed I was traveling for two weeks. So I put it out three weeks and they didn’t even start the program until three weeks later. I thought that was going to be a problem.
Amy: Whoa! I would totally think it would be a problem. Question for you. Did you send emails out between when they signed up and when it was going to start to keep them engaged?
Luria: Yeah, I not only started sending emails out, I went live in our Facebook group because I was part of it. I did some training and teaching on just small little things to get their appetite wet and set them up for success going into that program.
A lot of people had questions that weren’t part of the program. I just went ahead and answered all of those and went over, above, and beyond and tried to make sure they were taken care of and that they weren’t feeling like they just bought this thing and nothing’s happening.
Amy: That’s so smart to get in there even if class isn’t going to start for another three weeks. You really showed up and over delivered so I feel that’s probably why it was so successful. That’s awesome.
Walk me through these beautiful results.
Luria: We had two webinars on a Wednesday and Thursday in the time slots that you said in the program. I was doing everything exactly as you said.
Amy: #starstudent.
Luria: Totally. On the first one we had 114 show up and that was a 34% show-up rate. Then we had a 31% conversion rate from the 114 people that showed up.
Amy: Let’s stop you there. You had a 31% conversion rate on a webinar. That is outstanding. I even tell my students that if you’re just starting out, especially if you have a really cold audience on your webinar, which I know Luria didn’t because she had a mix of cold and warm, but if you have a really cold audience you might convert at 3% your first time out of the gate.
Of course, you want to go up from there, but 31% is outstanding.
Luria: Let’s talk about that 3%.
Amy: Please. I know there’s a story coming because she already told it to me so please tell it.
Luria: As I am jotting down all of these notes I somehow wrote down that you said I should be converting at 30%, keeping in mind it’s been a year since I’ve done a webinar and I don’t even think I knew stats or averages at that time.
I was writing all of this stuff down and I looked back in my notes and thought it was 30% I should be achieving as a conversion rate on the webinar. I went into it thinking I needed to hit 30%.
Amy: That is just so great. You’ve got to follow it up with the cool story of the woman on stage because it’s all what you think about. It’s so good.
Luria: It really is. It’s crazy. When I told you this story, I told you I had heard a story from somewhere but I don’t even know where I heard it, to be honest, but I wish I remembered. There was a woman who was sitting in the audience of a guy standing up on stage.
He was teaching how to sell better from the stage. If you have a book or something you are selling in the back, he was telling how to do that. He said the average of what you should be selling is 80% from the people who were in the room.
She went away and didn’t achieve that so she spent the next year fine tuning and tweaking her presentation and she reached that. The next year she saw him at the same event and went up to him. She said, “Thank you so very much for teaching me this. I went to work. I put your teaching into action and I finally hit my 80%.”
He said, “Wait. What? I said 8%.”
Amy: Those are the best stories because it just proves that if you set your mind to something and you think it to be true you can achieve it.
Luria: It really goes to show that you shouldn’t put so much effort and time into what industry standards are or to what other people are doing. I get people asking me what my live views or engagement numbers are and how long people are staying around.
I tell them I’m not even going to tell them because that’s not what they should be achieving. You should go against what you already do. You should compete against yourself.
Amy: Always getting better. It’s so very true. Right after the webinar, how many sales did you have and how much money did you make?
Luria: We had 36 sales as soon as we ended the webinar for $10,016.50, to be exact.
Amy: There’s your five-figure webinar even before you started your post-webinar email sequence.
Luria: Yes, I was through the roof.
Amy: Star student.
Luria: I actually texted you. I took a picture of my sales. I was like, “Amy, look what you did!”
Amy: I was confused. I said, “Wait, your sequence has already ended?” You told me it was just on the first webinar. That was really exciting. But you didn’t stop there because you did a second webinar. Tell us about that one.
Luria: For the second webinar 41 people showed up. This was an addition because we weren’t planning on it from the beginning and we didn’t promote it as much. We hit a 34% conversion rate on that one for a total of $4,500.
Amy: Why do you think your conversion rates were so high at 31% and 34%? That’s higher than the average, for sure.
Luria: I think there were a couple of things. Honestly, with the content and matching the sale so closely, I think that helped. My offer of time and Q&As and being with my group helped. But I think the biggest reason was that I was on video the entire time.
Amy: That’s huge. We need to pause for a second because we’ve got to talk about how you used live video and showed your face during your webinar. We’re going to come back to that in a second. I kind of jumped the gun. Tell me the rest of this.
How many people were on your list?
Luria: I had just under 10,000 on my list.
Amy: Great. Now, for those of you listening who don’t have anywhere near 10,000 on your email list, remember, you can fill up your webinars with very targeted Facebook ads and still get similar results like this so you don’t have to have a list of 10,000 but it definitely helps and that’s why I’m always talking about list building.
How much did you spend on Facebook ads to fill up your webinar?
Luria: I spent $648 on Facebook ads.
Amy: I love the preciseness.
Luria: I think you say this all the time, be precise. I didn’t track it very well but I was able to at least track four sales from Facebook ads, and that’s 50% profit there.
Amy: That’s awesome. It gets a little tricky on how you’re tracking and who’s on your list and who came on via Facebook ads. But $600 is a really good budget to put toward something like this to see the kind of results you got. I love it.
The fact that you focused on building your email list, you didn’t have to put so much more money in Facebook ads and that’s always a plus. It’s not always doable but it is always a plus when it happens.
You also did Facebook Live. Talk to us about that.
Luria: I did seven very targeted Facebook Live videos leading up to the webinar. In all of those I was sending people to a registration link for the webinar.
Amy: Awesome.
Luria: Since my webinar was about live video strategy I was talking about strategy on the Facebook Live videos. I really fine tuned. I was doing some of that before but based on your Social Media Marketing World presentation I really fine tuned how targeted I was getting with those and that made a tremendous difference to actually getting people to take action.
Amy: This is a big game changer for me as well. When I’m going to do webinars I do some Facebook Lives before I even come out with my webinar in order to find my audience. I can retarget all of those video views when my webinar opens up.
Then, when my webinar is open I do Facebook Live and the call to action is to sign up for my webinar. I’m really specific about the content I teach making sure it’s aligned with the webinar and eventually aligned with what I’m going to sell.
I feel like you really nailed it with your Facebook Lives.
Luria: Yeah. That was one thing, we do the same thing with building custom audiences based on who’s watching our live videos and then target them with the ads. That was really beneficial. I also did three life streams. We talked about that in the previous episode I did with you.
Amy: Tell people what those are just in case they missed it because that’s interesting.
Luria: Life streams are from your phone using your phone to go live. They are more raw. They aren’t educational based, necessarily, but they can have a little bit of education in them. It’s just more fun. It’s drawing people in on a human level as opposed to the expert status you are creating with your regular Facebook Lives if you are educating on those.
Amy: I think the combination is so good. In your live streams you are teaching something but in your life streams you are showing people who you are and what you’re about. We know people buy from people that they like, know, and trust. I feel you are upping your game with those life streams.
Luria: So when are you starting yours?
Amy: We’re moving on….Soon. They are coming soon. This is a theme Luria and I go back and forth with a lot.
I know I already gave it away in the intro but I still want to talk about it. You did a lot of work. No one says it’s easy but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. You really locked this in and got it tight in terms of strategy. At the end of your promo0tion, how much money did you make?
Luria: We hit over $30,000.
Amy: $30,000! To me that’s life changing. That’s a life-changing experience. How did you feel at the end of all of this?
Luria: Oh my god! I was crazy amazed, to be honest. I always go into these things with the mindset that I’m going to kill this. But at the same time I always kind of walked away feeling very deflated. I knew the history so honestly every time I would go into a webinar previously I felt nerves.
I would try to have a really positive attitude and right mindset and all of that but I knew it wasn’t successful for me so I kind of felt that sense of fear. But the moment I heard you transition and tell me why we are transitioning that way and gave me the structure, at that point, that was when I knew I was going to be successful, 100%, there was no fear anymore. I didn’t know how successful.
Amy: Very successful.
Luria: I know at that point I was going to walk away with results an I just want to thank you for that because that changed my world.
Amy: So very cool.
Luria: We were jumping up and down and having a grand old party.
Amy: Good. There was a little celebration. I like it.
Luria: Definitely.
Amy: I do think we need to do more celebrating at the end of webinars, for sure. Even when they’re not successful they are a lot of work so I think we have to celebrate regardless.
I know along the way you made a few distinctions about how you should deliver webinars. This is where I want to talk about the video. I mentioned this when I was setting this interview up with you that I love the idea of doing more live video, what I call direct-to-camera, where they see your face during your webinar.
When I taught Webinars That Convert I initially said I only do slides. I don’t show my face and that works for me but, by all means, try what works best for you. Then my friend, Jasmine Star, started to do live video during her webinars. Then Luria did it and Luria, as I mentioned, helped me set up my video studio. She’s been really instrumental in me doing more video.
When I saw Jasmine and Luria both do it I thought I had to do it. I did it with List-Builder’s Lab. I was on video the whole time and I know it made a difference. I know our conversion rate was higher and I know my audience connected with me at a deeper level.
I‘m assuming that’s what you felt as well?
Luria: Absolutely. Video is the thing I’ve done for ten years or eleven years. Going into a webinar with voice over I wasn’t comfortable with that. I really wanted to add what I call Our Magic to it, the ability to put a high-quality video together with Facebook Live or webinar or whatever the case may be.
We have that technical expertise so I wanted to put it into action. I know when I am on video people connect to me on a very deep level, like you just said. That’s been a strength of mine, of delivering content through video.
I’m not saying you have to be good at it but I knew that’s where I needed to be. That’s why we did it. I don’t even care if you’re not good on camera, just having the ability to connect and see, especially during the sale. If people can’t see you it’s all up to their imagination at that point.
Amy: Exactly. It’s so incredibly valuable for people to connect with you. Because video is becoming more and more popular around all social media channels people are very used to seeing video now. They want to see your face.
Tell me this, do you think you should be on video the entire time or how did you do it?
Luria: We do exactly what we do in our Facebook Lives or any of our live streams. We pop back and forth. We go from me on full screen to a PIP (picture in picture) where you see both my video and the slide. Then it goes full screen to the slide. It is rotating back and forth between those three, if you will, camera angles.
It is me, full screen, the slide full screen, and then me and the slide on screen at the same time. Wherever it makes sense we pop back and forth.
Amy: When I went full screen it was just slides because it was when I was actually teaching my main content of what I promised them I would give them. I did picture in picture. I was on camera while they saw my slides during the entire intro. We got into the main content and I took myself out of the video. During the Q&A I came back in.
Regardless of how you do it I love what you just said, even if you don’t feel comfortable on video it’s important to experiment with this, for sure.
One more thing I know you told me while we were preparing this episode was about engagement. Talk to me about how you engaged your audience on the webinar.
Luria: I just took the same thing I teach for people to do in their regular live videos, which is break up the content so you have a place and time for engagement and so that it doesn’t become distracting or overwhelming to you. I just took the same concept I do in my regular Facebook Lives and did that in the webinar.
Throughout the program, during the content training, I would ask a question. You actually teach that, to ask a question and get people to answer it. I would then set aside a specific time in my brain, at least, to answer those questions or to respond to people. It doesn’t have to be very long, 30 seconds or a minute of just touching base with them. It goes a long way.
Amy: It really does. I was telling Luria that when I did the List-Builder’s Lab live webinar recently I used Zoom. I usually use GoToWebinar but I experimented with Zoom and accidentally left the chat open. When you leave a Zoom chat open everybody can talk to everybody.
I typically think that’s a bad idea. It’s distracting. People aren’t paying attention. They are posting silly stuff that doesn’t have anything to do with your content. If they don’t pay attention during the content they won’t be totally engaged when you’re ready to sell. So I usually take that chat box down and put it back up when I’m ready to go into the Q&A.
We accidentally left it open. However, this is what’s so great about experimenting and doing things different like Luria tried with doing live video, it was pleasantly a great exercise to see how people engage in that chat.
They were helpful with each other. They kept people on point if they missed one of my lessons or one of my key strategies I taught. Everyone was really great and Luria reminded me that it’s all about community. They were building a community inside of that chat.
Luria: Absolutely. I was watching people comment and I saw that same thing. They were so extremely helpful to each other. It’s amazing that this world we live in is all about that connection and community. I think that was a really cool thing that happened to you.
Amy: I think I might keep that chat open. We’ll see. It’s all about experimenting and that’s really, really important. Luria’s a great example of that. She took exactly what I taught her. She was a start student. She did it the way I taught.
But then there are other ways she kind of infused her own style and the way she teaches her students. She infused that in her webinars. But then when she does it again I can’t stress enough, she doesn’t ever have to start from scratch again. She’s got her foundation and she’ll only make it better and better based on how she likes to do things and how she connects with her audience.
It’s a win-win, for sure.
Luria: That’s what I love about you, Amy. You teach to take the strategy and be “you”. I appreciate that from you because that’s how I always approach things.
Amy: So very cool. We’re on the same page with that one, for sure. What would you say to anyone currently struggling with webinars. I know I’m going to say to tell them to buy Webinars That Convert. But beyond that, what would you say to someone that has given webinars a shot and, like you said, they just suck at them. What would you say?
Luria: Well, first of all I would definitely say to buy Webinars That Convert. I have told so many people to do so.
Amy: I love it.
Luria: But, I think it’s really important that whether it’s a webinar or anything else in our business, don’t try to reverse engineer stuff. That’s what I was doing by not getting Webinars That Convert. It was an uncomfortable price for me, to be 100% honest.
I was not sure it would make a difference so I was just looking at what you were teaching and how you were structuring it and I thought I was smart enough. I had this. I have been doing content for so long. I could totally reverse engineer it.
But I didn’t understand the small details that make a massive difference. That reverse engineering process we go through and tend to do in business a lot is a total mistake. Every time I try and do that I fail. It’s just…stop doing it.
Amy: Yes, so very true. I cannot thank you enough. Thank you so much for coming on the show, being so transparent with your numbers and your challenges and your wins and all that good stuff. I wanted some of my possible students that are not there yet but some people that have been thinking about doing webinars and have maybe even been burned by webinars to hear about how you stuck with it and what you did with it. Again, thanks so very much.
Luria: Thank you for making a massive difference to my business.
Amy: Oh my gosh. It is totally my pleasure. I was a tiny part of your really big success but I was honored to be there with you. So thanks again. Before we wrap up, tell people where they can find out more about you.
Luria: I’m at and we do a live show every Tuesday and Thursday at 10 a.m. Pacific to help you use live video more strategically.
Amy: Fantastic. Thanks again.
There you have it. I hope you loved this interview as much as I have. It’s always fun to hear from somebody who’s in the trenches doing the work, making it their own, and getting really big results.
Don’t get stuck on those numbers if you feel you are way behind ever doing a $30,000 webinar strategy. Listen, you don’t know what you’re capable of until you get in the trenches and do the work. I have every faith in you that you can have just as big of a success story as Luria and I would love to feature you on my podcast.
I’m going to be doing more and more of these as I start to interact even more with my students and find out all about their small wins, their big wins, and everything in between. You just might be the next person on the show if you would like. Keep me updated on all of your success stories.
Again, make sure to check out my master class all about webinar creation if you are not inside Webinars That Convert yet. I would love to see you inside my program but before you join let me walk you through what it takes to put a webinar strategy together and show you a bunch of examples of my own webinars so that you have a really good understanding of what it takes and what it can do for your business.
All you need to do is go to and you can get all of the details. Thanks so much for being here with me. I cannot wait to talk to you again next week. Bye for now.