Transcript: How I’d Grow My Business If I Were Starting From Scratch

February 21, 2019


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Hey there, Amy Porterfield here. Welcome to another episode of The Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast.

I’m so thrilled that you’ve tuned in today because we are going to take a look back and I’m going to take everything I know from ten years of building an online business and then tell you what I would do differently if I were starting from scratch.

I’ve done a few episodes kind of similar to this but I’m going to take a different perspective on this episode to make it new and interesting and valuable. It can be valuable for you if you are starting from scratch.

It can also be valuable for you if you’ve been at this for a while or are more advanced and creating courses and launching them and wanting to up level your business.

It’s good to look at the foundational pieces and make sure you have everything in place to build a solid business that is sustainable and that will keep you going for years and years and years.

I think looking back, if you were starting from scratch and what you’d do differently is a really unique perspective to look at the business you have today no matter where you are in the business.

Before we get there you know I love to do a listener spotlight. This listener spotlight is coming from Hazel in Chic. Hazel in Chic said:

“Amy is my new obsession. I cannot wait for her new masterclass and to continue to working with her in the future. Her enthusiasm is contagious and authenticity is admirable. XOXO, your newest fan.”

Well Hazel, thanks so very much. And hopefully you loved my masterclass. (It’s over now, of course. That was for Digital Course Academy®️). And I hope that you’re in the program. I’m going to have to look you up and see if you’re in there. If not, maybe next time.

Regardless, thank you so much for being my newest fan. I don’t take that lightly and I hope you love this episode.

Moving on, let’s get into the core of this episode. We are going to focus on what it would look like if I were to start from scratch.

I told you I’ve done episodes like this in the past that were a little bit similar so with that I want to let you know how I’m going to approach this starting from scratch episode. I am going to talk to you about:

  • Where I would spend my money (just briefly).
  • What I would focus on the most, especially in the first two years.
  • What I would say “yes” to more often.
  • What I would say “no” to more often.
  • The mindset shift I would make early on.
  • The habits I would adopt early on as well.

I’m going to give you a recommendation for a book that I am genuinely obsessed with. I think I need to read it three times. By read I mean listen because you all know I’m an Audible fan. I need to get Audible to sponsor my episodes because I talk about them as though I own the company. I’m obsessed with Audible. We’ll look into that.

In the meantime, I’m going to share with you a book that I love, love, love, love, love and give you the habits that I think brought me to this point in my business today where I have a multi-million dollar business and I literally love the work I’m doing and I feel as though what I’m doing and where I’m going is exactly where I’m meant to be.

Guys, it took me a long time to get here. I think you can get here faster. When I say, “get here,” I mean feeling as though I’m on purpose and doing things very intentionally and this is where I’m meant to be and I don’t know if this is my purpose in life, I don’t even know if I believe that everyone has a purpose in life, but I do believe I am doing what is right for my students and me and my team and my family. That feels good.

I’m going to share with you some habits that I think got me here today, habits that you can start even if you’re just starting out. Good?

Let’s get to it.

Starting From Scratch Approach #1 – Spending my money

If I were starting from scratch I would be very mindful in how I spend my money. Let’s be honest, I probably wouldn’t have much of it so I would have to be very, very careful with how I would spend it.

With that, I want to talk to you about a few areas that I think are a necessity to invest in early on.

The first one is that you will need an email service provider. I’m looking at the recurring charges that are going to come up. When I think about spending money, what are some of those recurring charges that are a necessity?

One is an email service provider. The reason for that is you know I’m going to talk about list building in this episode, right? Especially when we get down to where to focus and what needs to be a habit. List building is part of that.

You can’t build a list without and email service provider. Right away I would do that.

Yes, I do have recommendations and I will post all recommendations in the show notes at but I either love Kajabi, an all-in-one software tool that I will talk about in a minute, or ConvertKit. Kajabi or ConvertKit are my two recommendations for an email service provider.

You can look at both of them. Do your own research. Figure out the one that makes the most sense for you but both of them have excellent customer support, which I think is a very big deal when you’re just starting out.

Both of them are affordable and you can grow with both of them. That is one investment I’d make early on.

Speaking of being able to grow with software, I think that’s something you need to look at when you’re just starting out. I would also invest in an all-in-one marketing tool.

These tools weren’t as readily available to me when I was just starting out but they are definitely more available to you today and way easier to use.

An example of an all-in-one marketing software would be Kajabi. Kajabi can be your email service provider. It can be your opt-in pages for you to grow your email list with your freebies like PDFs and free video series. It could be your webinar registration page, your webinar replay page, you can put email funnels together inside of Kajabi.

Kajabi can be your course platform. My DCA members already know this is the tool I recommend inside of my program but the reason I’m bringing it up here is because I use Kajabi so I am a proud member of Kajabi and a partner in terms of recommending them.

More so than that, I believe this is a tool that your business can grow with. In the beginning you won’t be using all of their bells and whistles. However, they are affordable enough to be your email service provider as well as giving you the tools you need to start growing your email list early on. They are easy to use.

One of the reasons we moved to Kajabi is because I didn’t want to pay a programmer or coder to help me do everything I needed to do in my business. That was too expensive.

It was frustrating even when I had the money. I hated waiting to hire somebody to fix a typo I had on an opt-in page or inside of my course platform. I just hated that. I wanted to be able to do it myself. More importantly, as my team grew, I wanted my team to be able to do it even if they weren’t a programmer or coder.

That’s one of the reason I use Kajabi. They can do so much for you that you can grow into them. You can learn how to use all of the different features and bells and whistles as you need them, as your business grows.

I think it’s a great tool. It is definitely worth looking into so you have what you need for your business to grow long term.

Another tool I would recommend investing in early is a project management tool even if it’s just you. These tools I’m recommending, I’m assuming you’re a oneman/ one-woman show.

I would recommend an email service provider. I would recommend Kajabi. I would recommend a project management tool. I use Asana, again I’ll link to all of this in the show notes, but I love Asana because it allows us to keep really organized with every task.

We make a joke of it but we’re dead serious inside my team. If it’s not in Asana it’s not going to happen so every task needs to be in Asana, it needs to be assigned to a team member, it needs a deadline, and it needs a little bit of detail with it for each task. Each task falls under a main project.

What if it’s just you? Should you still get a project management tool? Yes. You make a habit of using it every day. Make a habit of putting all of your big projects for the year inside of Asana and then build out all of the tasks that need to get done to make it so.

You get in the habit of using it so that when you start to hire on your team, maybe with your first virtual assistant, they will use Asana with you. Then, when you hire your first customer support rep they get in Asana with you.

You be the leader. You get in there first. You make it a personal habit to use Asana and really get good at navigating through the software and then as you build your team it’s just like part of the business. It’s how you do business.

I did not do it this way and we really struggled for years on flip flopping on what project management tool we should use and how we should use it and who should be using it. I wasn’t consistent with it and I would get frustrated that my team wasn’t consistent with it and I looked at myself and was like, “Come on Amy, you’re the leader here.”

It is something I really would change. That reminds me. Flip flopping on software is not something you want to do. I would like to see you choose your tools now and take recommendations from people you trust, hopefully I’m someone you trust, and stick with it even if it’s confusing or doesn’t do everything you wish it would do.

Even though it’s kind of clunky to get going in the beginning, that’s with any tool. There is no tool that’s going to be perfect. Kajabi is not perfect. ConvertKit is not perfect. Asana is not perfect. But they are pretty darn close to being exactly what you need.

One of the biggest challenges I had in the beginning was flip flopping on tools. I was never loyal to a tool. I didn’t stick around long enough to give it time to make it work and get into the habit of making it work.

That’s another thing. I want you to stay with these tools at least a good six months before you make a decision to go to something else. There will be 100 people telling you to go to something else.

If you follow a lot of experts out there in the online marketing world we all have our recommendations. That leads me to my final point in terms of where you should spend money early on and that is around your mentors that you follow.

Here’s the thing. You will learn from so many people online as you grow in your business. There are a lot of online marketing experts. But I’m going to encourage you to find your mentors, there will likely be just a few of them, early on.

Find your mentors early on. Put a stake in the ground and say, “This is somebody that I’m going to follow.”

I want to give you an example of my own world and then you make up your mind who your mentors are.

Early on you likely already know that my mentor was Marie Forleo before I even left my corporate job at Tony Robbins. Many of you know this story. I’ll tell it quickly.

When I was still working at Tony Robbins one of the very final programs I worked on was The New Money Masters. Tony was creating a program to talk about how these online experts (we called them infomarketers back then and sometimes still do) were building their business online.

He started interviewing them for his brand new course. Back then, I think they still do this, but it was CDs and DVDs and all that good stuff. He was building this course and we were interviewing tons of men for The New Money Masters (Russell Brunson, Dean Jackson, and so many others). I won’t even get into all of the details.

There were no women. Luckily he said we needed to bring a woman into the program because there were women doing big things even back then 12 years ago. I know there are a lot more now but there were definitely women doing big things back then online.

I recommended Marie Forleo and she was the only woman that was represented on The New Money Masters, which is pretty cool. From there I became an instant fan of everything she was doing online because I studied her a lot for the product.

I realized she was somebody who I loved her integrity, I loved the way she communicated online. She had the type of business I wanted. She had grit and hustle and her energy was amazing. She had a great presence online. I wanted that.

When I left Tony Robbins that’s what I wanted so she became my mentor. I actually had a few mentors early on in the beginning. That’s the thing. I don’t think you’re just going to have one but I would say to choose two or three and that’s it.

What I mean by that, when you have a mentor and people start recommending this and that to you and ask what about this or you should do that you go back to your core group of mentors and ask what they would recommend, what are they saying you should do with this?

That way you aren’t pulled in a million different directions. You never need to make the excuse that you don’t know what to do because so many people are telling you to do so many different things.

If you have your group of two or three core mentors you can always go back and make your decisions based on their recommendations. That has served me well.

From there I started to grow my business based on so much of what Marie taught. She had a mastermind at the time that I couldn’t afford but I figured it out. In that mastermind she taught the B-School principles.

At the time of this recording right now, B-School is open for enrollment. If you listen to this podcast a week or two down the road it will likely be closed but if you’re one of those people that the second I have a podcast out you listen, shout out to you, thank you, B-School is open at

I have been a partner for eight years now. The program has been in existence for ten years and I create a huge bonus experience related to B-School because it changed my life.

I won’t get into all of the details here but my point I want to make is that with BSchool I was able to build a foundation of my business and I had a mentor I could follow.

I feel as though if you are looking to invest money in the early years you have to invest in training. If it’s mine, I would love that. If I am your mentor or one of your top three mentors, if you like the way I do things, if you like my business model, if you like the way I teach, I am honored that I can be that for you.

I do believe you should invest in the programs of your mentors. This is not to say to go buy my stuff. This is to say that if you find your mentor and you like what they are doing online and if they can teach you how they do it, learn from the people you want to build a business like.

If you want to model your business around what they are doing by all means that is a good use of your money whether it be my programs or somebody else’s. That is a good use of your funds.

It is so important that you educate yourself because you didn’t learn this in college. There is no handbook for how to do business online. I wish I learned more of this in college.

Guys, when I was in college (this shows my age) I learned the power of email like it was something brand new. I remember this professor of mine talking about what email was.

I didn’t learn any of this but I learned it through digital courses from my mentors. So I highly recommend you be mindful of how you spend your money on programs and make sure you’re learning from people you respect, you like to listen to, you love what they are doing, and you want to model what they are doing as well.

Moving on, that was all about how to spend your money.

Starting From Scratch Approach #2 – My focus

Now I want to talk about what to focus on. If I were to start from scratch I would put my focus in different areas than I did ten years ago. What should you be focusing on right now if you are starting from scratch?

If you’re not starting from scratch ask yourself if you focused enough on these areas because this might help you plug up some holes that you might have in your business today.

Are you ready?

My Number One, can you guess it? I mean, if you follow me at all you know what I’m going to say. You’re probably sick of me saying it but are you doing it? It’s list building.

I can’t sugar coat this. We all need a viable email list. It does not need to be a big email list to be successful. I’m not going to harp on this one. I’ve done tons of episodes around list building. My DCA members, you all know how important this one is.

I do want to put a stake in the ground and say it would be nice if this was the final year you ever say, “I don’t have an email list,” or, “This won’t work for me because I don’t have an email list,” and you won’t have to ask if this will work because you don’t have an email list.

“I don’t have an email list.” I’d like to literally zap that out of your vocabulary. I don’t want that phrase to ever even come out of your mouth anymore.

If you’re just starting out that is something that you can tackle right now so that when you get into the second year of your business you have an email list. For the record, if you have a few hundred people on your email list you have an email list.

You need to continue to grow your email list but the hardest part is getting the foundation…setting up your email service provider. That’s a little techy stuff. It’s not so hard. It’s just making the decision that this is what you’re going to do for your email service provider.

Then create consistent content and put it out every single week and attach some kind of lead magnet opportunity to your consistent content creation every single week.

That leads me to the second thing I wish I focused on from Day One. The day I left Tony Robbins and started my own business I wish I had put a stake in the ground and said that every single week, come rain or shine, I would create original content.

What does that look like? A blog post once a week or a podcast once a week or a video once a week. Maybe you do a Facebook Live, download it, put it on your blog. It has to live on your blog.

The word “blog” and “website” are used interchangeably. You have a tab on your website that is your blog. That is where you’re putting your video or show notes for your podcast or your written blog.

I did not do that for two years, guys, and it was literally one of the biggest mistakes I ever made. I watched my peers that moved faster up the ladder of success in the online marketing world move quicker because they had something going out weekly.

They were known for something. They had a voice. That’s the other thing I don’t think I’ve talked about enough. I don’t think I’ve given you enough “why”, why you want to create consistent content.

It’s as much for you to hone in on your message as it is to add value to your audience. One thing I’m learning with my new DCA students is that a lot of things I have them do, I have been honest with them. I didn’t realize this until I started to teach it, which is a great thing about creating content, you dive deeper and find the why.

I want you as the course creator to get into this habit or to experience this. Then, when you’ve been doing it for a while the value is there for your audience.

This idea of creating consistent content, the why behind it, is first for you to find your voice, for you to hone in on the type of content you want to create, your message that shapes your brand, which attracts your tribe.

If we just start there and every week, come rain or shine, you have something new you’re putting out that’s original, meaning you’ve created it. It doesn’t have to be an original thought it is just original in that you have this idea and you’ve developed it.

List building is related to consistent content because you might create one lead magnet to start out with and you mention it in your blog. You might say, “Hey, if you like this and you want to dive deeper grab my free guide.”

Or mention it on Facebook Live. You’re interviewed and you mention your freebie. You’re just going to mention the freebie all over the place in the beginning. Then, down the road you can create another freebie. In the beginning we start with one without a lot of bells and whistles.

What I would focus on the most in my first few years is list building, creating consistent content. My identity would be somebody who creates consistent content. That would be part of my identity and it wasn’t.

The third thing I would do that wasn’t as popular ten years ago. It was popular but not nearly like it is now or readily accessible. I would do a lot more live video. Now every single week I can’t even believe I’m the kind of girl that is probably doing three to four live videos every week and then recorded videos around certain things I have been working on.

I go live a lot in my private Facebook groups. For my past students in the Insider’s Club, my current students in the DCA Facebook group, and I go live on my Facebook page as well. I also do InstaStories on IG which is not live but it is still video.

I wish I did live video more because, remember I said first it starts with you as the marketer. It makes you a better marketer. You think fast on your feet. You get better at communicating. You feel more comfortable on video. You show your vulnerability more. You’re more real to your audience.

I wish I had done more of that early on because now ten years into it I’m just learning to be comfortable on video. I feel as though I can hold my own. I’ve been doing this for a few years now but imagine if I had started embracing it.

That is another thing, focus on embracing video and not feeling like I did for so long…hating it. That got me nowhere. Telling you all I hate doing video and that it makes me cringe did not help my case.

I think just embracing it and saying, “Look, I’m going to make it my own. I’m going to make it work for me,” is something I wish I had done differently.

I wish I had learned more about my avatar and did all of those exercises that B-School offers. I even have a podcast episode on this so I will link to it about how to figure out who your ideal customer avatar is.

Every day I am making it my mission to listen to who it is that I’m serving so that I understand them more. If you come to me and say, “Amy, I don’t know what to create as a lead magnet for my freebie I want to create,” or if you come to me and say, “Amy, I don’t know what to blog about,” that is the surface question.

There is another question and that is, “Who am I marketing to?” You don’t know who you are talking to. Believe me, I’ve said that I don’t know what to blog about in the early days.

I’ve said, “I don’t know what to create a freebie about,” because I didn’t know who my avatar was.

I wish I had made it my mission to, at any time if you asked me who I was marketing to, boom I could tell you. That has changed over the years but at least I wish I had put something on paper and said, “This is who I am marketing to.”

You can just start out, if you’re not going to join B-School (because there is a whole focus on ideal customer avatar in B-School) I have a podcast episode all about that and, again, I’ll link to it. Start off somewhere.

Your avatar is so incredibly important and you know, my DCA members know, I have a whole module that focuses on who you’re marketing to. We have you covered there as well.

It is something I just started adding to my programs because I couldn’t serve my students if they didn’t know who they were marketing to. That was huge. I wish I had spent more time there.

Lastly, the last thing I would focus on if I were starting from scratch is how I want to make money and how I’m going to get there. I think this is something I did well. I think this fast tracked my success in some ways.

For two years I did consulting, coaching, and service-based work around social media. But I knew, I always knew I wanted to create digital courses. I didn’t plan for it as much as I wish I did. I wish I had put a stake in the ground and set a date that I would be letting go of “these” customers and would start this business.

Luckily, organically that did happen. But maybe it would have happened faster, because I was kind of miserable at the end of working with clients, I wish I had gotten out of it a little bit faster.

Just knowing how you want to make money, I know there are a lot of multipassionate entrepreneurs out there, but I also will say to find two to three ways you want to make money. In the beginning start there.

I know there are some people that do really well with multiple streams of income. I’ve talked about that on the podcast before and I know it works for some people. But when you’re starting from scratch I believe most of my students would serve themselves well by keeping it simple.

Have two to three ways that you make money and get really good at those two to three ways.

For me, if you ask me how I make money, I create digital courses and sell them, I’m an affiliate for other people’s digital courses (very few, to be exact), and then I am an affiliate for different software and tools I highly recommend.

Those are the three core ways I make money and 90% of my revenue comes from my own courses. I also don’t put a lot of effort into the other two because I like to be really good and really known for one thing.

That’s just my philosophy. But I believe if you have tons of ways you’re making money and you don’t hone in on one way specifically everything feels a little bit loosey goosey. Everything feels like it’s working but not nearly as good as it could be working.

Just be careful with that. Get clear on how you ultimately want to make money in your business, you might not be there now. Starting from scratch, you’re likely never starting there, but you can get there, for sure.

That is what I would focus on: List building, creating consistent content, doing more live video or video in general, honing on who my avatar is, and getting clear on how I want to make money and how I’m going to get there. Those are the things I wish I focused on if I was starting from scratch.

Starting From Scratch Approach #3 – What I would say “yes” to

I’m just going to quickly go through this because I did an entire episode about this. I’ll link to it in the show notes. I talked about things I would say “yes” to in the early years that I actually say “no” to now.

We’re just going to go over these quickly and I’ll link to that episode if you really want to hear me talk about things I said “yes” to when I was starting out but I say “no” to now that I’m making more money and am more established. You’ll like that episode.

I’m going to run you through a few right now.

When you think about saying “yes” to things, remember this. The business you have today will look dramatically different just a few years from now. I really want you to take that in. The business you have today will look dramatically different in just a few years.

When you say “yes” to things just know you’re saying “yes” to different opportunities because it’s where you are right now in your business. You won’t always say “yes” to those opportunities. Give yourself a little grace, a little breathing space to know you don’t have to get it all right in the beginning and things will look different down the road and you can change your mind and not say “yes” to these things later on.

Here’s what I would say “yes” to if I was starting from scratch.

Yes to invitations to network with new people. If you follow my podcast you know I got my book deal with that big yellow Dummies book around Facebook marketing because I said “yes” to going to dinner. I sat next to a woman at a networking event that recommended me years later for that book.

I said “yes” to invitations that put me in the proximity of people to network with and to get to know and expand my horizons to what was possible in my business.

I said “yes” to interviews. When people wanted to interview me I said “yes” all over the place. I don’t say “yes” as much anymore because I don’t have as much time to do them. But definitely get yourself out there. Get in front of new audiences for sure.

Also, yes to speaking on stage even when you don’t get paid to do so. I think honing in on your speaking skills makes you better on video and makes you better inside your courses.

I don’t want a career of speaking on stage. I don’t want to sell on stage a bunch. I don’t want to go to people’s events and do a lot of speaking but I am selective now. I even do it still today but I did it a lot more in the early days. Those are the things I would say “yes” to.

Let’s transition to things I’d say “no” to when I’m starting out. This is important for you to hear. If you’re just starting from scratch, what should you say “no” to?

Well, for one, too many collaborations. I see it too much where a lot of my students want to collaborate with other students and the deeper meaning there is I’m afraid to go at this on my own. I’m afraid to do this on my own.

You have what it takes to do this on your own. You do not need to collaborate with somebody else. I believe there are a lot of headaches when collaborations happen and you likely, because you haven’t figured out the type of entrepreneur you want to be, you are going to clash with the entrepreneur they are because you don’t know yourself as an entrepreneur just yet.

It’s the truth so collaborations are not my favorite. Sure, one or two maybe, but be careful with that. Definitely be very selective.

Also, say “no” to projects that will not get you in front of your ideal customer avatar. This comes back to wishing I had spent more time on who my avatar was. In my early days the biggest mistake I made was saying “yes” to everything that came my way.

I would show up (this happened so much) where I had gotten on a plane to go speak at an event and there would be 20 people there and they would be in a niche that would never buy a product from me because I wasn’t a good fit for them.

I was teaching Facebook marketing but I taught Facebook marketing to entrepreneurs that wanted to start their own thing. This was a room of insurance salesmen that never wanted to start their own thing, not any time soon, it wasn’t their focus.

They would never buy my product so here I was in front of an audience that was not a good fit for me. I wish I was more mindful of that in the beginning.

Say “no” to shiny objects. This is something I am very strong in but I know a lot of my students struggle with. I feel I can be a good guide here. When you’re chasing those squirrels you are leaving the core business to fend for itself and that never works.

Early on, if you can be the type of person that does not chase the squirrels, the shiny objects, whatever you want to call them, you will grow a business faster than the person next to you that’s chasing everything they see.

I know it’s funny, I hear it a lot with my students, “I’m always chasing shiny objects. That’s just who I am.” Don’t make that part of your identity. Don’t make that who you are.

That will derail your business or at least slow it down considerably. So whatever you need to do to stay focused, do it. In the habit section I’m going to talk about what habits I wish I had if I were starting from scratch. Those habits will help you not chase the squirrels. We will get there.

Starting From Scratch Approach #4 – Mindset shift

The one mindset shift I wish I made from Day One moving from corporate into my online business, I’ve talked about this a bunch, go to Episode #203 to drill down on it.

It’s the concept that my students do a lot so I’m glad I went before you and could help you with this. You don’t need to stay there.

The mindset is that it’s so hard to break through all of the noise. The online space is so saturated. Everyone’s already done everything I want to do. There is so much noise. How do I show up in a unique way?

I still even get asked this question a lot in interviews. How did you position yourself in a unique way to bust through all the noise? The truth is I never asked this question. I never asked myself how I could be unique and stand out from all of the noise.

I never asked myself how I could bust through all of the saturation out there in the online world. That wasn’t the question I was asking. I hope this is a gift I can give to you. I believe you’ve got to ask better questions in order to get better results in your business.

You have to ask better questions to get better results so I’m going to give you a freebie that I’ve used in the past but I don’t think I’ve ever given it away on the podcast. It’s a PDF of low-value questions we often ask ourselves, especially when we’re starting from scratch, and the better questions to answer.

It’s the low-value questions and the better questions to answer and I created the PDF with Marie Forleo. We did it in 2017. It’s still 100% relevant and it’s good. Literally, all it is is a one-page PDF with low-value questions, ask yourself if you’ve asked yourself these questions, and high-value questions.

This is something I want you to print out and put on your corkboard or somewhere you will see it. I literally still use it because I find myself asking low-value questions. I say, “Nope! I’ve got to ask a better question.”

You will find this freebie at You can just get it, print it out, and use it.

Let me give you a high-value question to ask. Instead of asking anything like, “How do I get noticed in a noisy world?” Ask yourself how you can focus all of your attention on serving your audience/community/tribe and reach them at their deepest needs, wants, and desires.

Ask how you can direct all of your attention on increasing the quality of life for your community or your customers or you students. Focus on who’s in front of you versus the bigger picture that really doesn’t ground you.

I often tease that I promise you if I ever got to meet the woman I would confirm this for you but I feel 99% positive I’m right before she started her talk show Oprah never said, “How am I going to get seen in such a noisy talk show world? How is anyone going to find me?”

Never! That is not a high-value question so be careful of that. That’s the mindset shift that you ask better questions and be careful not to get sucked in to playing small with questions like that. Deal?

Moving on to the final section of what I would do if I were starting from scratch.

Starting From Scratch Approach #5 – Adopt Good Habits

I would adopt really good habits from the get go. I would adopt amazing habits that would shape my identity as a high-producing entrepreneur, a high-value entrepreneur, or whatever you want to say entrepreneur.

Be someone that is giving and showing up regularly and adding immense value and having incredible success. I would choose the habits that would shape that identity.

I have to tell you a book I’m obsessed with. I’m hoping that I get Mr. James Clear on the show. We haven’t even asked yet but it’s something we’re looking into for the book, Atomic Habits.

Oh my gosh! It is so good. He has a good voice to read the book and you know how I feel about that. If I like someone’s voice when I’m listening I can listen all day. I’m going to have to go through the book a few times because when you listen to it you’re not taking notes or highlighting usually so I’ve got to get it really into my mind and my body.

I want to embody this book it’s so good. It is Atomic Habits by James Clear. I highly recommend it. He talks about how your habits shape your identity and how even if you didn’t set specific goals but your habits were really in tune with what you wanted you would still meet those goals and I believe that.

You all know I did a podcast episode, one of my favorites, about how I’ve committed to failing 100 times this year. I talked about my impossible goal of $10 million in my business this year. Let’s just say I didn’t make that goal. But, let’s say I asked what habits a person who was making $10 million in their business would they have every day?

He’s talking little habits. That’s where the word “atomic” comes from. It’s little but powerful. What habits would I have every day? I know somebody in my industry that made $10 million in a year. What habits does she have every day? How does she show up every day? I know her well so I know how she shows up.

I would take from that and model those. Even if I didn’t think that I was making $10 million this year, if I wanted to embody those habits and did them I could make $10 million this year. It’s not about the goal but more so how you show up every day. I love that.

I feel if you’re starting from scratch and you’re habits were impeccable, if you were someone that genuinely had high-value habits that served you well, watch out world. Watch out because you are taking over.

I get very excited about this topic. To make this very actionable for you, some of the habits I’d look at, and I want you to read this book, but think about these types of habits to be a high-producing entrepreneur, someone that really is doing amazing things in this world.

Morning rituals, the things you do in the morning that become habits. I work out in the morning, I walk my dog in the morning and have my earbuds in listening to something that’s going to fuel me or inspire me or excite me or keep me in the know around my industry and give me knowledge. Every morning I’m listening to something that’s going to fire me up.

I am working out, walking my dog, listening to something of great value, writing down all ten of my goals in my Rachel Hollis journal every single morning (that is what I do), and then I also plan my meals so I know what I’m eating every day because I’m on a weight-loss journey for life (when the weight’s off I’m still going to do this). I plan my meals ahead of time.

These are part of my morning rituals. I keep them simple. It’s nothing earth shattering but I have the mindset that this is what I do because this is who I am.

If you want to think about some more habits, doing weekly, consistent content. I know, I know. I shouldn’t put this in your head. I shouldn’t say you are sick of me talking about it because I don’t want you to be sick of me. I’m going to own it. Weekly consistent content is a habit. That is part of your identity as a high-value entrepreneur or high-producing entrepreneur.

Weekly content, weekly video. On top of the content, doing live videos is a habit. Batching your content so you’re more productive should be a habit in your business. I batch my content.

Writing your own copy is something I’m going to talk about a lot this year. Learning to write your own copy, if I were to start from scratch, I would make it a habit that I am writing to my audience every week. I don’t mean writing blog posts or writing guides or writing for your course, I mean communicating with your audience in an email.

I am talking about that kind of copy, or on a sales page, or your social media posts. Learning how to write copy for your business should be a habit you have. Sure, you might want to pay someone to do it down the road but you likely don’t have the money to do it now so learn how to write your own copy. That’s a habit I believe we get into.

Finally, this one’s a fun one. I would love to see you make it a habit to do total immersion weekends every quarter. I talked about this in Episode #222 where me and one team member, my Integrator Chloe, go away for two days.

We always do this to plan out the whole year but it’s always great to do it to plan out a quarter as well, just one quarter, where you go away and look at what worked, what hasn’t worked in the past, what you’re doing, your goals. You just spend a weekend making it fun but you do a total immersion weekend.

It may be just you all by yourself or maybe you and one person on your team. It doesn’t need to be a whole team retreat thing. Go for total immersion on a weekend and plan your quarter out. It’s fun and it’s a great habit to do in your business.

That’s not a daily habit so I’m kind of cheating here but I wanted to end this episode with something really fun and inspiring. Total immersion weekends can change your business.

I see people posting about them and referencing Episode #222 all the time and I love it. I see you guys. Keep it up. It’s something that is really good for your business and for your mindset around taking a look at what’s ahead of us. Let’s keep moving forward.

I hope that’s what this episode has done for you as well, encourage you to keep moving forward no matter where you are in your business. You’ve got this. You can do this.

Learn from my mistakes. If you chose me to be one of your mentors I hope you really take into account all of the tips and tricks and strategies I shared with you today whether they be mindset or actual tools and strategies that you apply. I really hope you take it all in.

Baby steps, my friend. You don’t need to do everything I just told you about in one sitting but I hope some of this stays with you because those habits and that mindset shift and approaching how you spend your money differently and who your mentors are and not taking advice from everybody online and really getting clear on what you say “yes” to and what you say “no” to are the areas I would focus on if I were starting from scratch.

That’s all I’ve got for you. I love spending this time with you. I love looking back on how I’d do things differently so I can help you as you move forward.

One more thing, if you haven’t yet subscribed to this podcast please go on iTunes or wherever you listen to this podcast and subscribe so that you know when I come out with a new episode and you don’t miss a thing.

We often put timely opportunities in our podcast so if you don’t listen to it when it comes out you might miss some of that so subscribing helps with that as well.

Alright guys, thank you so very much for being here with me. I love spending this time with you. I will see you same time, same place next week. Bye for now!

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