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Hey, there. Welcome back to another episode of the Online Marketing Made Easy podcast. I'm your host Amy Porterfield. And today I've brought back the Regis to my Kathie Lee, Rick Mulready.
Hello, how are you doing?
RICK MULREADY: I am so glad to be back here. I’m doing great.
AMY: It’s been a while. It's been too long.
RICK: It has been too long. It’s been too long.
AMY: I’m so glad—
RICK: Thank you for having me back on.
AMY: Of course. We have some great stuff to talk about, so I'll just tell you guys right from the get-go, we are going to be talking about three Facebook ad strategies that you can use to prelaunch your digital course or really any promotion that you want to put out there. The prelaunch is what you do before you actually get into the real launch. We'll talk about what a prelaunch is, what it looks like, and the Facebook ad strategies that you can use.
But before we even get there, Rick, tell me what you've been up to, what's been going on? I mean, okay, first of all, how old is your baby girl now?
RICK: That’s what I’ve been up to. She, at the time we are recording this, she’s six and a half months old, if you can believe that.
AMY: Oh my gosh. She’s getting so big. She’s precious.
RICK: She is. She’s in the ninety percentiles for both height and weight. We just had her appointment the other day, and she’s off the charts.
AMY: Now, as a new parent, is this something that you love to say? Like, are new parents—because I’ve never had a baby of my own—is this something, when they tell you ninety percent, you’re very proud?
RICK: Not necessarily.
AMY: Okay, so what does that even mean?
RICK: I’m not like, “Ooh, look at my girl.” It’s just that she’s long. She’s in top one percent for length. She's twenty-eight and a half inches long as a six-and-a-half-month old.
AMY: This could mean that she could be very tall.
RICK: Yeah. She could be tall. Amy’s tall. I mean, she’s 5’7”, I want to say, which is—
AMY: That’s not tall, but no. I don’t know what you’re talking about. That's not tall.
RICK: All right. It’s not very tall, okay. But she's doing awesome. She's doing so well. She's just about, I think she's a few weeks out from crawling, can you believe that? She'll get up on all fours, and then just kind of collapse down to her shoulder.
AMY: I heard it's like a whole new world once they start crawling.
RICK: It is.
AMY: Yeah, get ready.
RICK: It’s a whole new adjustment.
AMY: So, you've adjusted to fatherhood.
RICK: I would say I'm adjusting still. I mean, I’ve definitely adjusted.
AMY: I think you never really adjust. I don’t know if it ever becomes easy. What do you think—I’m going to ask you a quick question, then we’ll get right to our topic of the day—but what do you think has been the most pleasantly surprising thing about having a brand-new baby as you build an online business, and what do you think has been the most difficult thing?
RICK: Good question. The most pleasantly surprising thing, I just love the little moments with her. So I'm up early, she's up early, but before Amy even, my wife, gets up, we go for a walk, and it’s just in the neighborhood. I mean, just, like, literally fifteen minutes. But just that few minutes where it's super quiet and she's just looking around. She's very inquisitive. She's taking everything in, which is fascinating for me to watch how she processes the world. And so it's just little things like that that I just really look forward to. Just going for a little walk. I bring my coffee, and we're just going for a little walk. So that's been amazing.
The most difficult thing, I mean, frankly is being away from her, you know? And that's been a challenge. But I will say this: one of the things that I was very concerned about back when Amy was pregnant was how the heck am I going to do all this? How am I going to be—I have a kid on the way, I’m running a business; how am I going to do all this stuff?
And I talked to friends of ours that we all know, who are dads. And I asked them, and they were like, “Dude, you're going to be so productive because your time is now limited.” And I would say for me it has become more limited, but at the same time, I'm still kind of acting in the same way that I was, meaning I'm giving myself a lot of time to complete things. And I think I can be a lot better with that. I think I can be even more efficient in what I'm doing, and that's a constant work in progress for me.
AMY: Now, do you have a home office? Do you work at home, or do you go into an office?
RICK: I go into an office. I rented a space.
AMY: Okay, gotcha. So, that probably is helpful, right?
RICK; Yeah. I had to do that because I remember one afternoon I was trying to get something done, and she was in a little bouncy chair next to me. And I forget what I was doing but I was on the laptop, and she just looking up at me, with a big smile. And I can't get any work done.
AMY: Like, I can't do that. I can't even do that with my dog looking at me. I just cuddle with them the whole time, so imagine a little human next to me. So, yeah, I get it. I have to get out of the house.
RICK: How are you doing?
AMY: I'm doing good. And I feel like you've navigated your way through this fatherhood. You've made the transition from a single guy and then—I've known Rick when he was single. Well, not married. I've known Rick when he was not married and then when he was married and now with a baby, and I feel like you're taking it all in stride. So, just kudos to you.
RICK: Well, I appreciate that.
AMY: Yeah. Really good.
RICK: I think that I’m looking at the business—someone said to me recently you become multi-dimensional. And I was like, what do you mean? And they were saying exactly what you just said: you went from a single guy to in a relationship to being married to now having it—like, you've evolved as a person, and you're very multi-dimensional now, and you have different roles. And I've thought about that. That's real interesting because I feel like the business has done the same thing, that it's evolved as well, where I'm talking a lot about—and yes, of course, I'm talking about Facebook and Instagram ads—but I'm talking about how they're just one piece of the puzzle, that when you get Facebook and Instagram ads going for your business, there's a whole bunch of other things that your business needs in order to continue to grow and scale so that you can have a big impact, things like positioning and becoming the actual CEO of your business, how you stop doing all the things, like, all that stuff. So I feel like the business has evolved as I have evolved.
AMY: Yes. And that's definitely something that I've even seen throughout my own journey as I become a different person over the years. I feel like I'm fully different than when I started 10 years ago, and the business evolves with me. So for those of you who are just getting started, I always say the way your business looks today will look dramatically different in just a few years from now as you evolve and you change and you get clarity and all that good stuff. So I love just seeing how everybody's business has changed over the years, and it happens to us all. So just be patient and allow yourself to make some mistakes and experiment and do different things because none of it is permanent. That is for sure. And that's a really good thing.
RICK: Yeah. Can we talk about that for one second?
AMY: Yeah.
RICK: What I see a lot of is people think that that—whatever decision they're making in their business or about their business or who they're serving in their business, that it's a life sentence, if you will. Like, I'm making this decision, and I'm only going to be doing this in my business or serving this audience. And when they think, ooh, I’m not really sure, it paralyzes them, and then they don't move forward. But if you think about it from the perspective of like you just said, it’s like it shifts, things change, and it's okay. It's a natural evolution. And I think when you can remember that, it sort of takes the pressure off and allows you to keep moving forward.
AMY: So true. It's so true. You're allowed to change your mind and change things up and move in a different direction. I mean, heck, I was only known for Facebook marketing for so, so, so many years, and then, now, people do not think of me when they think of Facebook marketing. They think of course creation and webinars and list building. So you can always make that transition, for sure.
Okay, So, glad we had this little chat. We always have our little chat, just like Regis and Kathie Lee in the very beginning. If we're on camera, we'd be drinking our coffee and chatting about the day.
Okay, so let's get to it. We're going to talk about three different strategies for using Facebook ads in a prelaunch, and then, of course, Rick always comes to the table prepared, so he's like, “I also have a bonus one, Amy,” so I can't wait to hear about the bonus one as well. And with that, I first want to just lay it out in terms of what is prelaunch? And Rick, I’m going to explain what it is to me, but then you talk to me about what it is to you as well, because, actually, some marketers have different interpretations of this.
So, when I talk about a prelaunch, I specifically am talking about the sixty to ninety days before I start to fill up my webinars that will eventually sell my course. So if I'm going to fill up my webinar starting, let's say, September 5th, then the sixty days before that, I'm in prelaunch. And when I'm in prelaunch, what that means for me is, typically, I am doing Facebook Lives on my Facebook page every single week around the topic; the topics are often aligned with whatever it is I plan to sell. So if I'm going to sell Digital Course Academy®️ on September 12th, which is when the doors open for enrollment, so everybody can know that now, if I'm going to sell Digital Course Academy®️ on September 12th, then my prelaunch is all about course creation and list building and webinars and all that stuff that's inside Digital Course Academy®️. Or even before that, the mindset around how to get ready to create a digital course in your business and how to get past those roadblocks that you might be thinking you're not good enough or you're not ready, and there's a lot of mindset stuff that I could teach about beforehand as well.
And in a prelaunch, I typically meet them where they're at, and I encourage them to move forward in the direction of creating a digital course. So you're educating, you're inspiring. Typically, the vehicle I use is Facebook Lives. And then I do the Facebook Live, and then I turn it into a Facebook ad, and I run a lot of traffic to it, and I retarget a lot of that traffic when I open up my webinar registration. So, specifically, that's what it looks like for me, and we'll talk about some of those elements with Rick and get into more detail. But Rick, what would you add to that in terms of a pre-launch strategy?
RICK: I mean, I would say the only thing I would add to that is that when you're creating that content in the prelaunch lead up to the launch, you're using the content to kind of overcome objections as well. So what kind of objections do you think that your audience might have about the offer that you're going to make to them? Like, oh, I've never done this before, or I'm the only one with this problem, or something like that, stuff like that. And you can use the content. And your example there, Amy, you're doing Facebook Lives, which I love. You can do content, do a Facebook Live content, around those objections. So this’d be like brainstorming, all right, what are some of the objections that people are going to have? Or if you’ve done a launch before and you've heard the objections, you can just go back and look at those objections and say, all right, how can I incorporate overcoming those objections in some of the content that I'm doing?
AMY: Yes. I love that. That’s actually even more important than everything else I said. The goal here is to think of all those objections and what are they thinking and feeling, and then, you're addressing them. You're hitting them head on during a lot of that prelaunch.
And one of the great things when you prelaunch is when you open the doors to, let's say, a webinar. Let's say you're going to do it the way I do it. When you opened the doors to the webinar, your goal is that you've already had some really big conversations with them. You're not convincing them that they need to do whatever it is you're teaching; they're already there because the pre-launch material got them there. So I want you to think, where do I want them to be in terms of what are they thinking, what are they feeling the minute they get on my webinar? So if I want them thinking a certain way, then what do I need to do in the prelaunch to get them there? So kind of future pace yourself as well.
There's so much magic that can happen in a prelaunch, and that's why I wanted to bring Rick on here because not only can we talk about the strategy in general, but he can add another layer to it with the Facebook ads. And so, let's get into it, Rick. Give us a first strategy you can do in a prelaunch.
RICK: I mean, I would say the first one is what you just talked about: video and using video to create content, to add value, to overcome those objections. And again, I'm not talking necessarily about hiring a production crew, because people think video, oh, I don't have the budget to do this. Grab your phone, and start creating video; or just like you're talking about Amy, this could be right in front of your laptop or on your webcam, and start doing Facebook Lives, just do some videos. Maybe keep them on the shorter side, but as you're adding value, think about, what is your point of view on whatever topic that you're talking about? Even better if it goes against conventional wisdom, what someone else is talking about, or what is generally talked about, whatever niche that you're in. Is your point of view unique to you and you’re positioning yourself that way in those videos while overcoming those objections?
So if you're doing sixty days’ worth of content, that's a lot of videos that you can be doing. And the idea there is to build those audiences, like you just mentioned, Amy, where you're building audiences of people who are engaging with those videos, meaning you can go into Facebook under the Audience's section, and you can create engagement audiences of people based on how long they're watching the video.
So for example, I want to build an audience of people who are watching twenty-five percent of the video or fifty percent the video or ninety-five percent the video, and what have you. And if we’re getting technical for a second as far as actually how the setup goes of the ads, I would do an objective of video views and then optimize for what Facebook calls Through Play. This is actually the default setting in Ads Manager, but basically, the way that Facebook describes Through Play is it allows advertisers to optimize and pay only for the videos that are watched to either completion or at least fifteen seconds. So if you have a sixty-second video, you're only paying when somebody watches at least fifteen seconds of the video. And this is called Through Play. So we're getting a little technical here. But objective video views, because we're telling Facebook, hey, we want people to watch this video, basically. And then you optimize for what this option is called Through Play, and it's for at least fifteen seconds.
So this is something I did last year, middle of 2018, when I launched. At the time, I had my ad manager program. This is the exact strategy that we did. We did three videos, I want to say, and they were on the short—I mean, they weren't 60 seconds, but they were three to four minutes. And I picked a theme for each one of the videos. I actually don't remember what the themes were for each one, but they were talking about how people are looking at their ads business, in my opinion, in the incorrect way. So I was presenting a new option for them, a way to think about it. And so watched the video. I was building these engagement audiences, and then I was retargeting those engaged people when we did a launch, and it worked really, really well.
AMY: So, you had mentioned that the videos you did around thinking about running ads in different ways, did you say those videos were like just a few minutes long?
RICK: Yeah, exactly.
AMY: How do you do that? I really struggle with videos that are less than five minutes. I feel like I can't even get anything out. Do you have a secret for that? I’m amazed.
RICK: I mean, there’s no real secret.
AMY: How do you do that?
RICK: I actually taught this strategy to one of my mastermind students, Accelerator mastermind, and she did sixty-second videos. And they were just really, obviously, really quick hits of she picked one point and made it her own. Like, this is her point of view on whatever topic it was, and she flipped it against what the traditional thought process was around this. I don't remember what she was talking about specifically, but she created a series of just sixty-second videos and then created engagement audiences, and that worked really, really well for her.
And this is just a matter of getting to the point as quickly as we can. And it is an art.
AMY: Okay. So thank you for saying so.
RICK: I’m the same way as you. I'm long-winded.
AMY: Man, you really have to think about it before you go live or—well, that was my other question. So, you're suggesting that these are prerecorded. You don't even have to do a Facebook Live first?
RICK: I would say either one, whatever you're more comfortable with doing, as long as it's video. So again, this could be Facebook Live, for sure, because you sit down and go, or grab your phone and start recording. And when we think about video, I know you talk about this a lot, but some of the best videos that have performed the best for me is me, literally headphones in, connected to my phone, walking down the sidewalk, coffee in hand ,and I'm speaking to the phone, speaking of the camera.
And so when you think about that, all right, two things. Lighting. Is the lighting okay? So if you're outside, for example, you're going to have good lighting. For inside, I know you talk about the ring light a lot. Grab a simple ring light or something like that. And then, just make sure the sound is okay. I use earbuds, whatever. Just make sure that people can hear you.
AMY: Got it. Got it, okay. Makes sense. All right. So, first of all, you're saying video ads definitely work for a good prelaunch. And I will tell you I had this experience when I was promoting TRIBE, which is Stu McLaren's program, and I watched him, and I got to talk to him firsthand about this, and then I did a little bit with him in terms of ad videos. And the off-the-cuff, sillier they were, the better results I got.
But here's what's weird. I am not overly silly on video. So if you know me personally and you come to my house and have a glass of wine, I laugh and have a lot of fun, and I'm silly in that environment. But you put me on video, and I'm not cracking jokes or being over-the-top silly, where Stu is all the time. He's jumping in the pool in his clothes and doing crazy things and getting his kids involved, which is adorable. So his ads were crazy funny the whole time, and he said those were the ads that just killed it. The serious ads he did hardly even worked for him, so he did more of what's working.
So one, paying really close attention to more of what's working. But even for me where I'm not naturally silly on video, I did some more off-the-cuff sillier ones with him, and they produce better. Chloe’s like, “I hate to tell you, Amy, but the one where Stu is literally being a crazy person in your own ad is producing way better than your serious ones.” And I’m like, “Dang it.”
RICK: In your backyard, right?
AMY: In my backyard, yep.
RICK: Yeah, yeah, because I know that he—
AMY: So there’s something about that.
RICK: Yeah. He did that video, I think it was last year, where he was back flipping into—he was on a trip with his family, and he was back flipping into the pool or forward flipping into the pool, and he comes up on the side, and he's like, “Oh, hey,” or something like that.
AMY: Oh my god. I could never—I could never do that.
RICK: Yeah. And I remember him saying, he’s like, yeah, that one performed the best. And it was just this stupid little video, but it catches people’s attention. It’s a pattern interrupt. It looks like the type of video that you would see, for example, in Instagram Stories, and people like it. People dig it.
AMY: So, just something to think about, guys. I'm not even naturally silly on videos, but I think the more casual I get and off-the-cuff and less scripted, the better. So if you don't like super polished, if you don't like scripted, you're in luck, my friend, because what’s—
RICK: Even better.
AMY: Yeah. —what’s working right now are the less-professional, polished, scripted videos in Facebook ads, so something to think about.
But this whole idea of retargeting all those video views when I do open webinar registration is incredibly powerful for us, and it's something that we bank on, like, we plan. The reason we're prelaunching with Facebook advertising and Instagram ads is because of that. I guess with Instagram ads, you can't retarget yet, though.
RICK: Well, you're building engagement audiences.
AMY: Yeah. That’s important.
RICK: Yeah. And you can build those Instagram engagers, many people engaging with your business profile. So, yeah, you can build those audiences.
The other thing, just to kind of add to this, Amy, is that—and one of my students, Brandi Mowles, does this really, really well, is she uses the videos—in addition to building engagement audiences, she’s also using videos to test target audiences. So if she’s going to be targeting different interests, she’s using the videos before she gets into the webinar ads to test out which audiences are interacting and engaging with her videos the most. And so she'll narrow down the target audiences that way so that when she gets to the webinar ads, she already has a good idea of which audiences are performing really well, which, I think, is super smart.
AMY: So smart. I love that. Before we move on to our second strategy for prelaunch, I want to mention that this episode is officially sponsored by Rick's program Foundations, which is a getting started with Facebook ads and Instagram ads program, and it's really good. So, Rick, I want you to talk about it really briefly. But one thing I'll say is a lot of my students are on tight budgets, and they cannot, at this point, afford to hire somebody to run all their ads during their first launches. And so a lot of my students are doing the ads themselves. And I just interviewed one of the gals—she's going to be on an episode coming up in a few weeks—where she ran all her own ads inside of her launch, and it was a six-figure launch. And she learned from you, Rick. She actually gave you a shout out in the interview. Her name is Jamie Sears, and she said, “Yeah, I learned from Rick how to get started with Facebook ads.” So talk to me about Foundations because this is a perfect fit for my audience that’s just getting started with ads.
RICK: Well, first, I’m so glad that you bring that up as far as doing your own ads when you’re first getting started, not just because I teach it. What I hear from people is—so many times people come to me and they're like, “Yeah, I hired an ads manager, and I lost out on eight, ten, twelve thousand dollars over the past several months because I had no idea what I was doing. I couldn't have a conversation with them, because we weren't speaking the same language.”
I like to say, at least make yourself dangerous, meaning have a basic understanding of your ads before you go hiring them out. Once you have that understanding, nine times out of ten what happens is—and I don't know if this was Jamie's case, where it's like “All right, I'm going to teach myself how to do this.” And then they’re kind of like, “Oh, I kind of like this. I kind of enjoy this. I'm going to do it some more.” I mean, I have countless people that that's happened to.
I actually want to offer your audience a free training on this.
AMY: Oh, cool.
RICK: Yeah. So it's a free webinar training. They can go and schedule any time that works best for them. It's How to Create a Winning Facebook and Instagram Ads Campaign Without the Overwhelm, without wanting to pull your hair out, and without breaking the bank. And the whole concept of that actually came from your audience, Amy, where I was talking to a bunch of them in one of your groups, and they kept saying, “I'm so overwhelmed when it comes to ads and getting started with ads. And it makes me want to pull my hair out.” And so that's really what this free training and the Foundations program is all about is look, let's teach you how to create ad campaigns, both Facebook and Instagram ads, that are going to work and get some ads that are going, meaning all right, let's get some traction going here. Let's start getting some leads or start getting some sales. And then you can build on that. So it’s the foundation of how to create campaigns that actually convert for you.
AMY: Okay. Really good. So, guys, go to to grab your spot in that free master class. You definitely do not want to miss this. And it will allow you to save so much money if on your first launch, you're running your own ads and you at least know what's going on, or if you do want to hire someone, like Rick said, at least you know enough to be dangerous. So, good stuff.
Okay, so, Rick, let's move on to our second prelaunch ad strategy. What do you got?
RICK: This is going to be a very basic one, but the basics are what works.
AMY: Yes, it’s true. This is how I run my business, with the basics.
RICK: Exactly. And you and I were talking before we hit record here, and one challenge that we see is people are looking for that secret little thing, like ooh, what's the thing that no one else is doing? Well, it's not always that. Most of the time, ninety-nine percent of the time, it's the basics. And getting the basics down and getting them to work for you, that is what's going to move the needle for you.
And so this second strategy is simply use ads to build your email list to attract your ideal audience for this specific launch. And so create a lead magnet that aligns with the launch that you're about to do so that you can run your ads to a target audience and start attracting those people that you want to be attracting for the launch. And so you know what is it? So the lead magnet—again, keep it quick, meaning give them a quick win; but also, obviously, you want to add value. So this is about, wow, look at what this person just provided me. And now, when you're following up with them, a few emails leading up to the webinar launch, for example, you've already built that rapport, you've already built that trust, you've already built that value for your target audience. They're like, yes. Now I want this free training that you have coming up.
AMY: Okay, so this is a big deal, and here's where prelaunching becomes really important, getting out in front of it ahead of time. So I always tell my students, if you could do ninety days of a prelaunch, that's incredible. I typically can't even get ahead of it that much, either, but I just want to point out that if you could do an intentional ninety-day prelaunch, you are golden. But let's just say you can't do ninety days so you do sixty, which is typically what I do. Sixty days of prelaunching, that means for sixty days before you start getting people into your webinar, you are building your email list, and building your email list is literally one of the most important success factors for a successful launch.
And many of my students will get to the launch part, and they’ll say, “Okay, it’s day one. I’m going to start filling up my webinar.” But they have not focused on list building, and now they have a small list, even if it’s, let’s say, 1,000 people, but they haven’t really nurtured it, so they are filling up their webinar to crickets. No one’s paying attention.
So if you want to take that stress away, you create a freebie, a lead magnet—a guide, whatever it might be, a cheat sheet, something that is fully aligned with what you plan to sell on your webinar—and at least sixty days before—this is the important part that Rick and I wanted to share with you. It's the timing of the strategy—before you open the doors to your webinar, you are putting out that freebie and using ads, whether it be video ads, static image ads, carousel ads, Instagram ads, whatever you're doing, or all of the above, to get people to sign up for your lead magnet even before you open doors to your webinar registration. Does that make sense, Rick?
RICK: Absolutely. And I just want to add to that from a targeting perspective. If you already have an email list—and let's just say it's at least 1,000 people on your email list—create a lookalike audience of that email list to target your ad to. Now, just to kind of quickly recap what a lookalike audience is, is all right, I have my custom audience in Facebook of my email list—let's just say 1,000 people—now I'm saying, Facebook, go find me more people on Facebook who are similar, with similar attributes as the people who are already on my email list. And target that audience for your lead magnet. So you're attracting more people that are similar to the people on your email list. That make sense?
AMY: So good. Yes. That part is very important. Even with a small email list, you can still create those lookalike audiences, and I highly encourage you to do so.
And then, here’s another thing. If you create this free lead magnet before the webinar registration opens up, I want you on Facebook Lives during your prelaunch. I want that to be your call to action. Even if you just do one. I've done this for many years. So you'll see me during the prelaunch of Digital Course Academy®️ do weekly Facebook Lives on my page. And most often, the call to action is if you like this and you want to dive in even more, I've got a free course-creation starter kit. Go to this URL, go grab it, you're good to go.
So I'm constantly using it as a call to action after I do my Facebook Lives, where I teach something aligned with what I'll eventually sell. I’ll mention it on Instagram Stories. I'll get interviewed on people's podcasts. It will be the freebie. If they give me permission to mention a freebie, I'll mention that. So I use it in tons of different ways, including Facebook ads, but can be a part of your overall big-picture strategy.
RICK: If you’re doing the Facebook Lives like that, just like you mentioned before, Amy, turn those into ads, because you’re still building those audiences of people who are engaging, and you have your call to action to the lead magnet.
AMY: Yes. So true. Love that. Okay, so that’s strategy number two. Give me strategy number three for prelaunching.
RICK: One thing that has worked really, really well for me is doing a pop-up Facebook group, meaning—
AMY: Oh, okay. Tell me more.
RICK: So, let's just say you’re sixty days out from your webinar launch. Well, I don't know that I would do it sixty days out, maybe thirty days out. You create a Facebook group that is going to be open leading up to the launch. And I like to keep it open during the launch as well. But you're using this Facebook group to create engagement, build an audience, again, to attract your ideal people in the Facebook group, and you're building a little community there of your target audience for your launch.
And you can run ads to this in a few different ways. So when I've done this in the past—so I was talking about that video strategy that I did last year where the call to action on those videos was actually to go to the Facebook group, and so I told people at the end of the video, go to the Facebook group. I forget the exact language as far as what they were going to get, but I told them we're building a pop-up community here and we’re going to be talking about x, y, and z. And it worked really, really well.
The other thing that you can do is for your lead magnet, for example, once somebody opts in on the thank you page, invite them to the Facebook group. And so I liked that because not only are you getting their email address but now you're also inviting them to the Facebook pop-up group. And then, in the group there, you can do your Facebook Lives, you can do whatever you want, adding value. It's all about building community and engagement. And what I've found is when those groups are around for just a short period of time, people tend to be really, really engaged.
And what happens in those groups, too, is when you have the group open during the launch as well, people start talking about the program and how amazing it is. It's cool when you get former students in there as well because they are talking about it. And so you're use—I don't want to mean this in a negative way—but they're selling it for you. So whether it's the webinar, whether it's the program, whether it's whatever it is that you're selling, they're doing the selling for you because they're talking about the amazing experience that you've had.
From the ad side, like I said, we drove people from those videos directly to the Facebook group. And this was something that I checked with—again, this was almost a year ago—but I checked with Facebook, and I don't have any ends at Facebook, meaning I don't have a secret line to Zuckerberg or anything like that yet. I
AMY: Dang it.
RICK: I just—I know, I wish I did. But I just asked them, I just went on their chat support, and I was like, “Hey, I want to run an ad directly to my Facebook group, and do you see any problems here?” because it's sort of in the past, you used to be able to do it, then you weren't able to do it, then it was okay. I didn't have any problems with this. And I've heard other people say, “Well, I tried this and it didn't work.” I would try it to send people directly to the Facebook group, and it worked really, really well for us because of the engagement that we were able to build inside of the Facebook group.
AMY: Now, what would you say in an ad to get people to join a pop-up group during a prelaunch? What’s the ad about?
RICK: Yeah, it’s about the benefit. It’s about what are you going to be doing in that group. Like, you’re teaching in there couple of times a week, like you mentioned doing a Facebook Live maybe on your page. I would also be doing regular content in the group there. The key thing that you have to be careful of—and I have a lot of students that fall into this, and I know that you and I talk about this a lot, too—is giving, and I don't mean this to sound shady, but you don't want to give too much away. You don't want to be the instant Q and A for everybody such that when your webinar and your program is open, they don't need it because you've answered all their questions leading up to it. I'm not saying don't do Q and A; I am just saying don't answer everything so that there's nothing left for them between the webinar and the program. But the call to action, what you're talking about, is basically what they're going to get in the group.
AMY: Okay, good. And that's really good. And I have done many launch pop-ups. I highly recommend them. One of my favorites is the one we do for B-School, and this last year, every day during the week for a full month, I was live in the group doing quick Facebook Lives, whether I answer a question or shared something or had one of my team members jump in there with me, Hobie did one with me. But I thought I would hate it because going live is sometimes stressful for me. It's just video’s a lot of work for me mentally. My audience knows that. However, because I got into the habit of doing it every day, I thoroughly enjoyed it and was really easy for me. So doing more Lives in Facebook groups is a great way to get comfortable with your audience. They get to know you, like you, trust you, and then the fact that I was doing so many Lives, that was a great thing to put in an ad. That was one of the benefits, that I was going to be live every day. So highly recommend it. I love the idea of running ads to the Facebook group, talking about the benefits. Maybe even doing a video ad, telling them what they can expect, is a great idea.
RICK: Can I add two things to that?
AMY: Yeah.
RICK: So, you mentioned B-School there, and it just reminded me that I was talking to somebody on Marie's team, I don't know, a couple of months ago, just about the recent B-School launch, and it was a successful launch. And I said “What do you think was one thing that you would attribute to the success of the launch?” And they said, “We just list built all year long, just continuing to grow our list. “And it's like, again, this is not rocket science here. This is not, like, some secret strategy that people are doing. It’s just the basics.
AMY: Those that are willing to do the basics and stick with them, like, be patient. That is a huge piece of this. So I love that. We're talking Marie Forleo, millions and millions and millions of dollars’ worth of revenue with her digital courses, and her secret to success that she told you was, “We just continue to list build.” I mean, come on. That’s why this episode’s so important because we’re just saying look, there’s some really simple things you can do. It doesn’t need to be complicated. And anyone that’s like, “Ah, heard that,” I want to say, “Yeah, but have you done that? Have you actually implemented? That’s where the rubber meets the road.”
Okay, so you promised us a bonus. Oh, wait. Did we get to your second thing?
RICK: I did. I have one more thing. And I would be—in this whole discussion of what we're talking about, I would be remiss—I want to sneak this word remiss into our interview today. I don’t know why.
AMY: You sound so sophisticated.
RICK: I know. So not. I would be remiss in not mentioning the fact that Facebook likes it—and when I say Facebook, I just mean the algorithm—likes it when you consistently run ads to either get people to watch your video or list build or what have you in addition to when you're just running your launch ads. You will see lower costs for your ads during your launches when you are running ads more consistently throughout the year.
AMY: Okay, this is big. This is big.
RICK: And even in the prelaunch here, like we're talking about. If you're running ads sixty days out, you will see better results when you start to do your actual launch ads for the webinar. What most people do is, what? They're, like, no ads. Then, all of a sudden, running a launch. And then, okay, I'm going to do ads, and then when my launch is over, no more ads. Well, of course you can do that. You are going to see higher costs when you do that because you're not running ads consistently.
Facebook’s algorithm likes when you run ads consistently. It adds to your overall sort of Facebook account, if you will. The algorithm likes that. I'm trying to keep it simple here. And I don't mean you're not spending $100 a day or anything like that. If you're being consistent with what you're doing—again, whether it is doing Facebook Lives on your page, whether it's running ads for your lead magnet, or what have you—that consistency of posting content, running some ads, that is going to help you when you actually do your ads for your launch.
AMY: Okay, this is big, guys, and I think this is part of my secret to success that I didn't even know until Rick shared this with me a while back. I'm always running ads, whether it be—lately we've been trying some new podcast ads that we're running, but I'm always running evergreen ads. So you guys know I have one program on evergreen, List-Builders’ Society. I do a free webinar for my list-building course. So every day we're running ads to that webinar. And so when we run launch ads, we tend—I mean, the money we spend to get a lead is insanely low. We blow our own minds with that. But I think it's because we've always been running ads. So when you get to a place—and I teach this in Digital Course Academy®️—when you get to a place that you turn one of your programs on evergreen, and even if you run just a few ads, like a low-budget ad, every single week, that's going to help you immensely when you live launch. So I love that you shared that. I forgot all about that. It’s such a good strategy.
RICK: Absolutely. The bonus one.
AMY: Okay. Yes.
RICK: The bonus strategy.
AMY: Give us the bonus.
RICK: Again, this is nothing earth shattering because you talk about it a lot, and this is running a quiz.
AMY: Okay. A quiz with ads, this is a really good combination. Talk more about that.
RICK: Yeah. Because as a pre-launch strategy, especially because you get to deliver value; you get to have some fun as you do your quiz, hopefully; you give somebody a quick win; but also you get to segment people. And so this is about attracting your ideal audience. And so if you set up a quiz that logically leads into your webinar and program, again, it's the same kind of thing that you're doing with a lead magnet, but it's in the form of a quiz. And so you can deliver, again, deliver quick value, give them a quick win, have some fun with it, and you're also building an audience when you do that to retarget when you do your launch. And so a quiz works extremely well and can be super-super-low lead costs.
AMY: Yes. That's so true. You did a really good podcast episode on your own podcast about quizzes. Didn’t you interview Chanti?
RICK: Yeah, it was Chanti.
AMY: Yeah. So Chanti is one of my copywriters, and she is a copywriter for Rick as well. I think Rick got to work with her first, for the record.
RICK: I did, for the record.
AMY: For the record, not that we’re competitive.
RICK: Can you repeat that?
AMY: Not that we’re competitive or anything. But Chanti works deep into my business now. She’s my best friend. She comes over and eats at my house every night, just for the record.
RICK: That's a long commute from Vancouver Island.
AMY: Dang it. I didn't know if you knew she lived very far. So—
RICK: Did you know she's having a kid?
AMY: Did you know that I know everything about her? But anyway, she, one, she's created multiple quizzes for me, and I'm going to be introducing a quiz all about how to know which type of digital course is right for your business. She wrote that one. So she's a superstar. Rick and I love her. But you did an episode—I've never done this so I'm going to send them to your episode—all about creating a quiz, where she talked about the mechanics of it, like, what goes into creating a really successful quiz, right?
RICK: Yeah. I just looked it up. It's episode 168.
AMY: 168, okay.
RICK: Yeah. “How to Use Quizzes and Facebook Ads to Get—“ my page is loading— “to Get Quality Leads.”
AMY: Is it
RICK: 168, yep. 168.
AMY; Okay, great. We’ll link to it in the show notes, but, guys, go check that out. It’s really, really good. So if you’re looking for a pre-launch strategy, number one, quiz, where it’s at. More work. I would call that an advanced strategy because you want to do your quiz right. You don’t want to just throw it together, because I cannot have someone take a quiz from me, and then they get the results, and they’re like, “This is fluff.” You’ve got to take this seriously. Have a well-written quiz but also a really good ad strategy with it. That’s an advanced strategy, and I love it, and I recommend it for all prelaunching. So, yeah.
RICK: Yeah. One of my mastermind students, Trish Taylor, she did a quiz. It’s called the Brand Style Quiz. And she did it as a pre-launch strategy. And she was getting sixty to seventy-something leads on cold traffic. And again, it's fun, you're giving somebody a quick win, you're segmenting people so that you're attracting your ideal audience for the launch, and you’re building that retargeting audience. And the cool thing here is, yes, this is a little bit more of an advanced strategy, but it's an advanced strategy because of the fact there is more that goes into putting it together. But from an ad's perspective, it's the same exact thing as if, like, this is your lead magnet. It’s just a different type of lead magnet.
AMY: I’m glad you brought up that up—yeah—because the ad strategy wouldn’t be considered super advanced or anything like that, so that’s a great point.
But taking it back to this whole idea of prelaunching and why a quiz works so well is in the beginning we talked about when somebody gets to the point that you want them to sign up for your webinar, you have to ask yourself, where do you want them to be; what do you want them to be thinking, feeling; how ready do you want them to be before they sign up for your webinar? Well, a quiz can answer some of those questions or really give them clarity around some of the confusion or turmoil they might be thinking.
For me, a lot of my students want to create a course, but they're not sure what type of course to create or what topic would be best for them. So in helping them solve that before they get on a webinar, when they get on a webinar with me, I'm not selling them on the idea of creating a course; I'm showing them how doable it is and the steps they need to take to get started. That's a whole elevated conversation versus should I create a course or not, and what kind of course should I create?
So, a quiz gets them to where you want them to get to because they get to self-assess and then they get some detail as to where they are right now and what they need to do to move forward. And a quiz could be a really great step into a webinar. If you do a quiz first and then in their results you invite them to a webinar if they're ready for that, if their quiz results say they're ready to take the next step, that's also really cool. So, yeah.
RICK: Yeah, I was just going to say, and you can use the quiz. From the findings of the quiz, if you find they're not quite ready is, like, now they're on your email list as you can use your email followup series to them to get them ready, to get them ready for that launch.
AMY: Yes. So true, so true. I love that strategy as well.
Okay, this has been even better than I thought it would be. I knew it’d be great. I feel like this was an outstanding episode because we got to talk about just the concept of prelaunching and what goes into it and why you'd want to do it. Because, guys, Rick is more than just Facebook ads. He constantly—together we meet for coffee. Only one time has he brought his baby girl. If he doesn't bring her next time, I'm not showing up ever again. The last time you showed up—
RICK: I got to get on your calendar.
AMY: The last time you showed up, I was, like, “What? Where is she? What’s going on?”
RICK: And when I did bring her, that was really early on. It was one of the, literally, the first times that I had her out.
AMY: And she was so good.
RICK: And so now when we [unclear 46:08], going to be like, “Who is this child?”
AMY: True. She might want to crawl all over the coffee shop, so that might be a little much.
RICK: She’s going to want to drink your coffee.
AMY: Oh, probably so. So, basically, when I get with Rick, we talk about all this stuff. So I love that we got to talk about prelaunching and just the why behind it and why it's so important. And you want to build that into your launch calendar. So as we get closer in to 2020 and beyond, you're starting to look at what the next year might look like, I want you to not only put the launches on your calendar—like, when the cart’s going to be open and when you're going to do your webinar registration—but back it out even more and say, okay, so these are sixty days that I'm prelaunching. I'm creating my course, and I'm prelaunching and getting ready for the launch all at the same time. It's a busy time, but that's where you're going to be doing your Facebook ads to build your list, your Facebook Lives to meet those objections, all that good stuff.
So, Rick, okay. So a lot of my students really do want to get started with Facebook ads and Instagram ads, and they want to do it themselves. So, once again, you have a free master class. Tell me one more time about it. And remember it's
RICK: Yeah, in the training, you're going to learn—it’s How to Create a Winning Facebook and Instagram Ads Campaign Without the Overwhelm. And so it's like, all right, let's break this down into step by step. What are the three big mistakes that people are making with their ads so that they can get results, that you know the mistakes so that you can avoid them. And I actually take people through my thought process and my formula, if you will, for how I set up campaigns to ensure that I'm setting myself up for success. So I teach that formula in the free training.
AMY: Perfect. Guys, it’s really, really good. I highly recommend it.
Regis, thanks so much for being here.
RICK: It’s been good.
AMY: I loved having you on the show. Can’t wait until you come back. I know we talked about we’re going to do this even more often, so we’re going to get you back into the rotation. But thanks, again. And I can’t wait to talk to you again soon.
RICK: Thank you so much for having me. I appreciate it.
AMY: All right, guys. Thanks so much for tuning in. I’ll see you here, same time, same place next week. Have a great week. Bye for now.