AMY PORTERFIELD: Well hello there, Amy Porterfield here. Welcome to another episode of the Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast. As always, I am thrilled that you are here today. Thanks for taking the time and tuning in.
As I hope you already know by now, if you’re a regular listener, or maybe you are new here so you don’t know this, but my goal for the show has always been to keep you up to date with what’s working right now as you grow your online business.
Since so much of what we do online is related to our social media marketing and because social media changes constantly, one area I like to focus on is what’s working right now to boost your social media presence and, in turn, drive more traffic to your website, build community, grow your email list, and turn your leads into paying happy customers. Sounds good, right?
It’s all a journey that you create for your prospects to move them from being lukewarm fans on social medial to raving customers that can’t get enough of you. And that’s what I’m all about, helping you create that journey, that system, to move fans into paying customers.
Today we’re going to focus on Facebook and video. I’m going to talk about the two together because we’re seeing some really cool things that are happening with video on Facebook. But I find it important because Facebook is a really big, important part of that journey that you take you potential customers through. Starting with Facebook is a really good idea. If you follow my content you know I’m a big fan of using Facebook to grow your community and grow your email list.
When you add video to that you can see some pretty amazing things happen. First, let me start with some crazy stats that I’ve dug up to just really prove the point about why Facebook and video is working right now.
First, it’s been reported that there are over one billion video views on Facebook every single day. One billion! That’s crazy. The average Facebook user watched 75% more video this year compared to last year at this time. In 2015 at this time of the recording 75% more video is being watched on Facebook than just last year at this time. That’s worldwide. In the U.S. that increase is 94%. 94%!
This one’s a biggie, brands posted 20,000 more videos on Facebook than they did on YouTube in December 2014. You want me to repeat that one, right? You have to really, really hear this one. Brands posted 20,000 more videos on Facebook than they did on YouTube in December 2014. And we’re seeing that incline continue into the new year. That is pretty crazy stuff.
Those stats are worth paying attention to for sure. But based on my own personal experience and from a few other big names that I’ve talked to about how they are using video on Facebook, the organic reach with a video post on Facebook has been really impressive.
Not only are we seeing that instant traction is happening when you actually upload a video to Facebook (we’ll talk about that a little later in this episode). Uploading to the video player on Facebook versus pulling in a YouTube video are two different strategies. We will talk about them. But what we are seeing is instant traction when we upload a video to Facebook and then it kind of takes on a life of its own and it is getting so much more traction quickly over the next few days. That means I am seeing more comments, shares, and clicks on my videos versus when I just post text and an image.
Am I suggesting that you should be posting tons and tons of videos everyday because that’s what’s working right now on Facebook? Heck no. I’m going to show you how to create videos that are simple and short and easy to make. But they are still more work than just posting an image with some text on Facebook. So don’t worry, I’m not going to go crazy and just say to make tons of videos and post every single day.
I am going to encourage you to get smart about the videos you create and when you post them so you can get that instant traction on your Facebook page.
In Episode #48 ( I created the 2015 Guide to Facebook Engagement. In there I talked about tons of different ways to get more clicks, comments, shares, and likes for all of your Facebook posts. I didn’t get into video a lot because I knew this episode was coming up. But I talked about a ton of different ways using images and text and all of this great stuff to get more engagement on your Facebook Page. Definitely check that out.
But for today’s episode I want to talk to you about short, simple, easy video that you can create with your smart phone or just on your computer in order to get some really instant traction so that next time you post, after you post the video, even more people will see those posts down the road.
That’s how engagement works. If you find a post that works really well, gets people engaged, gets comments, shares, and clicks, the next time you post it might not be a video but you’ll still get more engagement because you had success with the post before. It’s kind of cool how that works.
If we can have these easy quick wins that will help your overall engagement on Facebook.
I want to say again that it is important to keep in mind that I’m not talking about highly produced mega professional videos. I am talking about video you can create with your smart phone or on your computer with simple software. The key here is to make this simple and quick so you actually do it more often and you continue to do it down the road. Plus the great news is that studies have shown that short video across all social media platforms get the most views and engagement. So keeping it short is actually a really good thing. It’s easier for you and your audience appreciates it as well.
With that, first I’m going to highlight some people and companies that are really taking advantage of this trend. Then I’ll leave you with some tips overall for how to post great video to your own Facebook Page. Those tips are the special freebie for this episode.
You know I always create a free cheat sheet or guide for every episode. Today’s is called Seven Tried and Tested Tips to Increase your Facebook Engagement With Simple Videos. You can go to to get instant access to this awesome cheat sheet where I list tons of tools that you can use like different little easy apps to use to create videos. There is a really cool one that I’ll talk a little bit about in the episode where you can actually record your voice and it creates and instant video with the words you’re saying animated. It’s really cool.
I include a lot of apps that are easy to use in this cheat sheet as well as some really solid tips. I’ll get into them a little bit in this episode but I really flesh them out inside this cheat sheet. If you like to text you can text 52download to 38470 to get instant access to the Seven Tried and Tested Tips to Increase your Facebook Engagement With Simple Videos.
One more thing before we dive into all of the examples I’ve curated for you today in this episode. The one more thing I want to add is that this episode is brought to you buy Lead Pages. If you want to jump on a brand new webinar that I just created to learn the four steps to quickly grow your list without spending all of your time on marketing, this free online course has your name all over it.
You can go to to find the brand new webinar I created and it is so cool. It literally shows you how I use a simple tool to grow my list every single day. We take you step by step to show you how we do it and give you tons of examples.
If list building is at the top of your priority list for this year, to really grow that list with quality leads, you have to check out this new webinar. Again, four steps to quickly grow your email list without spending all of your time on marketing. You can find it at
Let’s go ahead and dive in to today’s topic, Facebook and video.
To help you with some ideas with your own Facebook Page I am going to use some examples that you easily model for your own business. With each example I use I promise to post the full video in my show notes so you can see all of the examples in action. I think it’s really important for you to watch these quick videos to get real inspiration and see how they’ve done it so it can spark some creativity for you as well.
All of the videos I talk about will be on my show notes.
First, we are going to dive into a big brand. It is Lowe’s, the home improvement store. Keep in mind that the first video example was professionally done. But that’s expected of a big brand like Lowe’s. I am using them as an example to show you what’s possible. But keep in mind your social media audiences are not expecting you to post fully produced, high-end video.
They don’t even expect it so you don’t even need to worry about it. Use the big guys like Lowe’s as inspiration but don’t ever compare your video quality to theirs. It’s not a fair comparison by any means.
First, let’s talk about the video they put out on their Facebook Page that I think is really, really fantastic in terms of what you can model for your own Facebook Page. Their video is called the three tips to prep your yard for springtime. Again, the video will be on my show notes. But let me break it down for you just so you understand how well it’s done and how you can model it as well.
The video is 54 seconds. And, again, that title, three tips to prep your yard for springtime. They are quickly going over three tips to get it down. It’s all imagery, they didn’t use a person in the video. I’ll explain why that is actually a good thing a little later. In addition to that, they used a lot of movement with graphics and words and there was a lot going on on the screen to keep people’s attention.
It was timely. At the time of this recording, springtime has just come upon us. So with a video like that it’s relevant and timely. People actually care about the subject matter at this exact time. It is also very, very helpful. In the video they are telling you exactly what you need to do in three simple steps to get ready for spring.
For their audience, a home improvement type audience, this is exactly what the audience is looking for. In addition to that. They are not overwhelming their audience in the video. They are not giving them a million things to do or making it complicated because that will lose their audience’s attention instantly. They get in and out with highly valuable information. The tone is easy, it’s friendly, it’s conversational. It’s like they are talking to a friend next door. It is like they are telling their neighbor, “Hey, here’s three tips that I’ve used that you can use too for your yard.”
That’s the kind of tone you want on Facebook. The nuance of Facebook that people really need to remember is that it’s conversational, friendly, light, nothing too heavy. So if you can bake that into your videos you are well ahead of the game.
The last thing, it is a biggie, the video makes you feel like their tips are doable. I have a gardener, that’s a California thing. Usually, if you have a big yard you have a gardener. But I know that’s not what everybody does. So if you do it yourself, if I were to watch that video I actually thought I could go outside and do those things. And that’s what you want. You want your audience to feel like, “I’ve got this. This is very doable.”
This feeling of “I’ve got this” can also ignite action in your audience and that’s what you want. You want your audience to do something after they watch the video. And you know what happens when you watch a Lowe’s video about three things you can do to get your yard ready for springtime? You’ve got to go over to Lowe’s and pick up a few things in order to prepare yourself to get it done. It’s a win-win situation.
Lowe’s wins because people are going into their stores, grabbing a few quick things, and the audience feels like this is doable and they will have a great yard. This is a very well-done video.
I want you to think when you watch this video how you can recreate this for your own brand. How can you be conversational, friendly, relevant, timely, easy for your audience. How do you create a feeling of “I can do this, this is very doable for me.” And, get them to take action.
I know it sounds like a lot when I sum it up quickly like that, but once you watch the video I think you too will start to think that you could actually create a video like that. Maybe not with all of the beautiful imagery and graphics and all that good stuff. But I will give you some tools at the end to create some quick graphics for your videos. But, again, theirs is fully produced as it should be. Ours don’t need to be that produced.
Now we will take a slightly different spin from the tips type of video giving three tips to more of a how-to video. The Lowe’s video is just three things you can quickly do to improve your yard. But you could actually get a little bit more into the how-to with your videos. This is usually what I do for the videos I put on Facebook. I like to show people to “click here” then “go there” and “upload this,” “do that” because I feel that really allows my audience to know they can trust me, I’ve got their back, I’m going to show them how to do it. You can move from a tips type video into a how-to video pretty quickly in terms of how you do it.
The example I want to use is Tipsy Bartender. Great name, right?
Another brand doing an awesome job with video on their Facebook Page is Tipsy Bartender. The page rotates their posts between videos and images all with a different cocktail recipe. One of these videos, a quick instructional video for turning a leftover slice of cake into chocolate vodka had more than 55,000 shares after one week, let alone more than 66,000 likes and nearly 13,000 comments. Who wouldn’t want that?
The video, again, just like Lowe’s, is only 54 seconds long. It is super simple imagery. It is two people creating this recipe on a white table with a white background. There are snappy cuts between the shots and text overlays with all of the ingredients being used which keeps it interesting while getting the point across without any sound. There is no sound so they make it really doable for the audience to think, “Yes, I can do this.”
I’ve been watching a lot of cooking videos on Facebook like Chef Jamie Oliver or the Food Channel and they are doing this a lot. Another one, check out Meals Made Simple on Facebook. They do a lot of easy how-to videos with their Facebook Page. There are a lot of great examples.
If you go to you can see all of the videos I am referencing. But here’s what I want you to take away from these how-to examples, you can definitely expand into marketing tips, how-to fill out a loan application, or how to do a fitness workout.
Chalene Johnson, who I will talk about in a minute, does fitness videos really quickly on her Facebook Page and people eat them up. You can really do anything in terms of quick tips and teachings with these how-to style videos. So get creative and don’t let the niche that I am showing you in these videos take you off track. Think of your own niche, how you can get creative with how-to videos. It’s the type of video I want you to focus on, not exactly the content in each of these videos.
Sometimes I say that because I usually teach what I need to know. Sometimes when I watch something I think it is really easy when you are making a vodka chocolate cocktail to show how to, but what about XYZ? You have to just let go of the content and think in terms of the type of video that could really work for your own business.
We are moving on to creating short video to drive traffic to your blog or podcast. I am probably the most excited about this one because we all need more traffic over on our blog. We all want to drive traffic to our podcast too. Here’s the deal, if you visit Chalene Johnson or Pat Flynn’s Facebook Page you will see they are using video to promote their own blogs and podcast episodes.
I know it’s working for Chalene Johnson because she actually texted me (we’ve become really good friends, which I love) and said, “Oh my gosh, video is just kicking butt on my Facebook Page. I make these little videos to tell people about a podcast and they explode.”
She has an amazing tribe. These people eat up everything she is putting out there. But I still know it can work for smaller businesses with a really niche audience to get them to take movement or action to go over to your blog.
Another thing, Pat Flynn actually mixes in behind-the-scenes and personal videos like the one he did playing the ukulele with more than 6,000 views with teasers of promoting his blog or podcast. So, if you want a really cool example of somebody infusing their personal life and just being friendly and conversational with actual work stuff, Pat Flynn is your guy.
I think I talk about Pat Flynn way too much in my podcasts. But the guy is doing so many things I think are fantastic. So, why not talk about great examples? I’ll put that video in my show notes but it’s really cool.
And the teasers that these people are doing range from 30 seconds to slightly longer than a minute. But they include a direct link to the blog post or the show notes for their podcast. So there is an intention with each of these videos.
Also, although she uses a bunch of different video strategies on Facebook, the videos Chalene Johnson is actually using work to compliment her blog. So maybe a quick hit fitness video or a healthful recipe or maybe even a marketing tip, she is actually complimenting what is on her blog. That is always a great strategy as well. You don’t always have to say, “click here to check it out now,” but you can add value and talk about the different topics that are also on your blog.
Either way you do it the great thing is people actually get to see you. These would be more the talking head videos. These are the videos you might be direct to camera. They see you. But it’s only for a quick minute so don’t stress out about having to be on camera or writing scripts or anything like that. It’s very casual and you are just introducing people to you at a whole different level.
People want to see us. If they are our audience they want to have a quick connection with us. These videos do that.
Let’s real quick talk about this talking head concept. I’ll get into this a little bit more at the end as well but when people see your video on Facebook in their newsfeed it is actually muted but can play instantly if that’s the setting people have inside their settings on their Facebook Page or with their Facebook Account.
I’ll talk about this again, but if you have your settings set you can actually have the video start in your newsfeed but you have to click a button to make it actually play so that you can hear it. If a video is scrolling by and it is just someone’s talking head you can look at that two ways, 1) it might interest you enough to want to know what they are saying. You can see them talking but can’t hear them so you are curious enough to click. Or 2) some people say it’s better to have a bunch of graphics and words because if you can’t hear them you are missing out. But if you see the words and the graphics you get a better idea of what’s being said.
Experiment with both. I think the whole goal here is just to ignite some curiosity and connect with your audience in a different way. You might do a talking head, you might do just video with graphics and words, see which one actually converts the best and then kind of go from there. The goal is just to experiment and see what works best for your audience.
This next example is using humor. Humor goes a long way on Facebook. This example is from another big brand, Lysol. Lysol did a little promoting of its own. At the start of flu season the company launched a #LysolThat campaign with some great humor.
Each video in the series highlights a really gross and germy aspect of everyday life. One video shows viewers how to avoid touching the bus pole with the two-finger approach or the umbrella approach, as they call it, so that you actually don’t have to touch the pole on the subway or bus. Another one actually shows how to avoid the bathroom stall and how to avoid handshakes and elevators buttons to keep the flu season away from you. They are all just kind of making fun of germaphobes. But it also always promotes their hand sanitizer. It kinds of works.
Infusing humor into your videos helps a lot. And the reason why it’s so great is people like to share funny things, especially things they can relate to. But all the while, remember, in your videos you are either promoting a concept or a blog post or a podcast or a program, product, or service. These videos are not selling directly. This is definitely an indirect approach to your Facebook Page engagement. But they are always getting people to take some kind of action.
To me, the action I like the most is either share, comment, or click to check out a blog post or podcast. Those are the actions I really want you to focus on to get that engagement up and build your authority and connect with your community. That is what these videos can do for you.
I will say, and I will put this in the show notes as well, I did a video (and these are the type I like to do most) with my computer and ScreenFlow. I use a Mac and then I use a software called ScreenFlow. It records whatever I am showing on my screen. Those are the types of videos I like to do for how-to videos. I should have mentioned this earlier in the section about the how-to videos. I like to use this because I like people to hear my voice and I like to show them how to do something.
With ScreenFlow and the computer they aren’t even seeing my face. I’m not having to do any fancy graphics or overlays or anything like that, I am just showing them what I am doing on my computer. That’s a great way. If you have a PC, Camtasia is a great alternative to ScreenFlow.
You can just look at all of these tools and I will mention them in my show notes. But that’s just another way to do a quick video. I don’t always like to throw on the video camera and go direct to camera because, hey, I’m a girl. Us ladies know there is some hair and makeup involved that takes some time. So if you don’t always want to throw on the video that’s okay. There are other ways you can make a video. You don’t have to always show your face. I just wanted to throw that out there and forgot to mention it earlier.
The final example and then I will get into the Seven Tried and Tested Tips and all of those apps I told you about to create really cool videos with your smart phones.
We’ve talked about humor, we’ve talked about how-to, and we have talked about creating videos with tips. I think those are the best videos to start with in terms of experimenting with easy to create videos on your page. But one final example is a video that creates an emotion in terms of tugging at your heart strings.
Videos that ignite compassion and those feel-good feelings go a long way on Facebook. A lot of shares are going to come from videos like that. They tend to be a bit longer. They are a little bit harder to create so that is why I left this one for the end. But if you’re a high achiever and if you want to really go for it then you want to check out the videos that Dove (soap) is making on its Facebook Page.
If you were to look at Dove’s Facebook Page you would find a lot of inspirational quotes and messages mostly geared toward women. They have really gone on this crusade to help women feel good about themselves. One of their campaigns is Love Your Curls. Women, especially, but even men know that if you have curly hair you want straight hair. If you have straight hair your want curly hair. We tend to not love what we have.
The video campaign in January interviewed little girls about how they felt about their curly hair. None of them liked it and they didn’t think they were beautiful. The video goes on to say, “Come on people, show these little girls they can love themselves. Love your own curly hair.”
It’s really inspirational. It’s very sweet. It basically says to take the actions to help other little girls love themselves. The message was huge and got shared like crazy, with 80,000 likes and over 7,000 comments, and 47,000 shares. That’s crazy. It goes a long way and makes you feel good.
Again, I am not suggesting you do high-production, spend a lot of money, interview tons of people. But can you think of ways that somewhere in your business there is a way for you to make people feel good and get that feel good compassionate feeling to come out of them so that they want to share the message?
If you have a business that is heartfelt and has a message to share and you are on a crusade to get that message out, check out some of the Dove videos. I think it will give you some inspiration in terms of how you really want to create a video that spreads like wildfire.
When I talk about videos spreading like wildfire, I really don’t mean 47,000 shares and 80,000 likes. As a small business you probably don’t need that. If you even get 100 likes and 100 people sharing or commenting, to me you are doing really well. Just focus on your little world when it comes to that. Don’t compare your numbers to other people’s. It will never match up. That is just a good rule of thumb in life.
I have definitely been that comparison person and it doesn’t help at all. So just stay within your little circle of influence that you have and just know that your numbers don’t even have to match up to still really change lives and make a direct impact on the people you want to actually reach.
We are in our final stretch here. After I share some of these great examples, they are all really fun videos to watch so it is really entertaining as well, I now have your Seven Tried and Tested Tips to Increase your Facebook Engagement using Simple Videos. I’m going to quickly touch on all seven of these tips but you have to check out this cheat sheet and just keep it.
When you are ready to create a video I promise you, you will want to pull out this cheat sheet and go over it one more time before you create your first video for your Facebook Page. You can get it at and grab it right away. It’s an instant download and these are really cool tips that I spent some time really curating to make sure they are exactly what you need to know.
Tip #1
Upload your video using Facebook’s built-in video uploader. What we have seen in the last few months is that videos uploaded directly to Facebook appear to get way more views than those shared from other players including YouTube. Remember what I said in the beginning, brands posted 20,000 more videos on Facebook than they did on YouTube in December 2014. The reason for this is because they are seeing more video views when it’s uploaded directly to Facebook. That means if you have a .MOV file you literally upload it on your Facebook Page. It may take a minute or two so that is how you know you are doing it. It will tell you the video is processing. That is an uploaded video.
Fashion week just passed a few weeks ago and people in the fashion industry said they have never seen anything like it from years past with video in terms of the video views they were getting when they were uploading directly to Facebook.
Why is this? Well, it is Facebook. They decide what’s going to get the most views. They are rewarding people if they are using their video player. They are rewarding you for doing so. That might not be the scientific or technical answer. But I have been on Facebook enough and have studied it enough to know that the algorithms change all the time. The algorithms are very nice right now to people uploading directly to Facebook. My goal is to keep you updated to what’s working now; that’s what’s working.
Tip #2
Make your video share worthy. What I will say about this is that if you make a video and you want people to share it this is what you have to think about. I talked about this in Episode #40 as well. When I share your video I want that video to put me in a good light; it can make me look smart or make me look compassionate or make me look like I am having fun. This is just a human nature kind of thing and there have been studies done about this about people sharing content that puts them in a good light, “I’m so funny, check out this funny video.”
I know that sounds kind of weird but that is how it works. If you want people to share, you should create videos that make them look smarter, happier, positive, and in a good light. I feel weird talking about that one because it feels a little bit strange. But it is human nature and we’ve got to take that into context when we are actually creating things we want people to share.
Tip #3
Grab their attention. I mentioned this earlier but I want to make it clear, Facebook videos auto play as soon as a user scrolls past them in their newsfeed. This means you need to capture their attention within the first few seconds of that video playing. Whatever your opening is, make sure there is movement almost immediately. That way you can grab their attention right away.
Think about some of the examples I showed you, like Lowe’s, right away they have a text overlay on the screen that says, “Three things to help you get ready for spring,” or whatever the official title was. Having text, saying it right away when they are scrolling, or just having something really interesting on the screen right away will help.
Tip #4
Use a video app to enhance your videos. There are so many cool video apps that work with smart phones right now to help you add word swag (really cool text on a video), animated text, graphics, split screens where there are two different things on the screen. There are a lot of great apps. I have included at least seven and I think there may be more apps inside your cheat sheet. I have actually told you exactly what they do and where to get them. That’s probably the most valuable thing in the cheat sheet that I have created for you at
One of the apps I have included is Adobe Voice. Basically, you record your voice and the video is animated as text. Adobe Voice actually puts text into a video and animates it so that the words pop up on the screen as you say them. That’s pretty cool.
If you don’t want to be on the screen that might be the best way to go, especially if you keep it short so there isn’t too much to read. But they are hearing your voice which makes an instant connection.
Tip #5
Keep it brief. Remember, those short videos are what people want. A tight script will help you keep it short if you need to read a script, especially if you use something like Adobe Voice. Or, if you are like me where you are teaching someone how to do something, practice it a few times before you record it so you can just go boom, boom, boom, do this, do that, do that, you are out.
I really do think the shorter video will allow you to do more of them and your audience will appreciate it.
Tip #6
Remember that silence can be golden. Remember, I said those videos play without sound in the beginning. This is where I think I really want you to pay attention; Lysol and the Tipsy Bartender have used text overlay and a lot of graphics and movement to grab attention right away without having to say anything. You are instantly paying attention to those videos even though you can’t hear a word they are saying. Just pay close attention to some videos you start to see in your newsfeed. Notice you can’t hear a word they are saying but are you still interested enough to actually click the button so you can hear what they are saying.
I also think I mentioned this earlier, you can actually set your settings on your Facebook Account to have videos instantly play like that or maybe they won’t; you can choose. Some people won’t have that video instantly play in their newsfeed. So whatever they see with a still video before they play it, that’s important as well. Just pay close attention.
You are going to start to see tons of videos in your newsfeed after you listen to this. What do you like, what grabs your attention? What is working for you?
You can actually go into your settings for your Facebook Account (not just your Page but your Account). In settings you will actually see something that says “video.” Click on that and you can change things around. I like videos to instantly play with no sound so I can actually see what’s going on. Then it might interest me enough to actually hit the mute button so I can hear it.
Tip #7
Test and respond. If you know anything about Facebook, I think you know a lot, if you’ve been following my stuff then you know it’s constantly evolving. Facebook video is really taking off right now. So have some fun with it and experiment with it. Maybe your audience will respond more to a quick Q&A video, you on camera saying, “Hey this is a question I get asked a lot. Here’s my answer.”
I think that is an awesome video to make. Or, maybe they are interested in funny behind-the-scenes videos. I haven’t talked a lot about this but Constant Contact is another Facebook Page to check out. They do a lot of behind-the-scenes videos and involve their team in their videos. I love behind the scenes and love to see how people work and maybe even quick shots of their family or their dog or anything like that. It makes their brand come alive.
Maybe those are the kind of videos you want to make. Maybe you have a home office and you teach marketing like I do. Maybe people would be interested to see my podcast setup. I could turn the camera around, show you all of the equipment I use, the kind of mike I’m using, what my office looks like. It is nothing fancy whatsoever. I think people relate to that so, hm, maybe that’s the next video I need to make.
Really just think about what your audience would love to see. Or, ask them. Maybe come up with three video ideas and ask your audience to choose one, two, or three for what they want to see on your next video. Even if you get just a few people to answer it is always great to tease your content like that. So ask your audience what they want and you might be pleasantly surprised with some of the answers. I’ll bet they will even suggest ones you haven’t put on that list of one, two, or three. So that’s always fun as well.
There you have it. I hope you have enjoyed listening to these examples and I hope you will check them out. Lysol, Lowe’s, and Tipsy Bartender, one of my very favorites. I’ll add one of my own as well, and Dove and a few more examples will be on the show notes.
Here’s the deal, the reason I wanted to talk to you about these video examples is to inspire you. I would love for you to create a video of your own. You have probably even had videos of your own on Facebook. But with the Seven Tried and Tested Tips you may want to change it around a little bit and do something really cool for your audience. If you make a video, post it in the notes below or in the comments below on this episode. I want to see a bunch of links to those videos on Facebook so we can check them out and see what’ you’ve been up to.
Make sure to download the Seven Tried and Tested Tips to Increase your Facebook Engagement with Simple Video. Go to 52download or you can just text 52download to 38470 and get instant access to our cheat sheet for this episode. It’s a good one, a lot of great examples, all those apps and apps I didn’t even mention that you will love. I put them all in the cheat sheet.
I can’t wait to connect with you again soon. Thank you so very much for being here. Until we talk again, make it a great week. Bye for now.