AMY PORTERFIELD: Hello, hello! Welcome to another episode of The Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast. I’m Amy Porterfield and I’m delighted that you’re here. Over the last few weeks on this podcast we’ve been getting really tactical. We’ve talked about adding upsells to your sales promotions, adding bonuses, when to add those bonuses. We’ve talked about the mindset of list building and then we’ve gotten really specific about what you need to do to build your list.
If you haven’t listened to those episodes, they are just a few back so make sure to go check out upsells, bonuses, and list building because, again, we got really tactical with that and I want you to take some action in those areas to make sure you’re always moving forward in your business.
Today I want to step back a little bit and look at the big picture and look at our team and how we’re running our business and how we’re setting things up. I thought there was no one better to do that than my new friend, Dale Partridge.
Let me tell you about our guest today. Dale is a veteran entrepreneur and he’s recognized as a business-building expert. This guy has started seven companies since he was a teenager. One of those companies is Sevenly, named by Mashable and the Los Angeles Times and Forbes as one of the fastest growing social-good startups in the country. Pretty impressive, right?
In less than two years, Sevenly has given over $3 million in $7 donations to charities across the globe. But Dale is best known for his expertise in consumer trends, branding, marketing, and social media. He speaks as a creative leader whose mission is to influence an industry to rethink (this is cool) the models of how we do business today. Dales words and work have been featured in various business publications.
It’s kind of astounding where this guy has been: Entrepreneur magazine, Inc. magazine, Mashable, MSN Money; and, Los Angeles Times and Forbes as I mentioned. He is talked about everywhere. He has a magic touch when it comes to business.
He is also the author of the book, People Over Profit, a phenomenal read I highly recommend. I asked Dale on the show today because his insights go way deeper than surface techniques. They allow entrepreneurs to set a solid foundation for long-term success and self correct at the pivotal moments in business when small decisions could have major impact.
In Dale’s own words, he says, “I build rock-solid strategies that provide leaders a clear path to the finish line. My role is not sideline coaching. I jump into the tactics, work alongside team members, and hold leaders accountable to completing the project.”
I won’t make you wait any longer, let’s go ahead and jump into my interview with Dale Partridge.
Amy: Hey Dale, thanks so much for being here. I really appreciate it.
Dale: Hanging out with Mrs. Amy Porterfield.
Amy: We’re going to have so much fun. This is going to be fantastic. Before we get into all of the good stuff I have planned for us, I think you have such a cool and interesting business background. I would love for you to share a little bit about that too, where you are today and the big projects you’re working on.
Dale: I never knew I was supposed to be an entrepreneur. I really had no idea. When I was 18 I had 15 jobs by that point and had been fired from all of them.
Amy: Oh no!
Dale: I literally got fired from PetSmart.
Amy: What??
Dale: I was unemployable. I didn’t realize that until I was 18 when I started my first company. It was The Fit Image. It was an indoor personal training/massage therapy company. That was such a unique experience. I started a big business. It was $500,000 at 18 years old.
I had seven employees and I hated my life. It was the worst thing ever because it turns out I was a coach or a therapist to overweight wealthy women. It was a good experience but I didn’t really enjoy building that business and I started moving on to other areas of entrepreneurship.
I took some money from selling that company to a young couple for $50,000. I was the wealthiest 19 year old I’ve ever know. I mean, $50,000 cash. I thought, “Oh my gosh, what do I do with this?”
One, I didn’t pay taxes on it and I had to pay taxes on it way later. I was that dumb. But I took the money and was a huge fan of Chipotle. I ate Chipotle more than anybody you’ve ever met. I once went there 80 times in a row.
Amy: No!
Dale: I did. It was horrible. I still eat that much if I can get to it but they don’t have a Chipotle here in Bend. Anyway, I walk in and the guy knows my name and says, “Hey Dale, we went public today.”
I had already just been getting into wanting to play the stock market. I had actually bought a book, The Teenage Investor. I know it’s super cliché, but…
Amy: Amazing.
Dale: I ended up figuring I would learn how to play stocks. I put some money into an account and the guy said Chipotle went public. So I went online and looked at Chipotle. It was at $21 a share (at its IPO in 2006). I thought that was crazy so I bought about $10,000 worth of shares.
I just watched it go up. It was crazy. Over about a year and a half of time it went up to
$126 a share. I sold and I thought there was no way I could make any more money. Now if you look at it, I think it is $450 a share.
Amy: That is insane.
Dale: Chipotle was an amazing stock market. Their tick symbol is CMG. Anyway, I lost a bunch of money on solar stock so I ended up not making that much money anyway. But I took that experience, started a rock climbing gym, sold that business a few years later, and took that experience and started a branding agency and then a conference company.
In the search for purpose and meaning I wanted to create a company that was more than just putting money at the bottom line. It wasn’t until I really shifted my thinking from how to make a million dollars to how to help a million people that really pushed me into my business, Sevenly, that most people, if they follow me, have heard about me from that.
Sevenly was the idea that every week we partner with a new charity and give $7 from every item sold to support that week’s cause. We grew the company from $0 to $10 million and 0 to 50 employees in about 2½ years. We gave away $4.5 million with $7 donations.
Amy: Oh my gosh!
Dale: Crazy, right? I think back and wonder, “What if we didn’t?” What if I just didn’t do that? This is a call to people that are listening who have an idea, dream, mission, passion. If we didn’t do Sevenly that’s $4.5 million that didn’t go to charities. That actually translates into little girls who would not have escaped brothels, little boys and girls would not have had clean drinking water, families would not have eaten, women would still be in domestic abuse homes.
You have to think about the reality that when you start a business, it has nothing to do with you. You get the consequences of making money, which is a great consequence to have, but it is serving a purpose, a mission, a people. That whole thing, I realized, what if we didn’t?
When I think about it, to be honest, I think people would actually not be alive. I think the money we have funded actually kept people alive. Whatever your dream is, make sure you crush on it because it’s not about you, it’s about them.
For this experience, I ended up selling some of my stock there. I wrote a book, People Over Profit, which is kind of my philosophy on business, and started my new company, which is the first company I’ve actually owned by myself. Out of the seven companies I’ve started, this is the first one I’ve owned solo.
Amy: Interesting. And it’s called…
Dale: It is helping people to figure out how to start their own business. I am just excited to share some of those details here today.
Amy: Yes. Definitely! So let’s talk about the book in terms of the seven core beliefs. I have a lot of questions related to those seven core beliefs. But, can we kind of lay them out first?
Dale: Totally. When I started writing this book I looked at a bunch of different companies. I asked, “Who’s winning?” I’ll tell you what, I do not want to be the wealthiest person that nobody likes.
Amy: Amen.
Dale: I don’t want to be the most successful person that nobody respects or that nobody trusts. And I don’t want to create the biggest company that has great products but people don’t really connect with it. So, I started looking at companies for the similarities and characteristic traits between the great brands that aren’t just profitable but the culture is winning, the leaders are respected, they are a long-term success, they have been profitable for many years on end, their employee retention is high, their culture is strong, the consumer connection to the brand is very well connected and people are passionate about them.
I came up with a handful of companies. I looked at the leaders and wanted to find some similarities. I found out while most business leaders are looking in the Harvard Business Review for the next strategy or tactic on how to create a better business, these leaders were instead leaning on the lessons they learned in kindergarten, to love one another, to be kind, to be honest, to tell the truth, to have integrity, to share.
It sounds so stupid simple because it is. How old are you Amy?
Amy: 38.
Dale: I’m 30, and we are still in our 30s and still struggle with telling the truth.
Amy: That’s one we’ve got to go down for sure. We’ve got to talk about that one. But yes, you’re right.
Dale: It’s this idea that we still struggle with all of these things as adults. The leaders that lead great companies are the ones who have been able to master those basic kindergarten beliefs.
The seven core beliefs are:
- We believe people matter.
- We believe truth wins.
- We believe transparency frees.
- We believe authenticity attracts.
- We believe quality speaks.
- We believe generosity returns.
- We believe courage sustains.
Those are the characteristics, the cornerstones of these great companies that are people-over-profit leaders.
Amy: Awesome. And, in the show notes, we are going to list those so that people can go back to them. But let’s dive into a few of those.
You are really passionate about telling the truth. You’re also very outspoken about the fact that people lie. You have a lot of blog posts about this as well and I’ll link to a few of those in the show notes, but when I was reading I thought about my audience, the people we are speaking to right now. They likely have really small businesses. Either they are just starting out or they have a really small business. They may have a content person, an admin person, and then they are the person hustling.
They can’t even imagine lying will be a part of any challenge they have. It sounds like a big corporate problem. But it’s not, right?
Dale: It’s not. No. There is a part in my book that says, “The world is full of lies. We’re bathing in lies. We buy lies. We eat lies for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.” The marketplace is the biggest lie factory around.
There was a survey that 40,000 Americans, 93% of employees, lie regularly and habitually in the workplace.
Amy: That’s so sad.
Dale: Remember, it’s weird types of lies. It’s truth spinning, exaggeration, half truths, white lies. It is that type of lie and we don’t have a fanatical, intentional desire to tell the truth and it really hurts our ability to lead and to build trust with those who follow us.
Scott Harrison, a good friend and CEO/founder of Charity Water, has a no-white-lie policy at Charity Water. He says, “we are in an industry that people already don’t trust and if you get caught in a white lie you get one warning and then you’re gone.”
So he allows no white lies at all. That is very hard. To be honest, my wife will say, “Hey Dale, when are you going to be home.” I tell her I’ll be home in five minutes because I’m around the corner. But I’m not around the corner. I’m 12 minutes away.
It’s this need to manipulate the truth to better our situation. That is the type of lying we struggle with, especially with small business owners and individuals.
Amy: Tell me why it’s so important that we don’t do that. It seems so harmless.
Dale: They do seem so harmless. I think earning back trust is one of the slowest things we can do. It takes a long time. It’s funny, I was an exaggerator. I still struggle with exaggeration. It’s been something I’ve had to literally give permission to safe people in my life, who I trust actually love me, to call me out in front of me. To get really brutal with myself, I told a friend to call me out in front of people.
Amy: Oh, how painful.
Dale: I told him to let me know if he thought I was exaggerating or if I have spun the truth in some way, just call me out in front of people. Sometimes I need to have that pain. That embarrassment is sometimes what we need to remember in order for us to stop.
That’s the kind of digging deep that we need to have a people-over-profit leaders to say, “I’m going to beat this.” Whatever lessons I’ve learned, whatever brokenness has taught me that lying is okay in any form or function, is not okay. It is restoring what is normal, to be honest. It’s common to lie but it’s not normal to lie. I want to remember what normal is and normal is being honest.
Amy: In the book you say that complete transparency definitely leads to a stronger bottom line.
Dale: It totally does. Transparency and trust kind of go hand in hand. Transparency is unique. It’s ultimately vulnerability plus accessibility equals transparency.
Amy: Vulnerability plus accessibility. I like it.
Dale: The idea is that you can be vulnerable but not accessible and that’s not transparent. You can be accessible and not vulnerable and that’s not transparent. What I mean by that is, “Hey, we’re going to be vulnerable, McDonalds.” We’re going to talk about all of the things in our food and how they are actually not that great. But they are going to be on page 97 in a three-ring binder behind the counter that you have to ask for if you want to see it.
Amy: Right.
Dale: That’s vulnerability without accessibility. It’s not transparency. Some of these other brands, I was looking at a great brand I got at Whole Foods; it said, “98% organic materials inside” on the cover of the box. Marketing says you should just not mention that. You should just say “mostly organic” or I don’t know what you might say. But, ultimately it’s leading you to ask why there is 2% that’s not organic.
They were up front and super transparent. I respected them for that and said I was still going to buy it anyway. There is definitely a value in transparency. We also live in a day and age where transparency is the currency of our generation. Companies that aren’t transparent are the ones that are actually sticking out.
I can wake up in the morning to find out what color Jeff Bezos’ tie is or I could find out what’s going on inside of Charity Water’s headquarters today. I could find out what Donald Trump is doing on his campaign trail. Whatever it might be, the idea is that transparency is very common today.
Those of you who are sticking back from transparency are really the ones standing out. It becomes a liability in your business plan. Transparency is a little bit odd for an older generation but not as odd for the millennials. I am a big fan of just pushing yourself step by step and sharing a little bit more of what you do.
For example, I share exactly how much money I make. That is a crazy thing.
Amy: That is so crazy. I haven’t done that. I talk about how much money we make and how much we’ve spent in some of my launches. But you and Pat Flynn and John Lee Dumas are putting it all out there. I love that!
Dale: It’s really awkward sometimes.
Amy: Is it?
Dale: Sometimes you make less than you did the month before and you feel it is a public show that you didn’t perform better this month. Or, you have to give the details you have been giving. I talk about some of the wins and losses I do every month and some of them are embarrassing. It’s when you share those embarrassments that people realize you are human. People realize they can connect with you and can follow you. That’s the connection that vulnerability, transparency, and accessibility builds stronger, more connected relationships.
Instead of being 100 feet wide and one inch deep you’re going to build 10 feet wide and 100 feet deep. That’s what people really want.
Amy: That’s so true. I’m going to link to some of your posts about your earnings because I think it’s really important to see how you do that and how you share the good and bad, which people need to hear. They totally respect and appreciate that so I love that you brought that up.
I don’t want to get too off course, but it’s so timely. The morning that we’re recording this I’m sure you’ve heard about the whole Amazon thing.
Dale: I have.
Amy: It was just so timely in terms of jumping on here with you. Maybe we don’t know enough right now. Will you kind of explain a little bit what came out because I have a question about that.
Dale: We ultimately find out that Amazon’s culture is not as great as people might think it is. There was a statement that said something like, “Amazon is where overachievers go to die” or something like that.
Amy: Seriously, it’s horrible.
Dale: So, if you’re an overachiever, you are ultimately not an overachiever at Amazon. You are like an underachiever there. One thing I say is that this is probably one of my favorite quotes from the book, “How you make employees feel about themselves says a lot about your leadership.”
So, Jeff Bezos is leading this thing. He’s a great businessman. I’m not going to say he’s a great leader but I am saying he’s a great businessman. Their margins and the public figure in terms of the stock market and their investors, most of them don’t like Jeff Bezos. Most of them are unimpressed with the company’s performance.
This is happening and you realize if the employee morale falls, the company is not far behind. So I’m not going to say that Amazon is falling but this is a massive red flag. When your staff, especially in a company that size, doesn’t feel valued, they feel they are a part of a machine instead of a piece of a mission, that becomes a massive problem for big companies or small companies starting with your very first employee.
You need to make sure you remember that statement, how your employees feel about themselves says a lot about your leadership.
Amy: That’s so good. We’re going to have to tweet that one! That was my question for you, how you feel about this and what you see just right on the onset since it just happened. But that leads perfectly into my next question and that is that a lot of people listening, like I said, are just getting started; so, let’s say you’re coaching an entrepreneur and they are in their early stages of building their business.
They are growing their email list and warming up their audience for their free content and are eventually going to sell their first online program. They’ve hired their first employee, like you just mentioned. They are doing all of this, and what are the danger zones for them to look out for or be aware of so that they don’t start drifting into valuing profit over people?
Right now they are feeling, “No way, I’m never going to do that,” but I feel like it can happen over time and it’s almost off your radar sometimes.
Dale: A couple of things…The people-over-profit mentality must be built in, not tacked on.
Amy: People-over-profit mentality must be built in, not tacked on. Okay, tell me more.
Dale: It needs to be something you start from the beginning. For example, if we started settling and we decided that once we start making money we will start giving money it just wouldn’t work. You need to start from the beginning and you need to build your business model around the value systems, the mission, the purpose, and the passions you currently have (the cares that you want).
You see a lot of companies right now that are adding maternity leave five years later. It is mostly because the market says that if you don’t do that then you are a horrible company. But what I’m saying is to build these things in the beginning. If you want to start giving and being generous with your employees, start being generous the very first day. Don’t expect yourself to decide that when you start making money you will start giving your employees more time off, when you start making money you will start paying your employees 10% above industry average, when you start making money you will start giving to the cause you care about.
That just doesn’t work. When we start making money then I’ll stop lying in my marketing! That actually happens. People do this whole thing, fake it until you make it. I’m not a big fan about that because to fake it until you make it and not lie is almost impossible or is misleading people.
People love honesty. Our brains and minds actually love it. There is a psychology and neuroscience book on the topic of finding out what our brains are made for. They are made for honesty and they are made for love. So we just have to remember that, the human mind is designed for love. It’s designed for truth.
We can use that in our marketing and win every single time. You just have to take a psychological approach to marketing and realize people love getting the truth. People love feeling valued. If you can constantly do that without the culture norms and without the standard things you’re going to read in Fast Company you will win.
They want the authentic, deep connection of truth and care and people see that you are a person. If that can breathe out of your marketing statements and out of your culture and discipline of your company you will succeed. It just takes time.
Amy: I was raised driven by money, for sure. It’s not like we ever had a lot of it but making money was a badge of honor in my blue-collar working family. So now that I have my business I sometimes think the way to let my team know how much I appreciate them and love them and care for them is to give them bonuses; give them money.
I know they love it, but let’s talk beyond that for two reasons: 1) I think there are some other amazing ways we can take care of our teams, and 2) Some people aren’t even in a place right now to bonus their team financially. So can you give me a few examples of things we might not even be thinking about to make sure our team knows they are valued?
Dale: Yes. I’m going to give you one that’s going to totally flip flop you on this in a totally different direction. One is what I call the Golden Rule. The Golden Rule is that at my companies, when I’m leading, we fire people the way we would like to be fired.
Amy: That’s so good!
Dale: This is very important to take into consideration. This is a way to build trust, to love your people in a way that has nothing to do with incentivizing the money. It makes them feel safe. This is a problem that’s going on in capitalism today. CEOs say, “Hey employee, give me two weeks notice if you’re going to quit.”
The problem is that employees don’t say, “Hey CEO, give me two weeks’ notice before you fire me.” At my companies I always give people a two-week severance, at least. If they’ve been there for a long time I’m going to give them two months’ severance. If I’m firing someone it’s my fault that I hired the wrong person and didn’t screen them enough to make sure they fit the position.
At Sevenly anytime we had to let someone go we would treat them as a person, not a part. We would always do terminations on Fridays at the end of the day so that they have a weekend to let it sink in. It’s not in the middle of their work week. We would do it at the end of the day so they don’t have to walk out in front of everybody and go, “Oh my gosh, I feel embarrassed because I just got let go.”
We would also always speak to the problem and not to the person. That’s another great way to value people, speak to the problem not to the person. They have mortgages and wives and husbands and children and bills. We would ask them if there is anything going on right now that we should know about.
We had to let go one employee whose wife was about to give birth two weeks later. I told him we would extend his benefits.
Amy: Wow.
Dale: Sometimes they would say they needed a laptop, they were a graphic designer and that is how they make their money. We might tell them to keep their laptop. I would also give them a letter of recommendation for the things they were good at and just affirm them there. We would say, “If you’re willing, would you come back on Monday, sit in the middle of the room and let the entire staff sit around you and affirm you and tell you good things we love about you?”
Amy: What? No way.
Dale: 80% of the people we did this with would come in on Monday. We would say, “John, when you came in in the morning your drawings on the fridge are what made my day start with laughter,” or “John you were on time to every single meeting I had, which made me feel really respected. So, thank you for that.”
This would be a very emotional experience and, to be honest, we have a lot of Christian leadership in some of the philosophy we do. If the person was of faith we would also sometimes pray over them and give them something that would go forward and something to get you to your next career.
The major change is that it took them from feeling like a past employee and made them feel like alumni. That’s the big difference, they left being a fan of the company, feeling valued, and the culture was strong and people that were still there felt safe and worked harder because of it.
Amy: Okay, I was going to ask how this benefits the people that are staying and haven’t gotten fired…They see how well you’re taking care of the people in case something like that ever does happen to them.
Dale: Stephen Covey wrote The Speed of Trust. The book says if trust is increased, everything goes faster. If trust is decreased everything goes slower. When you feel safe and you feel you know the expectations…I think managing expectations is the most important thing a leader will ever do. What I mean by that is that these expectations when people ask:
How can I get let go? What is my job today?
What do people expect of me?
Manage those expectations. People feel safe and they work harder, they are more loyal, and it builds an army. It is like the 300 story. It builds a strong intensity that will grow a company faster than your competitors ever will be able to.
Amy: That’s good. You took me on a road I wasn’t expecting, or a little path there. That’s fantastic. I never thought of it that way. I can definitely use that in my own business. I love the humanity and respect behind it so thanks for sharing that.
It makes me think of another thing that came out of your book and actually another blog post that I’m going to link to because I think you all should check this out, it is the whole thought process of, “I will be happy when…”
I bring this up because a lot of people that are listening, a lot of my amazing audience, is saying, “When my business is here I will be happy when…” It is kind of along the lines of, “When I’m making money I’ll give to charity,” but it’s more personal to them. They will be happy when…
You say this could destroy your business and your life. Tell me more.
Dale: The lack of contentment is a really hard thing to deal with. I say in that blog post, “If you can’t be happy where you are with what you have, you never will.” That’s a dangerous thing to do in your business.
I’m an overachiever. I’m fanatical. I’m addicted to achievement. Whenever you read a blog article on something like this it’s because the person who wrote it struggled with it.
Amy: So true.
Dale: The reason I wrote the book, People Over Profit, is because I struggle valuing people over profit.
Amy: For you to say that is huge. I just know a little bit about you and that kind of blows my mind. Thanks for putting that out there.
Dale: Just know that. That’s why we wrote this book. Bob Goff wrote Love Does because he struggles with loving people. Now, as he matures and grows older you see that this guy doesn’t struggle with loving people, he’s amazing. But remember, he wasn’t always that way.
Being content with your life…I have moved at warp speed for the last ten years. I’ve been so busy that I missed some of the most important things of my life. You get lost in the sake of achievement. The hardest part about it, Amy, is that everybody stood on the sidelines going, “Go Dale, Go Dale, Go Dale.”
There was never a public reason why I should have ever slowed down. The world will push you so freaking hard that you’ll end up ruining your life. That’s what happens to celebrities all the time. That’s what happens to CEOs. Remember, they are the most successful people that nobody likes.
Having the contentment and ability to say you are happy with where you are at and still working hard, being happy but still crushing it is what makes someone really successful. It ultimately comes back to being present.
We just built a brand new custom home and in our living room I’ve done a couple of things. In our dining room area on a giant wall is a beautiful script font that I had a friend draw and I had it masked onto the wall. It says, “Be present” right next to our dinner table.
On the wall is a box that opens up with a little lock on it. Everybody puts their phones there if they sit at the dinner table. It’s the idea of being present. The idea is that when you are non content and always achieving you are never present. I promise you, on your death bed you’re not going to go, “Man, I wish I had worked more, I wish I had achieved more.”
You are going to sit there and wish you had hung out more with your wife. You will wish you had been a better dad. You will wish you had been a better friend. You will wish you had talked to your brother or sister more often. Contentness is saying that you will be content in your life, you will crush it, but you are not going to be so fanatical about your achievement that you put the relationships that are most important to you under the bus and hope they will be there waiting for you later.
That’s the disease and depth of it. I really encourage people to just be happy with where they are at. Today, if you are alive and listening to this very podcast, life is perfect. You’re here, you’re breathing. I think that’s an important thing to recognize. It’s definitely an attitude of gratitude.
Amy: This is so perfect for where I wanted to end this interview. It is along the lines of something you said that kind of threw me for a loop because I wasn’t expecting it. You said, “You should love your work but don’t fall in love with it. You should enjoy your work but don’t grow obsessed with it.”
I always thought I should be in love with my work. But does that come down to, if you’re in love with your work you’re never present anywhere else? Where is this coming from?
Dale: I think the word “love”…As entrepreneurs, as marketers, we forget. We think we work so that we can work more. We think we started our own businesses to make money so we could make more money and do more time with our work. That’s not the case.
For the entrepreneur the job is to make more money with less time. That’s the job of the entrepreneur, it is to figure out how you can make more success and more achievement with less of your time. That’s the beauty of the entrepreneur.
The idea of not falling in love with your work is a hard thing. You can love your work but just don’t fall in love with it. It’s not the most important thing in your life, I promise you that. If you start putting work over the people and the relationships you have, I promise you that you will be empty inside. You will be alone and you will be empty.
That is not something I need to prove here. You can look through history; statistics prove that all over the map. At the end of the day the most important thing you can have is a great relationship with your spouse, a great relationship with your children, a great relationship with your family, great friendships.
That’s the most important thing in our lives. Remember, love work. Enjoy it. Get into it. Crush it. Make money. Have the opportunities and differences that other people don’t have. But don’t forget about the things you’re going to regret when you’re lying on your death bed. That’s the big takeaway.
Amy: Such a perfect ending to a fantastic interview. Dale, thank you so very much for being here. I absolutely loved every minute of this.
Dale: Awesome. Thanks for having me, Amy.
Amy: And where can people find out more about you?
Dale: I write almost exclusively now at under the articles section. I write about one or two articles a week there. We also have a podcast there as well. You could follow me online anywhere @DalePartridge.
Amy: Perfect. I’ll link to your book as well. I think everybody should have a copy of it, especially after this interview. I think you’re going to believe me. Again, thank you so very much and have a wonderful day.
Dale: Awesome, thank you.
Amy: Well, there you have it. I hope you enjoyed Dale’s interview as much as I enjoyed talking to this guy. Doesn’t he seem like a great guy that you just want to hang out with? He’s got the most amazing airstream in his backyard. I want you to check it out on Instagram.
This airstream is the coolest thing for all of his guests. I love to see all of the pictures that he posts. He does great posts about motivation. He inspires you through his Instagram channel and has really cute pictures of his daughter as well. It’s worth checking into and it makes me feel like I know the guy really well because he has such an excellent Instagram channel. I wanted to throw that in there and encourage you to check it out as well.
Thank you so very much for being with me here today. I cannot wait to connect with you again next week. Bye for now.