Made easy


#122: Get Your Content House In Order

August 10, 2016

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In this episode, I’m bringing you a little tough love.

Tough love when it comes to creating original content on a weekly basis.

This means every week you need to put out a podcast, blog post or video—whatever you love to do and do well—every week, no matter what.

I KNOW IT’S NOT EASY. But it’s 100% worth the effort.

Bottom line: Consistent content helps you build trust with your audience and earn their respect. AND – if you have content going out on a regular basis, you won’t have to work as hard when you are ready to promote. Meaning, it’s easier to make money when you are creating weekly, free content. (Listen here to find out why.)

So no more excuses. Let’s hit it.

Trust me, this could be the biggest game-changer for your business.

And to help you decide which platform may be right for you, I’ve got a fantastic new freebie called the “Content Platform Play-by-Play” that breaks down the pros/cons and what it will take to get started with each.


Get Amy's Content Platform Play-by-Play


Remember: If it was easy, ANYONE would do it. You are with me right now because you want something more for your business. And, building a consistent content foundation is a must to grow your business.

It won’t happen overnight, but if you start to make it a ritual TODAY, I promise you that great things can happen.

Results are not guaranteed. Please see earnings disclaimer for more detail.

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