Made easy


#239: My Weightloss Journey (Part 2)

November 29, 2018

Listen to Amy's weightloss journey in today's episode.

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I’m getting a little personal in this episode, because it’s time to revisit something I brought up back in October 2017 on this podcast: My weight.

Now, that October episode was the first time I had ever brought up my struggles with weight. I shared how I hated video because I was incredibly embarrassed about my weight. That was just over a year ago, and today, I can confidently say everything is completely different.

Coming clean to you guys put a fire under my butt and helped me make a shift in my life. I was no longer hiding this big, dirty secret from the world and that opened up space in my mind for what was possible.

It took a couple of months, but on March 25, 2018, I officially started my weight-loss journey and so much has changed about my life. I hired a weight-loss coach, Corinne Crabtree (who just so happens to be one of my students, but more on that later…), and have learned to put myself and my health first—even before work.

Since then, I’ve lost roughly 60 pounds and I’m a little more than halfway to my goal. I know that before I started this journey, any time I saw someone make such a transformation, I always wanted to know, how did you do it!? So today I’m sharing with you guys how I’ve gotten here—not just in my weight loss, but also in the mindset change that has happened.

Look, if we’re going to be real, it’s not just about the weight. I had to change the way I handled my feelings and thoughts; most importantly, my thoughts about myself. I have a feeling that many of you might need to make that kind of mental change too. My wish is that when you hear my progress, you also decide that enough is enough and you join me on this journey of letting anything hold you back from living the life you want to live and building the business you want to build.

I want this episode to be more like a conversation—so grab a cup of coffee, find a cozy spot, and press play.

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