Made easy


#264: Is this ONE EXCUSE Sneaking into Your Business and Slowing You Down? (It Might Even Be Hiding!)

May 23, 2019

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Is there something holding you back in your business? Today, I’m talking about that ONE EXCUSE that may be hiding in plain sight. You know, that one thing between you and that next step that will really propel your business forward.

This excuse holds many people back, and they don’t even know it. It’s kind of like a snake in the grass, where you don’t even know it’s there until it slithers up and STOPS you in your tracks.

Once you know how to spot this excuse, you'll be able to break away from this cycle once and for all.

The simple technique I'm sharing today works on this one excuse in all its many forms. It's not easy, but it's simple. It's not exactly comfortable, but learning to take action in spite of discomfort is key to moving forward.

Even when you don’t have all of the answers, you can always get unstuck and start the positive momentum you need to move the needle forward in your business.

  • [05:09] Not moving forward because you are stuck is an excuse that can take many forms and hold you back.
  • [09:42] The way to get past this is taking imperfect action even when it is messy and uncomfortable.
  • [10:57] How I took imperfect action with my team bonus structure. I approached it like I knew what I was doing and put together a plan to the best of my ability. I NEVER have to start from scratch again. That's what imperfect action does!
  • [16:21] You have to have something to show when you ask for feedback.
  • [18:10] You have to make a decision and produce something. The hardest place to be is starting from scratch. Get beyond this point, even when you don't have all of the answers. That's how to get stuff done!

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Listener Spotlight of the Week

The one episode that Beth is talking about is Episode 255, and it's all about playing it safe and staying stuck. Beth what i wanted to say is i love that we're BFFs. I love that that episode made you move forward. I love that you're burning the boats. So, thanks so much for being a part of my community!

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