Made easy


How Making Wreaths As a Hobby Turned into a Profitable Digital Course with Lauren Kilgore

September 9, 2019

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I’m so excited to share this digital course success story with you today. 

Lauren Kilgore, a wreath maker extraordinaire and accidental Etsy marketing superstar, turned her part-time hobby into $35k in revenue.

Unbelievable, right?!

Here’s the reason I’m sharing this with you today. We are all good at something that we could teach others how to do. 

For Lauren, it was selling her crafts on Etsy. 

If there is something you’re good at, something that people consistently come to you asking for help with, guess what? You might just be able to create a course around it. 

You don’t need to have it all figured out. Lauren is proof of that.

Tune in to this special bonus episode and find out exactly how a part-time wreath making mama went from making a bit of extra cash with a fun hobby to getting 93 students into her digital course and over five figures in revenue.

Listen to the episode now!

Ready to create your own Digital Course success story? Learn how to build, launch and grow a thriving Digital Course business without hiring a big team, the constant overwhelm or the momentum crushing question, “What the heck do I do next?”

Click here to save your seat in my free masterclass, The 3 Behind-the-Scenes Secrets to Digital Course Success!

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