Made easy


#340: Landing Page Not Converting? Here’s What To Do!

October 8, 2020

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Just like you, your landing page is a big deal. 

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And when it isn’t converting… it’s just the pits. Can I get an amen?

Luckily, there are a few minor adjustments that you can make to your existing landing page that will have it converting like hotcakes before you know it! 

With some of my landing pages converting at over 40 percent, I know exactly what works and what doesn’t, and today, I’m sharing my secrets with you!

There are three features you want to pay attention to: your call-to-action, branding, and copy. Get these dialed in and you, my friend, are in for a landing page conversion treat. 

landing page
Here's how to make your landing page convert with ease.
  • [07:09] Let’s talk landing pages! More specifically, what to do when your landing page isn’t converting.
  • [08:47] For starters, have only one clear call-to-action or CTA. Having more than one CTA may result in 266% fewer leads than a page with only one.
  • [15:25] The branding of your landing page needs to be consistent and aligned with your brand. Keep it simple, sweet friend!
  • [20:35] Clearly state your value proposition and the benefits of what you're offering. Your text should convey that this lead magnet will get them closer to the transformation they desire.
  • [24:56] Bonus tips: keep your page super clean, your call-to-action above the fold, and don’t be afraid to play around by testing different landing pages.

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