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#343: From Bankruptcy To The Today Show: Become The Creative Visionary Of Your Business & Life With Tracy Matthews

October 26, 2020

Tracy Matthews

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You know how they say diamonds are a girl’s best friend? Well, if we're being honest, I think you and I can both agree that creativity is an entrepreneur’s best friend… or at least it should be!

But I get it! When there are other things that need to get done within your business — especially when you’re starting out — creativity can fall by the wayside. 

Which is why I wanted to introduce you to a woman who is fierce, successful, and stays at the top of her creative game as the Creative Visionary of her business, Flourish & Thrive Academy. Her name is Tracy Matthews!

But before she found the success, entrepreneurial satisfaction, and creativity that she has today, she experienced tough times that eventually led her to bankruptcy. 

In this episode, we talk about creative energy, how to protect it, her journey from bankruptcy to a successful businesswoman, what to do about the nay-sayers in your life, and my personal favorite, the creative archetypes she’s identified, and how knowing this can serve you and your business. 

Find out which creative archetype you are

Here’s a glance at this episode…

  • [09:33] I’m going to let you in on a little secret… as an entrepreneur, you must protect your creativity. It’s essential that you hone in on your creativity and get into your zone of genius daily — this is what fuels your company.
  • [11:19] Guess what, my friend, we all have a choice to do something amazing — something that makes a change. Tracy shares how she got clear on her calling, and how you can too!
  • [12:56] I love this part! Tracy makes such an important point, she says, “You have to build your business around the kind of life you want. Think about what kind of life you want, and build your business around that.”
  • [14:26] Find out the kind of life Tracy wanted to design, and how she used this vision to set up her business.
  • [15:29] After going bankrupt once, Tracy made a promise to herself that she’d never let that happen again. In doing so, she became laser-focused on her financial goals and educated herself on her business numbers.
  • [23:55] Tracy has a framework for identifying what creative archetype you are — this framework can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses. These include: Artist, Visionary, Ambassadors, Rainmakers, Architects, Investigators, Performers, and Intuitives. Tune in to find out which one you are.
  • [33:24] Want tangible ways to tap into your creativity? Tracy gives you actionable ways to keep your creativity high in your business. She suggests things like routines and rituals, creative days, getting inspired, setting boundaries, delegating tasks, and focusing on your power hours.
  • [40:36] How do you get creative? Through books, podcasts, or learning new things? Tracy shares how she gets inspired and boosts her creativity with a few unexpected activities.
  • [45:15] Tracy talks about what you need to do if you don’t have the support you need. She says you must get into action, move forward, and focus on what you can do to move your business forward.

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