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#348: How To Create *True* Wealth As An Entrepreneur: An Exclusive Coaching Session with Patrice Washington

November 25, 2020

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Ready to create more abundance in your business? 

Have you ever been to an event where the speaker left you crying, laughing, and so inspired that you felt you could climb Mount Kilimanjaro all at the same time? 

Well, today’s guest is that kind of speaker and coach! Her name is Patrice Washington, and I am one lucky girl to call her a friend and have her on to share her expertise with you. 

Patrice is an award-winning author, transformational speaker, coach, and media personality.

She was named one of “12 Inspiring Black Voices in Personal Development” by Success Magazine, featured on as one of “15 Inspiring Podcasts for Professionals of Every Stripe,” and highlighted by — to name a few impressive successes. 

She’s committed to empowering women to look at life through the lens of abundance and opportunity versus lack and scarcity, and redefine the term “wealth.”

In this episode, we chat about her 6 Pillars of Wealth and how these pillars will help you uplevel your life and business. You might be surprised to find out that only one of these pillars is directly tied to money. 

Learn more about Patrice Washington's 6 Pillars of Wealth
  • [12:57] Patrice created the six pillars to help people shift their beliefs and mindset about wealth, which will shift your actions and the results will come. 
  • [17:26] Pillar #1: FIT is about becoming your best self and being physically and mentally fit. 
  • [21:35] Pillar #2: PEOPLE is about creating relationships that matter. 
  • [27:22] Pillar #3: FAITH (whatever that means to you personally) will prevent you from giving up right before you're about to succeed. 
  • [30:49] Pillar #4: SPACE is important because your environment is everything. 
  • [36:38] Pillar #5: WORK is about living your life's purpose. 
  • [40:57] Pillar #6: MONEY is the last pillar. When your mind is cluttered, it's hard to accept the foundational truths about managing money.

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This episode is brought to you by The Draw Shop, a service to perfect your elevator pitch. Do you ever tell people what you do and they look at you a little…funny? Like they don’t totally get it? It happens to me, too. With The Draw Shop, you meet with an expert copywriter to create an exceptional elevator pitch and one-page visual story to compel prospects to respond right now. For a limited time, The Draw Shop is offering Online Marketing Made Easy listeners their service for nearly ONE-THIRD the regular price. Get your word-perfect pitch today at The Draw Shop. Where there’s clarity, there’s revenue.

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