Made easy


#422: Lessons Learned From Social Media Bullies

January 4, 2022

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When Mean People Tweet (And Why They Never Win)

Playground bullies grow up, my friends.

And thankfully, most of them mature and leave any critical or mean ways behind.

But unfortunately, some of them simply trade the monkey bars for the comments section of Instagram.

In this episode, I’m talking about the social media bullying that I’ve dealt with and how you can do the same.


  • Where you stand when it comes to negative comments (and what I even mean by that)
  • How to make a plan for addressing (or not addressing) public negativity 
  • Tips and tricks I’ve learned that protect my mental health online and pull me out of a bully-induced slump
  • The one thing these social media bullies have in common 
  • And so much more

I’ve heard from dozens and dozens of otherwise capable entrepreneurs that the one thing that keeps them from going Live, hosting a webinar, or putting themselves out there online is the fear of bullies or people being downright mean.

I hope this episode equips you with a game plan and an extra shot of confidence to do the next best thing for your business — bullies be darned.

Here’s a glance at this episode…

  • [03:58] Nobody more successful than me will ever leave a nasty comment for me on social media or anywhere else. 
  • [05:02] You need to have a plan for negative comments. Are you going to respond or delete them? Will you block the person?
  • [09:21] People are going through different things and respond to stress and whatever is happening in their lives in very different ways. We're all doing the very best we can.
  • [10:33] Remember no one more successful or accomplished than you will ever cut you down. They're too busy living their fantastic lives.
  • [11:06] Have a folder for love notes and comments that just light you up. Have a system to remind yourself that you're doing good.

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