Made easy


#463: How To Create More White Space & Still Succeed

May 24, 2022

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What’s the point of working your life away? Instead, let’s do less and make more. 

If you’re a new business owner or are ramping up to launch your business soon, I would hedge a bet that you have some ideas about what it takes to become incredibly successful. In fact, you’re probably thinking that in order to make the kind of money that you want and stay ahead of the game, you’ll need to be working constantly.

But what I’m about to tell you will most likely surprise you, because it goes against what we hear from many entrepreneurs who are in the public eye, and most conventional wisdom.

Ready for it? 

Lean in a little closer…

You do not need to work your life away to be incredibly profitable in your online business.

I wish I would’ve realized this much earlier because now that I’m 13 years into it, I know that the best entrepreneurs value their downtime away from their business

Honestly, I have a little guilt about how much time I spent working when I was ramping up, and in retrospect, I know I could have done even better if I would have allowed for a little bit of rest in my life. 

I know, I know… you’re probably thinking that there’s no way you’ll be able to achieve what you want unless you’re constantly grinding. And that may be true for the first couple of years when you’re just getting started, but once you’ve gotten into a good groove and are making money, you’ve got to ask yourself, what am I doing this for? 

These days I am all about creating a life and business on my terms, and if you’ve been tuning in for a while, you know that last year I transitioned my team to a 4-day workweek. And guess what? We are still meeting our goals, and I’m still able to have a multi-million dollar business. In letting go of my ‘hustle hard’ mentality, I’ve gained so much more than I ever could have imagined — and I know you will too. 

So if you feel like you’re burning the candle at both ends, tune in to this episode for some peace of mind, and to hear firsthand how I’ve created a successful business without sacrificing what’s most important.

Here’s a glance at this episode…

  • [07:23] You don't have to always have a hustle mentality to grow your business, and you don't have to work your life away to be profitable.
  • [08:56] Time away from work has allowed me to be a badass at work. Having entire weekends where I don't open my computer has enabled me to be my best on Monday.
  • [10:22] I am always making pivots and trying new things to free up time. I’ve even implemented a four-day workweek for my team and me. 
  • [11:18] There's a time and place for the hustle mentality, and I believe it's in the early days or year one. Give yourself some grace and figure it out.
  • [11:48] In year two, it's time to reevaluate and ask what is and isn't working. Where can you do less and make more? Where are you overextending yourself?
  • [12:45] There's always a time to systemize your business and get out of the hustle mentality. That's why we created systems that scale. We wanted to crush it while working less.
  • [14:40] When I teach how to get out of the hustle, I share ways that have worked for us or my students. Your time with your family and loved ones is equally important as working on your business.

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