Made easy


#484: Hindsight is 20/20: 3 Things I Wish I Did When I First Started Out

August 2, 2022

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I only wish someone would have told me these things 13 years ago

If you’re a human on planet Earth, then there have probably been a million times that you have said, “If only I knew then what I know now, I would have ____________.”

Yes, sweet friend. Hindsight is 20/20, and it’s always so much easier to analyze and evaluate situations when you’re looking back on them in the past, than when you’re in the present moment. 

It’s also easy to look back and blame yourself for any “mistakes” that you made, but the thing is, you were making the best decision you could based on the limited knowledge you had at the time. 

I mean, let’s be real — I think we all thought that overplucking our eyebrows in the early 2000s was a great idea, but here we are in 2022 spending a small fortune on trying to get those big, beautiful brows back that we once had. 

All jokes aside, in this episode I’m sharing the three biggest things I wish I would have known early on — things that would have given me a ton of momentum in my business and that would have made an impact on what it looks like today. 

I’m also going to share a couple of things I did do that really moved the needle. Things that I hope you consider doing, too.

As you know, it’s my goal to share my own experiences with you — both good and bad — so you can learn from them and create the digital business of your dreams. 

So if you’re ready, pop in those earbuds and tune in!

Here’s a glance at this episode…

  • [05:40] Create regular and consistent content. I struggled and procrastinated with writing blog posts. I didn't hone in on my content system until I started my podcast in 2013. My profits tripled once I started producing regular content. 
  • [09:01] I wish I would have made a quick cash injection while I was formulating and working on my long-term revenue goals. Digital courses were my long game. I should have had a simple offer on the table while building up to my course. 
  • [11:53] I wish I wouldn't have said YES to everything. I needed to push myself, but I really needed to be more discerning from the get-go. Focus on what makes sense to you, your business, and your long-term goals.
  • [16:32] Early on, I followed a step-by-step framework. For me, that was Marie Forleo's B-School. Digital Course Academy is also a step-by-step framework.
  • [17:57] Surround yourself with a community of like-minded entrepreneurs. I surround myself with a great peer group through a mastermind.

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