Made easy


#505: The Beauty Of Finding Purpose Outside Of Work

October 11, 2022

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Work will always be there, so make time for experiences that truly light you up

Having passion for your business is a good thing. Afterall, your excitement and enthusiasm is quite literally the fuel that keeps the wheels in motion, and gets you through hard times.

But whether you’re new to the entrepreneurial game or have already found success, there may come a time when you get so wrapped up in your business that everything else in your life falls to the wayside. 

Maybe you stop hanging out with your friends, taking vacations, or spending time doing the things that you love or exploring new hobbies outside of work.

Or, if you’re like me, maybe you come to the stark — and somewhat embarrassing – realization that without your business, you’re not even sure who you are. You don’t have any hobbies to talk about, and can’t remember the last time you did something ‘just for fun.’

In fact, during my five-week sabbatical, I became acutely aware that the core of my being — my entire identity — is almost solely tied to the success of my business. 

The whole experience gave me a reality check that left me feeling a bit sad and empty. Of course my business brings me joy — but it’s important that I have other things, outside of work, that make me happy and give me purpose.

In this episode, I uncover how I’m making room in my life for those moments and experiences that light me up, outside of Amy Porterfield, Inc.

And I won’t lie — taking the time to do fun things when I feel like I have a million plates spinning in the air can be tough… but I know deep down that it’s worth it. 

So if you have ever been asked the question, “What do you do for fun?” and have had a hard time coming up with an answer, this episode is for you. 

Happy listening!P.S.- If you want to hear more about the many realizations I had during my sabbatical, check out episode #478: 5 Weeks Unplugged: Lessons From My Sabbatical.

Here’s a glance at this episode…

  • [05:35] My sense of well-being is more than just my work, bank account or social media following. 
  • [06:26] I missed a lot of goals in 2021 even though I had a successful year. There was a correlation between how I felt in terms of success and my mental health.
  • [07:19] I'm deeply committed to creating value, and attaching my identity to the things outside of my work that bring me joy and meaning.
  • [08:11] One of the things I'm doing to create balance in my life is going fly fishing with Hobie.
  • [10:06] I'm looking for more purpose outside of work, so I'm challenging myself to say yes to things when they come up.
  • [13:49] I've seen a huge shift in my mental health and weight-loss, because I've set boundaries around positive things I want to do outside of work.
  • [14:53] I'm still looking for hobbies, so DM me @AmyPorterfield on Instagram with your fun suggestions and hobbies you have.
  • [17:07] Action item: Make a list of things you've wanted to explore and start prioritizing.

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