Made easy


#616: My Launch Diary: Highs & Lows Of The Digital Course Academy Launch

October 17, 2023

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The inside scoop on every feeling and thought I had before AND after my most successful launch yet.

Buckle up, because I've got something super exciting to share with you today. I'm taking you behind the scenes of my biggest Digital Course Academy launch to date! That's right – you’re getting an inside look into my mind before AND after the launch, including the good, the nerve-wracking, and the oh-so-rewarding moments. There are no secrets here! 

Now, why am I telling you this? Well, dear friend, I want you to know that it's perfectly normal to feel doubt, excitement, and nervousness when launching a new offering. 

Even after 14 years in the game, I still experience that same wide range of emotions. The good news is, I now know how to manage them. The stress is real, no doubt about it. But once that cart closes, it's the most incredible feeling in the world. 

I open up about all my thoughts and emotions during the lead-up to the launch, how I prepared myself for the anxieties, and offer some tips on coping with the post-launch blues

Plus, I highlight strategies for leading your team to provide the best customer support possible and share every tool we used to make this launch a huge success! 

You’ll hear all about: 

  • 4:10: How my customer service, operations, and marketing teams prepared for the launch
  • 8:26: Tips for shifting your mindset and keeping your worries at bay 
  • 18:02: Why every challenge you’ll face during the launch is completely worth it
  • 23:17: The power of real-time connections and customer feedback 
  • 28:18: Perfecting your email lists, messaging, and social media ads 
  • 34:55: How we conquered every tech issue and improved our systems

No matter how your launch turns out, whether you hit your goal or face challenges, it's always worth it knowing you’ve made a positive impact on a client’s life. So listen in and get ready to take off in your next launch! 

Click here to listen!

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Expert interviews, mini-execution plans, and intimate behind-the-scenes secrets from my biggest launches… all tied together by our mutual mission to make EVERYTHING you learn as simple, profitable, and FUN as possible.

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