Made easy


#644: You Are Your Niche: How To Stand Out In A Saturated Industry

January 16, 2024

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Here’s why there’s always enough room for you in a saturated market.

As an entrepreneur, I bet you've heard about market saturation a million times. Well, we’re talking about it some more today, BUT we’re focusing on reframing your emotions and feelings around it. Because trust me sweet friend, with the right mindset, you can succeed in any market, no matter how saturated it may seem!

So, why am I talking about this? I see many hopeful students in Digital Course Academy who hit the brakes because they feel like the market is just too crowded for them. But, let me tell you, that's simply not true – and I have proof! 

When I started as a social media manager nearly 15 years ago, it felt like every other person I talked to was doing the exact same thing as me. But, I didn't let the noise of oversaturation get to me, and I was able to grow the business I have today. And I know you can do it too!

In this episode, I’m diving into: 

  • 3:44: Questions to ask yourself that challenge the idea that the market is too saturated 
  • 5:24: Math that proves making sales is all about honing your marketing skills 
  • 12:20: Tips for embracing what makes you unique and attracting your ideal audience 
  • 15:23: How I focus on my niche rather than worry about a saturated market 
  • 19:14: Reminders to help you break free from this false narrative

Listen in and kick off your dream business. Remember, the market may be saturated, but your uniqueness and what you bring to the table are just waiting to shine through!

Click here to listen!

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