Made easy


#664: 5 Steps To Creating The Best Version Of Yourself (& Your Business): Part 2

March 26, 2024

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My checklist to help you evaluate your progress, stay on track, and reach. 

Hey there, my friend! I'm so excited to share with you Part 2 of The Multi-Millionaire Mindset: Five Things to Do for Dramatic Growth. But if you still need to check out Part 1, make sure to do that first, and then come back here for the next step! 

In this part, I give you a super simple and incredibly helpful checklist that you can use every quarter to evaluate your progress in those five areas. It doesn't matter whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or a newbie – this checklist will be your secret weapon for achieving your goals. I've personally used this strategy and checklist in quarterly meetings with my team so I can guarantee it's been proven successful

But let me tell you, it's not just about checking off boxes on a list. It's all about taking action and making moves towards your goals. That's why I also share some tips and tricks for staying right on schedule and avoiding any distractions. 

In this episode, I cover: 

  • 2:19: A refresher of the 5 things that you should focus on each quarter for growth
  • 3:22: How my team uses quarterly check-ins to help us reach our goals
  • 6:19: Tips and tools for staying on track 
  • 9:12: A checklist for evaluating your progress in personal and business growth 
  • 11:57: How to get your hands on my special freebie! 

Listen in, and if you know someone who's working hard to build their business and could use this checklist, please don't hesitate to send them my way!

Click here to listen!

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