Bona fide Entrepreneur & Ready To Scale

🌞 It’s 2025…

And future you wants to share a message of gratitude for all the ah-mazing work you’re doing right now.

(Spoiler alert: it’s paid off BIG time)


Here’s the message:

You’ve achieved so much already that deserves to be celebrated — and you’re at a stage in your business where you have so much more to look forward to. The road ahead is paved with some of the most exciting milestones yet.

As opportunities come your way, it’s more important than ever to stay focused on what you know will grow your business: list-building, creating solid offers, and building those all-important relationships with your audience.

Resist the temptation to chase “hot new trends” and sexy shortcuts. True, sustainable success is a lot less glamorous than all that. It’s as simple as continuing to show up and do the work — with the support of systems + your small but mighty team.


Here’s what your quiz responses tell me about you:


Just when you thought you’d escaped it once and for all, overwhelm has a nasty habit of rearing its ugly head.

The good news is… you’re getting better at dealing with it — and you have a team now to help you out as you continue to grow your business.

When overwhelm comes a-knocking, try not to over complicate or over think what’s truly simple. Stay in your lane. And choose strategies that align with what you want for your life and your business.


Now that you’re in serious growth mode, you may have had (or are about to have) a revolutionary realization: you don’t need to do it all alone.

Your time is money. And the less time you can spend on tasks outside of your zone of genius, the more you can focus on the visionary work that will enable you to effortlessly scale your business.

It’s time to let go of the tasks you can delegate — so you can free up more time to do the kind of work that lights your soul on fire.


Growing your impact at this stage is all about *wait for it* …visibility.

Now is the time to make a habit of stepping out of your comfort zone and showing up in new, bold ways.

It might feel uncomfortable at first, but putting yourself out there will allow you to extend your reach beyond your current audience. And trust me when I say… it gets easier!

Everything you’ve ever wanted is right on the other side of your comfort zone. Don’t you think it’s time to reach out and take it?




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Free Vs. Paid Bootcamps: Lessons Learned That Might Help You Decide What’s Best For You

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How to Bounce Back After a Disappointing Launch

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Sweeten the Deal: How To Create a Bonus Package That Gets Your Audience to Buy

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Follow This Simple Payment Recovery Process To Boost Your Revenue

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503: The Do’s & Don’ts Of Hiring

Bona fide Entrepreneur & Ready To Scale at the start of their journey to wild-hearted success

Pop in your earphones and arm yourself with your curated playlist of
powerful strategies for your growing online business:


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Personality Types Of A Digital Course Student + 5 Ways To Get To The Finish Line

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The Business Model I Swear By: Live Launch, Go Evergreen, Repeat!

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The 4-Step Checklist I Use Before Adding Something New To Your Business

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This Sales Strategy Converted at 44% & Now I’m Teaching It To You

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Project Planning Mastery: A Step-By-Step For How To Stay Organized

Meet Your Mentor, Amy

Well hey there!

I’m so glad you took this quiz and have some of my most helpful (& popular!) podcast episodes cued up and ready to support you.

There are over 500 episodes of The Online Marketing Made Easy podcast and for each and every one my intention has been to give you step-by-step proven strategies and insights that have directly helped me or my students.

47 million downloads and 5,693 positive reviews later and I’m grateful to say I’ve never been more motivated to keep sharing, serving, and cheering you on — especially when you’re just getting started.

You inspire me to no end, friend! It’s an honor to be your guide on this journey.

Get ready to press play on your passions, purpose, profit, and potential. You’ve got this.

ALL my best,

a Former Corporate “Yes” Girl Turned Blockbuster Digital Course Creator and Trainer, Host of the Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast, Lover of Kombucha, Her Pup, Scout (and fam!) and Audiobook Addict.

From Bona fide Entrepreneur & Ready To Scale to Effortless Scaler —

More visibility. More profit. More impact. <<= That’s what’s in store for you as you move through this exciting chapter in your journey.

You’ve already demonstrated your magic ability to help others with your unique gifts. Now it’s time to extend your gifts to a wider audience — so more people can experience the wonderful transformation that you offer.

At last, you’re at a point in your business where your profit and your impact go hand in hand.


More sales means helping more people. And that goodness will feed back into your blossoming business. (Friend, you’re unstoppable!)

As you step into your role as a leader, it’s just as important as ever to have mentors you can count on to guide you through the highs and lows of scaling your business. Know that I’m here to support you through ALL of it. And I can’t wait to see what’s next in your epic ascent!

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