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Last week, I put out an invitation on my Facebook page. I invited you to throw all your questions about online marketing at me! What do you want to know? Where are you stuck? What are you confused about?
Well, the overwhelming majority of the questions people posted on my Facebook page were about–surprise!–Facebook. And the questions showed me that it's time for a major reframing of how we think about Facebook. Most people are just not looking at Facebook in a way that's going to serve them.
And since my mission is to help you get results with your online marketing, including your Facebook marketing, we’ve got to address that…stat!
The Facebook System that Changes Everything!
Larissa asks:
“How do I increase my FB followers? It seems I have hit a plateau. Also, I don’t want to spend copious amounts of money with FB ads…I feel they keep changing the algorithm to line their pockets by making you pay for advertising through them, and no one will see your post.”
If you feel this way about Facebook ads, then I’m guessing they haven’t been working for you. And believe me, I don't want you using Facebook ads if you're not generating revenue.
This is where we need a reframe. I want to help you see FB as a place where putting in a little bit of money will result in bringing back a lot of money.
The first thing to realize is that Facebook ads cannot work on their own. You have to incorporate them into a social media sales funnel–a system that turns your fans and followers into subscribers to your email list, and turn those names into paying clients.
I know lots of people who make money every week from Facebook ads, but they aren't just using that ad to send people to their sales page. They're using those ads as part of their sales funnel system. That’s the key to getting the Facebook marketing results you’re looking for.
Showing Your Value to Your Fans
Toni asks:
“We have a children’s clothing website. We have 4000 likes. But only 700 people have signed up for our newsletter. What is the best way to get Facebook “likes” to sign up”
A lot of people are focused on how many “Likes” they have, and are scratching their heads at low organic reach. This is happening to everyone. Free organic reach is way, way down. No matter how many Likes you have on your page, it’s entirely possible that very few of your fans are seeing your posts!
This causes a lot of people frustration—why should I have to pay to get my fans to see my posts? I won't sugarcoat it–these changes to Facebook's algorithm do kind of suck for people who have worked hard to build their Facebook following.
You could get frustrated and abandon ship…or you could start to look at Facebook differently.
Paying will get your posts seen by more people…so you want to make sure that they're seeing something that makes them want more.
To get your fans to engage—sign up, respond, make a purchase, take any kind of action—you have to make sure you're offering them something they see as valuable.
In Toni’s case, it might be a discount, free shipping, an add-on product. If you sell information or education, you want to give away some of your valuable information for free.
I did one recently called the Product Maximizer—it was a report that I gave away offering four strategies to make more sales online. I knew my audience needed more sales, so I knew it would valuable to them. And it just happens to be a little piece of exactly what I offer for sale!
Remember, the number one area where Facebook is most valuable is in turning fans into email subscribers. The email list is where you can really cultivate the relationship with your customers.
Take a minute right now to brainstorm a valuable, irresistible giveaway that you could offer and try a Facebook ad built around this freebie—say you spend $10 a day for three or four days—and see how many people sign up for your newsletter (or email list) when there’s a free giveaway at the end of it!
Get even more of Amy's answers to your Facebook questions! Click here to listen to the whole episode on iTunes.
Boosting vs. Paid Ads
Kate asks:
“I’m gradually realizing that organic reach has been pitiful in my recent posts. I ‘boosted' a post for the first time yesterday. I got more likes and engagement, and it was seen by 2500 people. Is this the way forward? Is there any point in not boosting a post anymore, and relying on people seeing it organically?”
I’m so glad you asked this question! “Boosting” a post means you’re spending a little money to get more of your fans to see that post. I don’t think that’s the best use of your money. If you’re going to spend money, it’s much better to spend it on an ad that gets people to sign up for your lead magnet.
Remember, people “liking” your post does not translate to a real customer relationship! Email marketing does that.
How to Make Your Business Bloom
Tara asks:
“I would love to see a visual of how your business blossomed. I mean, there are so many things we’d like to do in our business, but how did you prioritize the tasks over the years, and most of all, what makes sense to do what when?”
Back in 2010, I’d just quit my corporate job. I didn’t have a product ready to sell yet, so I took some social media consulting clients. By the end of 2011, I looked at my business and thought “Freedom is a joke!” I was a yes machine to 8 bosses, practically chained to my desk but never working on what I really wanted to do. I’d tried to sell a couple of my programs, but they never went anywhere…much like what some of you are feeling!
We all talk a lot about freedom when building our businesses, but there’s not really freedom when you’re not generating revenue!
2012 is when I hit upon the importance of this sales funnel system. With a product to sell and a lead magnet to capture interest, I fell in love with Facebook ads, because I realized how to make them work!
The secret to my business blossoming is all in using this system.
I don’t want you going to bed each night worrying about where the next dollar is going to come from! All that does is squash your creativity and confidence.
Instead, I want you to wake up excited to build your business each day, enjoying the freedom to work on all the projects that help your business grow, and taking time for the rest of your life.
What Would $5000 Mean for You?
Before closing, I want to ask you this question:
If you had a social media sales funnel running on autopilot in your business, making you $5000/month for you, what does that mean for you? What does that free you up to create, to dive into, step out of?
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