Made easy


#116: Five New Launch Lessons From My Most Successful Launch to Date

June 29, 2016

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Are you gearing up to launch a new course? Or want to hear the secrets to a great launch to bank for the future?

Well, today is the big day I have been waiting for. I not only get to debrief my recent course launch with you (the good and the bad), but I also have five new lessons that will help you launch your next course profitably.

I am brutally honest when it comes to sharing these types of learnings because I want you to be incredibly prepared for what you’re about to embark on.

So here it goes. (Listen in here.)

I have a no-holds-barred freebie from my recent launch for you. I’m sharing the final three emails that I sent to my audience as I was preparing to close enrollment. We generated almost $500,000 on just the final day and these emails played a part in the final-push strategy. Get these emails to use as a guideline for your own launch here.


Get Amy's Final 3 Launch Emails Sent Out During Courses That Convert®️


I’m a show and tell kind of girl and I want you to understand how these five lessons came about. So, be prepared to hear the nitty-gritty launch details, including my true ad budget, my email strategy, how I messed up on a special bonus opportunity (and what I did to fix it!) and why I had to quickly change-up my launch plan along the way.

I also go into detail on the roles of some of my oh-so-important support staff during a launch. I talk about how many full-time employees I have when I’m not launching and then break down my total full-time and part-time team members that I have ready for launch time.

Use these five strategies to avoid getting overwhelmed, prepare yourself for any launch big or small, learn how to bounce back from any misstep and most important have a successful and profitable launch.

Results are not guaranteed. Please see earnings disclaimer for more detail.

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