Made easy


BONUS: The Lies Holding You Back

March 24, 2020

Dave Hollis

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  • You’re talented.
  • You deserve the best.
  • You can build a wildly successful business.
  • You’re organized, intelligent, and capable of creating the life of your dreams — the life you deserve.

How do you feel when I say those things? Do you feel inspired and fired up?

Or, are you shaking your head thinking, “Amy, you’re so full of it!”

My dear friend, I certainly hope you’re shaking your head, “YES!” and you feel inspired. However, I know what it can be like to believe deflating lies… especially as an entrepreneur.

My guest today, Dave Hollis, knows what it’s like to believe those lies, as well.

Dave is the COO of the media company and inspirational powerhouse, Hollis Company, which he runs with his wife and my close friend, Rachel Hollis.

He’s also just released his first book, “Get Out Of Your Own Way,” which is simply phenomenal.

Today, Dave and I talk about the thoughts that tend to hold you back from your true potential and how to overcome old thought patterns that aren’t in your best interest.

We also talk about the “shoulds” that are hindering your growth, your solution for getting unstuck, and so much more.

Here’s a preview of our interview…

  • [02:58] My good friend, Dave Hollis — the COO of Hollis Company and husband to Rachel Hollis — has just released his new book, Get Out of Your Own Way: A Skeptic’s Guide to Growth and Fulfillment. Help celebrate him with me!
  • [06:52] If you're struggling, you must find a community to connect with about what’s going on. That’s exactly what this book did for Dave. It allowed him to be fully transparent — about the good and the bad.
  • [10:17] Dave was inspired by his wife's growth, and while he was a skeptic at first, he eventually decided that personal development was for him. In his book, he talks about how he got out of his own way so that others can use his strategies to do the same. And let me tell you, he knocked it out of the ballpark!
  • [18:04] If you are on a path of personal development and doing big things, and your significant other isn't on board with it, don't push them. Instead, let them see the light of your journey and the results that it produces. Let their curiosity allow them to transform their lives.
  • [20:07] Dave talks about the identity frame that we pick up from those around us as we are growing up. For example, “women entrepreneurs can’t have ambitions and be a good mom” is a common one. This couldn’t be further from the truth. You must make the decision about whose opinion you will believe and carry with you.
  • [26:27] For 14 years, Dave was the primary breadwinner but when Rachel’s book sold 3 million copies and the financial contribution started to shift in their relationship, Dave was worried. He opens up about an unconscious fear around if Rachel would still want him if he was no longer the main source of financial support.
  • [35:57] Here’s the good news, it's never too late to make a pivot, transform yourself, or change direction. You must focus on what’s best for you and not what others are thinking of you — because the truth is that they just aren't! #sorrytobreakittoyou
  • [41:13] Being stuck is being in a place where you aren't growing or don't have the opportunity to fail. Here’s what Dave proposes: expose yourself to opportunities to fail and push outside of your comfort zone on a regular basis.
  • [45:56] Have unbelievable clarity about who you want to be. Once you know what you stand for, then you know the role you have to play in your life. Connect to a why that is bigger than the unpredictability of life. What do you believe in? Who are you? What's your leverage?

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