Made easy


BONUS: Should I Sell Right Now? (COVID-19 Series)

April 8, 2020

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I’ve been hearing a lot of questions from online entrepreneurs lately due to our current crisis. Questions like…

  • Should I sell?
  • Should I deeply discount my products and offers?
  • Or, should I give my stuff away for free?

And I get it! We’re in a time of uncertainty… especially for entrepreneurs.

However, I full-heartedly believe it when I say, “yes,” you should absolutely be selling. And “no,” you should not discount or give your products away for free.

The world and the economy need you and your business more than ever. That’s why in this episode, I’m not only going to tell you why you should be selling right now but also 5 powerful ways to find the courage to do so.

I’ll even go as far as to say that you have a civic duty to sell and to show up online during this pandemic, as long as you show up with something of value that can serve others (which my guess is that you do!).

Here’s a peek at the 5 ways you can find the courage to sell right now:

  • Create something of value for free! Yes, I know I just said don’t give your stuff away for free, but there are some ways you can offer value for free and still sell with integrity.
  • Embrace the pivot, and holy heck has there been a lot of pivoting lately.
  • Be willing to make mistakes — both professionally and personally.
  • Hold your launch revenue goals loosely, but your 2020 overall revenue goals tightly.

  • Fiercely commit to coming out of this crisis stronger.

There are two things I want to leave you with…

  1. I’ve rallied up a ton of free resources to support you as an online and small business owner during this time, be sure to utilize them. (Links at the bottom of this page!)
  2. I want you to answer this question: What would you do in your online business if you were brave? The answer, my friend, is moving forward… and that’s my wish for you.

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I know you’re going to find so much value and inspiration in this episode.

Also, if you’re working from home and need a little extra guidance, I’ve got you covered. For more in-depth tips on work-from-home success, grab the free PDF resource that I’ve put together for you.

Click here to listen!

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