Made easy


#363: How To Silence Your Inner Critic & Commit To Success With Jamie Kern Lima

February 22, 2021

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It’s time to tame your inner critic once and for all. 

Join me and my dear friend and special guest, Jamie Kern Lima, as we talk about inner critic struggles and how to overcome fear and self doubt.

If you have big digital course dreams but struggle with:

  • Self-doubt
  • Fear of rejection
  • Imposter syndrome

And your inner critic is known to sometimes be a bit harsh… this podcast episode is for you!

I sat down with my dear friend, Jamie Kern Lima, and although she was the first female CEO of a brand in L'oreal's 100 plus year history, she didn’t get there overnight. In today’s episode, Jamie’s sharing the truth of her journey… the ups and the downs (so many!) and how she persisted through her own self-doubt, fear of rejection, imposter syndrome, and an inner-critic that wouldn’t let up.

Yep, it’s something she’s struggled with, too. 

Honestly… every time I sit down with Jamie, I’m in awe and beyond inspired. She’s one of those entrepreneurs I turn to for motivation to pick myself up when I’m feeling down.

Get ready to jump into this inspiration packed podcast episode that will leave you with a new fire to keep going — it’s one you don’t want to miss. 

How To Silence Your Inner Critic & Commit To Success With Jamie Kern Lima

Click here to listen!

Here’s your highlight guide to the episode:

  • [16:05] Jamie shares her secret to getting through years of rejection. 
  • [26:16] Write down things that are inspiring and true about you and keep them in your magic toolbox. (I love this idea!) 
  • [28:46] You're not here to compete with anybody else other than who you're born to become. (Let’s put that on repeat!
  • [41:36] When you're an entrepreneur getting a “no” can definitely feel personal. Figure out how to keep it from being personal and trust the journey. 
  • [48:30] “The failure is never being willing to actually hear who you're called to be and the truth of who you are.” – Jamie Kern Lima
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