Made easy


#371: The 30,000 Foot View: Crafting Your 4-Part Customer Journey

April 8, 2021

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An online buyer’s experience that’s effectively mapped out from start to finish can help you create the entrepreneurial family of your dreams — one where everyone feels seen, heard, and understood.

Being intentional about crafting a clear journey for your business is key to cultivating a community and showing your audience that they matter and aren’t just another number or subscriber.

In today’s podcast episode, I’ll teach you the four phases you need to consider when thinking about the journey of each of your loyal fans. Phases that include:

  • Phase 1: Attraction
  • Phase 2: Nurture
  • Phase 3: Promotion
  • Phase 4: Onboarding (don’t miss the one element in phase four you can’t skip but many entrepreneurs do!) 

I’ll also show you how to put together your business pathway (or revitalize the pathway you already have) in order to keep your loyal fans on track through the entire time they’re with you on your business journey.

Get ready to knock the socks off your customers and create a journey they can remember with today’s episode! 

Here’s a preview of the episode: 

  • [03:07] Your customer journey needs to nurture your audience in the right way. There are four phases to the customer journey: attraction, nurture, promotion, and onboarding.
  • [03:34] Attraction: This is where you connect with your audience. Be SUPER specific with your overall content and themes.
  • [06:52] Nurture: Now that they've gone through phase one, you've got to build that steady relationship with them. I do this through newsletters, lead magnets, and free Facebook groups.
  • [11:33] Promotion: Offer your potential customers or students something irresistible that can help them get the transformation they're looking for. Show your audience “how”. 
  • [16:28] Onboarding: Welcome your students and celebrate their decision! You show them how to get the most out of your product. You continue to nurture your students through this phase.
  • [19:25] Action Step: Map out the four phases. How are you going to attract your ideal customers? What actions are you going to take to build that relationship? How are you going to get them to cross over that invisible bridge? How do you plan to onboard?

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