Made easy


#469: How To Get Exactly What You Want with Julie Solomon

June 9, 2022

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Your playbook on how to establish boundaries, stop people-pleasing, and release control

One of my best gal pals Julie Solomon is the textbook definition of a triple threat entrepreneur. She’s the host of The Influencer Podcast, has launched several successful online programs and masterminds, and is a first-time author of the much-anticipated book, Get What You Want. 

I respect and admire Julie so much because she’s all about helping online entrepreneurs master the skillsets needed to go from having a side hustle to a profitable, sustainable business. And what I find most impressive about her is that she is all about helping women to turn their own messages into movements, and ​​empowering them to impact the world. She really is an entrepreneur after my own heart. 

In this episode, Julie shares her best tools and advice for creating a life and business that lights you up and as you know, this is crucially important as an entrepreneur. You’ll learn:

  • Ways to be productive without being in a ‘hustle state’
  • The 3 tools to freedom that will help you establish boundaries, stop people-pleasing, and release control
  • How to step out of your comfort zone in order to land amazing PR opportunities
  • Tips on how to communicate with clarity and confidence
  • The inspiration behind her new book, Get What You Want

Not only will you learn some hot tips on how to become the best entrepreneurial version of yourself possible, but I know that you’ll walk away loving Julie just as much as I do.

Here’s a glance at this episode…

  • [06:52] Julie hid $30,000 in debt from her husband. When he found out, time froze and she wondered why she was so afraid to be honest. 
  • [10:08] Everyone has an origin story that makes us who we are and shapes our reality as an adult. Julie's origin story was one of scarcity. 
  • [13:19] Julia went to therapy and joined a 12-step program called Al-Anon. She read books, went to conferences and did everything to get a handle on her spending issues.
  • [16:50] There are three tools that gave her immense freedom — awareness, acceptance, and action. 
  • [17:12] Awareness is the identification that some problem exists in your life that needs to change. Acceptance is when you accept that the problem is a part of you. Action is the plan that you implement to recover what was lost.
  • [20:04] You can create boundaries for work using these same tools. 
  • [23:41] Clarity creates confidence. Instead of waiting for external things to change, start acting as if you’re already who you want to be. 
  • [27:38] Julie’s book uncovers very personal things because she wanted to give her readers an authentic experience.

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