Made easy


#725: After 15 Years of Being in Business, I Can’t Believe I’m Still Learning This Crucial Lesson

October 22, 2024

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Uncovering exciting new opportunities for your business, revealing unexpected customers, and staying super connected with your audience. 

Believe it or not, even after 15 incredible years in business, I'm still learning brand new lessons about entrepreneurship! And today, I can't wait to share one of the most valuable and eye-opening lessons to date. 

Trust me, this simple yet powerful mantra will set you and your business apart from the rest. I’m not exaggerating when I say it literally revealed a whole new audience of mine that I never knew even existed! Pretty amazing, right?! 

My friend, this episode is something every single ambitious entrepreneur needs to hear, and it just might change how you view your business. Plus, I give you a behind-the-scenes look at how stepping outside my comfort zone led to unexpected opportunities and exciting new directions for my company. 

Today, I talk about: 

  • (2:37) Why listening to your audience will help every single aspect of your business 
  • (4:39) Strategies for starting conversations and upleveling engagement with your audience 
  • (8:55) How to apply the value of surveys and client calls to your digital courses and masterminds 
  • (14:07) Advice for stepping outside of your comfort zone and welcoming new opportunities 

Listen in and get ready to connect with your audience on a deeper level and uncover opportunities you didn't even know were available to you!

Click here to listen!

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Expert interviews, mini-execution plans, and intimate behind-the-scenes secrets from my biggest launches… all tied together by our mutual mission to make EVERYTHING you learn as simple, profitable, and FUN as possible.

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There’s a reason “made easy” is literally the title!

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