Made easy


#7: How to Get More Facebook Fans

April 11, 2013

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This session is Part 1 of a 3 Part mini-training all about Facebook marketing.  On this episode of the Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast, we are diving into Facebook Marketing.  Specially, I'm going to give you three strategies that are working RIGHT NOW to attract more quality Facebook fans.

Why are Facebook fans important?  Well there are a few reasons.  First, when you grow a big community of loyal fans on Facebook, your chances of getting seen and heard inside Facebook increase.  It's really just a numbers game.

The more fans you have talking about you, liking your posts and sharing your content, the more often people on Facebook will see your content. You want an army of raving fans talking about you – and Facebook can do just that!

Also, your Facebook fan count acts as social proof.  That means when someone comes to your Facebook page and sees you have a few thousand fans (or more!) they think, “Ok, this company is legit.”  Crazy, I know.  But true!  We want to become fans of pages our friends and peers like.  The more fans you have, the more new fans you can get.

In this episode, here’s what we’ll cover:

In this episode, I share with you three super simple, but highly valuable, Facebook fan attracting tips.  Implement these and start seeing more fans overnight. Simple as that!

Strategy #1: The Facebook Like Box

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A Like Box helps you attract Facebook fans that are genuinely interested in you and your business.

Here's why you should add a Like Box to your website:

  • Your website audience is a warm audience and are very likely to follow you on Facebook too.
  • It's easy to implement (takes less than 5 minutes!) and is one of the more effective ways to grow a quality fan community.
  • The Like Box will  get you more fans, but NOT move your existing website traffic over to Facebook.
Strategy #2: Target Friends of Fans with Facebook “Like Ads”

A Like Ad can be shown to the friends of your fans and does not require any special copy or images. It's easy to set up, inexpensive and extremely effective!

A Like Ad can be shown to the friends of your fans and does not require any special copy or images. It's easy to set up, inexpensive and extremely effective!

Here's why “Like Ads” work like gangbusters:

  • These ads are the simplest ads to set up, and the cheapest too.
  • When you attract fans who are friends with your existing fans, you are more likely to attract a “quality” fan.
  • When you run Like Ads, your exposure, reach and impact on Facebook increases quickly.
Strategy 3: Increase Your Engagement

Here's how engagement will help you attract more fans:

  • One of the most common reasons why people on Facebook struggle to get more fans is that they don't have any engagement on their Facebook page. When you don't have engagement you won't be seen in the news feed and the news feed is where all the action is on Facebook.
  • When you get people talking about you on Facebook (liking your posts, commenting and sharing your content) your exposure organically increases (meaning you don't have to pay for the engagement, it just happens natuarally).  When your exposure increases, your fan base increases.
  • I will show you how to make sure you never have another moment where you say, “I can't think of anything to post on my Facebook page today!”

Remember!  This episode is Part 1 of a 3 Part Mini Facebook Training.  In episode 8 I will show you how to promote your programs, products and services on Facebook and in episode 9 I'll show you the smartest strategies to use when selling on Facebook.  So make sure you don't miss those upcoming sessions!

Results are not guaranteed. Please see earnings disclaimer for more detail.

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