Made easy


#153: 3 Ways to Get More Mileage Out of Your Course (Especially If You Have a Small List)

March 29, 2017

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You know that feeling after you’ve just poured blood, sweat and so many tears into building something, like, say, an online course?

There is nothing like the feeling of accomplishment that comes with building a course! So of course you want to make sure you are marketing it effectively.

Enter Victoria Gibson, online business coach and mentor extraordinaire. She’s all about helping entrepreneurs get BIG results with their online courses and coaching programs. One of her clients built a 7-figure business in two years following the principles she is going to talk to us about on this episode.

Here’s a quick preview:

  • Is your program loaded with videos, downloadable audio and PDF worksheets? What about actual one-on-one time with you? That’s right. Your course may need more of YOU. Don’t worry, that doesn’t mean endless hours spent Facetiming.
  • If you’re just starting out, you may be thinking, “Well, how could I possibly charge more than $97 for my course?” When the REAL question may be how could you not charge MORE?
  • Feeling repetitive? You’re doing it right. Your customers need to hear your core message a lot. Plus, being consistent and clear is what will later allow you to expand once you’ve nailed your message and built a mighty (no matter what size) community that loves what you’re giving them.

Get ready to hear all of the crucial course-selling knowledge Victoria is dropping.

*Correction: Stay tuned for my next amazing interview with Rick Mulready in Episode 155

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