Made easy


#207: 20 Questions (Rapid Fire Style!) with Special Guest Interviewer, Hobie Porterfield

April 18, 2018

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As you can see here, my husband Hobie and I had a great time recording this episode!

Hobie and I having a laugh before our interview began.

It was extra special because a couple weeks before recording the episode, I asked my audience to send in questions for me to answer: business, personal, silly, or whatever. The hook was that I couldn't look at any of the questions in advance. Hobie was the only one that got to look at them. He went through all the questions and chose his favorite 20. He said there were a bunch of great questions and that they were pretty hard to narrow down. Perhaps we’ll have a Part 2 at some point!

Thank you to all of my awesome fans for sending in such great questions. You truly are the best!

Well, as you can imagine, I was a bit nervous because I had no clue what was coming at me. I told this to Hobie and he assured me that I was, and I quote, “definitely going to be uncomfortable on a few of them.” Great! Just great!

Alright, I’m going to list out the questions here and give you a bit of a teaser on each one, but I invite you to tune in to my podcast to hear our full conversation (just press the play button at the top of this page). : )

20 Questions: You Asked and I’m Telling
How do you find a family and business balance without losing your sanity and feeling guilty? —Nathalia Melo Wilson
  • My answer has to do with having an understanding husband who speaks up when he needs to.
Will you give in and move or retire to Tennessee? Inquiring minds want to know. —Shantell Brightman
  • Hobie and I dream of a lake house in Tennessee one day!
What was the best vacation you ever had? ~ Tracy Green Caines
  • Let me just tell you, the mini-pool on the balcony overlooked the ocean! Ahhhh….
Can you share with us a challenging period in your life and how you got out of it? ~ Mykao Thao
  • A time when I wanted to wrap Hobie up in bubble wrap every morning. I know the suspense is killing you, isn’t it?!
If a work-life balance is important to you, how can you tell you’re getting it right? ~ Michelle Onyango
How did you pick your dog’s names: Gus and Scout? ~ Spurgeon Perkins
  • Let me just show you how cute they both are and then you'll have to tune in to the show to hear how we came up with their names.
Just look at how cute Gus was!

Sweet Gus

Isn't Scoutie a precious pup?!

Handsome Scout

What does a typical day look like for Amy Porterfield? ~ Rachael Watson
What’s the biggest mistake you’ve made in your business, or the single best thing you’ve done? ~ Amy Ware
  • Without a doubt, taking the leap to do what I do now!
How do you manage to not respond to negative comments? ~ Nikolina Andric
  • I’m pretty good here, but Hobie’s another story. ; )
Does Amy share the covers, Hobie? Or is she a covers hog? Inquiring minds want to know. ~ Nicole Walters
  • Hobie shares why he nicknamed me “The Alligator” when it comes to hogging the covers.
What would be the most challenging part of swapping jobs with Hobie for 24 hours? ~ Eric Upton
  • Do you know what my husband does for a living? He’s basically a hero in my eyes, but the job would be tough! Hobie also shares how he’s a bit technologically challenged, which gave me a real laugh!
How has being a woman played to your advantage or disadvantage in growing your business? ~ Amber Brueske
  • There’s a mix of masculine and feminine energy that I need to show up with and that can be good and bad in various situations.
What family routines or rituals keep your family or marriage happy? ~ Tara Zirker
  • It’s all about coffee in the morning and going to bed together at night!
If you could only do one thing differently when you started your business, what would it be? ~ Aimee Stonehill
20 seconds of courage. Can you share a moment in your biz when you had to call in true courage, and it became a pivotal moment for you? ~ Janet Beckers
  •  Changing the names of one of my programs and a recent experience on stage.
If you look at your business five, ten, and fifteen years from now, what does it look like? Are your long-term goals carefully mapped out and planned? Or are there massive leaps that can't even enter your short-term thinking? ~ Andy Wang
  • I talk about being a planner, but a shorter-term thinker as far as years down the road.
What makes your marriage with Hobie super special? ~ Emily Myrick
  • Yes, I thought Hobie was just setting me up with this one, but he didn’t. Let me just say that I feel like the luckiest woman around, with my man!
How did you and Hobie meet? And why do you think you connected so well? And then, the plot twist is, Hobie has to tell the story from his perspective. Then you have to tell the story from your perspective. ~ Lauren Tickner
  • You're going to want to listen to all the juicy details on this one. ; )
How long did it take you to feel like you've made it in your business? Or at least like you had it together and were there ever any times before that point where you felt like completely throwing in the towel? ~ Shelly Levine
  • Many, many times. The first 2 years I felt like I was going to have to go back to my corporate job, but that sounded miserable.
I could really use some advice on handling laundry while you're working from home. Does somebody else do that for you or do you just work around it? ~ Ina Coveney
  • Did I mention I feel like the luckiest woman around, with my husband?
How do you balance giving personal attention to your clients while still trying to automate your business and not be too involved? ~ Jennifer Lake
  • Believe it or not, my answer has to do with Facebook lives.
If you were just getting started in social media, what are the three top platforms you would focus on building an audience? ~ Tammi Harris
  • YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram.

Well, I have to admit, I may have been a little nervous at first, but that was super fun. If there are any Pittsburgh Steeler fans out there, you may want to tune in to the last part of the episode for a good Steelers story.


And that's a wrap! Maybe Hobie does have a future in podcasting after all! ?


P.S. If you'd like to hear more from Hobie, listen in to this episode where we talked about how to make love and business work. 

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