Made easy


#226: What to Focus On When You Are Just Starting Out

August 30, 2018

What to do when you're just starting out in business.

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When just starting out in business (your first year or two) there are a variety of different paths to take, tasks to complete, and shiny objects lurking around every corner. When you’re not sure where to start or what to do next, this lack of focus leads to overwhelm and frustration. That’s why I recorded today’s episode (and created the awesome New Business Focus Worksheet to go with it!).

I’m breaking down the FIVE key areas to focus on when you’re just getting started, and these are absolutely crucial for a successful online business.

Are you a seasoned entrepreneur? Don’t click away, because this episode is for you, too. I not only focused on these same areas when I first started my business, but I still do today. I use these five areas almost as a check-up checklist for my business every quarter and during my annual planning.

Here’s a snapshot of what I’m covering in today’s episode:

FOCUS AREA #1: The importance of understanding WHY you’re building your business. I talk about Simon Sinek’s Golden Circle and the #1 foundational question you need to ask yourself as you develop and grow your business. .

Simon Sinek's Golden Circle: A must-do exercise when just starting out in business.

I also dive into the importance of understanding WHO you are serving – your Ideal Community (IC).

While this exercise will take time and some real work on your part, you don’t want to skip over this if you’re not really clear.

If you’re listening to the episode and are already clear on your IC, you can just pick back up here [21:17] to move on to Focus Area #2.

FOCUS AREA #2: Why you need a website with a clear message and how to make that happen. These are some of the examples I discuss in the episode:

See how displays clear messaging on their website. Very important when just starting out in business.

See how displays clear messaging on their website. Very important when just starting out in business.

Example from Michael Hyatt’s ABOUT Page.

See how Michael Hyatt's ABOUT page speaks to his ideal customer. Very important when just starting out in business.

FOCUS AREA #3: The importance of choosing ONE platform to focus on in the beginning and creating original, consistent content there on a weekly basis.

FOCUS AREA #4: Authentic engagement – a HUGE factor in whether your business will succeed or not.

FOCUS AREA #5: Creating a way to make money in your business while you are figuring things out and building the business of your dreams.

I also created a great freebie to help you work through these FIVE focus areas. You can grab that right here:

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Listener shout out of the week!

Thank you dellsdesign! I appreciate you listening and your kind words!

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