Made easy


#227: Getting Started with Chatbots with Andrew Warner

September 6, 2018

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My guest today, Andrew Warner, tells us that chatbots are the FUTURE of online engagement. Sounds like something we should pay attention to, right? If you’re not familiar with chatbots yet, you will be by the time you listen to this episode.

I currently use chatbots to a limited degree in my business, but after this interview, I can assure you, I will be using them in a MUCH bigger way. Andrew shared some amazing strategies that are easy to implement and don’t cost much if anything.

Andrew is the founder of Mixergy, a podcast where he interviews entrepreneurs on how they built their businesses. He also started, where he trains people to create bots (not something he recommends for the majority of my audience, by the way).

In this episode, Andrew breaks down exactly:
  • What a chatbot is (Andrew created this sample chatbot for my audience)
  • How we should use them in our businesses (he blew my mind with some amazing statistics from using chatbots to increase webinar attendance show up rates)
  • How we should NOT be using them (you’ll want to know how to avoid these 5 mistakes)
  • How to begin using them (It’s easy and most are free)
  • Fun bonus: Andrew gives us a look into the future of bots…some fun ways they will be used. Think: being able to order, pay for, and have a beverage delivered for yourself or someone else while you’re attending a pro baseball game!

Andrew gives immense value in this episode…he shares great examples and even created a couple videos for us to see a chatbot in action (I’ve got those videos linked up below).

Behind-the-scenes funny story: I do most of my podcast interviews in audio-only format and when Andrew asked if we could turn on video because it would be easier for him to engage during our conversation, he was wearing a sports coat! I love that!! Talk about showing up…look how dapper he looks! I, on the other hand, was in my workout clothes, but I snapped this picture of him to share with you:

Andrew looking dapper during our interview about chatbots.

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Listener shout out of the week!

Thank you John! I appreciate you listening and your kind words!

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