Made easy


#236: How to Clarify Your Message with Donald Miller of StoryBrand

November 8, 2018

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Have you ever struggled to communicate a clear message to your followers? One that grabs AND keeps their attention?

Is this scene familiar? You sit down at your computer, fingers on the keyboard, ready to create the perfect content to captivate your audience. You just know this email you're about to send, or the social media post you’ve just crafted is going to resonate perfectly with them!   

You hit SEND or POST….



No comments on your post (except your aunt and a high school friend who is definitely NOT your ICA). And the open rate on your email isn’t at all what you expected, and the click-through rate is even worse.

I think we can all remember scenes like these from our entrepreneurial journeys. But there’s hope, my friends! And that hope comes in the form of a 7-part communication framework. One that’s easy to understand and fun to implement.

With just a couple tweaks to the way you position yourself and your customer, and a new framework for how you talk to them, they’ll be eager to read that next email or social post. Excited to jump on your weekly FB lives or show up for your next webinar.

And better yet, they’ll want to buy what you’re selling because you’ll know how to present what you’ve created for them in a clear way that speaks directly to their pain points and desires and offers a solution that they won’t be able to refuse.

“When you stop talking about your customer’s problem, they stop doing business with you.”  Don Miller

And that’s where Don Miller comes in. Don, the author of Building a StoryBrand, is the creator of a 7-part framework that shows you how to clarify your message through the principles of storytelling.

This interview was one of my all-time favorites and I think it might be one of yours too. I had a couple of huge a-ha moments for sure!

Are you ready to listen? Click here to get started.

P.S. Remember how we became intimately aware of our avatar last week in episode 235, How To Identify Your Ideal Customer Avatar and uncovered their specific pain points and desires? It’s this type of knowledge that you MUST have to create the messaging Don talks about that captivates and converts. If you haven’t listened to that episode yet, make sure you add to your playlist.   

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Thank you so much for your kind words, Anne! I appreciate you listening and am glad my show provides you with helpful tips and strategies.

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