Made easy


#262: Feeling Frazzled and Overworked? How to Prioritize What Matters Most with Kate Northrup

May 9, 2019

Feeling frazzled and overworked? Listen to this episode!

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Feeling frazzled and overworked? No spare time on the horizon?

I've been noticing a theme lately and it's the idea that less is more. The first quarter of this year was crazy busy and I'm looking forward to a season where I can slow down. But to be honest, this scares my entrepreneurial brain. I associate slowing down with achieving less and making less money. In spite of this, I firmly believe in my core that I can do less and still make a huge impact and hit my big goals.

My friend Kate Northrup is someone who did just that. She slowed down and discovered that her earning didn’t decrease a bit, but her quality of life had a major uptick. She found that by listening to her body and paying attention to her natural productivity cycles, that she could get way more done in less time. Kate's new book, Do Less., embraces the notion that through doing less you can have–and be–more. 

So grab a cup of coffee, put your feet up, and listen in.

Key Takeaways

This episode is incredibly insightful and actionable. Here are a few key takeaways: 

  • [13:27] As entrepreneurs, our mental health is key! If we're not strong mentally, it all falls apart.  A 55 hour work week leads to a 33% increased risk in stroke and a 13% increase in risk of coronary disease. A 49 hour week is associated with poor mental health. There is a diminishing rate of return on the hours we put in.
  • [15:59] Both men and women have a cyclical experience of energy based on their hormones. Men, every 24 hours. Women every 28 days. The problem is, productivity and time management systems assume our lives are based on a 24-hour cycle and for 50% of the population this is not true. Both men and women have the ability to get just as much done but in slightly different ways and Kate explains how. 
  • [21:33] Very few people can be in a state of high concentration for more than 4 or 5 hours a day. When we multi-task our IQ drops and we're prone to making more mistakes.  You've got to figure out when your most productive time is and leverage that to get more done in less time. 
  • [34:03] How to map out which tasks should be done and when. Ask yourself how much energy you have as you plan your week and then schedule 5% to 10% of your activities based on your energy and get done what you need to get done. Listen to your body and things will work in alignment. Our bodies are our source of energy and creativity.
  • [39:43] Simplify. Ask if things are in flow or in friction. Simplify wherever there is friction. Learn how to get results with the least amount of steps. Find what works for you.
  • [45:37] To do lists can be overwhelming. Make a weekly list instead of a daily list. This gives you grace and space to make things happen. Ask if it NEEDS to be done. Does it need to be done by ME? Does it need to be done NOW?
  • And lots more! Tune in now.

Click here to listen now!

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