Made easy


#307: 4 Best Entrepreneurial Tools For Starting A Business (Part 2)

March 19, 2020

business tools

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Welcome back to Part 2 of this episode, where you’re going to learn about my favorite tools for communication, customer service, and a couple of bonus tools that I adore.

If you missed Part 1, where I went over my top tools for email marketing, list building, social media, and project management, be sure to head back and check out that episode right after this one.

The tools I mention in today’s episode have helped me not only scale my business but also give me back the time and energy to build the business of my dreams… a business that was considered a small business not that long ago.

Since I mentioned a lot of tools between Part 1 and Part 2 of this episode, I’m going to recommend that you focus on the parts of your business that you’re looking to invest in right now.

Only focus on one or two tools and add on little by little as you grow.

To make this really easy for you, I’ve put together a free PDF with all the tools that I’ve mentioned in Part 1 and Part 2 of this episode.

Be sure to snag that freebie right here!

9 Top Tools For Starting Your Business

Here’s a preview of today’s episode…

  • [04:01] Do you have a team or work with contractors? If so, you have to check out Slack! It’s my favorite real-time communication tool — way better than email.
  • [09:52] When it comes to customer support, Help Scout has transformed our approach and organization! It has simplified taking care of our customers and making sure they have what they need.
  • [12:42] Kajabi is the Mac Daddy of all tools. Seriously! Say goodbye to having to be tech-savvy because Kajabi has everything in one place. From your digital course platform to your sales page, opt-in page, and email service provider… Kajabi has you covered!
  • [19:39] I kind of wish I would have thought of this bonus tool! Searchie allows you to search for content inside of videos or audio. I know, so good, right? You can search for keywords in any video or audio content you have. It’s just that simple! Searchie is definitely for those more advanced entrepreneurs.
  • [24:02] And although it isn’t an online tool, my absolute favorite tool is the Full Focus Planner. This is a physical planner, which I talk about all the time, helps to keep me organized, motivated, and clear on the most important daily and quarterly goals I have for myself and my business.

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Get excited for next week's episode where I'm talking about a few more tools I couldn't live without. See you there!

This episode is brought to you by Gravy, the company I trust to contact my customers within hours of a failed payment, capturing the updated billing information, and saving the customer my team and I worked so hard to acquire. If your revenue is currently at $250,000 or more a year and you know you’re losing money due to failed payments each month, I encourage you to check out Gravy. Click here to see how they can be an extension of your customer service and save you money.

This episode is also brought to you by the Lead to Win podcast, a podcast by two of my favorite leadership experts, Michael Hyatt and Megan Hyatt Miller. Lead to Win helps you to minimize overwhelm and navigate the complexities of being a leader so you can win at work and succeed in your life. If you’re ready to cut through distractions and focus on your greatest priorities, check out Lead to Win today! Head here to subscribe and listen.

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