Made easy


#317: 6-Steps To Craft A Money Magnet Offer

May 28, 2020

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You have something to offer your audience — that special sauce that people are looking for and need. So, friend, how are you going to get it into their hands?

The answer? By crafting an irresistible offer that your audience cannot resist.

What is an offer? An offer is a product or service that you sell through your business. This could be a digital course, a PDF guide, one-on-one or group coaching… the list goes on.

After 11 years of growing a successful online business, I can promise you that having only one offer is what will set you up for success.

This episode will walk you through my 6-step process for taking what you have to offer, and packaging it into something that your audience will love and buy!

Here’s the 6-step process for crafting an offer that your audience won’t be able to resist:

  1. Define your offer promise.
  2. Identify the length of time it takes to see a transformation.
  3. Map the path or step-by-step journey it requires to get this transformation.
  4. Select your offer format.
  5. Price your offer.
  6. Craft your money-back guarantee.

And trust me, this approach to creating your offer or package makes it really simple to put it together so you can get it in the hands of your audience quickly.

Here’s a glance at this episode…

  • [06:42] Step 1: Identify your offer promise and who the offer is for. Keep both of these things simple and clear!
  • [10:21] Step 2: Figure out how long does it take to achieve these results? Remember that customers want the fastest way to get from point A to point B.
  • [12:53] Step 3: Next up, outline the steps or phases of your offer. Always look for a framework, road map, or path to make your student’s journey easier. Bonus: it's also easier to sell, teach, and follow.
  • [15:54] Step 4: Decide on your offer format. Ask yourself, “What is the best way to get your students through the phases and achieve the results they need?” Start small and keep it simple.
  • [25:27] Step 5: Price your offer. That’s right! I promise that it’s not as scary as it sounds. I give you an easy way to find the right starting point.
  • [30:27] Step 6: Craft a money-back guarantee. The more you can eliminate the risk, the more likely someone is to take a chance on your offer.

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This episode is brought to you by Boosted, an app for iOS or Android that allows you to make beautiful, professional-looking videos for your business in three easy steps! With top-notch templates, easy resizing, and user-friendly video editing options, there’s no need for prior video creation experience. Head here to get the discounted rate of $15 for 3 months of Boosted Premium, which offers bonus features to make your videos stand out!

This episode is also brought to you by LinkedIn Marketing. If your goal is to target your customers where they’re engaging every day and when they’re ready to make a buying decision, I want you to consider LinkedIn. When you advertise on LinkedIn, you’re attracting potential customers and fostering relationships that often translate into high-quality leads, website traffic, and higher brand awareness. Go to LinkedIn Marketing to redeem a free $100 LinkedIn ad credit and launch your first campaign

Are you looking to build a thriving business from scratch? Well, my friend, you’re in luck because I have an in-depth guide just for you that will not only give you extra tools for creating your offer but also provide you with everything you need to set up your online business without the hassle of figuring it out yourself.

From setting up your website, email platform, and lead magnet, to creating your content calendar and growing your email list, this guide has everything you need. Click here to grab your copy and get started building your online business today.

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