Made easy


#328: 10 Unexpected Digital Course Topics That Will Inspire You Into Action

July 30, 2020

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In my 10+ years of being a digital course creator, I’ve seen a course for everything under the sun! From sourdough bread making to retirement planning, and everything in between — I’ve seen it all!

And this just reaffirms my belief that everyone has a digital course in them.

In this episode, I’ll share 10 fascinating examples of digital courses to get your creative juices flowing. Plus, I even give you some rapid-fire questions to help you get clear on topics that you could use for a digital course. 

If you’re dreaming of becoming an online entrepreneur but aren’t sure what to focus on, this episode will help you get hyper-clear on a digital course topic so you can start bringing your dream to life!

Here’s a look at this episode…

  • [06:08] My wonderful student, Marilyn Alauria, is a psychic medium who helps people create the life they want by aligning their soul to their goals. Oh, and by the way, she has made $500,000 with her online courses. Her story gives you permission to change directions and go down a path not related to anything you are doing right now.
  • [10:23] Next, meet my student Kasey Snell, who is an SVG design mentor and passive-income strategist for crafters and artists. After noticing the demand for her knowledge, she turned her expertise into a digital course.
  • [12:39] Meet yet another phenomenal student, Tanya Smith, a corporate banker turned boudoir photographer. After creating a booming boudoir business, she shifted to one-on-one work and eventually transitioned into offering a digital course.
  • [16:53] Last, but certainly not least, Danira Cancinos was working a job and teaching baking on the side. She eventually became her own boss with a digital course about making the perfect caramel candy apples. Since then, she’s gone on to generate over $120,000 from her digital courses. Do you have a hobby that you can turn into a digital course?
  • [23:38] I’ve never done this before, but here are a few rapid fire questions to help spark your course topic creativity! Grab a pen and paper, and get ready for some inspiration!

Click here to listen!

This episode is brought to you by Acuity Scheduling, a scheduling platform that will help you to book more clients, get paid on time, and automate and organize your business’ day-to-day tasks. For a limited time only, you can get 45 days of Acuity Scheduling absolutely free — no credit card required. Click here to automate your schedule!

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