Made easy


#344: 5-Steps For Creating & Repurposing Your Content Calendar Like A Boss

October 29, 2020

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Do you ever feel like you’re in a content creation drought?

I hear you, friend! And lucky for you, I’ve got a 5-step process for helping you identify your core content so you can say goodbye to that feeling for good. 

Sound too good to be true? Stick with me. 

If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the years of being an entrepreneur, it’s that being very clear on my core content is not only helpful in creating content across my brand, but it also helps me to be more present with my audience, and it helps to set me up as an expert in my industry. 

This is why, in this episode, I’m walking you through a 5-step process for identifying your core content, getting comfortable sharing the message of that content, and then how to adjust it as needed.

Plus, I even share a hot tip to help you with your messaging and content even in times of uncertainty… hello, 2020!

Let’s sneak a peek at the 5-step content creation process 
  • [05:35] Your core content is made up of the ideas, strategies, and techniques that solidify your brand. It should be rooted in pain points, challenges, and desires. 
  • [08:55] Open up a Google doc and type out the main themes and focuses of your business. What do you teach? What course steps does your audience need to take? Break themes down to bite-size pieces. 
  • [13:01] Get clear on your wording or messaging around those bite-size pieces. Write out and perfect how you are going to speak about your content. 
  • [16:48] Once you are clear on your messaging, practice it so that you feel comfortable and confident sharing your message with your audience.
  • [21:47] Repurpose your core content across your business. Fun fact: 90% of what you share and write should be an extension of your core content.
  • [26:38] Be flexible and know that you can adjust your core content and explain to your audience why you made it better. 
  • [30:19] Hot Tip: When unexpected things like the pandemic come up, you can use these five steps to adjust your core content.

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This episode is brought to you by The Draw Shop, a service to perfect your elevator pitch. Do you ever tell people what you do and they look at you a little…funny? Like they don’t totally get it? It happens to me, too. With The Draw Shop, you meet with an expert copywriter to create an exceptional elevator pitch and one-page visual story to compel prospects to respond right now. For a limited time, The Draw Shop is offering Online Marketing Made Easy listeners their service for nearly ONE-THIRD the regular price. Get your word-perfect pitch today at The Draw Shop. Where there’s clarity, there’s revenue.

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