Made easy


#496: Expansive Business Models: From Digital Courses To Service-Based Business & Everything In Between

September 8, 2022

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A digital course doesn’t have to be your one and only offer

I’m sure you’ve probably heard the proverb ‘There are many paths to the top of the mountain, but the view is always the same.’

I hate to get all cheesy on you, but it’s true — especially when it comes to your business. There are endless ways you can go about creating the business of your dreams, and having a digital course as the core driver is just one of them. 

I know, I know, you’re probably thinking ‘But Amy, you are always talking about how having a digital course as your primary offer is the simplest way to run a business’ — and I wholeheartedly believe that. But hear me out.

A digital course can be a big part or a small part of your business. For me, it’s a big part because I discovered early on that this approach offers me the flexibility that I want and need in my life… 

… But it’s not the only way. In fact, having a digital course as one of your offers — not your only offer — can be incredibly lucrative. 

In this episode, you’ll hear real-life audio clips from a few of my students who have made digital courses a small part of their business. They shed light on how they’ve made digital courses work within their business, and all the things they’ve learned along the way. Plus, I kick it off with the many benefits of offering a digital course, regardless of your approach. 

So if you’ve ever thought that having a digital course won’t work with your business, I urge you to listen to this episode — because I promise you, it’s possible — and it’s a strategy that will only help you grow.

Here’s a glance at this episode…

  • [05:22] What are the benefits of adding a digital course to your business? For starters, it will expand your reach, help increase overall revenue without increasing time and effort, and allow you to offer various price points. 
  • [13:39] Learn how to offer one-on-one coaching along with your digital course. 
  • [20:51] Consider offering your digital course alongside a service that you offer. This is great for business owners who love teaching and performing, but who would also like to scale their business.
  • [24:14] Try offering a digital course alongside a physical product. The product and course often benefit each other. A great example of this is Michael Hyatt and his Full Focus Planner. He also offers digital courses that use the planner. 
  • [26:51] You can also offer your course and sell your work on the side. You could be a writer who sells books and offers a course about your writing system.
  • [32:50] Consider offering a digital course with group coaching or a mastermind. This is great for offering different price points, and there are endless ways to go about this.
  • [36:26] Perhaps you offer a digital course alongside a one-on-one offering, service based business, with a product, sell creative work and course, make it part of your coaching or mastermind business. You get to call the shots and create a business that you love!

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